Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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It is just stupid from Sancho or perhaps intentional sabotage. There is no way he will ever get to repair this relationship with ETH. He is perhaps trying to force his way from the club back to Dortmund for peanuts and we paying a part of his wages.
If I am the club, I would set our price and don't even consider subsidising his wages. This is unprofessional, sabotage and disloyal!
I don't think Ten Haag trusts Sancho. For sure he didn't play him as often as Antony. If your manager doesn't suppport you, especially as a young player, it becomes difficult to perform. He just gives the player enough rope to hang himself.

Last season United didn't score that many goals despite removing Ronaldo. This season Antony has been sidelined and still Ten Haag doesn't give Sancho the platform to perform. Everyone knows what the boy can do, he should be above Rashford when it comes down to skill level. United believed that otherwise they wouldn't have paid him more per week when they signed him.

As a manager it's your job to work with what you have. Ten Haag doesn't seem to understand that.

He just comes across as petulant and incompetent. The story back when he was at Bayern draws a pretty grim picture. He always knows best but the results say otherwise.
Where is the evidence? All he did was in a shite league while Rashford has been on the ascendency bar one poor season. He might be more talented than Antony but he lacks the fight to be a top top player.
Quality control
Eths ego is running this squad into the dirt. I really dont care what happened behind closed doors at this point. And I dont care if Sancho leaves but we DO NOT HAVE more than two wingers at this point (Rashford and Garancho) and we started this season with potential 5. One was banned because of domestic violence (aldo he was cleared and is playing football now) the other is having the same issue in Brazil now.
He did the same with the CB position (not adressing it) and our number one defender is Victor Lindelof (personally Im sick of the guy but a 4th choice CB in reality).
In short if Rashford or Garnacho get injured we are truly f...
Maybe Martial can step up but I honestly doubt it.
Eths ego is running this squad into the dirt. I really dont care what happened behind closed doors at this point. And I dont care if Sancho leaves but we DO NOT HAVE more than two wingers at this point (Rashford and Garancho) and we started this season with potential 5. One was banned because of domestic violence (aldo he was cleared and is playing football now) the other is having the same issue in Brazil now.
He did the same with the CB position (not adressing it) and our number one defender is Victor Lindelof (personally Im sick of the guy but a 4th choice CB in reality).
In short if Rashford or Garnacho get injured we are truly f...
Maybe Martial can step up but I honestly doubt it.
What did I miss? What happened to Pellistri?
Eths ego is running this squad into the dirt. I really dont care what happened behind closed doors at this point. And I dont care if Sancho leaves but we DO NOT HAVE more than two wingers at this point (Rashford and Garancho) and we started this season with potential 5. One was banned because of domestic violence (aldo he was cleared and is playing football now) the other is having the same issue in Brazil now.
He did the same with the CB position (not adressing it) and our number one defender is Victor Lindelof (personally Im sick of the guy but a 4th choice CB in reality).
In short if Rashford or Garnacho get injured we are truly f...
Maybe Martial can step up but I honestly doubt it.

I think enforcing discipline is part of building a squad. It really has nothing to do with EtH's ego. I do share the frustration expressed in the rest of your post though.
Eths ego is running this squad into the dirt. I really dont care what happened behind closed doors at this point. And I dont care if Sancho leaves but we DO NOT HAVE more than two wingers at this point (Rashford and Garancho) and we started this season with potential 5. One was banned because of domestic violence (aldo he was cleared and is playing football now) the other is having the same issue in Brazil now.
He did the same with the CB position (not adressing it) and our number one defender is Victor Lindelof (personally Im sick of the guy but a 4th choice CB in reality).
In short if Rashford or Garnacho get injured we are truly f...
Maybe Martial can step up but I honestly doubt it.
His ego? I’m not sure wanting to remove anyone with a bad attitude from the team is about ego mate

oh - and Greenwood wasn’t cleared - the charges were dropped.
His ego? I’m not sure wanting to remove anyone with a bad attitude from the team is about ego mate

