EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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I doubt whether she's even the most popular female candidate any longer (already had negatives before the referendum process), let alone the main alternative. The bookies need to have a word with their researcher.
Disagree, if the Remain bunch get behind her she could very well get into the final two. She's also always gotten good scores with the public on competence.
Me and the Mrs voted to remain.

The vote leave campaign just didn't do or say anything that made me think twice about my stance. One of the easiest polls I've had to vote in.
Disagree, if the Remain bunch get behind her she could very well get into the final two. She's also always gotten good scores with the public on competence.

Despite actually being incompetent, and now either a fool or a turncoat? May might not be as toxic as dear George, but she's worse than many others. Of the Remain aligned ministers, Javid has the best chance with the membership IMO.
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Just voted remain. Ultimately I felt that while their I agree with the many issues with the EU, that is all the leave campaign highlighted. Felt like too much of a stab in the dark, so no real confidence that leaving will leave us any better off.
Disagree, if the Remain bunch get behind her she could very well get into the final two. She's also always gotten good scores with the public on competence.

Suprised by that as she's been subject to quote a few unpopular proposed policies. I suppose there's some who'll see her as a Thatcher
There is no plan for a reformed EU either, despite what Cameron would like to claim. Nor are there assurances and guarantees about the stability of the Eurozone, or how far Brussels will centralise in the years ahead. Controversial changes have been pushed back to avoid influencing the referendum such as a review of VAT.

Vote Leave has made some commitments though: the removal of a 5% EU tax on heating of the home, trade deals negottiaoed directly (like the potentially harmful TTIP), and more money for our deprived NHS.

Yes, i've heard those arguments but that's my decision already made. Neither side can provide reassurances about what will happen in the years ahead but I'd like to face those issues collectively. I guess we'll see how things turn out.
The redcafe poll is interesting - why is it such an outlier against national polls? Younger demographic?
The redcafe poll is interesting - why is it such an outlier against national polls? Younger demographic?
Younger, more lefty, better educated (I add the last one as someone with very little education indeed - not remotely meant to be insulting). All signs that polls suggest make you more likely to vote remain.
According to the Betfair market there is a 89% chance that remain will win.

I tried to scroll down the hea's picture.
Got to the polling station to see a chav with a black eye and an open can of tenants super beer in his pocket. Gets to the desk and they can't find his record. He then asks if he can register to vote as he's just got out of prison after 6 years.

Starts spouting about "I want em all out doe I" "feck em, shoot em all, just get em out."

Scary that people like that have ability to affect an issue as important as this.
With only an hour to go before polls close. Feeling confident of a Remain win.
Got to the polling station to see a chav with a black eye and an open can of tenants super beer in his pocket. Gets to the desk and they can't find his record. He then asks if he can register to vote as he's just got out of prison after 6 years.

Starts spouting about "I want em all out doe I" "feck em, shoot em all, just get em out."

Scary that people like that have ability to have ability to affect an issue as important as this.
Evidently, he does not.
Got to the polling station to see a chav with a black eye and an open can of tenants super beer in his pocket. Gets to the desk and they can't find his record. He then asks if he can register to vote as he's just got out of prison after 6 years.

Starts spouting about "I want em all out doe I" "feck em, shoot em all, just get em out."

Scary that people like that have ability to affect an issue as important as this.

part of me wants that side of the UK to be taught a lesson and for the results to come back and bite them on the ass. But, its too important for our children and grandchildren's future to think like that
Yep. That way we might actually put to bed the whole brexit nonsense for good.
You're in the Remain plan, ie carry on - it's Brexit who hasn't got the plan , they're the ones who want to change
But they do have a plan, haven't you seen their solid commitments? They're those things that Boris thought differently on 3 months ago.

As well as immediately calling for a referendum on the British monarchy, in keeping with their passion for British democracy and not giving millions to European and unelected elites.
But they do have a plan, haven't you seen their solid commitments? They're those things that Boris thought differently on 3 months ago.

As well as immediately calling for a referendum on the British monarchy, in keeping with their passion for British democracy and not giving millions to European and unelected elites.

A cunning plan, Baldrick
Voted remain and got my mates to vote the same. Feeling a bit nervous...
Leave now on 18.6k (increase of 3.4k tweets) compared to 1494 for Remain (increase of 200).

Its been in the news this past week about a lot of bots tweeting from both sides (Mainly Brexit"), so i would look at those stats with a pinch of salt.
In case there are (somehow) any waverers leaving it until literally the last minutes, I'm gonna whip out the best argument yet:

If we remain, the dreaded portmanteau "Brexit" will piss off, hopefully forever. If we leave, it's going to be on the news constantly for the next few years, probably longer.

Vote remain. Kill Brexit.

I'm getting excited now, the nightmare of last May should be alleviated somewhat by one election 'win'.
Would be the first time in my life I would ever have been truly happy about the result of a vote in my country.

Just hoping this Yougov poll tells us what we want to hear.
Would be the first time in my life I would ever have been truly happy about the result of a vote in my country.

Just hoping this Yougov poll tells us what we want to hear.
The stress if it claims a 50:50...

And same - or, definitely the first vote I've participated in.
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