EU Referendum Results Thread | Leave have won, Cameron resigns

How did you vote to this: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 321 75.5%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 80 18.8%
  • Spoiled ballot

    Votes: 24 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
All the remain advocates I know in real life are disappointed but ultimately seem unconcerned.

Meanwhile on the internet a large proportion are morphing into doomsday preppers.

It's fascinating.

I think maybe you're reading some of it wrong, many people are disgusted because there is no doubt that in 2016, the UK voted leave due to immigration and a xenophobic attitude.

It's depressing mate. The economy etc is almost a side show.
I think maybe you're reading some of it wrong, many people are disgusted because there is no doubt that in 2016, the UK voted leave due to immigration and a xenophobic attitude.

It's depressing mate. The economy etc is almost a side show.
i don't think you can just blame it on xenophobic attitude, its been a rich vs poor vote, rich staying in cos their scared of losing what they have, poor voting out because cos they have nothing to lose.......

just a mess
Looking at the results the conclusion basically the elderly and the working class voted leave... the most xenophobic and/or ignorant of th society... Depressing.

The real root of the problem is the gigantic widening gap between the have and have nots in Britain. And the ironic thing is that now governments will have the freedom to screw the have nots over more than they have ever been able too since WWII. Yet, is was exactly the have nots who voted leave.

The elderly and the working class are the most xenophobic and ignorant? Possibly the most prejudicial and ignorant statement yet in this thread?

The "real root of the problem" here is, in fact, that concerns about immigration were not addressed by the Remain camp and they have, by default, handed this referendum to the likes of cnuts such as Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage. This referendum was largely viewed by the public to be entirely about how the UK could manage it's borders better and the fault with that lies particularly with Cameron and the other dead man walking Corbyn.
i don't think you can just blame it on xenophobic attitude, its been a rich vs poor vote, rich staying in cos their scared of losing what they have, poor voting out because cos they have nothing to lose.......

just a mess

Nonsense, watch some footage now, every they ask who has voted "out" admits they did it for immigration reasons.

There is no doubt about this at all.
I think maybe you're reading some of it wrong, many people are disgusted because there is no doubt that in 2016, the UK voted leave due to immigration and a xenophobic attitude.

It's depressing mate. The economy etc is almost a side show.

Being concerned about immigration does not automatically suggest someone is xenophobic. Part of the problem with this whole debate is that this kind of reductive reasoning has been far too prevalent.
The elderly and the working class are the most xenophobic and ignorant? Possibly the most prejudicial and ignorant statement yet in this thread?

The "real root of the problem" here is, in fact, that concerns about immigration were not addressed by the Remain camp and they have, by default, handed this referendum to the likes of cnuts such as Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage. This referendum was largely viewed by the public to be entirely about how the UK could manage it's borders better and the fault with that lies particularly with Cameron and the other dead man walking Corbyn.

I don't understand, you guys live on an island and aren't member of Schengen, you are free to control your borders as you wish without leaving the EU, the agreements that you signed with the Schengen area were always negotiable and adjustable. If what you say is true, your politicians are worse than anything that walks on the continent.
i don't think you can just blame it on xenophobic attitude, its been a rich vs poor vote, rich staying in cos their scared of losing what they have, poor voting out because cos they have nothing to lose.......

just a mess

They have nothing to lose? Most of them are still in the 1% globally.
I don't understand, you guys live on an island and aren't member of Schengen, you are free to control your borders as you wish without leaving the EU, the agreements that you signed with the Schengen area were always negotiable and adjustable. If what you say is true, your politicians are worse than anything that walks on the continent.

The political leadership in this country is, in my lifetime, at an all time low as is the public's trust. The poverty of debate is astounding and stepping into that gap is the likes of Farage.
By my calculations 59% of under-50s voted Remain, and 55% of people over 18 are under 50. So young people not voting enough is once again a huge factor. Needs to change.
I'm going to take this as fact and share it with my friends
How exactly was the EU screwing the have nots in the UK? Please explain.
The freedom of employment for example. Not only in the UK but in the whole of Western Europe you have Eastern Europeans who want to a can work for much lower wages because the cost of living in their home country makes it attractive if they earn just enough to save a bit. TTIP is another example.
Let's be honest, feckin Baby Boomers are to blame, they're really doing their best to feck up the economy
Nonsense, watch some footage now, every they ask who has voted "out" admits they did it for immigration reasons.

