EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
From a poll that's actually weighted to the final result:


But yeah, a result on a forum poll is much more reliable!

But that's pointless, if only 10 older people voted and 6 voted leave that's 60% but perhaps 100 younger people voted and 27% voted leave that's 21 people more than the older generation, therefore it can be argued that it was the younger generation that fecked everything up. Now there are a significant number of more younger people than there are older so it's not unfeasible to see that it could perhaps be perceived wrongly and that it's pretty pointless without the numbers to back them up (did the younger generation vote in their droves, were they too lazy or did some of them actually *gasp* vote leave?). That's all I was trying to ascertain, does anybody have these numbers by chance?

I'd just be interested to know before I cast aspersions, I could be wrong I hold my hands up, there may have been a pretty even turnout.

I heard that a deaf, blind, one legged person voted leave. So that means 100% of deaf, blind and one legged people are xenophobic idiots who have ruined it for the younger generation! - Caf mentality.
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But that's pointless, if only 10 older people voted and 6 voted leave that's 60% but perhaps 100 younger people voted and 27% voted leave that's 21 people more than the older generation, therefore it can be argued that it was the younger generation that fecked everything up. Now there are a significant number of more younger people than there are older so it's not unfeasible to see that it could perhaps be perceived wrongly and that it's pretty pointless without the numbers to back them up (did the younger generation vote in their droves, were they too lazy or did some of them actually *gasp* vote leave?). That's all I was trying to ascertain, does anybody have these numbers by chance?

No one is saying that no young person voted leave. I don't know what you find so surprising about a group who overwhelmingly voted remain blaming a group who overwhelmingly voted leave rather than an unquantifiable number of people who may or may not have voted.

As far as I can see you don't have the figures either so you're assuming a low youth turnout based on your own prejudice which is ironic for someone complaint about ageism.
The fact the referendum isn't legally binding and that Greece went back on its own vote gives me a little hope.
It's definitely legally binding, because it will instruct and inform the legal discourse and actions of the country -- people saying otherwise are wrong. The UK will leave, simple.
No, that's not at all what I'm saying. I don't think there's any way I could further explain if you're refusing to get it.
i am getting it, what you saying is, thier is no way we will get a trade agreement without giving up somthing like free movment, which is impossible for a uk government to do with this result their would be riots, so it will be pretty much stale mate, in which case our ecconmy will shrink massivly from been the 5th largest in the world, and the countrys in The EU that have heavy trade with us will take a big hit, that will effect the already struggling EU ecconmy.

so basically what i said originally unless politicians from both sides work somthing out their are going to be recessions all round
No one is saying that no young person voted leave. I don't know what you find so surprising about a group who overwhelmingly voted remain blaming a group who overwhelmingly voted leave rather than an unquantifiable number of people who may or may not have voted.

As far as I can see you don't have the figures either so you're assuming a low youth turnout based on your own prejudice which is ironic for someone complaint about ageism.

No, infact I was being ironic, I'm actually casting no aspersions about older/younger voters other than in sarcasm.
That's a bit rich, discussing the country that colonised and proceeded to opress half the world.
That's a big subject. Suffice to say that many of the countries that were colonised by the British practised slavery previously and up until it was outlawed by the British in 1833-43, and that most of those ex-colonies have a good relationship with Britain to this day - as is evidenced every 4 years in the Commonwealth ("Friendly") Games.
From a poll that's actually weighted to the final result:

But yeah, a result on a forum poll is much more reliable!

Those stats are just sad to see and highlight the problems of democracy.
Well 1.3 million or thereabouts more people saw enough reason to vote leave over remain too, I'm still overjoyed about the outcome and people should respect that. People are panicking and acting like the UK is going to crash and burn. It won't at all.

