EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I know this isn't really the place for such discussion, but if you believe in local rule/independence, then why are some Scottish nationalists so pro-EU?

To me the EU makes no secret of intentions to one day be a state, so what difference does Indy from UK make?

Paging @Cheesy for this one too.
Ithink it's at least partly anti-England. England votes to Leave Europe... Scotland votes Remain... Later, Scotland votes to leave Britain and join EU.
Well i can imagine some of that, as my thoughts were in a very similar place for few hours after that exit poll. And arguably, this result is an extension of what brought Corbyn to the leadership last year. Certainly, Britain was strongly Eurosceptic, but we are also part of a pattern of events.

You are in a great place though, ideal for enjoying this weather today. The spirit of Brighton transcends politics as i'm sure you know.
It does.

Unrelatedly, we need a lot more of your sort, right now. Those who voted for this for genuine reasons, as opposed to those who voted for it out of hate. Be vocal.
William Wallace and all those Picts would be turning in their graves!

I think they are already turning in their graves now considering that the Scots will be again dragged by the English into something they don't want to have anything to do with.
The people being interviewed on the news...

My god...

just had an excellent welsh woman. "why did you vote to leave?" "the eu gave us this dragon statue but the local council can't afford to keep the public toilets open."
Regarding Article 50:

"Article 50, clause 4:

4. For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions of the European Council or Council or in decisions concerning it."

If the support could be drummed up for it, could be be possible for the EC to convene and vote to boot Britain out the door before they can put together a plan for a "controlled" withdrawal? Not very au fait with the powers of the EC.
Ageist crap. In bucketfuls this morning.

In other news the young are having the vote taken off them because they don't have enough life experience to be trusted to vote sensibly.
It's the young who have to live with this. Not the old.
I used to live in Hemel Hempstead, crap place now:lol:
I heard its decent? It's good for my commute to Osterley, and the house prices were generally expensive there but we got a great deal on a repossessed house.

What makes you say its crap? I can still pull out of the deal...
I heard its decent? It's good for my commute to Osterley, and the house prices were generally expensive there but we got a great deal on a repossessed house.

What makes you say its crap? I can still pull out of the deal...

Haven't lived there for 20 years and a bit of a WUM .However depends which part of Hemel you're buying in, Boxmoor and Leverstock Green are nice areas
Haven't lived there for 20 years and a bit of a WUM .However depends which part of Hemel you're buying in, Boxmoor and Leverstock Green are nice areas
hmm... I'm near a place called Lawn Lane... looked average and not as nice as the houses we were looking at in High Wycombe but it's more convenient for us.
Not everyone who voted to leave is a racist. Not everyone who voted to stay cares what happens to ordinary people.
It is too early to know who won or lost as far as politicians are concerned. My hope is the ordinary citizen will win in the end.

The entire concept of the EU was doomed to fail. A United States of Europe will have suceeded. But that was never going to happen. Too much history. The Europeans all hate each other.

Britain will be OK.
Ageist crap. In bucketfuls this morning.

In other news the young are having the vote taken off them because they don't have enough life experience to be trusted to vote sensibly.

I quite agree. The old have paid far more into the system than the young so their opinion is perfectly valid. If the young were so bothered about the EU they should have turned out in greater numbers. It's ageist nonsense.
Incredibly stupid decision. The big financial firms will probably leave Canary Wharf and move to Amsterdam or Madrid/Barcelona/Paris now.
I don't know that we should be overly concerned about leeches moving to someone else's swamp.
Typical haves rhetoric again. Just blame the individual for the fact there aren't enough jobs, like the problem of unemployment would be solved if every unemployed would get off his backside. I'm not buying that.

Why can't you just admit that mass immigration from countries with much lower living costst tends to lower the price of labour and lower the availability of jobs? It's just very basic economics of supplie and demand, wishful thinking and putting the blame on individuals won't change that.

The unemployment in Britain was until yesterday very low, but let's blame the immigrants anyway!
Ageist crap. In bucketfuls this morning.

In other news the young are having the vote taken off them because they don't have enough life experience to be trusted to vote sensibly.

It's crap because there are more people between 18-50 than above 50 in this country, so if the younger people had actually voted then they would have gotten their way. Young people should be pissed off at other young people who don't vote, not old people who vote against their personal wishes.
I heard its decent? It's good for my commute to Osterley, and the house prices were generally expensive there but we got a great deal on a repossessed house.

What makes you say its crap? I can still pull out of the deal...

You will have to contend with the magic roundabout though.


Should have been part of the exam for potential voters ahead of the referendum.
Not everyone who voted to leave is a racist. Not everyone who voted to stay cares what happens to ordinary people.
It is too early to know who won or lost as far as politicians are concerned. My hope is the ordinary citizen will win in the end.

The entire concept of the EU was doomed to fail. A United States of Europe will have suceeded. But that was never going to happen. Too much history. The Europeans all hate each other.

