Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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He's refusing to train?
He's either refusing to train or has been told to train on his own. Reports are that he has been 'banished' from the first team but someone on here who apparently works at the club said he's been sitting in the reserves changing room all day, had his training kit and food taken to him in there because he refused to come out and train, take that with a pinch of salt obviously but if it's true then it's piss poor.

Really unfortunate that things had to escalate to this point honestly.

Never in a million years did I anticipate that that fairly innocuous comment by ETH after the Arsenal heartbreak, would create this sort of shit show afterwards rather than light a fire in the player like I assume the manager and everyone else believed it would/should have...
What a weirdo Sancho is. Also, how was ETH supposed to keep all this out of the public eye? Sancho gets to go to a sabbatical in Holland. I imagine you have to say something about it? Can't just ignore the media and fans asking about it. Someone you paid 70 mil for can't just disappear with no explanation? He comes back and doesn't train well and gets excluded from the squad. ETH gets asked about it, he's honest. Other options were to "no comment", which would have sent the media and the fans into a frenzy, or lie and Sancho would still probably react like a child.
I agree with you on most counts. One thing I indeed don't think people can say is that Anthony hasn't been working hard/putting in the effort. He has. Whether it's enough is an entirely different thing but that doesn't make him a bad professional on the pitch.

I'm still trying to be careful in judging the Sancho situation too harshly because none of us frankly (probably?)know all of it - but I agree it sounds like it's mostly on the player and not the club.

I do try to take a step back every now and then though and think about my own self and lack of maturity in my 20s compared to now. There also is a lot more scrutiny of just about any public persona these days, I am trying to rationalize that too. I'm sure many of us remember the rumors of footie players and other pro players in the 80s, 90s and before who apparently had literal drug fueled sex parties etc. It does seem sometimes we collectively forgot about all the shenanigans of the past in judging these people nowadays.

Regardless, times change all the time and this is the new reality. What you do off the pitch is just as relevant in a way as what you do on the pitch. As several managers like to say: they re also trying to create decent men. But you can't do that if the would be man doesn't cooperate.

The thing is, this has been his whole problem. What he has done on the pitch, for over 2 seasons, under 3 different managers, has been abysmal. I am sure that if he produced more on the field that the club, fanbase and perhaps ETH would have been willing to give him more leeway in terms of what he does off the pitch.
Nah, keep posting. If you're allowed to mention things out of work then you're doing nothing wrong. It's always interesting to hear about what really goes on behind the scenes.
I agree, keep posting @vanderpants - but if I were you I wouldn't give anything away about your role even to people via PM, you just don't know who you can trust...

Really unfortunate that things had to escalate to this point honestly.

Never in a million years did I anticipate that that fairly innocuous comment by ETH after the Arsenal heartbreak, would create this sort of shit show afterwards rather than light a fire in the player like I assume the manager and everyone else believed it would/should have...

Honestly it was one of the most stupid reactions I've ever seen. It confirmed to me that he was 1) really thick and 2) a complete wasteman

I would have forgotten about it completely had Sancho not claimed he was a scapegoat. Then I was fuming.
He's reportedly complaining of 'double standards'. The only 'double standard' I can think of is perhaps Antony. But there must be a reason he's picked Antony over Sancho. Obviously, we're not at the training ground so we can't say for sure but from the outside, even though I'm the first to criticise Antony for his performances, one thing I will give him is he does put in a shift. I can see why from a tactical POV Ten Hag would want him over Sancho.

All I can say is, from the outside, it's unprofessional from Sancho. It especially does not look good on him when he was given time off randomly last year for 'unknown' reasons. Ten Hag has defended him in the past as well I'm pretty sure. If reports are true that he's not willing to back down and claims there's a double standards issue, then fine, just move him on. But I don't think he's gonna be very successful if that is the mindset he has. I could be wrong but complaining and being petulant like this usually doesn't pan out well in the future.
I am absolutely 100% in agreement with this punishment. For too long players have taken liberties with their casual attitude (it comes across in spades on how they conduct themselves on the pitch) and probably also alludes to why we have so many fitness issues.

