Gaming Elden Ring - Fromsoftware

Also only hit it with one arrow or spell. Hitting it twice can interrupt his charge and again he'll start walking.

If anything goes wrong just reset as it's quicker than trying to mess about shooting it again
True. That's because they haven't encountered these problems before. DS2 is riddled with them, and if you go back and find those player reviews you'll see why I compare it.

So whilst I get your point, you should surely get why I see it as a backwards step and just not as interesting nor fun. After all, many more people loved Skyrim over Morrowind and that's because of pandering and driving the sale up but not driving the genre on. I'm willing to bet more open world gamers are struggling with these reviews and not getting it, than actually are. And we can't include all those streamers paid for it, I bet when the dust settles people will realise that this is either less than what they've experienced with over OW games or they are like me and simply don't get why the genre isn't pushed on.

And to complete my point, I'll also state that not a single one of the 20-odd bosses I've faced so far are either memorable nor interesting to fight. I respect what they've tried, but I also see through it. And even on the most basic level, technically it's not even as polished as DS3/BB and people are free to challenge that. Why has it gone backwards, and why aren't people pulling it apart like they do all the other new games like Horizon? I mean FFS nearly every animation is the same and most of the enemies have featured before, and yet this is supposedly a new IP?

Worst of all, it's not like BB nor sekiro. At least both of them were side games trying new stuff, this is blatantly just DS4 trying to fool people with the G.R.R.LAZYfeck influence. So yeah, I'm a bit gutted at just how bland this all is.
I wouldn't really disagree with any of that, mainly cause the only Souls game I've played is Bloodborne (which is just a better game and I've said that throughout), but I have for the most part really enjoyed this. It's not the all time great it's been made out to be, however purely from the context of someone who hasn't played a Souls game before, the person you were directly addressing, it's a great entry point that they will likely really enjoy and not find bland or dull like you're suggesting.

The overwhelming feedback, especially from newcomers, has been extremely positive, which is why I don't think it's fair for a Souls veteran to put off someone that hasn't played any Souls game before, now shoo :)
I think I've decided that, on balance, the open world hurts the game.

Exploring can be fun, the world is massive (if quite empty) but I seem to spend more time looking for something to do and enemies that are doable, rather than progressing in any meaningful way.

I just find it unfocused and it's pretty annoying looking for that stepping stone from being one-shotted by a boss and having to travel the world looking for an area that's challenging but not impossible - a place where you end up levelling up even if you get through it.

A few times I've gone through a dungeon easily enough to get to a boss that is way above my level...and there's no site of grace, so you essentially have to leave and 'look forward' to having to do it all again.

The level design in Dark Souls is far superior IMO. I'm still enjoying it and in many ways it's absolutely brilliant but there's some big caveats.
I wouldn't really disagree with any of that, mainly cause the only Souls game I've played is Bloodborne (which is just a better game and I've said that throughout), but I have for the most part really enjoyed this. It's not the all time great it's been made out to be, however purely from the context of someone who hasn't played a Souls game before, the person you were directly addressing, it's a great entry point that they will likely really enjoy and not find bland or dull like you're suggesting.

The overwhelming feedback, especially from newcomers, has been extremely positive, which is why I don't think it's fair for a Souls veteran to put off someone that hasn't played any Souls game before, now shoo :)

No, he said about the tedious aspect of dying to trash fights, and can you argue this isn't littered with them?

And I'm not trying to put people off, far from it I am just always honest about it. And this game is the most early accesible and is great if you like OW stuff, but when it gets to the souls gameplay it's not even close to the best example. As someone else said, those reviews comparing it to BOTW where out there to sucker people in and garnish those high scores.

It's ok, but it's not a 10, it's not even close to being the best game of it's type. It's a backwards step, they clearly have no idea on how to move the series forward despite BB and Sekiro being great sidesteps (oh and if you look back, I'm pretty sure I called both those games out for similar things, especially Sekiro. The engine being the most blatant example).
Interesting. Will continue with controller then. I for some reason thought this game would have been similar to horizon and boy was I mistaken.

