Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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I mean, when someone is asked to apologise, it would hardly come across as sincere if they did. Sancho clearly thinks he's in the right.

I tend to trust EtH on this one. Sends a message to any other potential trouble makers. Feck with me and you're out.
He was asked to apologize publicly, presumably by Murtough who was acting as a mediator, so ETH wouldn't come off looking daft when he continues to pick him.
Yeah, because our club legends like George Best and Bryan Robson were such angels.

It's nothing to do with today's footballers, it's always been like this except in the old days they'd be necking pints instead of going to the club.

Why is there this need to act like footballers and young, rich and famous people in general used to be so well behaved and professional.
They produced on the pitch.
If we ended up relying on Sancho to prevent us finishing 7th, then we'd be finishing 7th.

Even without this incident it would have been absolutely zero suprise to see someone like Bruno favoured at RW ahead of Sancho anyway, so unless we suffer an injury crisis beyond the one we're already experiencing the impact of Sancho being excluded should be minimal.
This. People complain as if this guy has been contributing a lot. I doubt anyone would even notice he isn't playing .
I wonder if we'll have some more info leaked out down the line about the players who are given more "favourable" treatment.

The bare minimum should be turning up to work on time, it's very hard to look past that, especially when you know how much he is being paid.

If he was turning up and training hard week after week and not being picked by the manager...THEN we can have the discussion, but he needs to do the first part first.

Also Sancho started 21 League games last year Antony started 23...the unfair/double standards line is just a weak excuse from Sancho's side.
It seems like Sancho's issue is the existence of double standards, so he feels like he's getting unfair treatment when others seem to get away with this.

I wonder if we'll have some more info leaked out down the line about the players who are given more "favourable" treatment.

Double standards??? Now that I don’t believe. Ten Hag is famous for being straight as an arrow.
That point in Ducker's post reminded me of Sir Alex giving Cantona more favourable treatment and then justifying it with the rest of the team as him being an exceptional player. I'm sure the player(s) will get leaked out at some point; there's no way that Sancho will keep that internal if he's basically banished from the team.
Exactly, but Fergie understood the character and created the right environment and therefore could do that but Eric always turned up to training, trained hard, was a leader to the younger players etc, alright, he was a maverick but he carried the team and was punished (and accepted the punishment) when it was fair.

Sancho just wants special treatment for the sake of wanting to be special. Meetings are above me, I just want to play. I turn up when I want. Eric never did any of that shit, he had standards and was a professional.
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All bridges burned. We’ve all seen there aren’t double standards. Any player who doesn’t follow rules is punished. Also went public first? Mate he sent you to Holland for a quarter of a season to help you…
The people who are upset at ETH, the club and Antony for this scenario are really weird. There is only one person to blame for this situation and that is Sancho. Yes Antony has been crap, but you know who has been just as much crap? Sancho, but statistically and in the eye test. Of the two of them, one player has never let his head drop and always works hard for the team on the field, and that is not Sancho. This is entirely on him.

Look at AWB. As soon as ETH came in he was dropped for Dalot, but he didn't kick up a fuss, he quietly worked hard, improved and now you would argue he is our first choice RB again. Rashford was dropped and he didn't turn it into a big debacle that ended up with him being exiled.

Sancho has been crap on and off the field and that is no one's fault but his own. Direct your anger at the right person, and it's not ETH, Murtough or Antony.
When you have zero credit in the bank then you'd just apologies wouldn't you?
If I felt genuinely aggrieved by the treatment, I'd apologise, knuckle down, get some games and feck off to the highest bidder in January. Maybe convince someone good that I've still go what it takes. At this rate West Ham won't even want him, he'll be playing for Wolfsburg or something by next summer.
Look at AWB. As soon as ETH came in he was dropped for Dalot, but he didn't kick up a fuss, he quietly worked hard, improved and now you would argue he is our first choice RB again. Rashford was dropped and he didn't turn it into a big debacle that ended up with him being exiled.
Exactly. You'd have thought that Sancho would have seen both AWB and his good friend Rashford and would have seen that there was a way back in for him. Unfortunately, I think it's too late for that now unless Sancho changes his attitude entirely.

