EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Cameron resigns
David Cameron reportedly about to announce his resignation.

Never, ever, ever, thought I'd say this. But feck, Cameron resigning would be really bad.
Let's hope Cameron resigns, in the fallout a GE is called and voters rally to Labour to go with the EEA model.

Wishful thinking
I find it exceedingly disgusting that some people in here and all over social media and the rest of the internet, are mocking those of us that are genuinely concerned for their families future. Some of us have just voted and kept quiet, not insulted or mocked anyone and just got on with it. To have to wake up to find out that my country has (in my opinion) made the biggest mistake possible, is bad enough in itself, but to be confronted and mocked by self righteous, arrogant and pompous leave voters is just too much to bare. This isn't something to sneer about and hold over others. I have a genuine fear for what is going to happen now, and I have 3 children for whose futures I am now even more worried for and sincerely worried about what type of country they are being brought up in, I'm sorry if I don't think that that Is something to laugh and joke about.

At the very least you would have thought the leave voters would have a bit of empathy and respect and show some restraint from rubbing peoples noses in it. Maybe the fact that it's obvious many do not have these virtues is why they are now being treated with contempt by the people who voted to remain in the EU.

No gloating about the result here mate. I voted out but have woken up this morning with a feeling of both excitement and trepidation. And let's be fair, if Remain had won we would've seen the same comments on social media from some or the Remainers. Personally, I think there has been dirty tricks on both sides but what annoyed me the most was Osbourne threatening to call an emergency budget in the wake of a Brexit vote and talking about sticking 2p on income tax - that was scaremongering on an extreme scale and the fact that he's in government meant that he was in a position to carry out that threat. Farage is an idiot but the difference is that he's not in a position of power (and never will be) to do such things.

On another issue, for those saying that the Brexit campaign don't have a plan now that we've voted out I think they're missing the point. The figureheads of the campaign aren't the real decision makers. The civil service will have drawn up 2 plans of action over the preceding few months - one based on Remain winning and one based on Leave winning - and this advice will be passed on to the government.
That's the complete opposite of democracy. It's actually borderline offensive to suggest.

It's not offensive to point out that democracy enables such outcomes. I wasn't advocating for voting rights only for the educated (I made a joke earlier that perhaps the electorate should have a newbie system).

The thing is, most people on this site have the means to move and leave this country however they want to. Most leave voters likely don't have that option and are stuck here regardless of what happens. For that reason alone they deserve their vote.

It's actually quite shocking to see here. I thought that this site had a more open mindset then to dismiss leave voters as idiots, uneducated, ignorant and bigots" and wanting to create a class system in which the greater educated oppress the lesser educated.

That is very fair. At the moment I'm angry at leave voters, particularly those I believe have fallen prey to misinformation and prejudice. But I should really feel sorry for them. Because the working classes will bear the brunt of the pain without the opportunity to escape.

That shouldn't apply to financial services as we'll have unity via proxy. Passporting rights should be maintained.

London is also a centre of excellence within finance it's still got a lot to offer even if Frankfurt would like to steal the industry

I thought passporting would require at least EEA membership? Or is that unclear?
FTSE down 7%. My shares have plummeted too, you absolute fecking simpletons.
I find it exceedingly disgusting that some people in here and all over social media and the rest of the internet, are mocking those of us that are genuinely concerned for their families future. Some of us have just voted and kept quiet, not insulted or mocked anyone and just got on with it. To have to wake up to find out that my country has (in my opinion) made the biggest mistake possible, is bad enough in itself, but to be confronted and mocked by self righteous, arrogant and pompous leave voters is just too much to bare. This isn't something to sneer about and hold over others. I have a genuine fear for what is going to happen now, and I have 3 children for whose futures I am now even more worried for and sincerely worried about what type of country they are being brought up in, I'm sorry if I don't think that that Is something to laugh and joke about.

At the very least you would have thought the leave voters would have a bit of empathy and respect and show some restraint from rubbing peoples noses in it. Maybe the fact that it's obvious many do not have these virtues is why they are now being treated with contempt by the people who voted to remain in the EU.
Does that work both ways? Was there and would there have been the same respect for people who were genuinely concerned about the future in EU which is effectively an institution that takes important issues like the economy, immigration, labour conditions away from democratic control?
I do. These people are my background. I pity them even more now. Well, those sensible lot that haven't betrayed their roots in the name of greed or racism.cii

The rest of them will get all they deserve when Boris and Gove get free reign to destroy whatever it is they want. You wait and see.
They are my background as well. Boris and Gove are nasty scum as well but the point of this vote wasn't about populism of the individual politicians. Personally I think that Corbyn will win the next election and he has my vote.
Then think ahead 20 years. This is not a decision just about now. And whose to say all immigration is youth?

Most immigration is of working age people
Anyway this argument is done. The people have bought the lies

What worries me is when things are still shit for the poor, the politicians who have promised them leaving the EU will fix everything will go even more extreme in their rethoric and actions against immigrants and ethnic minorities, as they can't row back to something normal
I thought passporting would require at least EEA membership? Or is that unclear?

I don't believe it's that simple cut, special arrangements can be made. A lot of our clients already have European subsidiaries but yeah it may have some effect. I just know our business hasn't factored in much of an exodus
Is it a coincidence Boris looks a bit like Trump?