You can remap the attack buttons to the face buttons (like A/B/Y/X) to make the input a bit smoother. But yes, the controls are a lot different to horizon, they were made for early controllers in mind and never changed.
He never said any of that :lol:

I'm tempted, but I've never played a From game before... The difficulty has always put me off. Would this be a good starter?
Depends how open you are to dying over and over.

It's beatable so far for me and I'm terrible, and much more forgiving in terms of levelling content than previous games.

If you can't take not winning first time in boss fights or dying to trash fights its not for you.
I can take the former (if they're like the God of War Valkyrie battles for example) , but I fear I'm too much of a whingy bitch for the latter :nervous:

I mean, sorry he said about being a whingey bitch about them instead.

So, the question still remains...
This game is a bitch but I keep playing. No way am I going to stop and let these game developing bastards take my $60. I also enjoy it. Really trying to avoid the youtube vids showing where to farm a zillion runes in 45 min BS. Just been using ER Wiki to see what exactly items do as I come across them. Beat a couple of mini bosses outside and in the caves. Very frustrating game but in quite enjoying it.
No, it has way more problems that mirror DS2 to make it not "polished" at all. And it's not overly negative, look at it this way...I really wanted and still want to love it, but I can't look past the blatant problems that everyone else seems to. It's disappointment, not hate. I didn't buy it for myself, my Mrs and my boy on all three platforms to hate on it.

It's just not that great, worse than that, it's underbaked and a backwards step. I mean as a DS2 player yourself, you surely see the struggles with making it the fabled "difficult" game, the hitbox issues, the ladder issues, the i-frame problems that match that game more than DS3/BB/Sekiro? You must surely see the lack of direction with the bosses and the regurgitation of the locales?

Let's be honest, it mirrors DS2 in many more ways that any of the others, including the development and the story (and Martin's supposed involvement). Sure the next one will likely build on it, but this one has clearly gone back a step, just like when they couldn't figure out how to recapture the magic with DS2 so they mirrored the bosses/enemies and tried to make it harder with the cheapness.

Also, it clearly has issues with the balancing and stuff like the poise not working how it should. But again, because it's FROM people overlook the fact they rarely fix things or bother to patch and leave it to modders...
Yeah I can agree on the issues with poise (and add arcane's broken scaling too), but I don't understand the issue with iframes and ladders? DS2's issue with the former was tied to the silly adaptability mechanism which they've fortunately binned since. As for the samey locales - well its a dark souls game in all but name. There's only so many dark fantasy tropes with medieval castles, spooky catacombs and and ancient lost cities they can play around with. It's a lot easier to make things fresh with BB/Sekiro considering the radically different settings, but I feel like they've done a decent job creating a distinction (albeit familiar one) with the areas.

As for boss design - its hit or miss, but there's a staggering number of them in this game. Yes a lot of them are uninspired, repetitive and sometimes tedious, but there have been some pretty memorable ones IMO. I thoroughly enjoyed fighting Radahn, Godrick and various others I won't spoil. I think you're forgetting how awful some bosses were in previous entries, but because of the scale of the game here they're a lot more numerous. And because of the open nature of the game I appreciated being able to shelf some and come back to stomp them once I've levelled up a bit.

My main concerns with the game are the performance and build balance, particularly late game (STR builds up against fast, multi combo bosses is a sad time), but other than that I don't think they've gone backwards at all. I'm grateful if anything that the success of this game has shaken the industry to hopefully try something new beyond the trash open world design of Ubisoft games for instance.
Yeah I'm gonna have to disagree with @Redlambs here. I think the game is fantastic. Played and beat all the Souls games and Bloodborne multiple times and probably got about 80% through Sekiro before just getting stuck on one of the end bosses. Its not perfect, but it's really interesting and an engaging wirld throughout, the variety in how you can play is huge, I don't feel like it's biased or pushes you towards a specific build (out of the 6 people I know who play the game, 2 go strength with one dual wield colossal weapons, 1 is sorcery, 1 is faith, 1 is dual wield katana, 1 is fast sword and shield and we all enjoy it and don't feel weak... Bows probably still suck though), there's no shortage of enemies/dungeons/side quests/legacy dungeons and I think all that is great, the landscape is diverse throughout, and the exploring feels rewarding IMO.

