True. That's because they haven't encountered these problems before. DS2 is riddled with them, and if you go back and find those player reviews you'll see why I compare it.
So whilst I get your point, you should surely get why I see it as a backwards step and just not as interesting nor fun. After all, many more people loved Skyrim over Morrowind and that's because of pandering and driving the sale up but not driving the genre on. I'm willing to bet more open world gamers are struggling with these reviews and not getting it, than actually are. And we can't include all those streamers paid for it, I bet when the dust settles people will realise that this is either less than what they've experienced with over OW games or they are like me and simply don't get why the genre isn't pushed on.
And to complete my point, I'll also state that not a single one of the 20-odd bosses I've faced so far are either memorable nor interesting to fight. I respect what they've tried, but I also see through it. And even on the most basic level, technically it's not even as polished as DS3/BB and people are free to challenge that. Why has it gone backwards, and why aren't people pulling it apart like they do all the other new games like Horizon? I mean FFS nearly every animation is the same and most of the enemies have featured before, and yet this is supposedly a new IP?
Worst of all, it's not like BB nor sekiro. At least both of them were side games trying new stuff, this is blatantly just DS4 trying to fool people with the G.R.R.LAZYfeck influence. So yeah, I'm a bit gutted at just how bland this all is.