Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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I expected that ETH need time especially in the competitive PL. But never in my wildest imagination that he could had such a bad start. Lost 2 games to mid table clubs with 6-1 score while playing negative football like Ole has never left.
The other managers chose to play negative football… don’t think ten Hag is choosing to. Don’t think he has the right calibre of players to play the way he wants to just like klopp didn’t when he first took over Liverpool… takes a new manager about 3/4 windows to get the squad he wants to implement his style.

It's a shame that playing football doesn't suit the skill set of our players. :(

The tragicomic thing about this is that they're unknowingly, though rather clearly, admitting that they're not good enough to stand toe to toe against the top dogs in the League. Guess it won't matter when the time comes to negotiate new deals, though.

The sad thing about it is that they've been so mollycoddled that they actually believe the manager's job is not to implement the foundations of a playing style, but to continuously stitch, unpick and patch up the formations and the tactics whenever the results aren't the desired ones. Basically, the manager's there (mainly) to take the blame.

The infuriating thing about this leak, assuming it's real, of course, is that they're sending a message to the board. After all, they were pretty vocal about who they wanted to manage them.
If pragmatic = going long a bit more but still committing to the high line / high press I'm all for it.

But we really need to press, we can't play a 5-3-2 park the bus with 30% possession again.

I'm guessing they are absolutely shit scared of playing out from the back against Liverpool's press.
I don't think our players admiting their incapability at meeting ten Hag's demands is something bad, insulting for the manager nor surprising either. It's something obvious if you analyze both games and I predicted a more pragmatic approach for the coming games last week already.

He's been too optimistic in the way he's setting up the team and on what he expects from many of these players, but maybe this is what he has to do now. We know Ten Hag is a very specific profile and he's working now without the needed tools. He can't buy a new team so he needs to evaluate these players under his demands to see how many of them could be useful in his system.

I guess he expected a better outcome in these first games, and if you get results there's no problem on testing and experimenting here and there, taking some risks and introducing new mechanics to see how the team responds. After two defeats now and strong teams coming next I expect him to adjust and be more pragmatic (like LvG did after Leicester, in his first games too) so we can start getting results and remove some pressure from the shoulders, and we'll expand our game again eventually.

Even before we kicked a ball under ten Hag I said here that I expected a trial and error kind of season. I didn't expect us to get battered that way against Brentford but I'm not surprised either. Not only the contrast between ETH and this squad is notorious in terms of profiles, but we come also from our worst season in ages (low confidence, frictions among players) with glaring holes in some key areas that we're yet to fix this window. All this in a league where every Joe has enough resources to punish weaknesses and mistakes so I counted on a rocky path here initially.

As I said it's the same that happened to LvG in the first games. Both managers with a concrete style and without the needed tools struggling initially. After we got battered at Leicester away he changed his approach and we became more conservative, we stopped bleeding and started collecting points more regularly. Van Gaal has been always a stubborn man with very clear ideas, but he was smart enough to give a little step back when it was needed. Ten Hag will do the same.

It's apparent he doesn't have any basis here to play his game and compete against good PL teams through it, let alone the biggest ones. Exposing these players' weaknesses after two losses with Liverpool exploiting them now instead of Brentford or Brighton (with all due respect, very good teams) could end up in a massive disaster. An ugly loss here and 0 points out of 9, let's say 0 points out of 12 next too and that's starting to be dangerous.

Obviously the ultimate goal is to build a side who represents his ideas and he should be backed with players and time, but we need him to survive here in order to keep building. Pushing these players to play in a way they lack both the ability and confidence for will only mean losing games until morale is totally broken. There's nothing bad or shameful on being pragmatic at times. He could take more risks again in his approach when he adds 3-4 players in the coming weeks who know what a ball looks like.
I'm guessing they are absolutely shit scared of playing out from the back against Liverpool's press.

And they should be. I really don't mind going long more than usual and counter pressing. It's the pragmatic thing to do and Brighton did it to great effect.

Just need a good Target upfront and unfortunately it has to be Ronnie

It's a shame that playing football doesn't suit the skill set of our players. :(

He complains all the time about the club, but at the same time gives air time to these shitty leaks. I'd love to know who the feck this leak is, who seems to think they have some tactical nouse in the squad.

I'd bet is Maguire or Rashford, they seem so thin skinned and willing to complain about anything but their own shortcomings.
We should go with 5 at the back against Liverpool and park our bus. Anything else will be setting us up for yet another shit performance.

