Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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Its funny how INEOS came in and barked alot. "We will decide on the playstyle"... proceed to interview managers who all have different play styles.

So what they say and do is a complete different thing. Its almost as if they will decide on the playstyle depending on who they chose as manager... so no different to the Glazers.
Its funny how INEOS came in and barked alot. "We will decide on the playstyle"... proceed to interview managers who all have different play styles.

So what they say and do is a complete different thing. Its almost as if they will decide on the playstyle depending on who they chose as manager... so no different to the Glazers.

Is it a fact or is it a newspaper claim that we've done a complete different thing?
Well its not just a newspaper claim, reputable journalists have claimed we have been intereviewing managers.

Still a newspaper claim, then.

Not sure why people are getting their panties in a twist over unconfirmed reports.

It's the easiest thing in the world to write articles about Manchester United. I'm surprised there aren't more Southgate related rumors given the attention it's getting on here. Piss easy to see what fans are focusing on and what will get attention.
I can't remember another club doing something like this end of season where a manager is left in limbo, being undermined to an INSANE degree.

Why are we always such a mess, finding new ways to look incompetent. How in gods name can they turn around and back him now, and expect any players - current or potential - to believe he has any authority whatsoever
Still a newspaper claim, then.

Not sure why people are getting their panties in a twist over unconfirmed reports.

It's the easiest thing in the world to write articles about Manchester United. I'm surprised there aren't more Southgate related rumors given the attention it's getting on here. Piss easy to see what fans are focusing on and what will get attention.

Oh so you think they are reviewing the managers position for 2 weeks without thinking of another manager?

Maybe they are just drinking tea and deciding on style of play before looking at the manager they want?
Still a newspaper claim, then.

Not sure why people are getting their panties in a twist over unconfirmed reports.

It's the easiest thing in the world to write articles about Manchester United. I'm surprised there aren't more Southgate related rumors given the attention it's getting on here. Piss easy to see what fans are focusing on and what will get attention.
Come on man we know who the reliable journalists are. They're not getting that wrong.
INEOS once more showing how incompetent and unready they are. Dilly Daly about a decision that should have been made since February.
Winning the Fa cup should never have influenced the decision to keep or sack if you believe this manager is the right or wrong one.
We are fecking incompetent as a club and is partly due to the toxicity of the fans
Its funny how INEOS came in and barked alot. "We will decide on the playstyle"... proceed to interview managers who all have different play styles.

So what they say and do is a complete different thing. Its almost as if they will decide on the playstyle depending on who they chose as manager... so no different to the Glazers.

I was driving all weekend and decided to listen to Rantbridge to kill time. It's hard not agree with him:

=> the reason INEOS are talking to other managers is that they want a guy to get the best out of current group of players
=> which indicates there is no money for the rebuild and Ineos wants to maximize the out put of current lot
=>Glazernomics 2.0
I was driving all weekend and decided to listen to Rantbridge to kill time. It's hard not agree with him:

=> the reason INEOS are talking to other managers is that they want a guy to get the best out of current group of players
=> which indicates there is no money for the rebuild and Ineos wants to maximize the out put of current lot
=>Glazernomics 2.0

Yep, so total opposite to what they set out at the start?

How can a billionaire already struggle with money 6 months after buying the club.

Surely, they knew a rebuild was required when they were buying the club?

I know they will say FFP but them investing into the club, should give us some wiggle room with FFP to spend?
Very good point.

At the moment INEOS are looking a bit all over the place. The talk was there would be a plan/philosphy that we would want to take the club forward with. Yet the fact they are talking to so many different types of managers who have different styles seems like its more of the same that we had under the Glazers. I'm keeping my thoughts to myself on INEOS to give them a fair crack at the whip but what they are saying in regards to where they want to take the club from a playing standpoint versus their actions of not seeming to know what style of manager they want is not matching up. I'll judge them on their actions. Also, since when has it been okay for our club to treat a manager like this? Either let him go or tell him he has another year, not only does it make them seem like they are indecisive but its extremely disrespectful to a Manchester United manager.

There's also a lot of bullshit floating around from clueless journalists and sources. They held a meeting recently with Tuchel most likely, what else is there aside from various random links to managers? The fact that Gareth Southgate is apparently in the running pretty much highlights the amount of nonsense that's being reported.
Ezza ten H

The guy is stoned off his face again isn't he.
First out of seven whole sentences:

Sir Jim Ratcliffe held exploratory discussions with Thomas Tuchel last week regarding potentially replacing Erik ten Hag as Manchester United’s manager but has ruled himself out of the job.

So Ratcliffe rules himself out of the job then? How the feck can you deliver such horribly written stuff for a major news outlet?
I was driving all weekend and decided to listen to Rantbridge to kill time. It's hard not agree with him:

=> the reason INEOS are talking to other managers is that they want a guy to get the best out of current group of players
=> which indicates there is no money for the rebuild and Ineos wants to maximize the out put of current lot
=>Glazernomics 2.0
:lol: Getting the best out of the players you have is the bare minimum requirement for the job. Just because Ten Hag couldn't do it doesn't mean it's a bad idea or that we have no money.
I can't remember another club doing something like this end of season where a manager is left in limbo, being undermined to an INSANE degree.

