Erik ten Hag | 2022/23 & 2023/24

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We need to back him. He needs to be given an attacking coach and a defence coach.
And a set piece coach, and a tactics coach, and a finishing coach, and a passing coach, and a man management coach, and a press conference coach, and a substitutions coach
81 goals conceded this season needs to be made a bigger deal of.

Low quality shots or something wasn't it?
His fans will be quick to tell you there are only 5 teams that conceded fewer goals than us in the league.
Isn’t that why he needs the support of the INEOS footballing structure? If he is being let down by the club how is sacking him the answer? Can’t wait for this season to be over but I would still give him till new year to build and see how we fair. I don’t feel like we are at Jose/Ole breaking point with Erik yet.

We've been terrible all season and I wouldn't trust him as far I could throw him with another transfer window. If getting completely thrashed by Palace isn't breaking point then I don't know what is.
We've been terrible all season and I wouldn't trust him as far I could throw him with another transfer window. If getting completely thrashed by Palace isn't breaking point then I don't know what is.

It doesn't exist. If this season has not convinced people that he's not up for the task, then nothing ever will. They will keep drifting from one excuse to another for eternity. It will be different things every time but there will always be something that will prevent him from doing any real job.
The fact he says out loud ‘when the players are there (available) then we have a good squad’ is hilarious to me.

He’s in complete denial.

This squad is one of the worst collection of ‘teammates’ I think I’ve ever seen across any sport.

of course there have been worse teams. But as a collective group can anyone name a more toxic bunch of wasters
Why are people surprised by INEOS, it’s clear to me he wants his people in place above the manager for them to make the decisions… I have zero doubts Wilcox will be hard at work as will Blanc etc - this season is wrote off just put trust in INEOS to do the right thing rather than getting mad about it.

Glazers may well have pulled the trigger but they wouldn’t have had succession plans which I’m certain INEOS will.
Why are people surprised by INEOS, it’s clear to me he wants his people in place above the manager for them to make the decisions… I have zero doubts Wilcox will be hard at work as will Blanc etc - this season is wrote off just put trust in INEOS to do the right thing rather than getting mad about it.

Glazers may well have pulled the trigger but they wouldn’t have had succession plans which I’m certain INEOS will.
Why? When did putting blind trust in something was good?
Last nites result probably the straw that breaks the camels back. Problem is who out there is good enough to replace ETH ? I don’t really see anyone on paper.
It’s not a huge concern. You hire the best available manager and then you reassess the situation yearly based on performance, and replace if needed.
1. He was the best prospect on the manager market at the time. I don’t know why people seem to think hiring managers is always a sure thing because it almost never is. He got exposed here. It’s okay, happens often at plenty of clubs

2. Tactically last season apart from a few new build up patterns we largely played a style the players were comfortable with, and rode 6 months of top class Rashford/Casemiro form to a league cup before that went down the drain and we limped into the end of the season. But a manager will always be judged on the progress of what he does because as you get further into the job whatever is taking shape becomes YOUR work moreso than anyone else’s.

You take those two things into account and constantly come to new conclusions given new information. It doesn’t have to be “oh well he won a trophy last year there’s no way he’s this bad” when EVERY piece of evidence screams “yes he is” as we get further into his reign

Its shocking that people still don't understand the concept of recruiting a manager here. We weren't wrong as a club for pursuing Ten Haag. However, when they get the job and we observe performances, its on us to make sure that we get them out as soon as its clear they aren't good enough. Fans can understand this for players, but for some reason its a struggle when its a manager. Ten Haag has proved at United that he's not good enough to manage a top club in England.
Isn’t that why he needs the support of the INEOS footballing structure? If he is being let down by the club how is sacking him the answer? Can’t wait for this season to be over but I would still give him till new year to build and see how we fair. I don’t feel like we are at Jose/Ole breaking point with Erik yet.
What on earth do you think a new structure does? Babysit the manager? Eric, stop making the lads run into the ground do some actual training sessions. Eric, you’ve got to start playing a midfield that works. Eric, you can win a game of football without a left footed CB, we’ve got stats to prove it.

