EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You will have to contend with the magic roundabout though.


Should have been part of the exam for potential voters ahead of the referendum.

I nearly crashed on that roundabout as I went to see the house. Never come across something so stupid before!
Good luck to people going on holiday, have to take more money now, the exchange rate will be fecked. Nice to see anyone who voted out wasn't looking at the bigger picture
...So more people will be coming here as tourists to spend their dollars/euros then???
The unemployment in Britain was until yesterday very low,
No, it isn't. Where did you get the idea that 5% is very low?

but let's blame the immigrants anyway!
Why should I blame the immigrants for EU immigration policy? They didn't even have any democratic control over the EU immigration policy, nor did the people of the country that hosts them. There's just no denying that immigration from countries with considerable lower cost of living is making wages lower and increases unemployment.

Why don't you just admit that you don't care about your fellow countrymen for whom there is no job and you find it more important that labour is cheap and that is why you support the EU?
On behalf of the rest of the world: WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!

Seriously though, if nothing else this should prompt a real discussion about the disenfranchised majority. It's easy to sit from a position of education and pass judgement on folks who don't want to listen to experts or facts, but a more constructive thing to do would be to try and understand why they're so disillusioned as to go that far. I'm genuinely curious, why Leave?

I do agree with this but at the same time we had a General Election recently and they voted the same Government in that has been causing them to be disenfranchised in the first place. Why did these people not vote in the General Election given that the Turnout for this vote was higher than the GE.
Did anyone here at least make some money out of this?

I have a couple of bitcoins that are worth about £100 more each than they were yesterday from the looks of things. Will have to check properly when I get home. Been a good month for bitcoins all in all.
Europe was just coming out of recession and will know whom to blame if they go back to it. I wouldn't want to be in English trumps boots at the moment as he will be the one negotiating this crap
If only the EU had stayed as the original conception. Just free trade, free movement etc . None of the laws interference. It will be strange if we have to apply for VISAs now each time we want a holiday abroad!

Free trade needs a lot of laws
This is day 1. Uncertainty and shock creates panic and pessimism. However ultimately the fundamentals bring a return to normality. However, the UK fundamentals have taken a hit. That's when you'll see. Can mark this post, and we'll come back to it in 6 months.
i will mark it, i dont think your right, i think what yoyr saying is as closed minded as people sayong we can do without the EU.
the EU is about to lose it's second largest ecconmy, its biggest customer, you think that isnt going to hurt its fundimentals.... not a chance.
Which part of leaving and causing a recession seemed like a good idea? Cause I looked in to both sides and found it absolutely impossible to rightfully justify a leave vote. Nothing suggests we'll be better off out, it's all blind hope and wishful thinking combined with a dash of nostalgia for the good old days.
the problem is for a lot of voters saying it will cause a recession is meaning less as for millions of people in the country we havn't even started to recover from the last recession.
the problem is for a lot of voters saying it will cause a recession is meaning less as for millions of people in the country we havn't even started to recover from the last recession.

Anyone who thinks like that is genuinely a complete idiot.
There is no mass immigration. 333000 (some of whom will be Brits returing home), is less than 0.5% of the total population
330,000 is the population of wigan..... that isnt a small number, think about the amount of houses, schoolls, dr's, roads, water sewage pipes, electricity....... 0.5 % of the poulation in one year is massive!
i will mark it, i dont think your right, i think what yoyr saying is as closed minded as people sayong we can do without the EU.
the EU is about to lose it's second largest ecconmy, its biggest customer, you think that isnt going to hurt its fundimentals.... not a chance.

No it isn't. The EU won't lose out here because it damn well knows that we are desparate to replace our 45% exports and so will agree to a trade deal. If anything they're probably rubbing their hands together at the concessions they can get out of us.
It's the first time I have driven in Hemel Hempstead. The only thing it's missing is an Odeon/Cineworld so I will have to get rid of my unlimited card..

There used to be an Odeon in the town centre (Marlowes) and there was a big cinema multiplex built in Jarman's Fields but haven't been there for years so don't know if they're still there
330,000 is the population of wigan..... that isnt a small number, think about the amount of houses, schoolls, dr's, roads, water sewage pipes, electricity....... 0.5 % of the poulation in one year is massive!