Cons for me so far is there doesn't seem to be a good PVP type of set up so far? Hoping they introduce something like from DS1 how they had that one forest where you always had 2v2 or 3v3's, or I think in the DLC?

Also I agree with criticisms regarding some pacing/some greater sense of direction. The world is large, and if you go in blind, it's definitely hard to know where to go. Part of the fun true, but more of a nuisance. I think they generally made the path "optional", like the first area is clear but the areas after the first clear area in any direction feel at a roughly similar enough level IMO. It's hard to get in the mindset of "I can grind through whatever area I'm in" instead of "should I be here or should I find a lower level area".

Lastly but the main one for me - it really wouldn't have hurt the experience to have an in game log. Not a quest log per se, but have a character interaction log so you can just read back on a character and see the location they are in, and what your conversation was. Have it organized so you can click between merchants to keep track of where they are. Also with the log, have some sort of completion log tied in with the map. Who can remember all the dungeons they've been to but bailed to return later, which ones they've finished and which are unfinished? I know you can star a site of grace manually... But why couldn't they just put it in themselves like how BOTW marked the shrines?

Compared to their other games, it's definitely an open world dark souls 4 with very small aspects from BB/Sekiro. Nothing wrong with that IMO, I love all the dark souls games so why change it dramatically? With the 2 spin offs, Bloodborne was definitely a great addition while Sekiro felt like more of a grind and they really didn't need to get rid of the multiplayer aspect in that game (as now if you just get stuck on a boss and can't beat him solo, you just stop playing the game instead of getting that little bit of help).

Some comparisons to BOTW, if that game is a 10 then so is this one for me. BOTW had some clear and big weaknesses despite it being a great game. Pretty much everything that made Zelda great and interesting in older games was pretty shit in that one (large, detailed, interesting and challenging dungeons, enemy diversity, boss diversity, the rewarding feeling when you find a new weapon, etc) they just made up for it with the world. But weapon durability and such an overload of weapons was horrible and worthless in that game, the enemies were all the same, and the dungeons were the least interesting part of the game. Here the issues are much smaller than in BOTW, just more pointless annoyances that could've easily been resolved.
Yeah I can agree on the issues with poise (and add arcane's broken scaling too), but I don't understand the issue with iframes and ladders? DS2's issue with the former was tied to the silly adaptability mechanism which they've fortunately binned since. As for the samey locales - well its a dark souls game in all but name. There's only so many dark fantasy tropes with medieval castles, spooky catacombs and and ancient lost cities they can play around with. It's a lot easier to make things fresh with BB/Sekiro considering the radically different settings, but I feel like they've done a decent job creating a distinction (albeit familiar one) with the areas.

That's the point, it's is DS4 and not a new game. I'm a big believer of calling people out for their bullshit and bullshots, and this game doesn't get a swerve because it's my second favourite genre.

As for boss design - its hit or miss, but there's a staggering number of them in this game. Yes a lot of them are uninspired, repetitive and sometimes tedious, but there have been some pretty memorable ones IMO. I thoroughly enjoyed fighting Radahn, Godrick and various others I won't spoil. I think you're forgetting how awful some bosses were in previous entries, but because of the scale of the game here they're a lot more numerous. And because of the open nature of the game I appreciated being able to shelf some and come back to stomp them once I've levelled up a bit.

Maybe I'll find memorable ones, but I've been through the first few dungeons and plenty of the side parts (all with reused assets from the souls games, so much for a new IP) and absolutely nothing is memorable. I have a shit memory for specifics as it is, but gaming moments stand out. Sure DS2 is hazy, but even that DLC and all the other games are much more defined than this.

