EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Yeah, I hate that guy and his stupid anti-murder agenda.
Seriously? What is wrong with you?

It was quite clearly a political assasination, listen to how the fecker announced his name in court.

Jesus, sorry lads, have had a lot going on recently and last I heard on the matter was her husband saying he believed it to be politically motivated, hadn't heard that it had been confirmed in court or whatever. Absolutely did not mean to offend.
How do exit polls work in the UK? Do they exist? Is there likely to be any reported results this evening?
Voted remain but found it very hard. I wanted to vote leave but was scared for the economy. I hate the EU but I let my head rule my heart.
And our unelected house of lords.

Our judicial system is probably the most effective of the un-democratic systems in place in the UK. Generally they've had public support in the majority things so often get looked over.

Though that's definitely changing more and more as the middle class white older judges start to struggle to keep up with the times. Admittedly a lot have done much better than I expected when I started my law degree but it definitely shows in some defining cases.
And our unelected house of lords.

Yeah. It really confuses me how people can be so vociferous in wanting their democracy back from the EU whilst at the same time living in a country where there is an unelected Head of State and, as you say, an unelected House of Lords.

But, as I said before, both campaigns have failed miserably I think in educating the people properly. The whole thing has been a disgrace. It's about time politicians were held to account more. It is disgusting how many blatant lies and misinformation have been told in the run up to this referendum.
I can't wait til all of this is over so I can stop being forced to be on the same side as Cameron, May, Osbourne, et al.

Though they are far better than Gove, BoJo, Patel and Farage
Just done the business. Reluctantly Remain. All things considered i'm not comfortable taking massive risks like this without a plan, assurances or guarantees.

What did you put in the ballot box exactly?
So I was planning on spoiling my ballot but ended up voting remain in the end, through gritted teeth.
Just done the business. Reluctantly Remain. All things considered i'm not comfortable taking massive risks like this without a plan, assurances or guarantees.

There is no plan for a reformed EU either, despite what Cameron would like to claim. Nor are there assurances and guarantees about the stability of the Eurozone, or how far Brussels will centralise in the years ahead. Controversial changes have been pushed back to avoid influencing the referendum such as a review of VAT.

Vote Leave has made some commitments though: the removal of a 5% EU tax on heating of the home, trade deals negottiaoed directly (like the potentially harmful TTIP), and more money for our deprived NHS.
Vote Leave has made some commitments though: the removal of a 5% EU tax on heating of the home, trade deals negottiaoed directly (like the potentially harmful TTIP), and more money for our deprived NHS.

Vote Leave can't make any commitments, none of them are in charge of the government.
This pencil story is a load of cobblers. If MI5 were involved :lol:, you would think they would have the ability to get their own voting slips, rather than relying on people using a rubber to alter the slips.
We've used pencils in polling stations for ever. I wonder if these paranoid folk have ever voted before, I really do. At least you know who's voting leave - the ones who come in tightly clutching a biro.
Yeah the one that wants to charge for GP appointments probably. But yeah, more money on the NHS :lol:

Is your approach to this to just completely ignore what they've actually said and focus on the big shiny bus?

A 0.6% fall in our GDP wipes out all the money that we save in EU membership. But sure, plenty more money available to spend on the NHS.
My Facebook is an absolute cesspool tonight. I'm seeing people posting pictures of Katie Hopkins opinions etc... They're just so uninformed. I don't even mind if people vote leave and they've researched, but fecking hell. Imagine listening to Katie Hopkins to influence your vote :lol:
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