The structure will be in place to ensure the manager is doing his job to the best of his ability and hold him accountable, while looking after future recruitment. You think Ten Hag is going to enjoy being scrutinised?
Last nites result probably the straw that breaks the camels back. Problem is who out there is good enough to replace ETH ? I don’t really see anyone on paper.
Who can coach us worse is a more logical question, and even that is a daft one.

Honestly, a lot of our fans deserve this.
Isn’t that why he needs the support of the INEOS footballing structure? If he is being let down by the club how is sacking him the answer? Can’t wait for this season to be over but I would still give him till new year to build and see how we fair. I don’t feel like we are at Jose/Ole breaking point with Erik yet.

Ah yeh wondered when that old 'make up for a rubbish manager with Football Structure' nonsense phraseology would pop back up
Ah yeh wondered when that old 'make up for a rubbish manager with Football Structure™' nonsense argument would pop back up
Didn’t you know the new structure will do the training sessions, buy and sell players, and select the team and tactics. Then we’ll really start to see Ten Hag shine, just you watch.
You see the problem. Fans want a quick rebuild and won't accept that's not possible. Under the Glazers it wouldn't have happened because they were draining the club of funds. Under INEOS it won't happen because of FFP rules. So we are stuck with our frankenstein squad unless we are willing to swallow the pain of the transition, all while rebuilding our dilapidated facilities and stadium that mirror the state of the squad.

Sure ETH has failed. By the conventions of modern football he has to go. He will probably end up at Bayern and do really well. But his was an impossible job to do in less than five years even if we had the will to see it through rather than screaming for a new sacrificial lamb every two years. That's the real problem.

I’m very tired of pretending any rebuild will take 5 fecking years. Not a single successful rebuild has taken that long. Arsenal were title challengers in year 4, and in that case it only took that long because of how young the core squad was.

Realistically by the second year you should see a clear change and improvement in playing style with an obvious path to improvement
Even then it wasn’t particularly convincing during the ‘good’ spell. We started horrifically against Brentford and Brighton. Got hammered by City and then had a decent run of form upto the League cup final. However, even during that time we weren’t an attacking team or anything. I remember hoping that things would improve with a lighter schedule because last years was mental.
We were mostly just good because of Bruno and Rashford. The problems.
What else is there to do at this point? Start a campaign for another set of owners?
Nope. I hope that Ineos are able to turn things around, they are probably our last hope for a while. But, at the same time, I admit that it is insane continuing with EtH for the remaining part of the season, and it has been insane how they haven't sacked him yet. As a Bayesian, if I was totally agnostic about them before they started here, I am a bit in the negative side now.

If they continue with EtH for the next season, I think that will be the end of the failing empire and we'll be just another midtable club. It will show their complete lack of ability to turn things around (which they have showed in other clubs they own).
Isn’t that why he needs the support of the INEOS footballing structure? If he is being let down by the club how is sacking him the answer? Can’t wait for this season to be over but I would still give him till new year to build and see how we fair. I don’t feel like we are at Jose/Ole breaking point with Erik yet.

We just had the worst season in our PL history and you don’t think it’s a breaking point. Jesus
Some people are putting the cart before the horse here.

A strong structure doesn't turn a poor manager into a good manager. Rather, it limits the amount of damage a poor manager can do to the club.
Some people are putting the cart before the horse here.

A strong structure doesn't turn a poor manager into a good manager. Rather, it limits the amount of damage a poor manager can do to the club.
This week I’ve learned that half the Caf don’t understand what ‘structure’ is. It would appear a lot of people think it’s a catch all for winning games of football regardless of how shit your manager is.
Didn’t you know the new structure will do the training sessions, buy and sell players, and select the team and tactics. Then we’ll really start to see Ten Hag shine, just you watch.