Why are we always such a mess, finding new ways to look incompetent. How in gods name can they turn around and back him now, and expect any players - current or potential - to believe he has any authority whatsoever

Couldn’t agree more

At least Woody’s incompetence was just garden variety… finance nerd who wants to splash the cash and get in the blockbuster names. Damaging but hardly insidious.

With this “process” of INEOS’s they’re humiliating a sporting professional (who is respected by the majority of our players and fans) on a global scale. Whatever you think of Ten Hag he does not deserve this and I legitimately hope he tells them to swivel and goes on to great things elsewhere at this point.

And if you doubt SJR isn’t behaving like a dick here just consider how he’s treated our back office staff so far, how’s he’s lobbied the government to use public money to pay for his new stadium, how he hugged Pep and blanked ETH moments after we won the FA Cup and then proceeded to thank everybody but him our manager in a statement afterwards. Oh also he’s a brexit voting tax dodger.

I wanted to believe he was a local lad made good with his heart in the right place but there are too many red flags here, the guy just seems like a bit of a dick.

It would be ridiculous to write off the new regime (and I’m not doing that) I just hope he can stay the feck away from football matters once Berrada is in place because SJR is conducting himself in a manner unbeffiting of our club right now.
I was driving all weekend and decided to listen to Rantbridge to kill time. It's hard not agree with him:

=> the reason INEOS are talking to other managers is that they want a guy to get the best out of current group of players
=> which indicates there is no money for the rebuild and Ineos wants to maximize the out put of current lot
=>Glazernomics 2.0
As opposed to a manager who doesn't get the best out of his players?
Oh so you think they are reviewing the managers position for 2 weeks without thinking of another manager?

Maybe they are just drinking tea and deciding on style of play before looking at the manager they want?

I don't think they're reviewing the managers position with the possibility of sacking him this summer. That's about it.
I don't think they're reviewing the managers position with the possibility of sacking him this summer. That's about it.

Why would you review and leave the current manager in limbo if you dont plan on sacking him.

Surely, Ten hag will be thinking.. I want clarity and assurances, he has said numerous times, he has not been given those.

All that, including newspaper reports suggest they are looking at other managers.

SJR has never once acknowledged the existence of Ten Hag, from every interview to his congratulating message.

He also just gave him a handshake post FA cup final when he was hugging Pep.
Why does he keep referring to ETH as Ezza? And what's with the elongated words? Is he having a mid-life crisis?

His tweets seem like someone trying to be 'hip' and 'cool' but just ends up looking even more uncool.
Don't be such a square.
I don't agree with this idea it's a mess, why are they interviewing such different managers with different playing styles?!?!

Some of the managers they have spoken to have shown varying playing styles at different clubs in their career. Lets face it there isn't exactly 10 different "styles" to choose from - the consensus will end up being a more possession based than what we've shown in the past 6/7 years.

Maybe the fact we spoke to Tuchel (who has shown different ways of playing) - but left it at that, was because it was decided he didn't fit the role in mind and the playing style they are thinking of? Was always worth a conversation in my mind.

With the top class manager market so scarce, they are always going to speak to the ones available / potentially available.

Opinion pieces on the Athletic is just to fill time as nobody knows what is going to happen - the Tuchel update is the first one we've had in two weeks which definitely came from his camp as it was first reported by German media.

Hopefully they put ETH out of his misery though, because keeping him going amongst all this isn't the best look.
Why does he keep referring to ETH as Ezza? And what's with the elongated words? Is he having a mid-life crisis?

His tweets seem like someone trying to be 'hip' and 'cool' but just ends up looking even more uncool.

The use of the word hip isn’t helping your argument mate.
Yeah....which is why its being addressed.....whats your point

Well if it obvious to you then it would be even more apparent to Ten Hag if (as has been claimed) they were giving him advice that was leading to injuries.

So do you not think in that scenario that Erik could or should have started taking their advice with a pinch of salt and reintroduced players on a more Conservative timescale than they were advising?
Ezza ten H


It seems like a cryptic or metaphorical statement, potentially with religious connotations. Let's break it down:

"If you are Ezza ten H" - This could be a hypothetical scenario where someone named Ezza ten H is being addressed or referred to.

"you are told to continue" - Ezza ten H is being instructed or encouraged to proceed with something.

"would you even considering the 'process'" - The speaker is questioning whether Ezza ten H would contemplate or think about the ongoing process.

"that is ongoing and will end when God becomes a man" - This process has a conclusion or endpoint, which is when God incarnates as a human.

"kiiddddddddddddddd" - This part is likely an elongation of the word "kid," perhaps indicating emphasis, excitement, or playfulness.

Putting it together, it seems like a philosophical or religious question about whether Ezza ten H would think about a process that leads to the incarnation of God as a human, with a touch of light-heartedness or emphasis indicated by the elongation of "kid."
Although I agree with him, who talks/tweets like this?


Ezza Ten H goen to besa sacked?!?
Journalists are really taking a punt and hoping it comes off.. how can you say in the next days.. in the same sentence say next hours.

Fabrizio just loves covering his own arse, its clear none of them know. They keep saying coming days and hoping it will happen.
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