EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes Cameron started it by choosing to offer a referendum to stay in power - however it's the people who voted to leave who put us in this situation..
They did but I resent this referendum. I'm not a huge fan of democracy and I don't see how it was sensible to put such a complex vote to popular opinion.
They cherry picked his comments though and put together that for headlines.

He said he is worried about how it will go now Cameron has stepped down, not because of the outcome.

The feck did he expect to happen in the case of a Leave vote?:lol::lol::lol::lol:
No, these jobs are low paid because there are immigrants to do them. They can afford that, because they are not going to live their life in the UK but in a country where it's much cheaper to live. This kind of immigration (I'm not against immigration in general and not against immigrants at all, I don't blame them) will always drag down the wages towards Polish levels, but it won't drag the cost of living down, on the contrary. If you can't get Brits to do a job and you have only Brits to do them, you will have to pay more or make the job more attractive in another way.

We have a minimum wage and nothing stops this Government from dictating terms under which jobs must be offered, for example banning or reforming zero hour contracts
No, these jobs are low paid because there are immigrants to do them. They can afford that, because they are not going to live their life in the UK but in a country where it's much cheaper to live. This kind of immigration (I'm not against immigration in general and not against immigrants at all, I don't blame them) will always drag down the wages towards Polish levels, but it won't drag the cost of living down, on the contrary. If you can't get Brits to do a job and you have only Brits to do them, you will have to pay more or make the job more attractive in another way.

That's a problem for the UK government and the unions, not Europe... obviously.

How the hell do people confuse this with Europe @Dr. Funkenstein
According to Sky News last night Wales is the biggest per capita beneficiary of EU funding, talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

And the north east gets a lot of help. EU funds are non political, they are spent of the basis of need, national governments will spend most where it will win them most votes
Can't wait for the England players to set an EU flag on fire in the middle of the pitch when we win the Euro's.
Maybe not such great timing to have thousands of Remain voters out of the country supporting British teams in Europe.
And the overall cost of doing business in your country will rise making your products less competitive which leads to even less jobs.
And people earning decent wages and spending them in the UK instead of sending them to Poland will lead to even more jobs.

We have a minimum wage and nothing stops this Government from dictating terms under which jobs must be offered, for example banning or reforming zero hour contracts
Ironically, the Tories and the EU are on the same side, the side of the haves. But on the continent minimum wages don't offer protection, because the Eastern European builders are on the bottom of a chain of subcontracters, and yes, they put homegrown builders out of their job too, even if they take pay cuts. The same with truck drivers. The big part of this immigration is just because company's can save 10 euro's an hour. All over Europe Europeans are living away from their loved ones, sharing a room with other cheap workers in a country they don't feel at home just because of the EU dogma of freedom of employment and difference in living costs. That isn't making anybody happier but a few shareholders and other haves who can save a 20 pounds on the plumber's bill and raise the rents of his real estate investments.

Let's not be romantic about it, of course there's also immigration motivated by the right reasons, but the main part is just about squeezing more work out of people for less costs.
No, these jobs are low paid because there are immigrants to do them. They can afford that, because they are not going to live their life in the UK but in a country where it's much cheaper to live. This kind of immigration (I'm not against immigration in general and not against immigrants at all, I don't blame them) will always drag down the wages towards Polish levels, but it won't drag the cost of living down, on the contrary. If you can't get Brits to do a job and you have only Brits to do them, you will have to pay more or make the job more attractive in another way.

You mean all these Brits who are chomping off the bit to get off their backsides, stop taking far too much drugs, stop drinking far too much and find a job? Yeah, right....
So if we're going to implement a points based system for immigration, can we implement a points based benefits system?
Hearing about our foreign citizens voting out for immigration reasons just boils my piss. Selfish fecking wankers.
It really is a special kind of selfishness. Kind of like wanting to close down a hospital for new patients, indefinitely, after you've just been admitted.
You mean all these Brits who are chomping off the bit to get off their backsides, stop taking far too much drugs, stop drinking far too much and find a job? Yeah, right....
Typical haves rhetoric again. Just blame the individual for the fact there aren't enough jobs, like the problem of unemployment would be solved if every unemployed would get off his backside. I'm not buying that.

Why can't you just admit that mass immigration from countries with much lower living costst tends to lower the price of labour and lower the availability of jobs? It's just very basic economics of supplie and demand, wishful thinking and putting the blame on individuals won't change that.
The working class need to get a better education if they feel the brunt of it, people didn't get a vote in the industrial revolution to stop things moving to more efficient and productive ways.
Higher education used to come free without debt burden.
Dont forget that the eu is a big market for uk as well... Now you'll have to pay tarrifs to trade with everyone.

Just because you can negotiate it doesnt mean you'll get a better deal. The uk doesnt have the same leverage now that they're but a big island

The eu will have the last laugh ransacking the uk assets when they tumble in flame.

At the end of the day you're just a big nation, you can't fight the tide of the world without friends
Typical haves rhetoric again. Just blame the individual for the fact there aren't enough jobs, like the problem of unemployment would be solved if every unemployed would get off his backside. I'm not buying that.

Why can't you just admit that mass immigration from countries with much lower living costst tends to lower the price of labour and lower the availability of jobs? It's just very basic economics of supplie and demand, wishful thinking and putting the blame on individuals won't change that.

But your business world flourishes. Your big company makes profit in turns paying tax for the lazy bump.

Without demand there'll be no jobs. Before you're competing with immigrants, now you're competing for scraps with your fellow countrymen.