We will be unbeatable with Ten Hag managing us, just as soon as Ten Hag is left tucked up in his armchair at home every matchday, while Fletcher drives the coach and runs the pre-match drills, Wilcox devises the match prep and tactics, Ashworth picks the team, does the team talk and acts as the DJ for the afterparty. True Football Structure
This week I’ve learned that half the Caf don’t understand what ‘structure’ is. It would appear a lot of people think it’s a catch all for winning games of football regardless of how shit your manager is.
Meh, lots of posters think that the structure is there to support the manager by signing the players he wants. :lol:
Nope. I hope that Ineos are able to turn things around, they are probably our last hope for a while. But, at the same time, I admit that it is insane continuing with EtH for the remaining part of the season, and it has been insane how they haven't sacked him yet. As a Bayesian, if I was totally agnostic about them before they started here, I am a bit in the negative side now.

If they continue with EtH for the next season, I think that will be the end of the failing empire and we'll be just another midtable club. It will show their complete lack of ability to turn things around (which they have showed in other clubs they own).

They've not even implemented the structure above him fully yet. I get the desire to see the back of him ASAP, but given the costs incurred in firing him too quickly, it's surely not a surprise that they've tried to continue with their "top down" approach to restructuring before jumping ahead and getting a new manager in?

This early, over-the-top doom and gloom is just weird.
Why are people surprised by INEOS, it’s clear to me he wants his people in place above the manager for them to make the decisions… I have zero doubts Wilcox will be hard at work as will Blanc etc - this season is wrote off just put trust in INEOS to do the right thing rather than getting mad about it.

Glazers may well have pulled the trigger but they wouldn’t have had succession plans which I’m certain INEOS will.

So they have basically wrote off the last 3 league games just to have time to get things in order. They much like Erik have probably got everything crossed that Varane,Martinez, Shaw will all be ready to go for FA Cup Final. The lack of match sharpness facing City would definitely be a big worry
Isn’t that why he needs the support of the INEOS footballing structure? If he is being let down by the club how is sacking him the answer? Can’t wait for this season to be over but I would still give him till new year to build and see how we fair. I don’t feel like we are at Jose/Ole breaking point with Erik yet.

Both can be true. You could argue every single manager we've had (including Fergie, to a degree) has been let down by the Glazers and the structure under them. Ten Hag happening to be our manager while we've got a different structure being built doesn't mean it's right to keep him on, and I think at this point his failings obviously go beyond the structure above him.
Structure is just another vacuous, meaningless buzzword that fans have latched onto to either help give them hope that things will get better, or help them find excuses for why someone they like isn't doing their job well enough.

Half of them think it means doing exactly what Murtough did and giving the manager everything he wants. The other half think it means the directors running the recruitment, training sessions, doing the coaching, deciding the tactics and philosophy, picking the teams, motivating the squad etc, essentially filling in all the spaces where the manager is failing.
They've not even implemented the structure above him fully yet. I get the desire to see the back of him ASAP, but given the costs incurred in firing him too quickly, it's surely not a surprise that they've tried to continue with their "top down" approach to restructuring before jumping ahead and getting a new manager in?

This early, over-the-top doom and gloom is just weird.

Not over the top because many of us fear a good hiding from Arsenal on Sunday,however if INEOS put McClaren in charge (they won't) we might get a half decent effort was the point
This week I’ve learned that half the Caf don’t understand what ‘structure’ is. It would appear a lot of people think it’s a catch all for winning games of football regardless of how shit your manager is.
Yeah. There's definitely something to be said for having a proper backroom infrastructure in place, but a lot of posters use "structure" as a thought-terminating cliche to absolve the manager of all his failings, most of which are directly related to coaching and have little to nothing to do with rest of the club hierarchy.
They've not even implemented the structure above him fully yet. I get the desire to see the back of him ASAP, but given the costs incurred in firing him too quickly, it's surely not a surprise that they've tried to continue with their "top down" approach to restructuring before jumping ahead and getting a new manager in?

This early, over-the-top doom and gloom is just weird.
You do not need one for a caretaker or to promote Shtiv McLaren for 4 matches.

EtH has only a season left in his contract, so at most we would need to pay him 9m. But considering that we are not in UCL next season (even mathematically), that has now dropped to 6.75m. So that cost is going to be there if we sign him now, one month for now.

