EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The thread on The Student Room was almost 50-50. So its probably not fair laying off the entire blame on the old farts.
That particular forum is where all the cnuts go. The voting patterns by age have already been posted here a few times, and it is indeed the old farts who dragged us out.
Precisely but that doesn't fit in with the 85-15% poll the Caf ran so it's all lies! 50% of the student room is obviously made up of bigoted and racist mature students.

Yes, because a poll on the student room is a better indicator than the actual demographics from the actual vote...
Unless they vote you out. As said no one likes having deserters around.

True... But legally its just not an option.

In a word, no. EU bylaws provide no mechanism for expelling a member state. Indeed, the EU’s laws in spirit are integrative and unifying, "conciliatory" rather than "punitive." Therefore, in letter, they provide no option for kicking a country out, no matter how much other member countries might want to. Even if Greece invaded France — and it would take as much for Brussels to contemplate expulsion — the European Commission, a body of ministers that initiates EU laws, would have to craft new legislation to do it

Given that its the EU - it would need new laws starting from scratch (and Im not sure some members would want to enshrine the rights of others to boot them out) and EU laws tend to take probably longer to pass than the whole article 50 process takes (or what it should take as it can of course be extended with consent - though I feel that consent is unlikely as it requires political goodwill and as you say we probably dont have much if any of that left right now)
Precisely but that doesn't fit in with the 85-15% poll the Caf ran so it's all lies! 50% of the student room is obviously made up of bigoted and racist mature students.

So do we go by a 50-50 thread split on an internet forum or actual voting numbers?

Tough one that.
Yeah I realise people won't be happy, if I was voting remain then I'm sure I would feel annoyed, worried and anxious. At the end of the day though a vote is a vote and the majority have spoken. If you voted remain then I'm certainly not going to knock people for speaking their mind or voicing their concerns.

Good of you to say that now but you did just knock people for voicing their concerns and as things stand legitimate ones. You and the rest of the Brexiters may be right and things boil over, but I think having concerns and voicing them are fair enough - sorry if that rains on your parade.
Precisely but that doesn't fit in with the 85-15% poll the Caf ran so it's all lies! 50% of the student room is obviously made up of bigoted and racist mature students.

That particular forum is where all the cnuts go. The voting patterns by age have already been posted here a few times, and it is indeed the old farts who dragged us out.

The Caf is lost, I'm outta this discussion.
More ageist crap. What is old and how long until they die please? Are you suggesting that anyone with say, less than a certain amount of time to live, should vote entirely on the basis that other people with a different opinion are going to live longer? Are they also not going to "live with it"? Does the fact that they have less time to live make their voice any less valid?

Not forgetting the inherent assumption in your statement that the "old" (whoever they are) have made a mistake.
Whatever you've extrapolated from my statement, inherent assumptions, etc, is entirely of your own construction. Read it again. It simply states what happens to be reality. The younger generation will live with the consequences of this vote for a longer period of their lives than the older generation, whose votes, it appears, have swayed the result in favour of Leave (whilst the young voted overwhelmingly in favour of Remain).

But it's hard to have an argument with someone whose reply is "more ageist crap", so I'll leave you to it.
That's not what they want. I know we're all pissed off but let's take at least a minute to read the articles in question.

Sorry I shouldn't have said EU funding. They still expect the same amount of cash the EU provides despite voting out - I'd be really interested to know how many people from Cornwall knew they got funding from the EU. Imagine there will be a lot of promises Leave have to fulfill.
Yes, because a poll on the student room is a better indicator than the actual demographics from the actual vote...

Well the Caf seems to think their poll is more relevant! plus, the demographics released so far have been percentage wise, get your head around the fact that there are a lot more younger people than old and then ask yourself why leave still won - was it because the younger voter was too lazy to vote or was it because some of them did actually vote to leave?
Sorry I shouldn't have said EU funding. They still expect the same amount of cash the EU provides despite voting out - I'd be really interested to know how many people from Cornwall knew they got funding from the EU. Imagine there will be a lot of promises Leave have to fulfill.

It looks like the leave campaign told them they'd get it though.
"I've accidentally quit Europe. Now I'm scared and alone."
"I said to my sisters before I flew out, I wish we had the opertunity to vote again, simply because I would do so many things differently for the vote"

What like, chose the other box? FML, this is why it should have never been put to the public.
Well the Caf seems to think their poll is more relevant! plus, the demographics released so far have been percentage wise, get your head around the fact that there are a lot more younger people than old and then ask yourself why leave still won - was it because the younger voter was too lazy to vote or was it because some of them did actually vote to leave?