oh - and Greenwood wasn’t cleared - the charges were dropped.
Look mate Im not going to go with the nitpicking about that issue (almost got banned) but the fact is Greenwood was eligable to play and so is Sancho.
If somebody at the club isn't happy about them being MUFC players there are other wingers in the market. We havent adressed that in the summer.
And lets be honest ETH does have a bit of an ego despite not doing much to back that up at this point. Maybe he does but Im not so sure anymore
That's fair enough but the whole situation could have been avoided by keeping player issues private. The media can create enough drama around the club without the manager heloing them out.
Could it though? Sancho was sent to Holland last year to train on his own and Ten Hag covered for him by saying he wasn't right physically or mentally, which apparently pissed Sancho off. For some reason he was just expecting to be able to leave the club and train on his own for months and no one say anything about it publically. The more time passes the more it looks like that was a punishment for his behaviour more and an attempt to sort him out than anything else.

Ten Hag didn't say anything other than Sancho wasn't training at the level expected. He didn't say he was lazy, he didn't say he was overweight, he didn't say he's constantly late to meetings and training. All he said was that he wasn't at the level expected, and Sancho took to social media to call his manager a liar and state that he was being made a scapegoat. This was a private matter until Sancho made it a very public one and invited a media shit storm.

The manager can't keep picking Sancho if he's not training right, what message does it send to the rest of the lads? He dropped Rashford for turning up late, why should Sancho get special treatment?
He's not overweight. That was literally just people making stuff up.
Yeah, it was just the wind giving him that double chin:
Yeah, it was just the wind giving him that double chin:
He's a big fan of The Simpsons so in this picture he was just cosplaying Homer Simpson. It's not a big deal really. Cosplays aren't only for weebs, there are cosplays for American cartoons too. He's also a big fan of Sonic the dog, also tattooed on his arm.

So you don’t think when sancho got sent to the Netherlands on his own it wasnt related to this? My guess is it was and ETH was protecting him. He has had nothing but an arm around his shoulder the whole time from us and excuse after excuse. Maybe this time it was ETH trying a different method to kick him up the arse.. maybe he’s got to that point with him, nothing else has worked. How long can you molly cuddle a player if it doesn’t work? Sancho has not given half enough of the attitude, application or desire that we need him to have. If ETH has come out this publicly after over a year of working with him, my guess is he has been way way way below parr for a while. This isn’t a one off, it’s clearly been brewing a while.

I don't know, I didn't really comment on the reason as I'd just be guessing. Anybody will guess the reasons based on their agenda.

But what if it wasn't? What it he had/ has mental health issues? What if that is the reason for why he's late to training or why he's not performing? Given how poorly we handle everything else these days, it wouldn't surprise me if the next news we hear is that he's got serious issues and we've just hung him out to dry in public. At this point I'm just speculating and playing devil's advocate.

But like I said, I don't really care either way. I just don't think it's been handled well and has unnecessarily turned the whole thing into a circus. We now have a player who is unwilling to apologise to the manager and is now practically useless. I'd say that's the worst outcome we could have hoped for. A different manager might have read Sancho better from the off and managed to get through to him. Fergie talked about this a lot and he did it very well.
I know it didn't end well with Lingard but he was always right up there if not top for distance covered and sprints. Nothing like Sancho. Quite the opposite in fact.
That's a fair point, can't fault Lingard's work rate. It was everything else!

I'm genuinely gutted with Sancho, thought he was going to be something special but clearly doesn't have the mentality for it. Best thing we can do is manage the messages to try and get some kind of decent fee for him. Hopefully the Saudi's might fancy him for £50million.
What did I miss? What happened to Pellistri?
Nothing and I hope he does well but we bought Sancho as a direct reinforcment not a young potential that needs time. If he is to go then we need a player of a similar calibre to him wouldn't you agree?
Sancho has been so generally poor that I wasn’t surprised when he wasn’t selected. It’s only because he cost so much that the journalist even asked the question. Sort of “where’s your £70m star player, Erik?”.

