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Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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So according to the Torygraph writer a lack of school places, houses and hospital staff are immigrations fault. Just how many of these immigrants are in Cameron's cabinet?

Do lizard people count as immigrants?
Hate it when people like Izzard badge someone, saying the 'country wants to hear the answer' while not letting the other person get a word in edgeways.
So according to the Torygraph writer a lack of school places, houses and hospital staff are immigrations fault. Just how many of these immigrants are in Cameron's cabinet?
I'd be more worried about the secrets in his closet. Well.....actually no that's not fair, it's his underground pig sex dungeon that's most worrying.
If there's one positive the out vote has is that he'd be the face of an economic shitstorm and would forever be known as the idiot who ruined the country.
Cameron would share that title, failure here would become his legacy.
The ITV thing earlier just reinforced my thoughts that
a) it's actually impossible to make an informed decision based on what we're told. It's all just backwards and forwards jibes and the other party calling them liars.
b) there are no promises about what will happen to benefit the country if we leave. Politicians don't even stand by their promises and they aren't even making those, so I certainly don't expect anything majorly beneficial (specially for us as the people) to occur that they say 'could' happen.
Yes, for they have little choice in the matter. It is worth remembering that Gove et al, are already spending more on the NHS than the left-wing alternative pledged to. Moreover, any savings we make shall be a windfall for the Labour government which succeeds them, be it in 2020 or 2025.

What's worth remembering is that Gove wants to privatise the NHS, and Boris wants to charge people to use it.
What's worth remembering is that Gove wants to privatise the NHS, and Boris wants to charge people to use it.
Blair's government privatised more of the NHS than the Tories have under Cameron. Thankfully the PFI model has since been recognised for what it is.
You'll find many a post of mine condemning the nhs in multiple threads and in favour of privatisation. Your hatred of the exit campaign has given you a myopic view of reality

No I'm not having a pop at you, the NHS is terrible, I lived with it for 50 years before and after the EEC entry.
Why do I have a myopic view, the French health service is wonderful which is in the EU - the UK dramatically has to change it, whatever it takes to do so.
I firmly believe the UK will be worse off outside the EU.

But I also don't really care if that happens, not sure what camp that puts me in.
Yes, for they have little choice in the matter. It is worth remembering that Gove et al, are already spending more on the NHS than the left-wing alternative pledged to. Moreover, any savings we make shall be a windfall for the Labour government which succeeds them, be it in 2020 or 2025.
Labour pledged £2.5bn. The Conservatives pledged £8bn - then told the NHS to find £22bn in efficiency cuts.
:lol: On one hand it's going to be privatised and a good thing and on the other Boris and Gove are going to spend £350,000,000 a week on it.
I've always wondered how people like that cope with TV shows like 24 Hours in A&E or One Born Every Minute. Do they go into a rage when the person who hasn't died or mother and child aren't given a massive bill at the end?
No I'm not having a pop at you, the NHS is terrible, I lived with it for 50 years before and after the EEC entry.
Why do I have a myopic view, the French health service is wonderful which is in the EU - the UK dramatically has to change it, whatever it takes to do so.

But not because of the EU, its wonderful in Holland too, Not because of the EU

If anything was good 'Because of the EU' UK wouldn't be the backward country it is, the sooner they raise taxes to a European level and start investing in infrastructure the better.

Oh, I almost forgot, it took me 45 minutes to get through Bristol Airport customs on Tuesday although everyone had UK or EU passports
So according to the Torygraph writer a lack of school places, houses and hospital staff are immigrations fault. Just how many of these immigrants are in Cameron's cabinet?

I don't get this when a big portion of our medical staff are foreign
I guess leave will win at this point. What do you think?
I guess leave will win at this point. What do you think?