I'd like this to be the end of Sancho's career at Utd, he's had enough chances, but knowing the leeches they won't want to sell as we're not likely to get even half of what we paid out.
That point in Ducker's post reminded me of Sir Alex giving Cantona more favourable treatment and then justifying it with the rest of the team as him being an exceptional player. I'm sure the player(s) will get leaked out at some point; there's no way that Sancho will keep that internal if he's basically banished from the team.
Eric was given that leeway because Fergie right from the start, trusted him, and very quickly his team mates trusted him. And his team mates of course trusted Fergie. And Eric, being an honourable man, wanted to repay that trust. And did, in spades. That's why it worked, I believe. A zillion miles from Sancho.
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This is the last straw! Ever since he joined us I have defended him and believed that he will come good. Quite clear that United is to big for him and should never have joined.

Justice for Sancho, ETH out. Heh.
Massive dig, which mean we can also expect Pellistri to start this weekend while Sancho will be on the bench or out of the squad again. The difference in the attitude of both players is astounding to be honest, one's a professional and the other probably stays up all night playing fornite and vaping.
No, you don't understand, everyone needs time off to fly across the world and party, being a Utd player is no different to working in a call centre.
Have some compassion, it’s extremely hard and stressful to get paid £350k per week for doing nothing.

Do remember chaps, Fergie came in an absolutely gutted this club of the wasters and the losers, the no marks and dossiers he knew wouldn't take the club forward.

Some on this forum would have been saying "they've finished training, so what if they go for a couple of pints, it's only Tuesday..."
TenHag, then Sancho and now the club. Bunch of drama queens. Keep their mouths shut and keep it all private.

This club is a shit show right now. And we're two £80m right wing options down in as many weeks, with the possibility that neither will play for the club again. That's the most relevant takeaway for me from this farce being played out in the media.

We should have had 6 options for the front 3 going into this season, looks like we're down to 3, Garnacho, Rashford and Hojlund. 4 if you count Martial, I don't personally.

Given the dogshit form of Antony for the best part of a year and despite that him still being first choice, can you blame him for thinking that?
Ten Hag did nothing but say he wasn't in the squad due to his training levels when asked. Which is fine. Which is also why sancho isn't playing. It's the bare minimum. So yeah, if a player is training like shit, then no they won't play even if the player ahead is in poor form. That's very straightforward and a standard thing across all sports.
I'd be all for giving him another chance if I genuinely believed he had it in him to operate at the highest level - but sadly I don't think he has the mental strength and innate desire to strive to be the best. I can't imagine any club paying over £25 million for him after all this - especially as they will know that we are desperate to get rid, and nobody will pay him anywhere near what we are, so feck knows what will happen. He's just messed up the best opportunity of his life though, I'd be amazed if he ever sees another contract (or club) the size of what he has at the moment.
This is the last straw! Ever since he joined us I have defended him and believed that he will come good. Quite clear that United is to big for him and should never have joined.

Justice for Sancho, ETH out. Heh.
Agreed. Lad has the talent but his mentality stinks. The fact the statement contained the words “I just want to play football with a smile on my face” sums him up. Fair weather kid who’d rather nutmeg someone than win. Plays with no intensity or fire inside him. Needs binning ASAP.
I am absolutely 100% in agreement with this punishment. For too long players have taken liberties with their casual attitude (it comes across in spades on how they conduct themselves on the pitch) and probably also alludes to why we have so many fitness issues.

I'd like this to be the end of Sancho's career at Utd, he's had enough chances, but knowing the leeches they won't want to sell as we're not likely to get even half of what we paid out.
It the Woodie Pseudo-Galactico culture were we are linked to a player, they get hyped up to heaven as the Messiah who would rescue United. We finally land them for big fees and massive wages. They come in with an overinflated ego and serve us shit and when someone within the club stands up to them (usually the manager) they throw a hissy fit. It's happened time and time again. Van Gaal and Di Maria, Pogba and Mourinho, Ole and Lukaku, ETH and Ronaldo and now Sancho.
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It seems like Sancho's issue is the existence of double standards, so he feels like he's getting unfair treatment when others seem to get away with this.

I wonder if we'll have some more info leaked out down the line about the players who are given more "favourable" treatment.

I struggle to believe this unfair treatment.

Rashford literally was EtH's guy last season and he was benched for being late seconds.

I think what's happening here is Sancho thinks he should play ahead of Antony but it's not like Sancho has shown he should. In addition, he supposedly wants to play on the left, so is Rashford supposed to be shifted to CF or even worse the right to accommodate the lazy prima donna?