My main concerns with the game are the performance and build balance, particularly late game (STR builds up against fast, multi combo bosses is a sad time), but other than that I don't think they've gone backwards at all. I'm grateful if anything that the success of this game has shaken the industry to hopefully try something new beyond the trash open world design of Ubisoft games for instance.

But those concerns have been ever present and show the age and lack of care of the engine. And it is backwards, it's more sluggish than DS3/BB and has plenty of the input lags of 2 for a start. It also has the same collision issues (which I believe are deliberate btw, if you study the animations that is) and the ladder issue is well documented and is why the mod for 2 was most ropey and in this hasn't been achieved yet. As for the last point, I'm not arguing I'm just curious...what have they tried and what will "shake" the industry? It's no different to any other OW game, in fact it's a joke to be compared to BOTW. Someone compared it to Shadow of the Colossus and that's a far better comparison. I just don't get what this has supposedly done different?
Yeah I'm gonna have to disagree with @Redlambs here. I think the game is fantastic. Played and beat all the Souls games and Bloodborne multiple times and probably got about 80% through Sekiro before just getting stuck on one of the end bosses. Its not perfect, but it's really interesting and an engaging wirld throughout, the variety in how you can play is huge, I don't feel like it's biased or pushes you towards a specific build (out of the 6 people I know who play the game, 2 go strength with one dual wield colossal weapons, 1 is sorcery, 1 is faith, 1 is dual wield katana, 1 is fast sword and shield and we all enjoy it and don't feel weak... Bows probably still suck though), there's no shortage of enemies/dungeons/side quests/legacy dungeons and I think all that is great, the landscape is diverse throughout, and the exploring feels rewarding IMO.

Cons for me so far is there doesn't seem to be a good PVP type of set up so far? Hoping they introduce something like from DS1 how they had that one forest where you always had 2v2 or 3v3's, or I think in the DLC?

Also I agree with criticisms regarding some pacing/some greater sense of direction. The world is large, and if you go in blind, it's definitely hard to know where to go. Part of the fun true, but more of a nuisance. I think they generally made the path "optional", like the first area is clear but the areas after the first clear area in any direction feel at a roughly similar enough level IMO. It's hard to get in the mindset of "I can grind through whatever area I'm in" instead of "should I be here or should I find a lower level area".

Lastly but the main one for me - it really wouldn't have hurt the experience to have an in game log. Not a quest log per se, but have a character interaction log so you can just read back on a character and see the location they are in, and what your conversation was. Have it organized so you can click between merchants to keep track of where they are. Also with the log, have some sort of completion log tied in with the map. Who can remember all the dungeons they've been to but bailed to return later, which ones they've finished and which are unfinished? I know you can star a site of grace manually... But why couldn't they just put it in themselves like how BOTW marked the shrines?

Compared to their other games, it's definitely an open world dark souls 4 with very small aspects from BB/Sekiro. Nothing wrong with that IMO, I love all the dark souls games so why change it dramatically? With the 2 spin offs, Bloodborne was definitely a great addition while Sekiro felt like more of a grind and they really didn't need to get rid of the multiplayer aspect in that game (as now if you just get stuck on a boss and can't beat him solo, you just stop playing the game instead of getting that little bit of help).

Some comparisons to BOTW, if that game is a 10 then so is this one for me. BOTW had some clear and big weaknesses despite it being a great game. Pretty much everything that made Zelda great and interesting in older games was pretty shit in that one (large, detailed, interesting and challenging dungeons, enemy diversity, boss diversity, the rewarding feeling when you find a new weapon, etc) they just made up for it with the world. But weapon durability and such an overload of weapons was horrible and worthless in that game, the enemies were all the same, and the dungeons were the least interesting part of the game. Here the issues are much smaller than in BOTW, just more pointless annoyances that could've easily been resolved.