Have you actually looked at the demographics you're arguing so vociferously about? You can find the own answer to your questions.
Not wishing to put words in Ram's mouth but I'd suggest that the fact that the only EU country with lower unemployment than us being Germany with 4.5% suggests that we're not too badly off with most of the Northern EU countries being a percent or two higher than us, France and the US having double our unemployment rate and the rest of the EU rising to 24% by the time you hit the Med.

Immigrants aren't stealing anyone's job's it's a nasty xenophobic myth that has been with us since the Windrush landed in 1948, they're mostly doing jobs that our own people would refuse to do usually because they can get better money sitting on their arses. Without the hospital porters, nurses etc the NHS would have ground to a halt years ago, it almost is doing still thanks to the likes of Jeremy Hunt yet you still voted with politicians who swore blind they would use the money they saved us on EU membership on new hospitals despite them not being able to staff those hospitals without immigrants. The Polish plumbers and construction workers are filling skill shortages because British youth do not want to work in that industry and because the few who might find their way blocked as our government had removed many of the vocational training schemes and apprenticeships that once existed, and still are removing them. The Turkish migrants that run the car wash I use haven't stolen any British jobs, they've taken over a derelict former garage that was squeezed out of business by the buying power of supermarket forecourt petrol stations and work damned hard to provide a better and cheaper service than the old automated car washes that have ironically been removed from most supermarket petrol station forecourts.

I'd suggest you read back through some of Rams' or my older posts on workers rights, unemployment or disenfranchisement though before passing further judgement on how either of us think about the plight of our fellow man. It's not the EU that killed our unions though, it's not the EU that destroyed our industrial heartlands, it's not the EU that sold the middle classes on the dream of their kids going into higher education only to then remove the funding and saddle them with debt, it's not the EU that worked around the ECHR rules to introduce zero hour contracts and enable companies to offer salaries below minimum wage and it's sure as shit not the EU that has allowed their business mates so much leeway that they have had to belatedly reintroduce an anti slavery bill to deal with the criminal exploitation and trafficking of migrant workers in the UK.

You and your ilk have just fecked this country over for years to come and screwed my daughters generations prospects indefinitely yet are still trying to blame it all on the EU. Your childish and uninformed strop out of Europe will prove to be the most selfish and stupid political act in my lifetime and thaat's really going some considering the shit Thatcher, Reagan, Blair and Dubya pulled.
Oh man! I was right there with you up to that last paragraph. Was going to simply say "Great post". I disagree strongly with that last paragraph though.

I have always been a fan of freedom. Self-determination. It's seldom the easiest path to choose though. In this case, we, as a nation, have decided to reject the relationship we currently have with the EU and walk away. We didn't take the decision lightly. We've sought to change it, to "lead rather than leave", and we've been told "no - that's not up for negotiation". It's a failed relationship and it's right to walk away, difficult as that will be. Personally, I honestly see being brave and insisting on freedom and self-determination as typically British. I am more confident we can right the wrongs at home and get on with things without being tied to a failed relationship, than I am in the long-term future of the EU.

Looking longer term, I think it's now inevitable that Scotland will leave the UK and join the EU. That's sad. Their influence on politics in Britain, with their predominantly socialist leaning, has been so very important and we'll miss that. Sadly, we've lost it anyway. There is no way back for Labour north of the border and the SNP will always be a minor voice in Westminster. They are better off walking away from what is, for them, a failed relationship too.

The future is uncertain and we must have our wits about us. It was ever thus.
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The thread on The Student Room was almost 50-50. So its probably not fair laying off the entire blame on the old farts.
Yeah, but the number of voters is what counts, not a thread on any one internet forum. And young voters voted overwhelmingly in favour of Remain.
i understand what your saying.... but you dont think the fact that the few countrys (A C and F ) lose so many billions of pound in business, its knock gonna have affect across EU? i can understand that countrys stoping the trade deal, i don't undertsand how that amount of money suddenly leaving the eu market isn't going to affect other countrys?

