EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Lying always wins in politics... which is why I always thought Leave would win.

Because the media which we rely on so much when it comes to elections isn't about finding the truth, it's about pushing an agenda and selling papers/getting clicks. The places people turn to for truth are the places most likely to sell them lies.
Immigration will sort itself out now the economy is going to go to shit and there are no more jobs for the bloody foreigners to steal.
didn't it rise during the last economic crash across EU?
and as the markets across the EU have fallen even more then ours, i don't think people are gonna stop coming here looking for jobs.
i really thought fear of losing your jobs would win, thats normally what wins elections.....

That wasn't really pushed with any great verocity though... lots of people just didn't really know what it meant for our actual economy and just kept going with this (false) £350million figure.

The whole Remain campaign was pretty shambolic overall in terms of its education peices.
Regarding how much the EU costs each person- cost to the UK £8.5bn/ year with a population of 65m equates to £130 per person per year

I was thinking more so to the cost per person of the last recession, it's too soon to tell if the current market conditions are going to continue long term.
Boris - PM
IDS - Chancellor
Gove - Foreign Sec
Farrage - Special minister in charge of racism, xenophobia and brownshirts immigration
Even without Fromage that lineup depresses me. Dare I say I may even miss Cameron and Osborne.
That wasn't really pushed with any great verocity though... lots of people just didn't really know what it meant for our actual economy and just kept going with this (false) £350million figure.

The whole Remain campaign was pretty shambolic overall in terms of its education peices.
im not sure thats true in general the arguemnt did get across, overwhelmingly people on well paid jobs voted in, the argument just didnt hit home with those on low paid jobs, no job or retired. which in hindsight, was an obvious downfall of basing your argument on the economy as it stands.
How many UK nationals do you know are out of work because of immigrants taking jobs? The truth is there aren't any. Nor are there any in the rest of the EU. The truth is that these low paid jobs are done by immigrants because nobody else wants to do that type of work no matter what the wage is. That's the truth.
No, these jobs are low paid because there are immigrants to do them. They can afford that, because they are not going to live their life in the UK but in a country where it's much cheaper to live. This kind of immigration (I'm not against immigration in general and not against immigrants at all, I don't blame them) will always drag down the wages towards Polish levels, but it won't drag the cost of living down, on the contrary. If you can't get Brits to do a job and you have only Brits to do them, you will have to pay more or make the job more attractive in another way.
Would it be fair to say that the greedy, selfish, monied middle have just had the kicking of their lives, decisively by the vulnerable and working poor they were so happy to treat with such brutal contempt, by electing Cameron's bandits in the first place (and arming them with that idiotic referendum promise in the process). Maybe not, but I'm sticking with it. Remain had the figures but lost the important maths: you can't threaten losses to people who have so little to lose. There's nothing more zero than zero hours and unaffordable housing is unaffordable regardless of how much so. And what's worse is that these things have little to do with the EU and those decisive voters will continue to suffer.

As for Cameron, he's just served us up the mother of all giant shit sandwiches and ducked out the tradesman's before the tasting.

Farrage has to be man of the year. For such a small, small nothing of a man to wreak such havoc is a remarkable achievement.

Grim reapings on those seeds we all helped sew for the foreseeable. It didn't have to be this way.
Would it be fair to say that the greedy, selfish, monied middle have just had the kicking of their lives, decisively by the vulnerable and working poor they were so happy to treat with such brutal contempt, by electing Cameron's bandits in the first place (and arming them with that idiotic referendum promise in the process). Maybe not, but I'm sticking with it. Remain had the figures but lost the important maths: you can't threaten losses to people who have so little to lose. There's nothing more zero than zero hours and unaffordable housing is unaffordable regardless of how much so. And what's worse is that these things have little to do with the EU and those decisive voters will continue to suffer.

As for Cameron, he's just served us up the mother of all giant shit sandwiches and ducked out the tradesman's before the tasting.

Farrage has to be man of the year. For such a small, small nothing of a man to wreak such havoc is a remarkable achievement.

Grim reapings on those seeds we all helped sew for the foreseeable. It didn't have to be this way.

I said it last night, in terms of geopolitical impact and the fact this has been a career pet project Nigel fecking Farrage is now the most influential Brit of the 21st century.
well i think you can see by the euro markets that this isn't just a british problem!

This is day 1. Uncertainty and shock creates panic and pessimism. However ultimately the fundamentals bring a return to normality. However, the UK fundamentals have taken a hit. That's when you'll see. Can mark this post, and we'll come back to it in 6 months.
why the feck did so many welsh vote to leave, despite being solely propped up by the eu? do they not realise that when shit hits the fan london won't be looking out for them?
The only fair way to have done this vote is to have had a mini exam alongside your vote, with only votes counting for those who do well in said exam. That way, at least they could disregard the completely uneducated votes.
The drivel you are spouting has been debated and debunked over and over in the last 70 pages yet your ill informed side of the argument still won, do you think maybe you could shelve all the lies and xenophobic claptrap for now and just leave us to wonder how the feck we get out of this mess you idiots have put us all in.
No it isn't. It's beeing 'debunked' by putting all kinds of immigration together. I don't mind immigration, but this kind of immigration only exists because of differences in living costs.

Frankly, I think it comes across quite stupid to call someone xenophobic just so you don't have to adress the arguments put forward.
This is day 1. Uncertainty and shock creates panic and pessimism. However ultimately the fundamentals bring a return to normality. However, the UK fundamentals have taken a hit. That's when you'll see. Can mark this post, and we'll come back to it in 6 months.

I'd say it is part of why EU leaders want Britain out the door ASAP now the vote is confirmed; cut them away and then pressure the shit out of them.
The only fair way to have done this vote is to have had a mini exam alongside your vote, with only votes counting for those who do well in said exam. That way, at least they could disregard the completely uneducated votes.
If I could write the exam, it would be too hard for you.
why the feck did so many welsh vote to leave, despite being solely propped up by the eu? do they not realise that when shit hits the fan london won't be looking out for them?

There's so many thick cnuts here.
Can we hold another referendum to ask if the public agree with the referendum outcome, because democracy.
Really hating Cameron and Corbyn, right now.

Cameron for putting us in this situation by panicking over UKIP nicking a few Tory votes. Corbyn for barely trying to convince the voters of his party to vote remain.
feck sake, old people just fecked us royally in the bottom. Arseholes.

Dare I ask how the Pound Sterling is doing? :(

Not that bad, rallied since markets opened. Currently at 1.37ish to the USD
No, these jobs are low paid because there are immigrants to do them. They can afford that, because they are not going to live their life in the UK but in a country where it's much cheaper to live. This kind of immigration (I'm not against immigration in general and not against immigrants at all, I don't blame them) will always drag down the wages towards Polish levels, but it won't drag the cost of living down, on the contrary. If you can't get Brits to do a job and you have only Brits to do them, you will have to pay more or make the job more attractive in another way.
And the overall cost of doing business in your country will rise making your products less competitive which leads to even less jobs.
Really hating Cameron and Corbyn, right now.

Cameron for putting us in this situation by panicking over UKIP nicking a few Tory votes. Corbyn for barely trying to convince the voters of his party to vote remain.
Yes Cameron started it by choosing to offer a referendum to stay in power - however it's the people who voted to leave who put us in this situation..
Not sure if it's been posted yet but I just came across this. The actual video clip is in the tweet below. Yikes. :nervous:

They cherry picked his comments though and put together that for headlines.

He said he is worried about how it will go now Cameron has stepped down, not because of the outcome.