All bridges burned. We’ve all seen there aren’t double standards. Any player who doesn’t follow rules is punished. Also went public first? Mate he sent you to Holland for a quarter of a season to help you…

Is he talking about the time Rashford got dropped for being late? What did Ten Hag say then? Didn't he say discipline issues? Pretty sure Ten Hag also said AWB wasn't performing at a good enough level to play, but he always said they were working with him to get him back in the team.
I’m done with him. He never looked up for it, doesn’t have the intensity or the will to succeed here. And the worst thing is that he doesn’t seem to realise any of this. He thinks he’s being treated unfairly when he should be thanking the manager for trying everything to get the best out of him.
Double standards??? Now that I don’t believe. Ten Hag is famous for being straight as an arrow.
ETH dropped Rashford for being was it 45 sec late. And that was Rashford his only genuine goal scorer on his way to a 30 goal season. what was Raahford response....

All bridges burned. We’ve all seen there aren’t double standards. Any player who doesn’t follow rules is punished. Also went public first? Mate he sent you to Holland for a quarter of a season to help you…

If true... how spoiled is this guy? ETH gave him a 3 month sabbatical for him to straighten things out.

Absolute disaster.
Only chance anyone goes near him on those wages is Saudi. He's another Sanchez.
I’m done with him. He never looked up for it, doesn’t have the intensity or the will to succeed here. And the worst thing is that he doesn’t seem to realise any of this. He thinks he’s being treated unfairly when he should be thanking the manager for trying everything to get the best out of him.
Yep, same. I've never looked at him and thought "athlete". His intensity is shite, his work rate is non existent, he has no fight or desire in him at all. The best part is, he said he couldn't wait to come back and fight for the badge, he's now refusing to train which I think is fitting for the 'fight' he's capable of showing.
So he doesn't want to leave but he doesn't want to train or apologise? Has someone tried asking him what the feck he does want?

He said it. I wanna play my football with a smile on my face. It other meaning, I want to play where I want, for how long I want, and to backtrack as I wish. Basically, pay me my money, so I can do as I'm pleased. Don't criticise me, dont make me train, don't say a negative word to me if I'm late, because that will ruin the smile on my face.
This is exactly it.
He trousers £1m a month.
Why should he care, with the 5 years we’ve given him he’ll earn £60m.
This is a kid from a council estate in London.
Maybe he’s thought “that is enough”
I guess in the same position many of us think that at 23 years old.
As Keane said (paraphrasing) “attitude and application are taken for granted at Utd and it’s the skill that will set you apart”.
Sancho is missing the first two items.

The thing with footballers/managers i.e. people who've never really had a job, they think good attitude and application are special talents. Rare qualities reserved for the very top level.

They don't get the vast majority of people do this and more everyday without even thinking about it.

Training hard 3 hours a day, playing hard for 90 mins a week, it's just basic stuff. That's the easy bit, it's having the natural talent that's rare.

But as you say, we shouldn't be surprised a young man loses motivation when you just throw so much money at him. It's almost tempting it to happen.
Christ on a bike. This shit absolutely infuriates me. Months of arm around the shoulder. Millions in wages, absolute patience and support and this is the shit we have to listen to??? You're a footballer!!! Shut up and play football!
We all know a type of person like Sancho, always making excuses, never their fault, zero responsibility, bad attitude, lack of consideration for others, wants everything for nothing. We've worked with them, perhaps they're part of our friendship groups or cousins etc.

Just a little hint guys, if you don't know someone like that, it's more than likely you're that person.

So seeing people in this thread defending him is really indicative to me. We now know which people have the same outlook as Sancho.
I'll still never understand why 99% of our fans wanted him (& Donny) over Grealish.