This is the point. It doesn't stop the money affecting other countries. Noone said that. You're trying to say that because countries A, B and C lost money from us leaving, that this means we will get a trade deal. How about countries D, E and F? What incentives are you going to give them to vote to agree our trade deal. Free movement of EU nationals that Switzerland agreed to? Monthly payments to Brussels like Switzerland and Norway agreed to? Abiding by the EU's regulation which Switzerland and Norway have to do? If so then what have you accomplished? What have you accomplished by putting us into recession and giving up our voice in the EU but taking it all back in a trade deal for no gain at all? If you don't think it will be any of those then what else? Tariffs on our exports? Canada gave up control of their waters ffs. In trade agreements the side with the power always gets the best deal. The side with the power here is the EU. It's comprised of 27 other countries all looking for the best deal for them.
From a poll that's actually weighted to the final result:


But yeah, a result on a forum poll is much more reliable!
You need to stop thinking that 'the EU' receives custom from us. The EU is not one institution. We do not ship to 'The EU'. We do not order from 'The EU'. This is not how it works. Please understand this.

This is how it works.

The EU is made up of countries A, B, C, D, E and F.

We do business with countries A, C and F. We do no business with B, D and E.

Countries A, C and F are gutted that we left. Countries B, D and E are unaffected.

This is how it works. The EU cannot say shit about the business they lose. They lost no business at all. Countries A, C and F lost business. Countries A, C and F would love to agree a trade deal with us to replace that business (about 10% of their yearly exports) but all the rest of the countries in the EU don't care. They get nothing from us. They lose nothing from us. But here's the kicker, they still have a vote in whether our trade deal goes through.

So you need to stop saying that 'the EU' loses a tonne of business from us. No it doesn't. A few countries in the EU lose business with us, the rest lose shit.

Now when it comes to negotiating a trade deal, every country has to vote yes. We go to the EU and we say 'look guys, we need to replace 45% of our exports. Please help us out'. Countries B, D and E say 'what's in it for us? We don't care. We haven't lost anything by you leaving.' This notion that 'the EU' will be crippled by us leaving just isn't true. First of all a lot of them don't even trade with us, and secondly the amount that the ones who do actually trade with us contribute, is very small because the huge amount you think we import from the EU is actually much smaller amounts split between a lot of countries. It does not matter if France are distraught that they lost a tonne of business from us. They need to convince 26 other countries to vote yes to a deal that hasn't affected them. This is where we are forced to agree to things we don't want, because we have to replace a lot more than they lost, and we need to give an incentive to the countries we don't currently trade with.

But countries B D and E do a tonne of business with A C and F. A C and F also pay for the whole project. Now I might be wrong but in the end, he that pays the piper and all that.

It's not your problem any more because you are leaving the UK aren't you, or am I mistaking you for another poster.
Because we do not trade with the EU. We trade with countries in the EU. The EU is an umbrella, not one entity. It's really not that complicated.

A simple example - in a basic world imagine all of our imports are from one country, say Germany. But our exports are to 3 countries, say France, Germany and Italy.

Germany? Sure it's in their interest to make a deal with us.

France and Italy? They couldn't give a shit. They could tag on the tariffs and we would lose out because we need to sell to them. If they can't buy from us they go elsewhere.

Also you're missing another fundamental point. Have you considered that certain countries only took our exports because being in the free trade area made our prices competitive. Now that we are out who is to say they can't find another country in the EU to buy the goods from now that it'd be cheaper.

Also, a final fundamental to try and explain again. Imagine Our 23bn imports come from 10 countries. That's 2.3bn pee country. Do you honestly think they couldn't handle that loss? Also what makes you think they can't find other customers?

We are one country, importing to and exporting from 27. Therefore there gains and losses are split between 27 presuming equality between them, whereas we feel the full force of the gains and losses.

It's simple, basic economics.
i undertand why the EU wont make a deal, but i still think you take 20 billion out of the eu ecconmy and 5 billion out of germany's then you gonna see a recession across the board.... and most of the experts seem to be saying the same
It looks like the leave campaign told them they'd get it though.

Yeah, and the leave campaign will simply tell their followers it's on the EU why London won't be able to cover their losses. And since the EU was the root cause of all evil to begin with, they will gladly buy into this as well.
Sheep are easy to handle.
True... But legally its just not an option.