There is no doubt about this at all.
not all of the leave voted on immigration - my wife did it for other reasons and she's sick of people saying it's just about that. (I was remain)

Insane moves there. I'm short the S&P so will be getting paid some cash today. Crazy though.
Vix up 40%- 3x ETF would have been sweet though. feck me the swings in share prices...
So now Farrage admits "the £350m a week to the NHS pledge was a mistake". I wonder what he'll say when the UK's broken up, the economy's been damaged and the immigration numbers have not gone down?
Being concerned about immigration does not automatically suggest someone is xenophobic. Part of the problem with this whole debate is that this kind of reductive reasoning has been far too prevalent.

No. But parts of the country that have not been effected by immigration in the slightests suggests that xenophobia played a far larger part than Leave voters would like to admit.
The political leadership in this country is, in my lifetime, at an all time low as is the public's trust. The poverty of debate is astounding and stepping into that gap is the likes of Farage.

You know what, it's the same thing in France and I have heard people all around the globe say the same thing. The mass needs to wake up and get rid of the "current" generation of politicians, we can't blame everyone but the people who have the power.
No. But parts of the country that have not been effected by immigration in the slightests suggests that xenophobia played a far larger part than Leave voters would like to admit.

No. Being concerned about immigration does not necessarily make you xenophobic whether you are experiencing immigration in your locality or not.
I know. Move to Scotland, mate.:lol:

We'll go independent and you can make a decent Labour party.
Cheesy, you and I are going to create our own political party and become the leaders of an independent country that is still a part of the EU. We can call it "Youse Are Aw A Bunch Eh Cnuts". You can be President and I'll be Chancellor of Stuff.
The freedom of employment for example. Not only in the UK but in the whole of Western Europe you have Eastern Europeans who want to a can work for much lower wages because the cost of living in their home country makes it attractive if they earn just enough to save a bit. TTIP is another example.

How has that harmed the have nots? Do you mean it's taking away opportunities from all the type of people who have been living off benefits most of their lives because they're too feckin bone idol to do a decent days work in their miserable feckin lives? I'd say let's exchange them for people from other countries who are willing to work hard and provide a positive contribution to society!
i don't think you can just blame it on xenophobic attitude, its been a rich vs poor vote, rich staying in cos their scared of losing what they have, poor voting out because cos they have nothing to lose.......

just a mess
It's rich and poor. But the poor have blamed the foreigners for their problems instead of the government.
Wow, I was sure staying would win easily. I'm shocked and a little scared of the outcome, feck knows what happens from here.
Farage, Marine Le Pen, Trump and Boris Johnson on the spotlight. What a way to start the day
Nonsense, watch some footage now, every they ask who has voted "out" admits they did it for immigration reasons.

There is no doubt about this at all.
no their is no doubt, that immigration but why do you think poor people are more against immigrants then rich? you think it solely down to racism? i'm not prepared to believe half the country is racist.... my Portuguese neighbour voted out, is she a xenophobe? a couple of asian guys i work with voted out are they racist?

of course their is lot of racists unfortunately, but you also have a lot of scared people people on zero hour contracts, or no job at all, to them constant they see large numbers of people as a direct threat to them. you can say that is wrong, but no one did enough to address those fears, they just wrote them off as racists and alienated them even further........`

bottom line is a the remain campaign was based on the economy and workers rights........ but two many people scoffed at that as telling some one on a minimum hour contract or on the dole to vote to save thier rights and job..... well that isn't going to work. on the flip side saying vote out and we will reduce the amount of people vying for the same jobs as you..... well thats gonna resinate.
They have nothing to lose? Most of them are still in the 1% globally.
well have a lot less to lose, so it worth a risk to get some kind of change.....

not saying its right..... just trying to pick apart whats happened without just going over the half the country is racist...... i just dont think it as simple as that
my Portuguese neighbour voted out, is she a xenophobe? a couple of asian guys i work with voted out are they racist?

It would be racist and xenophobic to answer those questions based purely on the information you've given us ;)
well have a lot less to lose, so it worth a risk to get some kind of change.....

not saying its right..... just trying to pick apart whats happened without just going over the half the country is racist...... i just dont think it as simple as that

Actually I think they have more to lose. Just basing off the financial crisis and how the poor generally seemed to have done worse out of that. Rich people have the money to adapt.