Dalot - Varane - Martinez - Maguire - Malacia
Fred - Scott
Ronaldo - Martial
Agree, but Dalot is so bad defensively, I think we’d have to play Lindelof as a RWB. :(

so sad how far this club has fallen.
Remember when the team were unhappy about pragmatic football and wanted to play a more progressive attacking game?
Exactly. VanGaal was a great pragmatic manager and that was not good enough for players and some of our fanbase. They wanted fancy all attacking superfootball. When that doesn't work, they want pragmatic way. Again.

It's a shame that playing football doesn't suit the skill set of our players. :(

:lol: . 2 fecking games it took. And yet some on here and in the press will say these clowns deserve anything more than the oxygen off a skunk's fart.
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United and Ten Hag wanting "evolution not revolution" was something that has been mentioned earlier in the press. "I can change him" is probably the biggest blunder you can make with this gang.

Might very well not have been Ten Hags call, but that's a huge mistake right there nonetheless. Management should have gotten rid of most of the players and replaced them with a combination of transfers and youth to show that there's a new boss in charge and that the pathetic leaks to the media won't cut it when the team has been under performing for ten years. Not a single fan can have any sympathy left for this meek collection of pretenders.
He complains all the time about the club, but at the same time gives air time to these shitty leaks. I'd love to know who the feck this leak is, who seems to think they have some tactical nouse in the squad.

I'd bet is Maguire or Rashford, they seem so thin skinned and willing to complain about anything but their own shortcomings.
I'd say it's probably a coach.
:lol: . 2 fecking games it took. And yet some on here and in the press will say these clowns deserve anything more than the oxygen of a skunk's fart.

Well it depends what's said.

Some of the players probably do know that if we go in with a high press etc etc that we'll get absolutely torn apart.

We aren't as good as Liverpool and it will be them getting the thousands of abusive tweets if we get slapped.

So I can kind of understand them being concerned that the game plan they are being given will lead to a bit of a slapping.

They are still people and obviously won't enjoy all the abuse, name calling etc they are getting.

Our fans are so over the top, so personal, so toxic, I think we're actually partly to blame for the bad feeling within the club and dressing room. There's going to have be a point where we can put aside all the insults and abuse and really get behind them.

Otherwise it's like a manager just standing behind a badly performing member of staff and yelling at then, calling them shite, telling them how worthless they are and expecting better results.

It's not going to help, it jsut contributes to the ever increasing toxicity and cycle of abuse.

Even your post, it's just shit in all honesty. You're just so quick to name call etc. Why? What's this done for you? Do you feel better? Is that the only way you can manage your emotions? Abusing people online?

I can guarantee that 99% of posters on here would lose their shit if Rashford turned up at their house. I think we go too far in how quick and easy we are to personally attack and insult people.

As much as its 2 games in for them, it's 2 games in for us as fans and we've already given up and reverted to abusing almost anyone associated with the club. If we can't be arsed to dig in and give it some time, what makes anyone thinks these lot will?

Anyone with any sort of intelligence knew this was going to be a difficult year and thst we will likely have a year or two of getting towards where we want to be and yet its not even September and the meltdown is insane.

It's a shame that playing football doesn't suit the skill set of our players. :(

As if multiple players are leaking this. Utdplug should get banned from the caf, their latest tweets are Athletico rejecting a 130m EUR bid (as if) from us for Felix, Rabiot wanting 10m Euros a season (that's £160k a week, we'd have defo given that), and if we offer enough and the player says yes (well that's how any transfer works...) Casemiro will be a United player.
Death warrant for a manager. Eth might be one of the quickest managers sack at United if this is true. I Hope it isn't, though. I want our football aesthetic to improve

Of course not. Everyone hates the players. They won't get through another manager. This is the end for them.
Really? What makes you say that?
Because that doesn't look good on the players no matter how you cut it. A coach can come out and say that, effectively "they won't play the way we want them to because they're scared of getting hammered". Also gives Ten Hag a free hit at the next game, we know the players don't want to play his system so we're already angry at them before the game kicks off and they play shit.
Death warrant for a manager. Eth might be one of the quickest managers sack at United if this is true. I Hope it isn't, though. I want our football aesthetic to improve
You'd hope the board will have by now realised the players are useless twats and Ten Hag needs full support this season no matter what
Anyone knows what our preparation for the liverpool game has been like?

It's a shame that playing football doesn't suit the skill set of our players. :(

Nothing will change until a manager is actually brave enough to bench the feck out of these clowns and start playing youngsters from the academy ahead of them. Yes there will be tough times at the start with the youngsters but they will have the guts, the soul and will ultimately improve. Meanwhile these clowns will stay as hopeless as they are.

