Dual wield! You can 'powerstance' in this game. That means if you have two weapons of the same type (e.g. battle axe + battle axe, greatsword + greatsword etc), you unlock additional abilities, namely a powerful jump attack with both weapons (jump + L1) and your L1 button alone will slash with both weapons. It does crazy damage. In your case you're going to need another curved greatsword to pair the bloodhound with. An easy one to get is the Demounter sword which drops off those nordic looking guys that ride on horses. (If you dont have it, then just fast travel to agheel lake north, there's one riding about near the bonfire, just keep killing him, and resting near the bonfire to reset him, rinse and repeat until you get it).
Otherwise its up to you whether to 2h or 1h it. I'd always advise 2h since it does more damage and doesn't overload your equip load, but its perfectly fine with a shield too.
If you haven't already, try the L2 attack, followed by R2. Its the best thing in this game