
Listening to The Eminem Show. Amazing album.

Also downloaded and watched the Anger Management Tour DVD :drool:
I almost didn't give Recovery a chance seeing as he fecked up Relapse. But recently I had it on my iPod randomly and on a flight home I decided to give it a full listen. I love at least half the songs. He really hit them hard lyrically in comparison to recent years. Sure there's no more controversy that was so funny in MMLP. No shock value cuz we've heard how crazy he can be, but I can sit back and enjoy this album. In some ways it's a feel good album to hear him talk how he's done with that bitch. 25 to life relates to shit I went through recently, it's good to hear someone spit stuff from the heart
Em' would destroy both of them that's true..on the other hand there aren't many out there he couldnt destroy.

Wayne doesnt deserve the :lol: though.
Kanye deserves 2 at least.

Well im sure Eminem's point was that when he recorded Relapse he was at such a low point that he wouldn't have destroyed kanye or Wayne. So he joined with them cuz they're arguably the two hottest artists going. There's no discussion about how he's fare against them now but before was a different story
25 To Life is a great song, so is Space Bound. Eminem really is a legend here. People hear you say his name and think you're another little scally chav wannabe but the guy is such a talent. In most of his songs is such a raw expression of his feelings he translates into his lyrics. The aggressive bite he uses when he spits really adds to how he portrays his feelings and the way the lyrics flow are very very intelligent, not just a load of random rhymes but well put together verse. Loving the new album.
25 To Life is a great song, so is Space Bound. Eminem really is a legend here. People hear you say his name and think you're another little scally chav wannabe but the guy is such a talent. In most of his songs is such a raw expression of his feelings he translates into his lyrics. The aggressive bite he uses when he spits really adds to how he portrays his feelings and the way the lyrics flow are very very intelligent, not just a load of random rhymes but well put together verse. Loving the new album.

Yah the album has really grown on me, it's up there with the Eminem show right now
25 To Life is a great song, so is Space Bound. Eminem really is a legend here. People hear you say his name and think you're another little scally chav wannabe but the guy is such a talent. In most of his songs is such a raw expression of his feelings he translates into his lyrics. The aggressive bite he uses when he spits really adds to how he portrays his feelings and the way the lyrics flow are very very intelligent, not just a load of random rhymes but well put together verse. Loving the new album.

Totally agree, Space Bound is brilliant yet people dismiss it for not being hip hop.. fine it's not but it's a great song nonetheless.
Totally agree, Space Bound is brilliant yet people dismiss it for not being hip hop.. fine it's not but it's a great song nonetheless.

Yeah exactly, even the Rhianna song The Way You Lie, I love. I don't listen to his music just to see if he is on his game or to see if he has mastered his beats or production. I listen to his music to hear his lyrics and the feelings he is delivering and the way his angry raw delivery changes to the sweet chorus from Rhianna to bring balance is good for my ears. The video doesn't concern me because I listen to it through earphones and I don't let videos detract from the song but music is different for everyone there is no good and bad only what we personally consider to be better sounding in our own ears/brains to something else.

Sometimes you just have to say yes this doesn't fit some criteria someone made up one day such as 'It isn't Hip Hop' or 'Rhianna is just a pop woman whos voice is digitally altered in songs' or 'He hasn't been the same since such and such' and just accept that a certain song is still a great song and if you can listen to it with your eyes closed and let it overcome you and influence the way you feel at that moment then it's a great song. There doesn't need to be any big debates and dissecting when it comes to music in order to justify it as good or bad, it's much simpler than that.
Yeah exactly, even the Rhianna song The Way You Lie, I love. I don't listen to his music just to see if he is on his game or to see if he has mastered his beats or production. I listen to his music to hear his lyrics and the feelings he is delivering and the way his angry raw delivery changes to the sweet chorus from Rhianna to bring balance is good for my ears. The video doesn't concern me because I listen to it through earphones and I don't let videos detract from the song but music is different for everyone there is no good and bad only what we personally consider to be better sounding in our own ears/brains to something else.

Sometimes you just have to say yes this doesn't fit some criteria someone made up one day such as 'It isn't Hip Hop' or 'Rhianna is just a pop woman whos voice is digitally altered in songs' or 'He hasn't been the same since such and such' and just accept that a certain song is still a great song and if you can listen to it with your eyes closed and let it overcome you and influence the way you feel at that moment then it's a great song. There doesn't need to be any big debates and dissecting when it comes to music, it's much simpler than that.

I don't like the Riri song:(
I don't like the Riri song:(

That's fair because music is about how you interpret something and not how someone else does, the thing I dislike is when people try to force on you that a song is bad just bsecause they don't like it. If someone doesn't like a song for a prefectly good reason then that's fine, you can't put out a song and expect everybody to like it but what I hate is when people say 'This song is shit' then you say 'I like it because of X Y and Z' and then people come on like 'Come on this song is terrible how can you like it? It's attrocious! She's terrible and so is he lol listen to this guy instead he pisses all over him' like their view of music is concrete and they are the baron of music and we aren't allowed an opinion of our own which is what music is all about.

These people just can't realise that there are people who do like and are affected by a song and they just don't like that particular one. It doesn't make it a bad song or the people that like it any less of people for liking it.