"But they play at a higher level". Yes, they did, but it was always obvious Grealish was better than both of them.
Only chance anyone goes near him on those wages is Saudi. He's another Sanchez.
Not having that.
Sanchez always worked hard, tried hard, but he’d lost the explosiveness that made him a great player.
Not really his fault it happens to everyone
is it only our club that stories get leaked in such detail when it comes to these things? fecking soap series

All bridges burned. We’ve all seen there aren’t double standards. Any player who doesn’t follow rules is punished. Also went public first? Mate he sent you to Holland for a quarter of a season to help you…

Ten Hag called Garnacho and Rashford out previously, and neither of those two were allowed time off last year.

Again, more bullshit comes out of his mouth. Keep it coming, Sanch. That hole gets deeper every hour.
I'm allowed to say certain aspects of my day at work, I'm not allowed to take photos , leak transfer activity etc. How do you think stories get leaked out, there's plenty of people here that leak information out and have done for years. But noted.and I won't comment again
Nah, keep posting. If you're allowed to mention things out of work then you're doing nothing wrong. It's always interesting to hear about what really goes on behind the scenes.
The people who are upset at ETH, the club and Antony for this scenario are really weird. There is only one person to blame for this situation and that is Sancho. Yes Antony has been crap, but you know who has been just as much crap? Sancho, but statistically and in the eye test. Of the two of them, one player has never let his head drop and always works hard for the team on the field, and that is not Sancho. This is entirely on him.

Look at AWB. As soon as ETH came in he was dropped for Dalot, but he didn't kick up a fuss, he quietly worked hard, improved and now you would argue he is our first choice RB again. Rashford was dropped and he didn't turn it into a big debacle that ended up with him being exiled.

Sancho has been crap on and off the field and that is no one's fault but his own. Direct your anger at the right person, and it's not ETH, Murtough or Antony.
I agree with you on most counts. One thing I indeed don't think people can say is that Anthony hasn't been working hard/putting in the effort. He has. Whether it's enough is an entirely different thing but that doesn't make him a bad professional on the pitch.

I'm still trying to be careful in judging the Sancho situation too harshly because none of us frankly (probably?)know all of it - but I agree it sounds like it's mostly on the player and not the club.

I do try to take a step back every now and then though and think about my own self and lack of maturity in my 20s compared to now. There also is a lot more scrutiny of just about any public persona these days, I am trying to rationalize that too. I'm sure many of us remember the rumors of footie players and other pro players in the 80s, 90s and before who apparently had literal drug fueled sex parties etc. It does seem sometimes we collectively forgot about all the shenanigans of the past in judging these people nowadays.

Regardless, times change all the time and this is the new reality. What you do off the pitch is just as relevant in a way as what you do on the pitch. As several managers like to say: they re also trying to create decent men. But you can't do that if the would be man doesn't cooperate.
Look at AWB. As soon as ETH came in he was dropped for Dalot, but he didn't kick up a fuss, he quietly worked hard, improved and now you would argue he is our first choice RB again. Rashford was dropped and he didn't turn it into a big debacle that ended up with him being exiled.
Rashford was dropped to the bench, and came on at half time to rescue the game for ETH.
The people who are upset at ETH, the club and Antony for this scenario are really weird. There is only one person to blame for this situation and that is Sancho. Yes Antony has been crap, but you know who has been just as much crap? Sancho, but statistically and in the eye test. Of the two of them, one player has never let his head drop and always works hard for the team on the field, and that is not Sancho. This is entirely on him.

Look at AWB. As soon as ETH came in he was dropped for Dalot, but he didn't kick up a fuss, he quietly worked hard, improved and now you would argue he is our first choice RB again. Rashford was dropped and he didn't turn it into a big debacle that ended up with him being exiled.

Sancho has been crap on and off the field and that is no one's fault but his own. Direct your anger at the right person, and it's not ETH, Murtough or Antony.
I agree. Proper top players accept responsibility for their own performance. You can't lie to yourself. You can't hide. Yes, coaches can help, and have to set the right environment for you to perform, but the difference between the best and the rest, is winners take responsibility for their actions. If they screw up, they learn from it. No way Sancho is a top player. He has to go. We have to clear these weak fcukers out if we are ever to have a chance of getting back to the top.
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