Without the eu majority of brits exodus working in the eu will flock back to mother england and grab whaeever left of your now smaller cake
Typical haves rhetoric again. Just blame the individual for the fact there aren't enough jobs, like the problem of unemployment would be solved if every unemployed would get off his backside. I'm not buying that.

Why can't you just admit that mass immigration from countries with much lower living costst tends to lower the price of labour and lower the availability of jobs? It's just very basic economics of supplie and demand, wishful thinking and putting the blame on individuals won't change that.
Because Rams is the same age as me and grew up in the same area with the grandparents of the Jeremy Kyle shows cast and audience. We went to school with kids who saw no point in education because they had no need to work, once they had a kid they'd get a council house just like their parents and their grandparents who had never worked an honest day in their lives. We saw them stop disrupting our lessons as they were invariably kicked out of school or had left to have kids of their own by the age of 14 and by the time we got round to having 1 or 2 kids of our own at age 30+ our former schoolmates were already grandparents themselves many times over.

The areas with massive joblessness lost out to Thatcher's decimation of our industry and successive governments have followed her lead in failing to protect our industries from closure and dooming entire towns to decades of mass unemployment. None of those people lost their jobs to immigrants however, they lost their industries to governmental disdain, often whilst the EU was fighting unsuccessfully to protect them and in the case of many in heavy industries eventually offering them new lives and opportunities on the continent or temporary project based jobs where they sent the money back to the UK from places like Germany in the same way you object to Polish or Romanians doing now.
I've just had an offer on a house accepted... should I back out? Mind you the house was on a good deal as it was a house re-possessed by the bank...
UKIP are going to be huge in the next four years and will push for it. It might force Labour to follow their lead (shudders), which would snowball the whole thing and make it happen, sooner or later. I feel some reform is inevitable in the next 15 years.
Hasn't their raison d'etre just evaporated?
On behalf of the rest of the world: WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!

Seriously though, if nothing else this should prompt a real discussion about the disenfranchised majority. It's easy to sit from a position of education and pass judgement on folks who don't want to listen to experts or facts, but a more constructive thing to do would be to try and understand why they're so disillusioned as to go that far. I'm genuinely curious, why Leave?
So I worked this out and if you changed £1000 into dollars at 11pm last night, you'd have had $1500. If you changed them back now, you'd have made £68.
Less fees. How much would the bank have made in fees?
Yeah, good post. I have nothing against old people and hate to generalise (because I do know sensible Remainers, and there will be informed Brexiters), but it's quite depressing as someone quite young to know that this issue is being swayed by people much, much less likely to see the long-term effects of it.
Those that matured before the Thatcher "ME!" generation will see beyond their own self-interest.
But your business world flourishes. Your big company makes profit in turns paying tax for the lazy bump.

Without demand there'll be no jobs. Before you're competing with immigrants, now you're competing for scraps with your fellow countrymen.

Without the eu majority of brits exodus working in the eu will flock back to mother england and grab whaeever left of your now smaller cake
No, business likes cheap labour, but it doesn't make it flourish. Businesses paying taxes is also a bit of an issue lately, and profits tend to end up in some people's savings, while if that money goes to people with smaller incomes, they spend most of it which spurs the economy.

Because Rams is the same age as me and grew up in the same area with the grandparents of the Jeremy Kyle shows cast and audience. We went to school with kids who saw no point in education because they had no need to work, once they had a kid they'd get a council house just like their parents and their grandparents who had never worked an honest day in their lives. We saw them stop disrupting our lessons as they were invariably kicked out of school or had left to have kids of their own by the age of 14 and by the time we got round to having 1 or 2 kids of our own at age 30+ our former schoolmates were already grandparents themselves many times over.

The areas with massive joblessness lost out to Thatcher's decimation of our industry and successive governments have followed her lead in failing to protect our industries from closure and dooming entire towns to decades of mass unemployment. None of those people lost their jobs to immigrants however, they lost their industries to governmental disdain, often whilst the EU was fighting unsuccessfully to protect them and in the case of many in heavy industries eventually offering them new lives and opportunities on the continent or temporary project based jobs where they sent the money back to the UK from places like Germany in the same way you object to Polish or Romanians doing now.
No, it's not the same way. It's different because this is not about immigrations because one country needs welders and the other country has welders, this is immigration because one country is rich and has a high cost of living, while the other country is poor and cheap. What's the same is just the individual immigrant trying to make his life better and sacrificing a lot in the process.

There's just no point in blaming individuals for the general problem of unemployment. It's the haves marketing unemployment as a personal problem of the unemployed, because unemployment brings down labour costs and is good for short term RoI. It's not like the haves and their political representatives have done everything to end unemployment, but they failed. Unemployement exists because it is wanted and mass immigration from poor countries is a way of keeping it. It has always been a big part of Thatcherism, Reagonomics and the EU certainly is Thatcherist and Reagonomic.
I've got no idea, but we've seen a huge swing towards remain in Edinburgh in Glasgow and basically all of Scotland is yellow so I defiantly think it's a possibility.
William Wallace and all those Picts would be turning in their graves!
Indeed. It still hurts though.

As it does in Brighton. We're an island of young lefty hippies surrounded by right wing older folk.

Well i can imagine some of that, as my thoughts were in a very similar place for few hours after that exit poll. And arguably, this result is an extension of what brought Corbyn to the leadership last year. Certainly, Britain was strongly Eurosceptic, but we are also part of a pattern of events.

You are in a great place though, ideal for enjoying this weather today. The spirit of Brighton transcends politics as i'm sure you know.