I honestly believe we will remain. It's just the Scottish referendum/Donald Trump effect I think where the vocal minority is what we see on Facebook expressing anger at the EU on issues that really should be guided at the Tory party but isn't reflective of the wider view or what's going to happen. The irony of those who misunderstand that half the things they're pissed off about are actually to do with our government (not directed at anyone in this thread) wanting to solve this problem by handing all the power to our government is bordering on amusing if it didn't have such potential consequences for the rest of us.
Not sure why you did that but compare the nhs to other private / partly privatised healthcare in the EU and see the difference.

Because its an utterly daft thing to say.

Whether the NHS is a 'first world health system' or not (I mean it so blatantly is that I'm not sure how you can argue against it, but maybe I'll have to defer to your knowledge of Sierra Leonean hospitals) the idea that privatisation would be anything other than an excuse to carve up the health system, sell off the profitable bits to some Tory cronies and drive up costs for everyone else is a bit weird.

Maybe you're right that privatisation done right could help, I don't agree with you but whatever, the idea that would happen just isn't backed up by any UK example.
Germany loves England:

Editorial from Der Spiegel which will be published and sold in English in the UK this weekend.

In an editorial, the magazine argues that while it is too late “to convince the British to love the EU, perhaps we should use this opportunity to mention how much the rest of Europe admires them. It’s unbelievable that they don’t seem to see how much they’ve shaped the continent, how much we value them here, how close we Germans feel to them”.

“Germany has always looked across the Channel with some degree of envy,” it adds. “On our emotional map of Europe, the Italians were responsible for love and good food, the French for beauty and elegance and the Brits for nonchalance and progress. They have an inner independence that we Germans lack, in addition to myriad anti-authoritarian, defiant tendencies. A lot of what happened in Britain spilled over to us sooner or later, reinforcing our cultural ties.”

In a homage to British cultural exports ranging from “James Bond to Twiggy’s haircut”, the magazine’s staff writers said they wanted to offer Britain a “firm handshake, coupled with an honest, straightforward appeal: remain”.

Nicked from The Guardian:
Both sides have been as bad as each other, to be honest. Cameron's constant fearmongering and suggesting that Brexit will lead to global disharmony, World War III and other such nonsense are ridiculous, as was Major and Blair's intervention today in Northern Ireland, but Leave continue to repeat certain lies such as the figures of how much we pay into the EU, despite the fact that it's been disproven. Certain prominent Leave figures were also incredibly quick to start babbling nonsense about Obama's Kenyan heritage, and how that somehow influenced his views on Britain's position in the EU when, again, it bore no relevance to the discussion itself and was mere conspiracy. That's before we even get onto the fact that figures like Boris Johnson are largely acting out of complete self-interest.

A few months ago the two sides were arguing about who had the right to use the NHS logo on leaflets, matters have deteriorated terribly since. Immigration had a relatively low profile, deceitful economic statements were scarce, and Cameron hadn't told me that my support for Leave put me on the same side of the argument as Islamic State.

What's worth remembering is that Gove wants to privatise the NHS, and Boris wants to charge people to use it.

Do you actually believe that a Gove-led government would privatise the entire NHS?

Some element of fee paying, for non-emergency appointments might prove to b a necessity though. Not only do we have a a serious funding problem, but i suspect that certain patients wouldn't take the service for granted if there were money at stake. My mother had to go to the Royal Free for a scan last week, and the guy running the department was so pleasantly surprised to see her attend; do yo know why? Because when the weather is good the number of no-shows and sudden cancellations spikes.

If people won't pay higher taxes, they'll have to pay a nominal fee instead.

Labour pledged £2.5bn. The Conservatives pledged £8bn - then told the NHS to find £22bn in efficiency cuts.

Indeed the Government have asked for such, and been told they shall have to accept a smaller figure. But why do you suppose that they ahd reason to ask for those efficiencies, spite borne out of ideology?
Germany loves England:

Editorial from Der Spiegel which will be published and sold in English in the UK this weekend.


Im expecting something along the lines of... Those rotten Germans - coming over here and taking market share from our domestic (Australian owned) media baron... Hanz off our newspaper business coast
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