Unless it's Justin Bieber of course. :angel:
I know exactly where you'e coming from

unless it's Justin Bieber:D


Now I know we said things, did things
That we didn't mean

And we fall back, Into the same patterns
Same routine

But your temper's just as bad as mine is
You're the same as me

But when it comes to love you're just as blinded
Baby please come back It wasn't you, Baby it was me

Maybe our relationship Isn't as crazy as it seems

Maybe that's what happens, when a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much To walk away though

Come inside... Pick up your bags off the sidewalk...
Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk?


Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie

I love the Rhianna song for the lyrics mainly and how the song rings true to peoples own experiences, I like that Rhiannas input is restricted to the support for the song and she provides the clash of sweetness to the anger of the verses with a ying/yang balance in a way that feels like a release when you get to that point, the lyrics in the spoiler above I think are intelligent, it's not about including big words into rap to make yourself look like a master, but rather just talking sense in lyrics that make people reflect/relate to what's being talked about. I'm sure many people can replay a scene from their lives in their head with their eyes closed with that song playing in the background and watch it pan out like it did in the video like a great deal of Eminems music.

Even Rhiannas lyrics smack home for some experiences, speaking as the other half of that relationship the woman who the man doesn't realise he is hurting but secretly she likes it because it makes her realise what they have at the end of it that it's worth fighting for. I saw a good quote from a critic about the song saying 'Rihanna's chorus is exquisitely melodic and surprisingly hopeful, complementing the turmoil of Em's dark, introspective rant.'

Not everyone may look at it as in depth as I do or others can do but that's the beauty of music, it's all about interpretation and how I interpret it can be different to how you or others do and why we don't have to laugh at people for enjoying a certain kind of music, just stay out of their business and enjoy our own and let it influence us the way it does.

Unless.... it's Justin Bieber of course. :angel:
I've fallen off the Eminem bandwagon big time, I listened to - for personal reasons really, helped me out of a dark place - Recovery far, far too much and that kinda ruined it for me. In about a year I'll be able to listen to it again but none of his recent stuff comes anywhere close to the first 3 albums.

He's become a pop-rap star, and that is really affecting his music. All credit to the guy for getting over Proof's death and the drug abuse but he's nothing like what he was ten years ago and I'd struggle to find another rapper who has gone the same way so dramatically. Jay-Z maybe, but I can still listen to him without getting sick of it.
I've fallen off the Eminem bandwagon big time, I listened to - for personal reasons really, helped me out of a dark place - Recovery far, far too much and that kinda ruined it for me. In about a year I'll be able to listen to it again but none of his recent stuff comes anywhere close to the first 3 albums.

He's become a pop-rap star, and that is really affecting his music. All credit to the guy for getting over Proof's death and the drug abuse but he's nothing like what he was ten years ago and I'd struggle to find another rapper who has gone the same way so dramatically. Jay-Z maybe, but I can still listen to him without getting sick of it.

You would have to go back to Infinite for when he wasn't a pop star

doesn't take away from a brilliant album
You would have to go back to Infinite for when he wasn't a pop star

doesn't take away from a brilliant album

True, I know he's always had that pop-appeal in a way, but there was a time when he wasn't embracing it like he is now. Marshall Mathers LP/Slim Shady LP/Eminem Show all poked fun at that sort of mentality and now he's just become a caricature of what he used to hate. It's kind of sad, but then I think most artists go that way.
Only song I really dislike on Recovery is Won't Back Down (with Pink), other than that all the other songs are good/very good/great.

Anybody in the US going to his and Jay-Z's concerts in Detroit & New York? Should be epic, BoB's opening the Detroit shows and apparently 50 Cent is there as well...

Thought I'd put this here rather than the hip hop thread since this has caused muchos discussion.


Rihanna and Pink :nervous: Still, I'm really looking forward to this now, Not Afraid is really only weak on its chorus; Eminem always releases the worst song off his albums first. He did it with 'We Made You' for Relapse.

this album is class! FACHT
The first Eminem-Jay Z concert was yesterday, and according to MTV it was incredible. BoB, Young Jeezy, D12, Drake, 50 Cent and Dr Dre all appeared alongside the two rap icons. Apparently, Rihanna and Lady Gaga will join them at today's show.

I hope they release a DVD of the concerts....
The first Eminem-Jay Z concert was yesterday, and according to MTV it was incredible. BoB, Young Jeezy, D12, Drake, 50 Cent and Dr Dre all appeared alongside the two rap icons. Apparently, Rihanna and Lady Gaga will join them at today's show.

I hope they release a DVD of the concerts....

Here is the clip

Holla at me when you need your commercial hip hop fix:cool:
The first Eminem-Jay Z concert was yesterday, and according to MTV it was incredible. BoB, Young Jeezy, D12, Drake, 50 Cent and Dr Dre all appeared alongside the two rap icons. Apparently, Rihanna and Lady Gaga will join them at today's show.

I hope they release a DVD of the concerts....

That's unreal
If anyone's interested, rapradar.com has several videos on their website from yesterday's concert. I wish I was there :(
It's good, probably the best and most passionate verse on Recovery but I don't think I'd put it up there with the best he's ever done.
Who cares? He's fecking shit.

Do people actually listen to his 'music' without feeling like complete and utter retards?