I'm not sure you completely disagree with me :lol:

Though the bias in the builds is clear. Same is it is through all the souls games, they've all had a clear build and path that is king. The beauty of these and why I do ultimately prefer the souls over BB/Sekiro is that the alternative choices, whilst more challenging overall, is the choice to play differently.
Lastly but the main one for me - it really wouldn't have hurt the experience to have an in game log. Not a quest log per se, but have a character interaction log so you can just read back on a character and see the location they are in, and what your conversation was. Have it organized so you can click between merchants to keep track of where they are. Also with the log, have some sort of completion log tied in with the map. Who can remember all the dungeons they've been to but bailed to return later, which ones they've finished and which are unfinished? I know you can star a site of grace manually... But why couldn't they just put it in themselves like how BOTW marked the shrines?
This is the big one for me. There are some seriously convoluted quests that spawn across the whole game where characters appear in not very obvious locations and I'm like "wait, who are you again, what happened?". It's fecking impossible to keep track of. I even have a document open on my other screen where I try to but it's still a nightmare :lol: Some sort of basic quest log that notes where characters went or what they said to you would have really helped, it almost feels stupid to me not including one at all. At the moment it feels pretty much impossible to do a lot of quests in the game without using some sort of guide.
I'm not sure you completely disagree with me :lol:

Though the bias in the builds is clear. Same is it is through all the souls games, they've all had a clear build and path that is king. The beauty of these and why I do ultimately prefer the souls over BB/Sekiro is that the alternative choices, whilst more challenging overall, is the choice to play differently.
:lol: Maybe we disagree on the emotion we get out of it despite the assessment then! I personally love it. Would give it a 9 and not a 10 because of the few issues, but a patch could easily clear those up and bump it up (BOTW issues I'm interested to see if they fix for the 2nd or if they just liked how it was).

Sorcery is always easy mode I guess, but i do feel like it isn't as OP in this one? I dunno. Definitely not as fun. I started and switched off, and have a lot more fun being close combat and engaging than sticking back and spamming spells. I don't feel like the game pushes it though which is nice. Anyone can pick it, but there's loads of interesting and fun ways to play outside of spells. And certain bosses really aren't suited for sorcery while others obviously you get a huge advantage.
This is the big one for me. There are some seriously convoluted quests that spawn across the whole game where characters appear in not very obvious locations and I'm like "wait, who are you again, what happened?". It's fecking impossible to keep track of. I even have a document open on my other screen where I try to but it's still a nightmare :lol: Some sort of basic quest log that notes where characters went or what they said to you would have really helped, it almost feels stupid to me not including one at all. At the moment it feels pretty much impossible to do a lot of quests in the game without using some sort of guide.
Yep for sure. Its stubbornness not putting it in. As it is you basically just have to pump out the side quests in one go following a guide online by just fast traveling around rather than organically doing it. Just tedious really.
Yep for sure. Its stubbornness not putting it in. As it is you basically just have to pump out the side quests in one go following a guide online by just fast traveling around rather than organically doing it. Just tedious really.
The daft thing is I actually saw reviews that said it was a good thing they had to have documents open to write stuff down themselves to keep track of. How the feck is that a good thing you nutters? :lol:
:lol: Maybe we disagree on the emotion we get out of it despite the assessment then! I personally love it. Would give it a 9 and not a 10 because of the few issues, but a patch could easily clear those up and bump it up (BOTW issues I'm interested to see if they fix for the 2nd or if they just liked how it was).

Sorcery is always easy mode I guess, but i do feel like it isn't as OP in this one? I dunno. Definitely not as fun. I started and switched off, and have a lot more fun being close combat and engaging than sticking back and spamming spells. I don't feel like the game pushes it though which is nice. Anyone can pick it, but there's loads of interesting and fun ways to play outside of spells. And certain bosses really aren't suited for sorcery while others obviously you get a huge advantage.

Have you played the others? For me, I just remember so much more of them and barely anything of 2. And even less so far of this. It's just not very interesting to me, I feel it needed so much more refinining and modernising.

Interestingly I have been tempted to restart from scratch with a magic build, of all the souls games this seemed like it would be most interesting. But then I've not looked it up, but maybe it's same old same old there too.

