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what do you think of his verse on no love Mockney?
Well what's it about?
It just seems to be a random bragging verse...but on a tune about bullying...or something..At least Lil Wayne (shudder) actually brings a verse that has some comparable meaning in regards to what the chorus/sample/video is about...Before he starts chatting about his gun the massive hairy tool...Em just does his usual "I'm fecking amazing and you're shit" speil, which is completely out of place and, as that video brilliantly points out, isn't actually aimed at anyone cos he's massively fecking popular and rich. Get a new angle mate, it's tired.
I've just made a beat out of the Police's Roxanne right? I'm going to write a verse about girls/sluts/prostitutes to it...Otherwise, what's the fecking point? If I wrote a verse about how awesome I was, that wouldn't make any sense.
That video is so fecking bang on it's not funny...."I'm not write raps dissing minor celebrities and my imaginary critics"....ooooooooh, brap!
You are the biggest rapper of your generation. Write something about something. Something proper. Something relevant. Oh, what? fecking minor celebrities and how bad ass you are? Sweet. Nice one.
Yes his flow is sick and he's a good rhymer....but his content is tired, old and pointless. And his rhyming is worse than it was too. He's rhyming words with the way he pronounces them rather than with what actually rhymes far too much. Mark of someone out of ideas
Quite seriously, that diss video has more relevant content, intelligence and wit than anything Eminem's done for years.