How can you be so confident? I don't think the country is going to collapse or anything but it's going to be rough. And personally I don't think we'll ever fully regain our former stature. Not that it matters, but still.
yeah I work in an international Business so have been talking to folks from Norway, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain today - I think I'm more angry with the vote than most of them but we all think its a bad thing
Ditto, I've been on the phone with Dutch, French, Belgian, German and American colleagues today and they're all of the opinion that we've made a terrible mistake today although none of them are as shocked as I am by it. I've been saying for months "it will be close" and "I'm worried about it" whilst they all felt it would come to nothing but today I'm struggling to get my head around what we as a nation have done.
Oh man! I was right there with you up to that last paragraph. Was going to simply say "Great post". I disagree strongly with that last paragraph though.

I have always been a fan of freedom. Self-determination. It's seldom the easiest path to choose though. In this case, we, as a nation, have decided to reject the relationship we currently have with the EU and walk away. We didn't take the decision lightly. We've sought to change it, to "lead rather than leave", and we've been told "no - that's not up for negotiation". It's a failed relationship and it's right to walk away, difficult as that will be. Personally, I honestly see being brave and insisting on freedom and self-determination as typically British. I am more confident we can right the wrongs at home and get on with things without being tied to a failed relationship, than I am in the long-term future of the EU.
Every time you say "we", you are making the assumption that they knew exactly what they were voting on, understood the repercussions, and carefully weighed both the pros and cons before making an informed decision. That is a very optimistic assumption.
I'm considering it, and this is a fallacy at best regardless. My family still live here, my friends still live here. I still live here and feel I am being forced to move only because of this as it destroys my future. I may even need to return at some point in the future. Not to mention that you just voted for my right to move and live in 27 countries to be removed. This stuff about if you're leaving then it's not your problem anymore is incredibly weak.

Firstly I voted remain.

Secondly you were the one who said without any condition if I recall correctly that you were leaving if the UK voted Brexit.

I'm asking if I remembered the post correctly and if you were intending to go through with it?
Well 1.3 million or thereabouts more people saw enough reason to vote leave over remain too, I'm still overjoyed about the outcome and people should respect that. People are panicking and acting like the UK is going to crash and burn. It won't at all.

That's a guess, you have no idea none of us do, so perhaps you should respect our opinions and allow us to panic?
i am getting it, what you saying is, thier is no way we will get a trade agreement without giving up somthing like free movment, which is impossible for a uk government to do with this result their would be riots, so it will be pretty much stale mate, in which case our ecconmy will shrink massivly from been the 5th largest in the world, and the countrys in The EU that have heavy trade with us will take a big hit, that will effect the already struggling EU ecconmy.

so basically what i said originally unless politicians from both sides work somthing out their are going to be recessions all round

No country in the EU has heavy trade with us. It equates to about 10% of their exports. Where as our trade with EU countries equates to 44% of our exports. We will be incredibly desperate to replace this. So what I am saying, is that for all the reasons that I listed earlier to you, our government will accept free movement (or other tariffs such as payments to Brussels) in order to get a deal agreed. Which means you voted for nothing. All you did is give up our voice in the EU permanently and put us through a temporary recession to end up with it all back again.
Those stats are just sad to see and highlight the problems of democracy.
democracy voted in the nazis....... problem with democracy is everyone has a vote, and when you have a class of people that have been so neglected, which our working class has been in the last been, especially since the 2008 collapse. Then people are gonna go and vote for anyone who is offering a way out, or even just a protest vote.
Firstly I voted remain.

Secondly you were the one who said without any condition if I recall correctly that you were leaving if the UK voted Brexit.

I'm asking if I remembered the post correctly and if you were intending to go through with it?

I am intending to start proceedings, whether I'm accepted into another country is another thing. I guess I'll find out - not that it has anything to do with what I was saying, for the reasons I highlighted.
my sister voted leave and I've fallen out with her over it due to her couldn't care less attitude. She's voted on something she hasn't informed herself about. All I'm getting out of her is "sure both sides were scaremongering and telling lies"
my point, you're intelligent enough to go and read up on it, all the info was there, then make your decision. instead she's been swayed by the 'patriotic' posts and rants about NHS on Facebook and the likes.

