EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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The latest in my Facebook are Brexiters discussing the points system which we'd apparently adopt. How many points a doctor would get etc. Fecking hell
This pencil story is a load of cobblers. If MI5 were involved :lol:, you would think they would have the ability to get their own voting slips, rather than relying on people using a rubber to alter the slips.

:lol: Exactly!
The latest in my Facebook are Brexiters discussing the points system which we'd apparently adopt. How many points a doctor would get etc. Fecking hell

I reckon we should just base it on Scrabble. 'Doctor' gets 9, but if you're a 'Investment Development and Research Analyst' you're in without a problem.
In case there are (somehow) any waverers leaving it until literally the last minutes, I'm gonna whip out the best argument yet:

If we remain, the dreaded portmanteau "Brexit" will piss off, hopefully forever. If we leave, it's going to be on the news constantly for the next few years, probably longer.

Vote remain. Kill Brexit.

A win for Remain would be lift-off for the English devolution movement though. EVEL will be a bare minimum in that context.
A win for Remain will be lift-off for English devolution though. EVEL will be a bare minimum.

Here's hoping the odds that England vote Remain are in the right area!
There are still train delays coming out of London.

A lot of commuters won't be able to vote :nervous:
The latest in my Facebook are Brexiters discussing the points system which we'd apparently adopt. How many points a doctor would get etc. Fecking hell

Do it like the football. Get a team of Romanian doctors vs a team of, say, Indonesian lawyers. Pit them against each other with an unbiased panel judging their merits, and awarding the better team 3 points. Do this till the end of the season - the top three in any hypothetical league are promoted to Britain, except for the fact that they've got tired of waiting and gone to Belgium instead.
Do it like the football. Get a team of Romanian doctors vs a team of, say, Indonesian lawyers. Pit them against each other with an unbiased panel judging their merits, and awarding the better team 3 points. Do this till the end of the season - the top three in any hypothetical league are promoted to Britain, except for the fact that they've got tired of waiting and gone to Belgium instead.

:lol: Is there relegation? If you get relegated from the Premier League you're all confined to Liverpool only.

Non-League would be to live on one of those uninhabited islands in the Atlantic which we own.
I bet the YouGov on-the-day shows a Leave lead. All the news from today has been too positive so far.
:lol: Is there relegation? If you get relegated from the Premier League you're all confined to Liverpool only.

Non-League would be to live on one of those uninhabited islands in the Atlantic which we own.

If you get relegated then you have to go to Benidorm.
Stories from London are very upsetting. Tens/hundreds of thousands at vote.
Can't the voting be extended in those areas?
Why the referendum has been organized a Thursday instead of a Sunday?
My friend is counting the votes in our area after being at work all day today and all day tomorrow bless her. She won't be done till 5am and is at work at 8 :eek:
Actually rocking back and forth.
Why the referendum has been organized a Thursday instead of a Sunday?
The reason why British General Elections are held on Thursdays is because this day of the week was, in most cases, the traditional market day. As a result of this, most people would be in town and, therefore, be able to vote in addition to purchasing their wares.

My friend is counting the votes in our area after being at work all day today and all day tomorrow bless her. She won't be done till 5am and is at work at 8 :eek:
Ouch. I know someone who has been at polling station all day and will be counting votes. Our votes are scheduled to be counted around 2-3am though sonot as bad.
My dad has been supervising a number of polling stations today. Early start and will also be involved in the count.

Now that i think about it, he was asking me where he could get an industrial size eraser the other day, ...
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