Crazy entitlement.
If I felt genuinely aggrieved by the treatment, I'd apologise, knuckle down, get some games and feck off to the highest bidder in January. Maybe convince someone good that I've still go what it takes. At this rate West Ham won't even want him, he'll be playing for Wolfsburg or something by next summer.

No one really good will want him, he's at the top of the tree right now, and he's failing, so assuming he can't turn it around here, then he basically has the option to prove it's worth the effort for a club like Wolfsburg or West Ham to take a chance on him, whilst at the same time having to take a massive paycut.

Or he can do feck all, make himself unsellable, but still pick up his £300 k per week. If I wasn't that arsed about football then I know which one I'd choose.
This is some shitshow of a season and I’m not even talking about anything on the pitch
Watching old videos of Wayne Rooney, who at the age Sancho is was absolutely carrying our attack.

Get this waster gone asap. If he had half of rooneys effort/passion he’d of been something.
The wages alone that this guy is on is reason enough to be furious with him. He lives a dream that most people on this forum would give anything to live.. .and he doesnt give two shits. He doesnt battle. He doesnt hustle... and he is late to meetings and practice.
I want players that want to play and give their all for the badge. This guy doesnt want that. he is selfish and while it does suck that he has mental health issues, he is no different than most others in the world and most others dont get roughly 300K a week to piss around with.
Do we even know that he has mental health issues? We just know he wasn't physically or mentally fit, seems that's still the case
No one really good will want him, he's at the top of the tree right now, and he's failing, so assuming he can't turn it around here, then he basically has the option to prove it's worth the effort for a club like Wolfsburg or West Ham to take a chance on him, whilst at the same time having to take a massive paycut.

Or he can do feck all, make himself unsellable, but still pick up his £300 k per week. If I wasn't that arsed about football then I know which one I'd choose.
Ultimately our fault for flippantly handing out monster contracts well before they go on to prove that they're worth their salt.

With or without ETH, this self-inflicted problem will haunt us for a good while. On the flip side, we seem to have curbed this disastrous habit in recent years under Murtough.
Ultimately our fault for flippantly handing out monster contracts well before they go on to prove that they're worth their salt.

With or without ETH, this self-inflicted problem will haunt us for a good while. On the flip side, we seem to have curbed this disastrous habit in recent years.
This rebuild has to be built on the right culture and principles. If we finish outside the top 4 this season because ETH had to clear house, then so be it. The one consistent line you can draw across the post fergie years, is we didn't sign enough players with fight and commitment. It has to stop, and the ones who are left have to go.
Can't wait for him to leave. Hopefully the only time he ever wears a United top again is for the U23s.
Ten Hag did nothing but say he wasn't in the squad due to his training levels when asked. Which is fine. Which is also why sancho isn't playing. It's the bare minimum. So yeah, if a player is training like shit, then no they won't play even if the player ahead is in poor form. That's very straightforward and a standard thing across all sports.
What did ETH gain by calling out Sancho in public? He could have said he had a minor injury. This does not excuse Sancho's actions of course.
What did ETH gain by calling out Sancho in public? He could have said he had a minor injury. This does not excuse Sancho's actions of course.

I may be wrong but I think clubs and managers have to be clear and truthful reporting injuries due to the PL’s broadcast and betting partners or something.
I mean, let's hear it. The manager should be sacked if what he's saying is true. However it would seem to common denominator in this scenario is in fact Jadon Sancho.

Easy to make vague insinuations he wont back up by naming names.
The bit I'm now wondering about is why the club didn't try to ship him harder on the window. Seems the relationship was probably strained already ? Or did the current fallout start later ?

I think he can probably hop to a 5-7m£ / year contract easily still and we can maybe sell him for 30 ?

Surely he understands he needs to talk on the pitch and with Antony's leave of absence this is maybe his only chance to claw back a starting position ? Guess not.
on topic - I wonder why he feels so strongly about this that he didn’t apologise.

Coming from you mate, that's rich.

This is even more odd. For clarification - you quoted me - an old post - with your fanfiction. Not the other way around. Whatever you say next won’t change this.
If its true hes refusing to train, cant Utd fine him his wages every week, as he is basically on strike?
What did ETH gain by calling out Sancho in public? He could have said he had a minor injury. This does not excuse Sancho's actions of course.
He was asked why he wasn't in the squad. He's tried a lot of ways to get Sancho to perform. Calling him out directly and just saying the truth was the try this time. It's a pretty common managerial style when other methods don't work.
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