Britain will be OK.
I agree with this. I know quite a few who voted to leave, and they aren't racists. I think they're wrong, but your point about the constant growing bureaucracy of the EU is the most important one (as well as the history of the member states). As it grew larger and larger, people became more and more disaffected. I can't say the decision to leave was a good one, but I wouldn't paint those who do think that as racist, stupid, or anything else. There were valid concerns on both sides, and though I think staying in the EU would have been a better result, you have to respect the fact that we have left.
What was your reason for voting leave?

Obviously it's because I'm racist at least that's what most remain voters think of us leave voters.

I have looked deep into it listened to both cases took the different pros and cons on board and made my decision. I don't need to delve into details of why I voted leave especially since I'm obviously in the minority on here (although plainly not in the UK) and don't want to create arguments with anyone.
Obviously it's because I'm racist at least that's what most remain voters think of us leave voters.

I have looked deep into it listened to both cases took the different pros and cons on board and made my decision. I don't need to delve into details of why I voted leave especially since I'm obviously in the minority on here (although plainly not in the UK) and don't want to create arguments with anyone.

atleast you admitted it. That's the first step. Now you can continue building your concentration camps
Obviously it's because I'm racist at least that's what most remain voters think of us leave voters.

I have looked deep into it listened to both cases took the different pros and cons on board and made my decision. I don't need to delve into details of why I voted leave especially since I'm obviously in the minority on here (although plainly not in the UK) and don't want to create arguments with anyone.

Which part of leaving and causing a recession seemed like a good idea? Cause I looked in to both sides and found it absolutely impossible to rightfully justify a leave vote. Nothing suggests we'll be better off out, it's all blind hope and wishful thinking combined with a dash of nostalgia for the good old days.
You should be kicked out of the Euros now.
Oh - are all of the non-EU countries being kicked out?

I agree with this. I know quite a few who voted to leave, and they aren't racists. I think they're wrong, but your point about the constant growing bureaucracy of the EU is the most important one (as well as the history of the member states). As it grew larger and larger, people became more and more disaffected. I can't say the decision to leave was a good one, but I wouldn't paint those who do think that as racist, stupid, or anything else. There were valid concerns on both sides, and though I think staying in the EU would have been a better result, you have to respect the fact that we have left.
Good post. I voted remain - and I'm gutted leave won - but I can see some of their arguments - the bloating of the EU.

If only the EU had stayed as the original conception. Just free trade, free movement etc . None of the laws interference. It will be strange if we have to apply for VISAs now each time we want a holiday abroad!
I quite agree. The old have paid far more into the system than the young so their opinion is perfectly valid. If the young were so bothered about the EU they should have turned out in greater numbers. It's ageist nonsense.

Do you not think its hugely problematic that the people who are most effected by the decision voted decisively against it? I don't think its ageist to worry about the implications of having a disenfranchised youth because they're so out of step with the views of the oldest members of society.

Besides, if its not xenophobic to 'care about immigration', its not ageist to worry about the impact of the effective disenfranchisement of the youth (and its an issue that will become more prevalent rather than less).
It's crap because there are more people between 18-50 than above 50 in this country, so if the younger people had actually voted then they would have gotten their way. Young people should be pissed off at other young people who don't vote, not old people who vote against their personal wishes.

A more accurate age bracket at which the polls start to show sentiment shift in favour of leave was 45 years and above. The UK population of 18-44 year olds is lower than the population of people 45 years and above according to the last census.

If turn out was equal between both groups, the over 45's would have more voters. I don't think it's fair to generalise younger voters with being too lazy to vote until we know the actual turnout figures by those demographics.
Which part of leaving and causing a recession seemed like a good idea? Cause I looked in to both sides and found it absolutely impossible to rightfully justify a leave vote. Nothing suggests we'll be better off out, it's all blind hope and wishful thinking combined with a dash of nostalgia for the good old days.
This isn't even definite.
Typical haves rhetoric again. Just blame the individual for the fact there aren't enough jobs, like the problem of unemployment would be solved if every unemployed would get off his backside. I'm not buying that.

Why can't you just admit that mass immigration from countries with much lower living costst tends to lower the price of labour and lower the availability of jobs? It's just very basic economics of supplie and demand, wishful thinking and putting the blame on individuals won't change that.

There is no mass immigration. 333000 (some of whom will be Brits returing home), is less than 0.5% of the total population
It's crap because there are more people between 18-50 than above 50 in this country, so if the younger people had actually voted then they would have gotten their way. Young people should be pissed off at other young people who don't vote, not old people who vote against their personal wishes.

This is precisely it, a lot of people on the Caf don't understand percentages and ratios, it's kind of like the "more City fans in Manchester" 'fact' that gets talked about, there aren't more City fans but they do have a higher percentage of their fan base living there. It goes over many a caftard head yet they love to talk about how low the average leave voter's IQ is.