Given that its the EU - it would need new laws starting from scratch (and Im not sure some members would want to enshrine the rights of others to boot them out) and EU laws tend to take probably longer to pass than the whole article 50 process takes (or what it should take as it can of course be extended with consent - though I feel that consent is unlikely as it requires political goodwill and as you say we probably dont have much if any of that left right now)

I hope you won't be booted out. I hope some sort of arrangement can be made and you would have a second referendum. Farage has just come out that he lied on a key issue and who knows, Boris may go to Brussels and thrash a second deal with a bit of give and take. However I assure you many people on the continent are not happy with you.
Whatever you've extrapolated from my statement, inherent assumptions, etc, is entirely of your own construction. Read it again. It simply states what happens to be reality. The younger generation will live with the consequences of this vote for a longer period of their lives than the older generation, whose votes, it appears, have swayed the result in favour of Leave (whilst the young voted overwhelmingly in favour of Remain).

But it's hard to have an argument with someone whose reply is "more ageist crap", so I'll leave you to it.

Keep track of what you're posting...

It's the young who have to live with this. Not the old.

And don't flounce off if you get taken up on it
This is the point. It doesn't stop the money affecting other countries. Noone said that. You're trying to say that because countries A, B and C lost money from us leaving, that this means we will get a trade deal. How about countries D, E and F? What incentives are you going to give them to vote to agree our trade deal. Free movement of EU nationals that Switzerland agreed to? Monthly payments to Brussels like Switzerland and Norway agreed to? Abiding by the EU's regulation which Switzerland and Norway have to do? If so then what have you accomplished? What have you accomplished by putting us into recession and giving up our voice in the EU but taking it all back in a trade deal for no gain at all? If you don't think it will be any of those then what else? Tariffs on our exports? Canada gave up control of their waters ffs. In trade agreements the side with the power always gets the best deal. The side with the power here is the EU. It's comprised of 27 other countries all looking for the best deal for them.
so you basically saying what i said our politicians need to get in a room and find away forward or both sides are gonna take a hit.
From a poll that's actually weighted to the final result:

But yeah, a result on a forum poll is much more reliable!

I see these so called "facts", but what you're forgetting is that this is the almighty Student Room we're talking about here.
Oh man! I was right there with you up to that last paragraph. Was going to simply say "Great post". I disagree strongly with that last paragraph though.

I have always been a fan of freedom. Self-determination. It's seldom the easiest path to choose though. In this case, we, as a nation, have decided to reject the relationship we currently have with the EU and walk away. We didn't take the decision lightly. We've sought to change it, to "lead rather than leave", and we've been told "no - that's not up for negotiation". It's a failed relationship and it's right to walk away, difficult as that will be. Personally, I honestly see being brave and insisting on freedom and self-determination as typically British. I am more confident we can right the wrongs at home and get on with things without being tied to a failed relationship, than I am in the long-term future of the EU.

Looking longer term, I think it's now inevitable that Scotland will leave Britain and join the EU. That's sad. Their influence on politics in Britain, with their predominantly socialist leaning, has been so very important and we'll miss that. Sadly, we've lost it anyway. There is no way back for Labour north of the border and the SNP will always be a minor voice in Westminster. They are better off walking away from what is, for them, a failed relationship too.

The future is uncertain and we must have our wits about us. It was ever thus.
That's a bit rich, discussing the country that colonised and proceeded to opress half the world.
But countries B D and E do a tonne of business with A C and F. A C and F also pay for the whole project. Now I might be wrong but in the end, he that pays the piper and all that.

It's not your problem any more because you are leaving the UK aren't you, or am I mistaking you for another poster.

I'm considering it, and this is a fallacy at best regardless. My family still live here, my friends still live here. I still live here and feel I am being forced to move only because of this as it destroys my future. I may even need to return at some point in the future. Not to mention that you just voted for my right to move and live in 27 countries to be removed. This stuff about if you're leaving then it's not your problem anymore is incredibly weak.
Keep track of what you're posting...

And don't flounce off if you get taken up on it?
Yes, entirely accurate. The young will live with this for the rest of their lives, which is considerably longer than the lives of the older voters on average. Not sure what inconsistency you're trying to highlight? Nothing much to be taken up on either, considering it's completely factual.
I hope you won't be booted out. I hope some sort of arrangement can be made and you would have a second referendum. Farage has just come out that he lied on a key issue and who knows, Boris may go to Brussels and thrash a second deal with a bit of give and take. However I assure you many people on the continent are not happy with you.
yeah I work in an international Business so have been talking to folks from Norway, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain today - I think I'm more angry with the vote than most of them but we all think its a bad thing
Yes, entirely accurate. The young will live with this for the rest of their lives, which is considerably longer than the lives of the older voters on average. Not sure what inconsistency you're trying to highlight? Nothing much to be taken up on either, considering it's completely factual.
