Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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The underlying problem is Sancho's stance on what has now become a public issue which from reports the manager is awaiting an apology for.

This is a situation both the manager and player has created. It could have been dealt with in-house but maybe ETH prompted a response from the player so was honest in his feedback to the media. Man management is also a pre-requisite in the function of the coach. I think Sancho hasn't reacted accordingly but for any modern manager public criticism of any player will always land in hot water. The only managers who really get away with it are those who are credible where you cannot really question their judgement such as Pep.

'Oh but it's only ok if you're Pep'

This is a nonsensical argument. It's the equivalent of saying a player shouldn't play or train like a top player because he isn't a top player yet.
At first I thought EtH could've handled it better...but the more that comes out I think he was left with no option but to take a new approach.

He's probably delighted Jadon has taken this stance as he doesn't have to pick a player with a poor attitude and underperforming on the pitch!

How does one club make so many poor signings? It's unreal how many misses we get through the door rather than hits!
Buying him and giving him £300k+ a week when he wasn't as good as either of our wingers at the time never did make much sense. Going for Ronaldo after it just compounded it further.
I still think EtH could have handled this in-house instead of hanging Sancho out to dry in public. I don't like our dirty laundry being aired out in public, there are plenty of ways to punish Sancho for not training well. EtH simply could not have given any reason at all and the press, fans would have inferred Sancho wasn't good enough. Now the club is again in a negative spiral with Greenwood and Antony issues as well.
I still think EtH could have handled this in-house instead of hanging Sancho out to dry in public. I don't like our dirty laundry being aired out in public, there are plenty of ways to punish Sancho for not training well. EtH simply could not have given any reason at all and the press, fans would have inferred Sancho wasn't good enough. Now the club is again in a negative spiral with Greenwood and Antony issues as well.

Evidence would suggest EtH has tried the soft approach last season when Sancho had the best part of 3 months off.

If the player is not responding (and has been at the club for 3 seasons) then the why not try the public approach?
From the great man himself...

I have seen this from the great man himself too, you know...

It's easy for anyone to look back and say that things could have been handled differently with 20/20 hindsight, but it is also easy to understand why a manager can lose his shit at a specific moment. For the record, Aberdeen came back stronger in the 2-3 seasons that followed that 1983 rant.
I’m just trying to picture the locker room. Greenwood ousted, Antony on leave, Sancho banished and Maguire sulking in the corner

Sancho would have been buzzing to just be left out of the squad with no pushback, he doesn’t want to play football. He’s angry because he’s been publicly called out and he’s got no excuse for the poor behaviour. Simple as that.
He's right in what he's saying though, even if he did get carried away himself. Though I don't remember anything too explosive from him in public. And there's examples of him approaching this very issue privately.

He said much worse stuff in public about Rooney and Nani than ten Hag said the other day.
100 percent on ETHs side on this one.

You cannot do that to a manager. Even if ETH messed up and said something wrong in the post match conference, you cannot go all out like this and undermine authority.
Screw him.
I still think EtH could have handled this in-house instead of hanging Sancho out to dry in public. I don't like our dirty laundry being aired out in public, there are plenty of ways to punish Sancho for not training well. EtH simply could not have given any reason at all and the press, fans would have inferred Sancho wasn't good enough. Now the club is again in a negative spiral with Greenwood and Antony issues as well.

Sounds like he's been trying to solve it in house. He had 3 months off last year let's not forget, and ETH and the club were very cagey about the reasons.

At some point, people just have to be called out.
Said in his Twitter statement about giving everything to fight for the shirt. We’ll all he had to was apologise, knuckle down and see the potential opportunity opening up due to Antony’s absence. Can’t even do that.
Mate, stating a fact can in fact be a pop. Praise the manager all you want for his candor, but he had a pop at the player. Maybe that’s exactly what Sancho needed, but don’t deny that what actually happened didn’t actually happen.

I join you in condemning Sancho for being a massive disappointment — in another thread just an hour or two ago — but let’s not deny that ETH publicly took Sancho to the woodshed.


The man got asked a question, he answered the question. What's wrong with him being honest in his assessment of the situation?

Why should he in all honesty bother trying to pander to Sancho anymore? He's given him ample playing time, he's given him time off and whatever else. He hasn't done anything to repay any of that, instead he trains poorly and goes and posts crap on twitter instead of proving his worth on the training pitch and games.

If Jadon Sancho can't handle a bit of critiscism or hack the pressure of being expected to turn up and play football everyday for 300k a week. Then he has no business being at Utd.

Not latley he hasnt

Because he hasn't done anything to prove he deserves any more chances.
"On his performance on training we didn't select him, [...] You have to reach the level every day at Manchester United. You can make choices in the front line, so in this game he wasn't selected."

I understand people having the view that criticisms should be kept private but the actual comment was really quite mild. My view is that Sancho needlessly took it to Defcon 1 with the social media post.
Didn’t Sancho would be one of the dressing room’s toxic elements. His departure is not only needed but necessary for Ten Hag to continue rehabbing the mentality of this group. Amrabat, Hojlund, Onana, Mount are all solid group think ballers. Let the revolution continue. Feck Sancho.
Still it’s very unfortunate. Now we only have 4 players for 3 positions, considering Amad is still injured and Martial nonexistent.