It’s a pipe dream but it would help everybody if fees and wages were kept private.

Regardless of fees wages etc, if Sancho performs well enough he will be selected.

He may well have mental health issues. We have no idea what help the club is able to offer or what support they provide in these cases. I doubt they ignore it but, at the same time, disciplinary standards can’t be ignored either.
I just can’t believe he survived in Germany as a teenager with his approach and attitude. What went wrong, the small amount of success totally going to his head? Imagine thinking you’ve made it due to being good as a young lad at….Dortmund.
Yeah, it was just the wind giving him that double chin:
That really proves f... all if Im being honest. And if he plays well I couldn't care less if he looks like Ronald McDonald for that matter. The point is he is not even playing so we cant really judge him. Personally I never liked him that much but it is unfair to bash a player without a string of games.
I just can’t believe he survived in Germany as a teenager with his approach and attitude. What went wrong, the small amount of success totally going to his head? Imagine thinking you’ve made it due to being good as a young lad at….Dortmund.
He had the same issues at Dortmund, and interestingly used the same phrasing "being made a scapegoat"
I just can’t believe he survived in Germany as a teenager with his approach and attitude. What went wrong, the small amount of success totally going to his head? Imagine thinking you’ve made it due to being good as a young lad at….Dortmund.

We've hardly been the ideal destination for players to come and shine these last few years. There's been some genuinely top players who have failed, such as Di Maria. Very good before he came, very good since leaving. Perhaps we're the problem.
We've hardly been the ideal destination for players to come and shine these last few years. There's been some genuinely top players who have failed, such as Di Maria. Very good before he came, very good since leaving. Perhaps we're the problem.
Di Maria was World class but also a huge c... that didnt want to be here and it was obvious on the pitch. It was fairly obvious since he got 50% better at PSG. Unprofessional and insulting to our club
We've hardly been the ideal destination for players to come and shine these last few years. There's been some genuinely top players who have failed, such as Di Maria. Very good before he came, very good since leaving. Perhaps we're the problem.

Terrible example, Di Maria simply didn’t want to be here from day one. Try again.
To be honest, I've probably barely commented on this or the Antony stuff because it just barely moves the needle for me now, I find it hard to care in all honesty. I've come to the realisation that these players and ETH just aren't it. Come match day I'm there and hope we win, but the rest of the stuff just isn't worth my time anymore.

However, I defended Jose when he pulled players up and I openly admit that. Nobody else liked it at the time because it wasn't from a manager they liked. It might make me look a hypocrite right now. But whilst I don't pay much notice of this bullshit now, I still think that with all the negativity around the club, it wasn't the smart move by ETH. I get why he did it, but I just think the timing was bad. And you can say 'what mess?' all you want, but nearly 80 pages on RedCafe alone tells you everything. Sancho could have been made an example in private on this occasion, we could have said he's injured or he's had an illness that has hampered his fitness, Covid, whatever. Then in private its open season, do what you want. But this move, coupled with everything else, had created an environment that isn't conducive to progress or harmony.
Some choices are going to be painful when you're instilling discipline. You say he could have been made an example of in private. Isn't that what happened last year that sparked all sorts of rumours about mental health? Do we know how many times he's had to deal with it in private? How many times was Sancho "sick" last season? What has that accomplished? You've watched him, like we all have. You seeing any effort at all for all that covering?

Insanity is trying the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result.
Sometimes generating noise to force a resolution is not a bad thing (even with the owners). If EtH consistently failed to select Sancho with answers that didn't track, that would generate noise too, and he'd come out of this worse. All he'd be doing would be kicking the can down the road. I feel EtH was very intentional calling it out, and I'm all for it.
The amount of drama for someone who's effectively a bit part rotation player is a bit ridiculous. Garnacho was ahead of Sancho in the pecking order at various points last season.