If Ten Hag wants to save his job, he needs to take that decision. Y
Imo ETH made a bad choice coming to United atm. This squad is clearly not suitable for his style. The club is rotten from its core. The upper hierarchy is clueless. The owners are greedy and don't give a feck aside their payout. I feel sorry for him.

If I was him I'd play the youngsters in the next match, refuse to answer the post match questions and simply leave.
As if multiple players are leaking this. Utdplug should get banned from the caf, their latest tweets are Athletico rejecting a 130m EUR bid (as if) from us for Felix, Rabiot wanting 10m Euros a season (that's £160k a week, we'd have defo given that), and if we offer enough and the player says yes (well that's how any transfer works...) Casemiro will be a United player.
Any wage reports for players on the continent are net, not gross.
I'm beginning to have doubts about his judgement. He watched these set of players last season and during pre-season and thought he could get a tune out of them? Who does he think he is? Superman?
what sucks is im betting ETH tried to not make too many changes to lineup to try and start the season decently, and yet we still got smashed both games. Couldve put players like iqbal and garnacho in and at least the fans would be happy to see a plan for the future being implemented. If we didnt see mcfred at all and had new blood in positions who def were trying to play a certain way at least the fans would understand. Instead it has been the same old shit, if not worse.
It felt obvious during last season that we needed a big clearout, but I - like many others I suspect - was hopeful (though not convinced) that a new top class manager would be enough on its own to change things and get the players performing again with a few tweaks to the squad, but it seems painfully clear now that nothing is going to change until we make dramatic changes. So either Ten Hag was a bit naive in thinking that he could turn much of it around with the bulk of the same squad intact and he's underestimated the extent of the rot (and has just now realized), or he's been lied to and let down by the board/Murtaugh during the summer. I don't know which alternative is more depressing.

Gonna be a long season. Our only hope is that we hit the jackpot with 2 or 3 signings before the window closes.
Because that doesn't look good on the players no matter how you cut it. A coach can come out and say that, effectively "they won't play the way we want them to because they're scared of getting hammered". Also gives Ten Hag a free hit at the next game, we know the players don't want to play his system so we're already angry at them before the game kicks off and they play shit.
It's stupid though. For short term gain, it opens door to dressing room affair. If the certain players have no future at the clubs, and they get corner by "said coach"; there is no stopping them sleeping in public with the press.
It felt obvious during last season that we needed a big clearout, but I - like many others I suspect - was hopeful (though not convinced) that a new top class manager would be enough on its own to change things and get the players performing again with a few tweaks to the squad, but it seems painfully clear now that nothing is going to change until we make dramatic changes. So either Ten Hag was a bit naive in thinking that he could turn much of it around with the bulk of the same squad intact and he's underestimated the extent of the rot (and has just now realized), or he's been lied to and let down by the board/Murtaugh during the summer. I don't know which alternative is more depressing.

Gonna be a long season. Our only hope is that we hit the jackpot with 2 or 3 signings before the window closes.

Definitely Ten Haag getting his assessment so badly wrong is more depressing. I just can’t get past his faith in DDG. Surely to feck the minimal due diligence for any manager taking on a role like this is to rewatch every one of our matches over the last season (maybe last two or three seasons?) How the feck can an elite football manager sit through all that footage and decide that DDG is capable of being involved in us passing the ball out from the back?!?

See also Fred playing deep and McT playing basically anywhere…
Why should the players dictate what tactics the manager uses? Ten Hag ain’t gonna park the bus against anyone… he wants to take the game to them. If these players aren’t capable of that then terminate there contracts. Solskjær beat city nearly every single year with the same squad! Obviously his style knew how to get the better of pep… I actually feel sorry for Solskjær, finishing 3rd and 2nd with these bunch of clowns is an achievement and he played the style which suited the squad, I don’t think he wanted to play counter attacking, I think he wanted to dominate with possession but he couldn’t because the squad can only play 1 way.
Definitely Ten Haag getting his assessment so badly wrong is more depressing. I just can’t get past his faith in DDG. Surely to feck the minimal due diligence for any manager taking on a role like this is to rewatch every one of our matches over the last season (maybe last two or three seasons?) How the feck can an elite football manager sit through all that footage and decide that DDG is capable of being involved in us passing the ball out from the back?!?

See also Fred playing deep and McT playing basically anywhere…

Yeah it does seem bizarre. Especially since he reportedly was very demanding during negotiations with the club, you'd think these are the kind of tough decisions he was demanding about.
Of course not. Everyone hates the players. They won't get through another manager. This is the end for them.
If only! Sad thing is we can't sell or have no intention of selling a lot of them this summer so it looks like another year here for most of them :(
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