I've never been a huge fan of politics but this campaign really wound me up, I've been bleating on about it at home for weeks to the point of my girlfriend getting bored of listening to me. Now today im left feeling frustrated, saddened and angry in equal measures.
No country in the EU has heavy trade with us. It equates to about 10% of their exports. Where as our trade with EU countries equates to 44% of our exports. We will be incredibly desperate to replace this. So what I am saying, is that our government will accept free movement (or other tariffs such as payments to Brussels) in order to get a deal agreed. Which means you voted for nothing. All you did is give up our voice in the EU permanently and put us through a temporary recession to end up with it all back again.
for the record i didnt vote.... i didn't know ive gone back and forth tried to gather all the information i could, listen to all the arguments with an open mind as much as i humanly could, and in the end i came to the conclusion i just didn't know, i am worried about immigration im yet to hear any argument anywhere explain how that numbers coming in is manageable in the long term and ive looked and read and read hoping thier as one, but thier isnt and thier is no way to manage it from inside the EU. but i completely agree with the economic problems of leaving......, im not as bothered about workers rights, cos saying we need to hang onto are workers rights rights now is laugable, and i dont care about paying money towards the EU as we get it back....... came to the conclusion i just dont fecking know, no one on either side answered my questions fairly and honestly everyone just spun their answers to suit their opinion, and gave everyone who questioned it nothing but abuse.

but i think your wrong, thier is no way in the next 5 / 10 years that a uk govement will allow free movment. and so think with that of the table both ecconmys are gonna go into recession.... cos 10% of the whole eu's exports is a massive number. at most the people of the EU have to hope is they won't be as screwed as us!
No country in the EU has heavy trade with us. It equates to about 10% of their exports. Where as our trade with EU countries equates to 44% of our exports. We will be incredibly desperate to replace this. So what I am saying, is that for all the reasons that I listed earlier to you, our government will accept free movement (or other tariffs such as payments to Brussels) in order to get a deal agreed. Which means you voted for nothing. All you did is give up our voice in the EU permanently and put us through a temporary recession to end up with it all back again.

Except it's potentially even worse than that, because if the government is formed from Brexiters (which it very well may be) there's a good chance they won't be willing to take the probably fatal political injury of signing up on those terms, and will instead let the economy suffer while trying to place the blame on the EU. If that happens we're really fecked, and it's more likely than it might sound.
my sister voted leave and I've fallen out with her over it due to her couldn't care less attitude. She's voted on something she hasn't informed herself about. All I'm getting out of her is "sure both sides were scaremongering and telling lies"
my point, you're intelligent enough to go and read up on it, all the info was there, then make your decision. instead she's been swayed by the 'patriotic' posts and rants about NHS on Facebook and the likes.

I've never been a huge fan of politics but this campaign really wound me up, I've been bleating on about it at home for weeks to the point of my girlfriend getting bored of listening to me. Now today im left feeling frustrated, saddened and angry in equal measures.
I'm going up for a family party at the weekend and whilst I'm pretty sure my sister would have voted remain if only for fear for her own job after the damage the tories have already done to the UK steel industry she indirectly works in I'm not too sure the rest of her side of the family would be in. There's a fair few who are a Jeremy Kyle episode waiting to happen and I did check the leaked BNP membership list a few years back expecting to find some of them on there. I'll be forced to bite my lip though as kicking off politically at a party on the Dicky Bird estate could be an even worse move than the one the UK made today.
for the record i didnt vote.... i didn't know ive gone back and forth tried to gather all the information i could, listen to all the arguments with an open mind as much as i humanly could, and in the end i came to the conclusion i just didn't know, i am worried about immigration im yet to hear any argument anywhere explain how that numbers coming in is manageable in the long term and ive looked and read and read hoping thier as one, but thier isnt and thier is no way to manage it from inside the EU. but i completely agree with the economic problems of leaving......, im not as bothered about workers rights, cos saying we need to hang onto are workers rights rights now is laugable, and i dont care about paying money towards the EU as we get it back....... came to the conclusion i just dont fecking know, no one on either side answered my questions fairly and honestly everyone just spun their answers to suit their opinion, and gave everyone who questioned it nothing but abuse.

but i think your wrong, thier is no way in the next 5 / 10 years that a uk govement will allow free movment. and so think with that of the table both ecconmys are gonna go into recession.... cos 10% of the whole eu's exports is a massive number. at most the people of the EU have to hope is they won't be as screwed as us!