The daft thing is I actually saw reviews that said it was a good thing they had to have documents open to write stuff down themselves to keep track of. How the feck is that a good thing you nutters? :lol:

:lol: True!

My main gripe. People seem to be deliberately overlooking things in this that they gladly slag off in other games, and it's not just because it's FROM because they slagged off DS2 for the exact same problems they praise this for! Madness I tells ya!
Have you played the others? For me, I just remember so much more of them and barely anything of 2. And even less so far of this. It's just not very interesting to me, I feel it needed so much more refinining and modernising.

Interestingly I have been tempted to restart from scratch with a magic build, of all the souls games this seemed like it would be most interesting. But then I've not looked it up, but maybe it's same old same old there too.
Yup! Beat Demons Souls, Dark Souls 1/2/3, Bloodborne and the DLC's all multiple times and Sekiro literally couldn't beat one of the last fights against the Owl or whatever and eventually gave up on it. It might just be nostalgia IMO. There are of course some fantastic bosses among all the games, but I don't think that's any different in this one. Bloodborne and Sekiro definitely have the biggest variety of bosses though, but they're still great in these.

For magic, I would just say respec for NG+ if you want to try it. The starting bit for a while is just annoying as you spam Glintstone pebble and it takes a while until you unlock the cooler spells, and those are mostly higher level I think. I was sorcery until Renalla and then respec'd out of it because it was purely using Glintstone pebble as my main spell (and a sword) until I beat her which is what you start with.

From what I've seen - they brought a lot of cool things to faith builds, while intelligence builds are mostly same old same old (as they always had a huge focus on earlier games).
Yup! Beat Demons Souls, Dark Souls 1/2/3, Bloodborne and the DLC's all multiple times and Sekiro literally couldn't beat one of the last fights against the Owl or whatever and eventually gave up on it. It might just be nostalgia IMO. There are of course some fantastic bosses among all the games, but I don't think that's any different in this one. Bloodborne and Sekiro definitely have the biggest variety of bosses though, but they're still great in these.

For magic, I would just say respec for NG+ if you want to try it. The starting bit for a while is just annoying as you spam Glintstone pebble and it takes a while until you unlock the cooler spells, and those are mostly higher level I think. I was sorcery until Renalla and then respec'd out of it because it was purely using Glintstone pebble as my main spell (and a sword) until I beat her which is what you start with.

From what I've seen - they brought a lot of cool things to faith builds, while intelligence builds are mostly same old same old (as they always had a huge focus on earlier games).

Do you not feel how much more sluggish it is? Also the Demon's Souls remake is so much better mechanically and graphically too, they should have used that engine for this and not their own poorly developed one, but that's just an aside.

Interesting on the magic front, do those dragon heart spells not make a difference? One thing I wanted and always do in games with magic, is the ability to be a summoner and have minions do the work whilst you buff, I take it those options are still limited because of those odd ashes summons things that are specific locations and op?
Do you not feel how much more sluggish it is? Also the Demon's Souls remake is so much better mechanically and graphically too, they should have used that engine for this and not their own poorly developed one, but that's just an aside.

Interesting on the magic front, do those dragon heart spells not make a difference? One thing I wanted and always do in games with magic, is the ability to be a summoner and have minions do the work whilst you buff, I take it those options are still limited because of those odd ashes summons things that are specific locations and op?
Dragon spells I think are more with faith with some in arcane, they seem decent but I haven't tried those. You can definitely go the buff route, they do have spells where you heal surrounding people and buff everyone including yourself, but generally it's still made for you to join the attacking as apart from the one fight, summons are limited. Though the mimic summon looks ridiculously good.

And yeah the Demons Souls remake was flawless with the movement and fighting mechanics, though I don't think I notice a whole lot different? Maybe it's just been a while but it felt similar on first instinct. I've never gone the heavy/strength route as I generally like quicker attacks and movements so I dunno.
My internet has been really crappy lately but I think i've found the way to the 4th major boss of the game at the volcano. I don't think I ever would have found it without a player message guiding me to the hidden area though and I have to be glad i was online at that point.

