EU Referendum | UK residents vote today.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU?

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does it have to be a certain colour pen?

It's like people at schools believe if you use a certain colour ink it "breaks the computer who grades the score-card".

I think the MI5 computer breaks if you use blue-ink.

:lol: Why would anyone bother erasing responses on ballots? Just replace the ballots with pre-marked ones.

Agreed, have 100,000 printed off for polling station then tally up the votes in the region and have a sorting machine to just replace them. erasing that amount of ticks mean the votes just couldnt be counted in time.

I've been listening to them for a few weeks. I've had enough of their conspiracy theories and dislike of Polish corner shops. Tomorrow I'll rejoice by drinking wine made from their blood.
Oh the irony.
:lol: Why would anyone bother erasing responses on ballots? Just replace the ballots with pre-marked ones.

You can't even fully erase these pencils anyway. You would always be able to tell. Also the vote can be changed even if you use pen, you can do what you want as long as it's clear who/what you're voting for.
I'm a poll clerk, been here since 6:30 this morning. The amount of people who've brought a pen to the vote is absolutely embarrassing. If you believe this then I don't trust your judgement to vote to leave. I've worked as a poll clerk for over a decade now and I've done the count a number of times too and I'm seriously considering packing it in. How can so many people believe their leave vote is going to be erased?! This is lunacy. I don't want these people voting for my future. I'd rather chance a coin toss for christs sake.

As I said earlier:

1. If you think our democracy is so corrupt that votes will be changed, why bother

2. If it is that corrupt, how will using a pen make a difference. Maybe they'll just not count your vote.
Most of them aren't wealthy. Their income is a pension, the price of which has to be covered by taxes.
like i said no idea if that right or wrong so many contradictory things out thier written by people alot smarter then me that at time i dont understand, the jist is: many pensioners have other savings and other pensions other then the state pension that provide them with a better income then a lot of workers. and with so few workers ,none working fairly wealthily consumers is good for economy not a burden like been argued in the past.

if you want to read more:
isnt a bad balanced argument, but thier loads out their arguing both ways.
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This pencil story is a load of cobblers. If MI5 were involved :lol:, you would think they would have the ability to get their own voting slips, rather than relying on people using a rubber to alter the slips.
Got back about an hour ago. Deserted at my polling station, was the only one there. This was about 4pm as well.
Done. Voted for One Direction. I'm sooooo hoping that they win.
Voted, seemed a fairly constant stream of people going in too. Hopefully not voting recession.
You saw plenty of die-hards in the US primaries continually talking about rigged elections, as well. If people are continually told that the establishment is completely corrupt and out to get them, it's not surprising they begin to think that way.
You saw plenty of die-hards in the US primaries continually talking about rigged elections, as well. If people are continually told that the establishment is completely corrupt and out to get them, it's not surprising they begin to think that way.

Rightwing nutjobs being rightwing nutjobs. News at 11. Wish I were in the UK today. Could've made a fortune with selling hand-folded tinfoil hats:lol:
The reason that the french economy is not so great- is that the industrial situation reminds me of the UK in the Wilson/Heath era - and this is what the Uk is striving to get back to?

Arent they moaning about workers conditions and rights? The one thing people keep telling us are so great cos the eu have protected them?
You saw plenty of die-hards in the US primaries continually talking about rigged elections, as well. If people are continually told that the establishment is completely corrupt and out to get them, it's not surprising they begin to think that way.

But America actually do have rigged elections.
well theirs debates whether that is true anymore, ten years or so it was, and until recently i believed it, but apparently now the fact we have an aging population, who are mainly more wealthy, it is a good thing because they are consumers who don't require jobs, which is a good thinking in a shrinking job market and a society that due to automation needs less people to run it, so according to some economist its acutely switched around that having so many retired people is good for the economy.

whether that true or not? i ant got a tiniest bit of a clue its beyond me! the economic involved in working that out are baffling so im not gonna stand thier and say this is true cos i don't know and i highly doubt anyone on this forum does.

but the best i can understand it, why would more workers help a situation when their isn't enough jobs for the people who are here?

Nah, many of the old and retired are either reliant on state pension or even worse have nice fat civil service pensions that all come out of the tax revenue. My old man did his 30 years in the fire service and had to retire at 53 on 2/3 final salary index linked to the rank he retired in. Now most of his early years his payments into his pension would have been based on a modest firemans salary but having retired as Divisional Commander he's better off than most working people and is close to having drawn 30 years pension already and could well do another 30 considering he still runs close to 100 miles a week. He's not got much to spend his money on within the UK economy but does like to blow a large wad of that cash cruising around the Caribbean and the likes. He needs at least 10 EU immigrants paying tax to pay for him alone and there's many, many more like him.
Arent they moaning about workers conditions and rights? The one thing people keep telling us are so great cos the eu have protected them?

Yes they are moaning about this. The EU guarantee minimum rights but the law they are protesting about is purely a French government law, nothing to do with the EU. Bet a lot of Uk workers would like a 35 hour week .
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