Rashford and Hojlund to start all games, with Garnacho and Pellistri to share RW starts
The problem with this forum is the forced narriative of the majority of the CAF. While I have respected someones elses opinion I cant help to feel that anybody that thinks that, prehaps, ETH hasnt dealt with this situation ideally will be put on the spot. I don't think he handled it well and from what Im reading I'm not alone. I have very little sympathy for Sancho but ETH is not SAF and the Sancho situation is not similar to Hughes and Ince back in 95 (both of who are superior footballers to Sancho). Our squad is depleted and our manager has chosen a very bad time to be strict
I can only imagine what someone like Casemiro thinks watching Sancho turn up late and coast in training, must drive him mental.
"On his performance on training we didn't select him, [...] You have to reach the level every day at Manchester United. You can make choices in the front line, so in this game he wasn't selected."

I understand people having the view that criticisms should be kept private but the actual comment was really quite mild. My view is that Sancho needlessly took it to Defcon 1 with the social media post.
Fact is if its gotten to the point were ETH leaves him out of the squad all together and speak publicly about the reason then its probably because he's trying to drive home a point he's made privately time and time again. Its not like we don't see how passive and casual Sancho is in-games.
ETH wasn't saying something we don't know already. I think ETH has used up all his tools to light a fire in Sancho. Thing I've recognized in people is some want help and are willing to grow they accept responsibility and are open to correction others just want enablers, you can't help someone who is only seeking an enabler, they think the world owe them something and always carry a victim mindset. they'll just hate you.
Fully behind EtH on this.

guys been beyond useless for us and collected a huge amount of wages despite not even playing as he’s always away from the team. Should be binned off at the earliest opportunity along with our other waster Martial. 2 of our top earners that are never anywhere to be found and have a pathetic attitude.

Great post.
Good to hear, tired of this club being a home for troubled manchildren
Sancho really has been so poor and looks disinterested half the time. Pressure and anxiety can impact players but I struggle at times with the lack of application. Its hard to see he comes bak from here. Disappointing signing but warning signs were there, we chose to ignore. Mentality is all.
The problem with this forum is the forced narriative of the majority of the CAF. While I have respected someones elses opinion I cant help to feel that anybody that thinks that, prehaps, ETH hasnt dealt with this situation ideally will be put on the spot. I don't think he handled it well and from what Im reading I'm not alone. I have very little sympathy for Sancho but ETH is not SAF and the Sancho situation is not similar to Hughes and Ince back in 95 (both of who are superior footballers to Sancho). Our squad is depleted and our manager has chosen a very bad time to be strict
Posts like this annoy me no end, it comes under the presumption that the manager hadn't tried other approaches or tactics until this point.

We are I'll informed on what has been going on behind closed doors and to say the manager could've handled it differently then tell me what is wrong with this statement?

On his performance on training we didn't select him, [...] You have to reach the level every day at Manchester United. You can make choices in the front line, so in this game he wasn't selected

Sancho decided to take this nuclear, when AWB & Rashford knuckled down and got on with it. The player is at fault and I've seen nothing to change my mind on this, if you are not performing to a required level then I'd expect to get called out for it.

And using a crisis as an excuse to reward poor behaviour with gametime is ridiculous, what kind of precident does that set within a squad?

You have experienced winners in the squad who will see players get gametime due to crisis when they aren't up to scratch, do you not think this would cause players to lose faith in a manager?

I bet you defended the players who were throwing previous managers under the bus on a consistent basis, we have a manger taking a stand and demanding a standard now.

EtH should be given support considering the toxicity we've had up until now with the players ousting managers who they disagreed with.

This is Manchester United, if you are told you aren't up to scratch then either put the work in or get your agent to go club searching for a club with lower standards demanded.
“Sancho is open to a move as for him it’s only ever been about the football and giving his best, that said he will not facilitate any move by taking a pay cut and will sit out the remainder of his unmatchable contract”

Another long term headache due to stupid wages. Fantastic
I still think there's a key point which warrants more attention, and that's the fact that Jadon Sancho should not elicit such attention from Manchester United FC. They should not have issued any statements.

Who cares what Jadon Sancho thinks or does? The guy has been rubbish since he arrived, seems to have forgotten how to play the game of football. Forget these players. The more we correspond, formally with press statements etc, it makes us look like a club that is insecure and unclear about how it needs to be run.

Antony, Martial, Sancho. Don't play them and just leave them alone. They will fade away from Manchester United FC, and the club will be perfectly fine without them.
This is playing out terribly for Sancho.

When players carry on like this they’ve usually got enough credit in the bank to at least give the impression that not getting on the pitch is unjustified.

In Sancho’s case we just see a player who hasn’t really got close to looking like the player we thought he might, this is before we even getting into the reports surrounding his attitude towards training.

Unless he makes amends then he’ll look back on his time at United with regret. One chance: make it count.
The problem with this forum is the forced narriative of the majority of the CAF. While I have respected someones elses opinion I cant help to feel that anybody that thinks that, prehaps, ETH hasnt dealt with this situation ideally will be put on the spot. I don't think he handled it well and from what Im reading I'm not alone. I have very little sympathy for Sancho but ETH is not SAF and the Sancho situation is not similar to Hughes and Ince back in 95 (both of who are superior footballers to Sancho). Our squad is depleted and our manager has chosen a very bad time to be strict
But in that case when would be the right time to be strict? If ETH were to ease the enforcement of discipline on Sancho because we need a RW then we'd be left with yet another unmotivated player taking his position for granted and giving us little - a continuation of some of the club's defining issues of the past decade. No player is entitled by default to have their position on the team secured without consistently showing that they're working for it. I fear it'd send a counterproductive signal to other players that they have the freedom to slack if the squad is short on competition in their position, this is how a non-competitive club culture endures.
“Sancho is open to a move as for him it’s only ever been about the football and giving his best, that said he will not facilitate any move by taking a pay cut and will sit out the remainder of his unmatchable contract”

Another long term headache due to stupid wages. Fantastic
People may be in his ear to get him to move for less though judging by this?

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