Someone I know is playing this offline and although it's good in some ways (total surprise, no player hints) I can't help wonder how much content you might miss without some sort of help.
Dragon spells I think are more with faith with some in arcane, they seem decent but I haven't tried those. You can definitely go the buff route, they do have spells where you heal surrounding people and buff everyone including yourself, but generally it's still made for you to join the attacking as apart from the one fight, summons are limited. Though the mimic summon looks ridiculously good.

And yeah the Demons Souls remake was flawless with the movement and fighting mechanics, though I don't think I notice a whole lot different? Maybe it's just been a while but it felt similar on first instinct. I've never gone the heavy/strength route as I generally like quicker attacks and movements so I dunno.
Weirdly, although it's better on both fronts and better graphically I feel DS was a bit of a let down (never played the original) and an inferior experience to ER. Still a solid 8 out of 10 but it's level design was quite poor at times. Elden Ring, for me, is a far meatier game and holds my interest a lot more.
Dragon spells I think are more with faith with some in arcane, they seem decent but I haven't tried those. You can definitely go the buff route, they do have spells where you heal surrounding people and buff everyone including yourself, but generally it's still made for you to join the attacking as apart from the one fight, summons are limited. Though the mimic summon looks ridiculously good.

And yeah the Demons Souls remake was flawless with the movement and fighting mechanics, though I don't think I notice a whole lot different? Maybe it's just been a while but it felt similar on first instinct. I've never gone the heavy/strength route as I generally like quicker attacks and movements so I dunno.

I always play light/fast, it's perhaps why I notice it more in this. But it's due to a number of things, like the poise/stagger being either borked or exaggerated, the hit reg boxes being ridiculously oversized (again I think that's deliberate for faux difficulty, but it may be bugged) but in general the delay on button presses (especially dodge) seems to be at DS2 levels of weird and that's on all 3 systems. DS3/BB and sekiro are all far smoother with all those things. It's not right at all, it's definitely off.

But yeah, I should try some magic to see if it interests me more. At the moment I'm either going twinblade or twin daggers and neither is particularly interesting me, even the katanas seem lacklustre (but I think that's from playing DS3 over and over :lol:).

My internet has been really crappy lately but I think i've found the way to the 4th major boss of the game at the volcano. I don't think I ever would have found it without a player message guiding me to the hidden area though and I have to be glad i was online at that point.

Someone I know is playing this offline and although it's good in some ways (total surprise, no player hints) I can't help wonder how much content you might miss without some sort of help.

All the soulsborne games are like that. I like to play them first without help/offline, but you do miss out on a lot so I don't advise it generally.
Weirdly, although it's better on both fronts and better graphically I feel DS was a bit of a let down (never played the original) and an inferior experience to ER. Still a solid 8 out of 10 but it's level design was quite poor at times. Elden Ring, for me, is a far meatier game and holds my interest a lot more.

It's an old game and they remade it faithfully, so yeah the level designs and all that don't really hold up well imo. Dark Souls 1 however still remains the pinnacle of level design in these games, if they properly remade that (and not the trash "HD" shite of recent times) you'd find it closer to this and perhaps many would find it even more interesting and it flows so much better.
Will say some of the hitboxes are annoying. I got ran over by a rolly thing that was literally nowhere near me at one stage.

I also think the open world nature works against the supposed difficulty and as such instead of learning to beat a boss you simply leave, level up somewhere else come back over powered and stomp them. You don't have to get good as much as get levelled and geared.

Now I'm not long after Radahn but I'm like level 100 from side content. Margit is still the only boss I died on more than 5 or 6 times because I was level 14 or 15 at the time. The exploration works against the hardship because it encourages, leaving to do something else, get strong and return. Its something they are going to have to tackle long term because its too easy to become op. You've never level like that on the older games because you'd have to grind monotonous mobs. Its also easy to cheese some big bosses in the open world by simply getting above them or out of range and picking them off from distance which enhances the levelling and getting OP.