The only way it isn't is if he walks away which he clearly has no intention to do.
Meh, lots of posters think that the structure is there to support the manager by signing the players he wants. :lol:
Which is partly true, but the amount of posts in the last week saying they want to see Ten Hag with ‘structure’ is absolutely insane. What do people realistically think is going to happen in the summer? This ‘structure’ is going to pull his head out of his arse?
His fans will be quick to tell you there are only 5 teams that conceded fewer goals than us in the league.

To be fair that's a crazy stat seeing as we've conceded one of the highest shot counts ever recorded over a season.

I know he's a mad man, but Ten Hag has a point when he says a lot of our shots conceded are low quality. The issue is the psychological impact those horrendous stats have on the players.
Which is partly true, but the amount of posts in the last week saying they want to see Ten Hag with ‘structure’ is absolutely insane. What do people realistically think is going to happen in the summer? This ‘structure’ is going to pull his head out of his arse?
It's clear you don't understand what structure means
He will be sacked at some point this season. We will lose 3 out of the next 4 games, with some heavy defeats and the pressure will mount immensely to sack him. They will have no choice, the feckers will be forced
To be fair that's a crazy stat seeing as we've conceded one of the highest shot counts ever recorded over a season.

I know he's a mad man, but Ten Hag has a point when he says a lot of our shots conceded are low quality. The issue is the psychological impact those horrendous stats have on the players.
Well, thanks God for that. Cause if they were high quality we would be in a fight with Sheffield.
Not over the top because many of us fear a good hiding from Arsenal on Sunday,however if INEOS put McClaren in charge (they won't) we might get a half decent effort was the point
You do not need one for a caretaker or to promote Shtiv McLaren for 4 matches.

EtH has only a season left in his contract, so at most we would need to pay him 9m. But considering that we are not in UCL next season (even mathematically), that has now dropped to 6.75m. So that cost is going to be there if we sign him now, one month for now.

The only way it isn't is if he walks away which he clearly has no intention to do.

Maybe McLaren (or anyone else) doesn't want to take it on an interim basis. Maybe INEOS want a clean break and clean start for their first managerial appointment, INEOS or otherwise.

Our remaining fixtures make for a horrible introduction for any incoming manager, even if they're only here temporarily. There's also something to be said for the fact that the players may well just down tools completely for an interim at this stage of the season. At least with the charade of Ten Hag being here next season, they're playing for their actual boss.
Enlighten us. Explain how Dan Ashworth and Omar are going to stop Ten Hag setting us up like a basketball team.
The problem is you see the output on the pitch and assume it's part of Ten Hag's master design. I think the first step is acknowledging that this is not how he wants us to play.
Isn’t that why he needs the support of the INEOS footballing structure? If he is being let down by the club how is sacking him the answer? Can’t wait for this season to be over but I would still give him till new year to build and see how we fair. I don’t feel like we are at Jose/Ole breaking point with Erik yet.
I’m curious as to why. On the pitch, things are quite a bit worse than at any point under those two, and it’s been 15 months now where we’ve been playing really badly. The team had completely given up yesterday. What would it take for you to feel we were at that same breaking point?
The problem is you see the output on the pitch and assume it's part of Ten Hag's master design. I think the first step is acknowledging that this is not how he wants us to play.
If that’s true, then how do you excuse him not being able to fix it? It’s been a whole season, and we’re only getting worse.
Maybe McLaren (or anyone else) doesn't want to take it on an interim basis. Maybe INEOS want a clean break and clean start for their first managerial appointment, INEOS or otherwise.

Our remaining fixtures make for a horrible introduction for any incoming manager, even if they're only here temporarily. There's also something to be said for the fact that the players may well just down tools completely for an interim at this stage of the season. At least with the charade of Ten Hag being here next season, they're playing for their actual boss.
Maybe there is some manager right there who can lead us for 4 games. For half a million or so. Maybe it won't achieve anything more except setting some standards that getting humiliated every other week is not tolerated. Maybe it will achieve some tiny new manager boost (it did for any other manager so far, even for Rangnick), that will make the misery a bit smaller.

The players cannot do worse than they are doing now. We just lost 4-0 to a midtable/lower-table team and the result flattered us. I find very hard to believe how it can get worse than this. Unless we keep EtH, in which case, I think it is expected to be worse than this.
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