Leniency, yes. A blank check and no responsibility for what he has chosen to do with that authority and power - no. We didn't set him up to succeed, but he didn't really do his part of the deal either. He's built a team that still needs to be dismantled, and where the majority of his signings don't have a long-term future at the club. We are no closer to playing the style of football that we surely hired him to implement now than we were before he joined. The problems he was hired to fix are still present. If anything we are further away from challenging now than we have ever been over the past decade. At the same time we are not only performing badly in comparison to the top six teams, our supposed competition, but also the bottom and even lower division sides. At our best we produce football that is chaotically entertaining, but nothing consistent or convincing.
Financially he has been a disaster, humiliated in the CL, record low (for us) competition money, assets valued at hundreds of millions of pounds depreciated in value, paying large contracts for players out on loan at other clubs, and hundreds of millions wasted in recruitment. Regardless of how his reign ends, he will likely be the most expensive manager we have ever had, even accounting for inflation, and all we have to show for it is a league cup trophy and the promise of maybe getting somewhere if we spend a lot more money. Then there's the injury issues, which at this point are so ridiculous it can't just be bad luck. As the manager, and with the amount of power we've given the manager which is practically that of a DOF and head coach, it is actually his job to sort this out and figure out why. We can only judge him on the job he was hired to do and is doing, not the job he should have been hired to do, but wasn't.