10% of another countries exports will not force them into recession. Not 10% of the EU's economy, you're back to talking about the EU in a way that it doesn't work.
Err, what the actual feck?
have you worked a job recently? feel like you have alot of rights?

in my company they just got rid of 20 people so they can employ people on zero hour contracts cos they can get rid off them as they please...... and things like that are happening accross the country. comapnys are abusing workers right left and center, so worrying about holding on to the scarp of right we have left is pointless!

arguing about workers rights right now is like arguing about the legislation about the club that beats you!
No country in the EU has heavy trade with us. It equates to about 10% of their exports. Where as our trade with EU countries equates to 44% of our exports. We will be incredibly desperate to replace this. So what I am saying, is that for all the reasons that I listed earlier to you, our government will accept free movement (or other tariffs such as payments to Brussels) in order to get a deal agreed. Which means you voted for nothing. All you did is give up our voice in the EU permanently and put us through a temporary recession to end up with it all back again.

Will all of this trade suddenly disappear? Lots of countries are not part of the EU and trade with EU countries.
have you worked a job recently? feel like you have alot of rights?

in my company they just got rid of 20 people so they can employ people on zero hour contracts cos they can get rid off them as they please...... and things like that are happening accross the country. comapnys are abusing workers right left and center, so worrying about holding on to the scarp of right we have left is pointless!

arguing about workers rights right now is like arguing about the legislation about the club that beats you!

If you casually and completely ignore the quite vast number of laws protecting your employment and safety in the workplace (and holidays, sick days etc etc), then yes I could see why you wouldn't care about those laughable workers rights.

Seriously, has everyone gone batshit mental this week?
It's normal for life expectancy to vary across age groups and obviously natural, even if counter-intuitive, that older people have higher life expectancy. It's actually the life expectancy of the younger age groups in that table that is almost certainly wrong, as it seems far too high.
Well current life expectancy overall is 81 and you'd expect that to be higher for young people with the devolopment of medicine. 89 is not far off.
10% of another countries exports will not force them into recession. Not 10% of the EU's economy, you're back to talking about the EU in a way that it doesn't work.
i know but you still seem to think its fine that 10% of all the eu's exports wont having an effect ......
If you casually and completely ignore the quite vast number of laws protecting your employment and safety in the workplace (and holidays, sick days etc etc), then yes I could see why you wouldn't care about those laughable workers rights.

Seriously, has everyone gone batshit mental this week?
you don't get sick pay on a zero hour contract, you don't get holiday on a zero hour contract........
but i think your wrong, thier is no way in the next 5 / 10 years that a uk govement will allow free movment. and so think with that of the table both ecconmys are gonna go into recession.... cos 10% of the whole eu's exports is a massive number. at most the people of the EU have to hope is they won't be as screwed as us!

The UK will be forced to either maintain free movement and pay in to the club as we always have (but with no say on the rules any more) or trade with punitive tariffs on our goods into Europe and tit for tat tariffs that will punish us as net consumers. Lets face it, since we manufacture bugger all any more we'll be forced to pay up.

It's not 10% of the trade of every EU member state either, by far the largest portion is Germany and that's made up of high end goods we will still carry on paying over the odds for anyway like Mercs, BMWs, Porsches and Audis. The financially vulnerable countries in the EU sell very little to us that isn't imported especially for their emigres who are living in the UK anyway.

As for the free movement, we've already explained several times that despite you and others believing "we're full" and that immigration is unsustaianable, the politicians know that in all truth we need most of those migrants anyway if our services are not going to grind to a halt and our tax bills rise by at least 10%.
you don't get sick pay on a zero hour contract, you don't get holiday on a zero hour contract........

Were zero hours contracts the result of an EU directive? And do you think a UK/England&Wales led by Johnson will put employment rights at the top of its agenda?