EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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Nah, many of the old and retired are either reliant on state pension or even worse have nice fat civil service pensions that all come out of the tax revenue. My old man did his 30 years in the fire service and had to retire at 53 on 2/3 final salary index linked to the rank he retired in. Now most of his early years his payments into his pension would have been based on a modest firemans salary but having retired as Divisional Commander he's better off than most working people and is close to having drawn 30 years pension already and could well do another 30 considering he still runs close to 100 miles a week. He's not got much to spend his money on within the UK economy but does like to blow a large wad of that cash cruising around the Caribbean and the likes. He needs at least 10 EU immigrants paying tax to pay for him alone and there's many, many more like him.

That's what I had in mind, it's pretty much the same in all the developed countries.
Yes they are moaning about this. The EU guarantee minimum rights but the law they are protesting about is purely a French government law, nothing to do with the EU. Bet a lot of Uk workers would like a 35 hour week .

Thought it might be local, no,i knew it.would be. I'd love a 35 hour week. it is.the same rules being pushed thru every eu country, almost as if all the politicians were the same. are they making it easier to hire and fire people? Course they are
Nah, many of the old and retired are either reliant on state pension or even worse have nice fat civil service pensions that all come out of the tax revenue. My old man did his 30 years in the fire service and had to retire at 53 on 2/3 final salary index linked to the rank he retired in. Now most of his early years his payments into his pension would have been based on a modest firemans salary but having retired as Divisional Commander he's better off than most working people and is close to having drawn 30 years pension already and could well do another 30 considering he still runs close to 100 miles a week. He's not got much to spend his money on within the UK economy but does like to blow a large wad of that cash cruising around the Caribbean and the likes. He needs at least 10 EU immigrants paying tax to pay for him alone and there's many, many more like him.
like i said orginally don't if it right or wrong, just saying that is a debate.

i would also point out that how can tem immigrants pay for them if thier isnt 10 jobs? or the jobs are on such a low wage they hardly pay tax.........

so i dunno the more i look into it the more complicate the ecconomic gets, for example saturation of the wage market reduces wages which in tern reduces tax, but then having to pay people less increases business profit which businesses in theory should pay tax, but with the amount of loop holes thier are in that doesn't always happen, also not all pensioners have goverment pensions, and not all pensions are based tax, lots of pensioners have savings which the pay tax on .........

so saying this is true or that is true is beyond me, all i was saying that thier is an argument in the economic community about the positives and negatives of an aging population.

for me the thing i come back to is i don't understand how anyone can argue more workers are a good thing when their are currently more workers then jobs anyway.
No they don't.

Yes they do, and provably so. Prior to the 2000 election, Katherine Harris the Republican Secretary of State for Florida carried out a 'purge' of voting rolls supposedly to remove illegible voters. In reality the vast majority of purged voters were African American (who vote Democrat in overwhelming numbers) and a huge number were actually perfectly valid voters who wrongly lost their constitutionally protected right to vote. Then during the election in Florida there were disproportionate numbers of supposedly spoiled ballots, and again they were near exclusively in black neighbourhoods.

The Commission discovered a high correlation between percentage of African American precincts and percentage of spoiled ballots. Nine of the 10 counties with the highest percentage of African American voters have spoilage rates above the Florida average. Gadsden County, claiming the highest rate of spoiled ballots, also claims the highest percentage of African American voters. The black population is only 11%, but the number of rejected black ballots was 54%. Of the 10 counties with the highest percentage of white voters, only 2 counties had spoilage rates above the state's average. The total number of spoiled ballots was 180,000; for every 10% increase in Black voters, ballot rejection increased by 1.8%. Of the 100 precincts with the highest numbers of disqualified ballots, 83 of those precincts are majority-black precincts.

Oh and who was the Governor of Florida overseeing all this at the time? Oh yes, it was Jeb Bush, George's brother. Bush won by a tiny margin, and he won because his brother and the state Republican officials disenfranchised thousands of black voters.
Pencil because I like to live dangerously.

Lots of remain activists around leytonstone but didn't see a single leaver.
I only saw the one activist (remain) in Walthamstow this morning, haven't voted yet but our polling station is normally pretty quiet.

Haven't been living in Stow this year so not really sure what the local campaigning's been like. Apparently all our neighbours (mostly pretty old) are voting out, though I'm sure the borough will be a big remain vote.
Yeah it does, election rigging is commonplace in the US and has been its entire history.

Is that limited to the US because in France we rig elections too but we use socks?
I voted (remain) in pencil...
Quietly dropped this off to help mi5 defeat the Brexiters though

Turnout's looking high.

Now we just need to fret over whether it's disproportionately higher in Leave-y places.
Not when there's AI that can code better and faster! Probably.

I work in marketing and I'm fairly confident that it will take robots a while to get good at bullshitting so I think I'm safe.

What marketing mate? A lot of digital marketing will end up being done by ai no doubt. We basically just manipulate engines based on performance data, a lot of stuff is already starting to be automated.
All votes in pen should be voided on the basis that they have clearly demonstrated they are unfit to vote :angel:
You just know when Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson are the main mouthpieces for the brexit you'd be mad to vote in favour. Be smart, British caftards.
This has brought out the worst in people. The absolute worst.

Firstly, no one is allowed an opinion without getting lambasted.

Secondly, those stupid fecks genuinely believe there's a conspiracy.
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