Or are they alien androids that were sent to Earth to specifically feck the USA and the UK over?

Never, ever, ever, thought I'd say this. But feck, Cameron resigning would be really bad.

I don't blame him. He created this mess but its the leave MPs like Boris and Gove, who know better, buy lied their way to victory that should clean it up. Why should Cameron take the stress of the economy tanking on his shoulders? He wasn't going for a 3rd term anyway
If I was Cameron Id also say "feck off, get somebody else to do your dirty work!"

Who ever is the next PM I do not envy him/her
See there you go as I said. Article 50 will be a year away while we get a new leader.
The FTSE 100 Index saw more than £120bn wiped off the value of its constituent companies in the first few minutes of trading after the UK voted to quit the EU.

It was one of the biggest falls in the index's 32-year history, as it dropped by around 500 points, or more than 7%.
It's not offensive to point out that democracy enables such outcomes. I wasn't advocating for voting rights only for the educated (I made a joke earlier that perhaps the electorate should have a newbie system).

That is very fair. At the moment I'm angry at leave voters, particularly those I believe have fallen prey to misinformation and prejudice. But I should really feel sorry for them. Because the working classes will bear the brunt of the pain without the opportunity to escape.

I thought passporting would require at least EEA membership? Or is that unclear?
I hope nothat because that is what lead to this leave voters. People felt they weren't being listened to and saw this as their chance to be heard.
They are my background as well. Boris and Gove are nasty scum as well but the point of this vote wasn't about populism of the individual politicians. Personally I think that Corbyn will win the next election and he has my vote.

It was for me. I don't care much for the European debate. I care about the people where I live. I care about my ability to do my future job. Johnson and Gove don't care about these things. Neither did Cameron, but these two are a different breed of Tory right.

Some of the people that voted leave yesterday will be calling on a general strike within three to five years. They haven't a scooby about the severity of punishment we have to come.
Incredible. I wasn't expecting this. Damien practically called it. Hope he bet on that as a consolation prize
The younger generation are usually worse off then the older ones. This is not about economy. This is about people with a huge nostalgia of a time long gone by when Britain used to rule the waves

I genuinely feel sorry for the Scots. I hope the EU wont act like arses with them and will offer them a fast track back to the EU with the condition of keeping its borders tight

Because the EU have technocrats, Scotland and even England will probably avoid the pettiness of our national politicians.
FTSE down 7%. My shares have plummeted too, you absolute fecking simpletons.

Unless you have to sell your shares any time soon, why are you worried? The stock market is incredibly fickle and there was always going to be an impact if Brexit won, particularly as many of those in the city were gambling on Remain winning in the days leading up to the vote. The value of my pension fund will surely take a hit too but I can't get my hands on it for another 9 years at least (possibly longer if the 55 year old rule gets changed), and by then it will have long since bounced back. Brexit is just one of a myriad of issues worldwide that can affect the financial markets. If you have investments then the key thing to do is to not panic and don't take a short-term view.
If I was Cameron Id also say "feck off, get somebody else to do your dirty work!"

Who ever is the next PM I do not envy him/her
I don't like the guy but I wouldn't blame him.

Might as well stick Farrage in their just to see how far the simpletons can sink country.
Unless you have to sell your shares any time soon, why are you worried? The stock market is incredibly fickle and there was always going to be an impact if Brexit won, particularly as many of those in the city were gambling on Remain winning in the days leading up to the vote. The value of my pension fund will surely take a hit too but I can't get my hands on it for another 9 years at least (possibly longer if the 55 year old rule gets changed), and by then it will have long since bounced back. Brexit is just one of a myriad of issues worldwide that can affect the financial markets. If you have investments then the key thing to do is to not panic and don't take a short-term view.

I was looking at cashing in some for a holiday. Don't think I'll bother now. The rest you're right, I'm not too concerned about.
Just seen the news, depressingly obvious this was going to happen.

When i heard that wanker Cameron promise a Referendum if he got re-elected i knew there were enough stupid cnuts about who would vote him back in simply for that reason. I just knew if given an actual Referendum on whether to leave the EU enough little englanders who've probably never even voted in their life would crawl out of the woodwork and vote to leave despite it making little sense.

I hate to tar everyone with the same brush and i'm sure some people had genuine well thought reasons for voting to leave (feck knows what they are), but the majority of those who voted to leave will have been xenophobic, uninformed idiots. They deserve everything that will follow in the next few years.
The name-calling lost it for Remain. I think most of the Leavers knew it made economic sense to stay, but every time someone called them racist, stupid, little Englander, or too old to be allowed to vote, then a few more said well feck you.

That reflects badly for leavers. fecking up their own future just to say feck you to someone else is moronic. If anyone genuinely did that it just proves that they are actually stupid.
The FTSE 100 Index saw more than £120bn wiped off the value of its constituent companies in the first few minutes of trading after the UK voted to quit the EU.

It was one of the biggest falls in the index's 32-year history, as it dropped by around 500 points, or more than 7%.

That's alright, we're saving $350 Million a week from our EU membership fees so we'll have made that £120b loss back within 8 years