His career at United failed, couldn't care less if he stays / leaves / patches up with Ten Hag / whatever.
Some choices are going to be painful when you're instilling discipline. You say he could have been made an example of in private. Isn't that what happened last year that sparked all sorts of rumours about mental health? Do we know how many times he's had to deal with it in private? How many times was Sancho "sick" last season? What has that accomplished? You've watched him, like we all have. You seeing any effort at all for all that covering?

Insanity is trying the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result.
Sometimes generating noise to force a resolution is not a bad thing (even with the owners). If EtH consistently failed to select Sancho with answers that didn't track, that would generate noise too, and he'd come out of this worse. All he'd be doing would be kicking the can down the road. I feel EtH was very intentional calling it out, and I'm all for it.

But that's all guesswork. We don't know that this has ever been done in private or how many times this has happened. I don't really want to get involved in this debate as I don't have a horse in the race. I don't care for Sancho if he's as bad as made out. I don't care for the clubs handling of it. They could have forced him out in the summer if it was a known issue. The fact this happens only a few games into the season is poor all around. We've just had weeks to deal with this stuff yet we didn't, we kept him and now he's suddenly a massive issue? Go figure. Only at United.
The amount of drama for someone who's effectively a bit part rotation player is a bit ridiculous. Garnacho was ahead of Sancho in the pecking order at various points last season.

His career at United failed, couldn't care less if he stays / leaves / patches up with Ten Hag / whatever.
I honestly agree with you mate but you are aware that if something happens to Rashford or Garnacho we dont have suitable subs? Or is everybody assuming that the Antony drama is going to turn out ok?
I remember watching Sancho for England in his Dortmund days, expecting a wonderkid and seeing some half paced pass back to the passer merchant.
Everyone else said he was smashing the German league up though, so I was still hopeful of a great player when we signed him.

Clearly bought for the right wing, we then found out he's not particularly good out there, but then he's now shown much in any other position. A few goals and assists every few months, but never looking particularly hard working, passionate or like he can beat someone.

What a shame. To be filed in the failed transfer locker with so many others, and no doubt an expensive loss again when we loan him back to Germany in January and then hope to get about 30m back in the summer, whilst paying 70% of his wage.
I mean, how many assists did Kagawa and Mhkitaryan get? A lot.

Rolling the ball to Halaand so he can sprint fifty yards and score barely is an assist.
All that was said that he didn't train well enough.
It wasn't even that serious. He said he didn't train well enough to get picked that particular week.

As far as I heard it there was an opportunity for Sancho to already play again the next week.
I honestly believe that we signed a name based on reputation when we spent a fortune on Sancho. He may have done ok in Germany. But in his time at OT, he has yet to show anything other than mediocre. And he has been found out by a manager who is not scared to tell the truth.
Very difficult to see a way back from this.
Interesting that people think Pellestri or Amad will get games as a result of this. To me it looks like the manager doesn't fancy them at all. I think it'll mainly be Bruno or Mount.
Ten Hag on the Sancho saga

We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! We had Antony. We had a plan. We had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork. You could've shut your mouth, played and made as much money as you ever needed. It was perfect. But, no, you just had to blow it up. You and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man. If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now.
I just can’t believe he survived in Germany as a teenager with his approach and attitude. What went wrong, the small amount of success totally going to his head? Imagine thinking you’ve made it due to being good as a young lad at….Dortmund.
Did you not see what the Dortmund coaches were doing to make sure they could sell him instead of this happening?

The assistant coach would go to his hotel room and wake him to make sure he wasn't late for meetings and didn't get in trouble. They enabled his behaviour so he wouldn't sulk and they could still get a fee for him.
Interesting that people think Pellestri or Amad will get games as a result of this. To me it looks like the manager doesn't fancy them at all. I think it'll mainly be Bruno or Mount.

My feelings too. Hopefully I’m wrong and they both can deliver, but their talents right now have been some what over egged on here anyway.
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