Television Doctor Who

I wish Clara actually stayed dead in hindsight. It's going to annoy me that she's actually alive and travelling the Universe and we won't actually get to see her. Bastards. Why give us the hope that the Doctor may bump into her at some point? (Won't happen, but the idea is there).

Plus, will we see Me again?

Not much done with Galifrey unfortunately - still quite enjoyed the episode.
feck, I'm going to miss Jenna Coleman :(
Once again moffat fecked it up at the final hurdle.

My god this man can build up an immense mystery and feck it all up in 40 mins. Still one of the best seasons
I thought it was outstanding ending to one of the best season for a long time.
So now we have 2 tradis running round in time and space.
I just knew that Moffet would not keep Clara dead, but I thought it was done brilliantly.
I have a feeling we will see that American Diner and Ashildr a few times in the future and quite possibly Clara.
There is still the , time is not healing line yet, wonder if they will do something with that.
Christmas Special looks good, I have this thing for River.
I get the Christmas episodes are more light-hearted, but that was absolute shit.
I quite liked River not having all the knowledge over The Doctor this time. She usually really annoys me with her smug "spoilers" nonsense.

I think it was an OK Christmas special. Wouldn't have wanted it as part of the main series though.
Not sure what direction Doctor Who will go now with Clara gone. There's been no news about next companion no?
Apparently if you're in with the BBC (Moffat, Gatiss etc etc) then you've a job for life regardless of the quality of your work.
Chibnall wrote some cracking eps for Torchwood. His Doctor Who credits are average at best.
All my favourite Moffat episodes came during the Russell T Davies era. I hope he comes back to write an episode or two a season after he hands over the reigns.
Last season was terrific from Moffat, loved the 2-part episode structure through the season. Think it's a good decision he will leave after a final season, hopefully it's a good one.
I think she looks overly cocky, like she's going to be another of these "witty one-liner" companions there to snark at The Doctor and his enemies.

But that's only from a brief teaser, so hopefully there's more to her than that.
She seems like she will be an annoying bitch who will try to be funny for the sake of it. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Loved the darker, more intense themes we had in the last season & Clara was excellent. Hope they're not going in the opposite direction.
First impressions of the new assistant were disappointing. Looks like they want to go for the funny type this time,and will reserve further judgement until I've seen further footage. Personally I preferred the Clara and Amy style assistants, so am a little disappointed that they have changed the direction here.
First impressions of the new assistant were disappointing. Looks like they want to go for the funny type this time,and will reserve further judgement until I've seen further footage. Personally I preferred the Clara and Amy style assistants, so am a little disappointed that they have changed the direction here.

Sums it up for me too. Clara :drool:
I liked Matt Smith and would be interested to see him under a different showrunner.
Hope not. The only Doctor I would accept coming back is Eccleston. Tennant was my favourite but he had many classic arcs and episodes; Eccleston's talent deserved more than the 4 good episodes he got.
it took me time to get used to him ,I am not against him returning in principle but think it is too soon,his episode 'the doctors wife' is one of my all time favourites.
I wish I had access to watch Doctor Who somewhat earlier. I've been watching it from the Eccleston reboot on and off the past six months and binging it from the 11th. Doctor. Almost no episode that has touched me to tears. Is it supposed to do that to you?
I really should start watching this again.

The trouble is I have a right cnut in my office that's proper obsessed with Dr Who. He wears a bow tie at all times and demands that everyone call him "the doctor". He even had a dr who themed wedding last year.

He also seems to have a Dr who reference to any issue/discussion which is really fecking annoying and grating. To top it all off he's converting a spare bedroom into the Tardis! He'll probably sit in there playing with his sonic screwdriver...

Anyhow, all of this has completely put me off watching the show.
Started watching Dr. Who for the first time a few months ago when I got my Amazon Prime membership. I've worked my way through Eccleston and Tennant, and now am in the last few episodes of Smith's time as the Doctor.

Tennant and Smith are really neck and neck for me. Didn't start out that way, but Smith's version has really grown on me.

It's ridiculous mate. On Friday we had a customer that wanted to export 4.5MVA of generated load back into the distribution network and he was like "oh yes, this reminds me of the time Davros used a lie detector test on the doctor", and while he's ranting I'm thinking to myself "this isn't even relevant you fecking sad cnut!".
It's ridiculous mate. On Friday we had a customer that wanted to export 4.5MVA of generated load back into the distribution network and he was like "oh yes, this reminds me of the time Davros used a lie detector test on the doctor", and while he's ranting I'm thinking to myself "this isn't even relevant you fecking sad cnut!".

knock him out. christ.