Its an 8/10 for me but I'm still loving most my time in it.
Weirdly, although it's better on both fronts and better graphically I feel DS was a bit of a let down (never played the original) and an inferior experience to ER. Still a solid 8 out of 10 but it's level design was quite poor at times. Elden Ring, for me, is a far meatier game and holds my interest a lot more.
Oh for sure. Just more the combat and movement I thought was so smooth. Demons souls was their first big one I think so there were definitely some aspects that they fixed in the later games, but the remake was just a remake.
It's an old game and they remade it faithfully, so yeah the level designs and all that don't really hold up well imo. Dark Souls 1 however still remains the pinnacle of level design in these games, if they properly remade that (and not the trash "HD" shite of recent times) you'd find it closer to this and perhaps many would find it even more interesting and it flows so much better.
Whoever made the demons souls remake just needs to do the same thing with Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne.
I always play light/fast, it's perhaps why I notice it more in this. But it's due to a number of things, like the poise/stagger being either borked or exaggerated, the hit reg boxes being ridiculously oversized (again I think that's deliberate for faux difficulty, but it may be bugged) but in general the delay on button presses (especially dodge) seems to be at DS2 levels of weird and that's on all 3 systems. DS3/BB and sekiro are all far smoother with all those things. It's not right at all, it's definitely off.

But yeah, I should try some magic to see if it interests me more. At the moment I'm either going twinblade or twin daggers and neither is particularly interesting me, even the katanas seem lacklustre (but I think that's from playing DS3 over and over :lol:).

All the soulsborne games are like that. I like to play them first without help/offline, but you do miss out on a lot so I don't advise it generally.
I'll try to keep an eye if I notice stuff! But for me mostly I haven't felt faux difficulty because of faulty or delayed mechanics or anything. Maybe just ignored it.
2 hours of fecking around so far. One boss defeated Beastman. Extremely annoying tracking and hitboxes.

There is a lot, a fecking lot, of crafting stuff being picked up.

Not sure about the horse combat. I'm hoping it's not too prevalent.

Trying for a Lady Maria from Bloodborne dual-wielding bleed build.
20 hours, level 34, 6 flasks of crimson tears, jellyfish ashes, Lordsworn Greatsword+4, strength 36...sorcerer rogier assisting.....50 attempts, maybe more....and can't beat Margit. Absolutely brutal. Might need to uninstall for my own mental health :lol: Returnal was a challenge but over 30+ years of gaming I've never hit a brick wall like Margit
20 hours, level 34, 6 flasks of crimson tears, jellyfish ashes, Lordsworn Greatsword+4, strength 36...sorcerer rogier assisting.....50 attempts, maybe more....and can't beat Margit. Absolutely brutal. Might need to uninstall for my own mental health :lol: Returnal was a challenge but over 30+ years of gaming I've never hit a brick wall like Margit

Grind a few levels and come back, advice for anyone hitting a brick wall and not getting close.

No matter what you put points into you'll improve your resistances, but as a pure melee you will need more Vigor to trade blows, plus Endurance to mid roll with heavier armour with more poise
Having a blast with this game. Not felt as engaged with a game since BotW.

Got the classic feeling of dread and excitement when playing.

Beat Redahn tonight (take that, you prick!) and enjoying Nokron.
And then when you bite the bullet you'll realise I'm right.

Or be your usual stubborn self and pretend you love this :lol:

To be honest I was thinking about taking your advice first and giving Bloodborne a whirl as I think it's on PS Plus!
To be honest I was thinking about taking your advice first and giving Bloodborne a whirl as I think it's on PS Plus!

Do it mate.

And just remember one tip above all's going to be weird and maybe even horrible at first, but it will click and that could be even past the first boss. But it will click.

Bar the dogs, I can't remember it being unfair either, and if you've mastered the Valkyries then you can master BB long enough for that click to happen.