They are not going to one city. They spread around to depending on where they are working. Its an additional 1 person in 200, its tiny
There used to be an Odeon in the town centre (Marlowes) and there was a big cinema multiplex built in Jarman's Fields but haven't been there for years so don't know if they're still there
There's an Empire cinema there now. I read it has good schools so that will be useful for us. Actually can't wait to move in. Sick and tired of London. Just gonna rent that one out!
No it isn't. The EU won't lose out here because it damn well knows that we are desparate to replace our 45% exports. If anything they're probably rubbing their hands together at the concessions they can get out of us.
thats just as close minded as the people arguing we can do with out europe. we import far more from europe then we export, 23.8 billion more at last count, you think Europe suddenly can do with out that in the state most of europe is in?

you seem to have missed the point as much as the people who have voted out, you think people in brussels are so scared for no reason....... you missed the whole point of the whole better togther message, if things go sour it will effect both sides.

politicians on both sides have to put thier ego's aside and figure out what the feck to do.....
thats just as close minded as the people arguing we can do with out europe. we import far more from europe then we export, 23.8 billion more at last count, you think Europe suddenly can do with out that in the state most of europe is in?

you seem to have missed the point as much as the people who have voted out, you think people in brussels are so scared for no reason....... you missed the whole point of the whole better togther message, if things go sour it will effect both sides.

politicians on both sides have to put thier ego's aside and figure out what the feck to do.....

No it's really not as closed minded. It's how trade agreements work. Go and read one. How much we import is irrelevant, we do not import from the EU. We import from some of the countries within the EU. There is a massive difference. We also conduct no business whatsoever with a lot of EU countries, they must have an incentive to sign a trade deal. Seriously, just go and read one. Read Switzerlands, read the NAFTA. It does not work like you say.

You're also the one missing the point, I do not think people in Brussels are scared. It's you who thinks that. It's you who thinks they will give us what we want because we're such a mighty country. The reality is much different.
330,000 is the population of wigan..... that isnt a small number, think about the amount of houses, schoolls, dr's, roads, water sewage pipes, electricity....... 0.5 % of the poulation in one year is massive!
But research has shown time and time again that they pay more in taxes than any social cost.
They are not going to one city. They spread around to depending on where they are working. Its an additional 1 person in 200, its tiny
its tiny for one year, but add a simlar number to that next year, and the year after..... it adds up, just thinking ow it wil be fine is just as naive as the people who have voted out saying ow it will be fine.....

you can't just add people and add people o a population and not expect thier ever to be consquences
No it's really not as closed minded. It's how trade agreements work. Go and read one. How much we import is irrelevant, we do not import from the EU. We import from some of the countries within the EU. There is a massive difference. We also conduct no business whatsoever with a lot of EU countries, they must have an incentive to sign a trade deal. Seriously, just go and read one. Read Switzerlands, read the NAFTA.

You're the one missing the point, I do not think people in Brussels are scared. It's you who thinks that. It's you who thinks they will give us what we want because we're such a mighty country. The reality is much different.
the incentive is if they let go of thier biggest company by wacking on big tarrifs then thier gonna be fecked..... surely you see that?
switzland was no way near the size of our ecconmy, and the Eu was not is such a mess......

point is both sides are fairly buggered by this we shouldn't se closed minded to think this just affects us!
The only fair way to have done this vote is to have had a mini exam alongside your vote, with only votes counting for those who do well in said exam. That way, at least they could disregard the completely uneducated votes.
You might have something there. Maybe rather than one person, one vote, it could be based on performance in a simple little test of 10 relevant questions with definite right answers. A better performance, reflecting a better understanding of the issue, would result in one person having more influence over the outcome. This would have been impractible or impossible a few years ago but would be fairly easy with today's technology.
the incentive is if they let go of thier biggest company by wacking on big tarrifs then thier gonna be fecked..... surely you see that?
switzland was no way near the size of our ecconmy, and the Eu was not is such a mess......

point is both sides are fairly buggered by this we shouldn't se closed minded to think this just affects us!

You still don't understand how it works.

Switzerland was the number one ranked economy in the entire world in terms of stability and competitiveness. It was a much better economy than ours. They have a trade surplus, we have a trade deficit. They accomplish more with lower taxes.

The UK is only the size it is because of the EU. Take that away and our economy is no longer the size that you think it is.

Your use of the word closed minded is terrible. This argument is looking at evidence and previous experience. Yours is looking at an opinion based on nothing but twisted truths and an inflated ego regarding our power.

It is a fact that all 27 member states need to agree on our trade deal. What the EU wants is irrelevant. The countries that we do not do business with still need to agree to our deal. I would like for you to tell me the incentives of these countries to agree to a trade deal that allows us to trade with some EU countries.
Tired of the experts yet when the economy goes tits up who will they blame? the experts.
But research has shown time and time again that they pay more in taxes than any social cost.
but you have to have enough jobs to support that.... right now we just don't.

in an ideal world more workers means more tax money which mean better ecconmy..... but you have to have them working in high enough paid jobs, a lot of immigrants are filling in the low paid jobs, which thier is very little tax on, plus an over saturated work force keeps wages low, it also mean you have to hand out more in beifits to those who cant find work........

and even if you by that ecconic model that immigrants mean more tax(whcih is debatable and has been debated all round the world by people smarter then me) we have to be building to provide for them, and the amount of infrustrue it would take to keep building to provide for that amount of people....... no goverment will ever ever do it!
No, it isn't. Where did you get the idea that 5% is very low?

Not wishing to put words in Ram's mouth but I'd suggest that the fact that the only EU country with lower unemployment than us being Germany with 4.5% suggests that we're not too badly off with most of the Northern EU countries being a percent or two higher than us, France and the US having double our unemployment rate and the rest of the EU rising to 24% by the time you hit the Med.

Why should I blame the immigrants for EU immigration policy? They didn't even have any democratic control over the EU immigration policy, nor did the people of the country that hosts them. There's just no denying that immigration from countries with considerable lower cost of living is making wages lower and increases unemployment.

Why don't you just admit that you don't care about your fellow countrymen for whom there is no job and you find it more important that labour is cheap and that is why you support the EU?

Immigrants aren't stealing anyone's job's it's a nasty xenophobic myth that has been with us since the Windrush landed in 1948, they're mostly doing jobs that our own people would refuse to do usually because they can get better money sitting on their arses. Without the hospital porters, nurses etc the NHS would have ground to a halt years ago, it almost is doing still thanks to the likes of Jeremy Hunt yet you still voted with politicians who swore blind they would use the money they saved us on EU membership on new hospitals despite them not being able to staff those hospitals without immigrants. The Polish plumbers and construction workers are filling skill shortages because British youth do not want to work in that industry and because the few who might find their way blocked as our government had removed many of the vocational training schemes and apprenticeships that once existed, and still are removing them. The Turkish migrants that run the car wash I use haven't stolen any British jobs, they've taken over a derelict former garage that was squeezed out of business by the buying power of supermarket forecourt petrol stations and work damned hard to provide a better and cheaper service than the old automated car washes that have ironically been removed from most supermarket petrol station forecourts.

I'd suggest you read back through some of Rams' or my older posts on workers rights, unemployment or disenfranchisement though before passing further judgement on how either of us think about the plight of our fellow man. It's not the EU that killed our unions though, it's not the EU that destroyed our industrial heartlands, it's not the EU that sold the middle classes on the dream of their kids going into higher education only to then remove the funding and saddle them with debt, it's not the EU that worked around the ECHR rules to introduce zero hour contracts and enable companies to offer salaries below minimum wage and it's sure as shit not the EU that has allowed their business mates so much leeway that they have had to belatedly reintroduce an anti slavery bill to deal with the criminal exploitation and trafficking of migrant workers in the UK.

You and your ilk have just fecked this country over for years to come and screwed my daughters generations prospects indefinitely yet are still trying to blame it all on the EU. Your childish and uninformed strop out of Europe will prove to be the most selfish and stupid political act in my lifetime and thaat's really going some considering the shit Thatcher, Reagan, Blair and Dubya pulled.
You still don't understand how it works.

Switzerland was the number one ranked economy in the entire world in terms of stability and competitiveness. It was a much better economy than ours. They have a trade surplus, we have a trade deficit. They accomplish more with lower taxes.

The UK is only the size it is because of the EU. Take that away and our economy is no longer the size that you think it is.

Your use of the word closed minded is terrible. This argument is looking at evidence and previous experience. Yours is looking at an opinion based on nothing but twisted truths and an inflated ego regarding our power.

It is a fact that all 27 member states need to agree on our trade deal. What the EU wants is irrelevant. The countries that we do not do business with still need to agree to our deal. I would like for you to tell me the incentives of these countries to agree to a trade deal that allows us to trade with some EU countries.
i get that the uk is the size it is becuase of the eu, im not arguing that at all.

look at it like a business, your a business, your biggest customer the 5th biggest business in the world, pulls out cos it is unhappy with the deal, it then collapses taking away all the money it was putting into the world economy, and your business....... you think that business will just carry on like normal? look what happens when a big business collapses, look at all the small businesses that sell to that big business that struggle or even collapse themselves.

im not trying to twist any truths, im just trying to show you that this isnt going to just affect Britain, the remain campaign has been banging on about how we live in a global economy for months, their right, listen to them, what happens to one of the biggest economies in the world affects others!
i get that the uk is the size it is becuase of the eu, im not arguing that at all.

look at it like a business, your a business, your biggest customer the 5th biggest business in the world, pulls out cos it is unhappy with the deal, it then collapses taking away all the money it was putting into the world economy, and your business....... you think that business will just carry on like normal? look what happens when a big business collapses, look at all the small businesses that sell to that big business that struggle or even collapse themselves.

im not trying to twist any truths, im just trying to show you that this isnt going to just affect Britain, the remain campaign has been banging on about how we live in a global economy for months, their right, listen to them, what happens to one of the biggest economies in the world affects others!

You fundamentally misunderstand the fact that we are not a customer of the EU. We cannot move on until you understand this. It literally changes everything when discussing a trade deal.