Television Doctor Who

Whilst Dyer is a total and utter bellsniff, and a complete cnut, It'd be worth it just to see him go up against the Dalek's

Cor blimey, stone the crows, bloomin' Ada, Gordon Bennett, how's yer father, and so on. This is the worst news since Trumpton got elected.
Should read as: "Stopp fackin' the wurld ap, yoo tin cants."
Meh episode. Not as terrible as I thought it would be but not near the quality of last season.
Not that bad an opening episode although knowing John Simm returns towards the end of the series means a lot of wishing the filler episodes were over and done with already.
I miss the Matt Smith era where there was a backstory going on throughout the whole series - e.g, the cracks in the wall, the silence.

These one-hit episodes with no real connection between each episode is just a bit meh.
I do wonder whats behind the vault though. The Master?
Both Missy and John Simm's Master are appearing in this season. I reckon it'll be Simm in the vault
Missy & the Doctor should team up. Would be infinitely more fun than the new assistant who isn't very good.

Capaldi is doing a good job again.
Missy & the Doctor should team up. Would be infinitely more fun than the new assistant who isn't very good.

Capaldi is doing a good job again.

This new assistant is ridiculously annoying.
I took my kids to the Doctor Who experience in Cardiff a few weeks ago...took them on a tour of the BBC studio's and onto the actual TARDIS set that they use for filming...

My lads loved it (and my inner nerd senses were tingling also)...

Now when they watch it (they're 5 and 7) they enjoy it a lot more than they ever did, as they now think they've been in it for real...
This new assistant is ridiculously annoying.

We must focus on her relationships. It is imperative to the show that her relationships are focused upon. :rolleyes: Worst assistant ever title already.

One thing to note though, the Doctor keeps saying "There's no flies on you" nearly every episode (can't remember the last one, I fast forwarded bits that she was in). Just one of those things or a storyline for later? And thank God Missy is back.
We must focus on her relationships. It is imperative to the show that her relationships are focused upon. :rolleyes: Worst assistant ever title already.

One thing to note though, the Doctor keeps saying "There's no flies on you" nearly every episode (can't remember the last one, I fast forwarded bits that she was in). Just one of those things or a storyline for later? And thank God Missy is back.

This is annoying me. They're really pushing the whole lesbian angle like it's groundbreaking territory but plenty of other shows have gay characters & have had so for a long time. I really don't get why they're focusing on it so much.

Since Moffat & Capaldi are both leaving, I'm hoping this annoying bitch leaves too. Jenna Coleman was superb last series. To go from her to this acting is like watching a YouTube parody.
Wait a minute? The Doctor's Companion is a lettuce licker? I didn't know that, they should have made it more obvious and referenced it every 10 minutes...
The monks storyline was weak. 3 episodes wasted. Never felt any of them were in any danger whatsoever.

Show needs more Missy & less of Bill. Was hoping she'd actually die but Moffat doesn't have the balls to do that.

Season has been so poor in comparison to last year.
I like Bill. For about 5 minutes an episode though, they've written her too child-like. It makes more logical sense than some of the super-hero lite companions in the past, after all we'd all be asking pointless questions all the time if we had a timelord bestie, but it makes for awful viewing.
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I have just watched the last 4 eps back to back and I thought they were OK.
Agree that the monks storyline was weak.
Still dont like Bill, worst companion ever.
Thought the first two monk episodes were pretty good, but the final episode was weak resolution. It's hard to understand why, given the clearly staggering power they had, that they need such a convoluted means to conquer and makes their running away hard to understand.
Shame that Capaldis best work is coming towards the end of his run. I feel his Doctor and Bill work really well together (better than him and Clara for the most part) and Nardole is nowhere near as annoying as I thought he would be and Im surprised Ive actually enjoyed him. While this weeks episode was not the strongest resolution the previous week was a fantastic episode.

Not sure where they are going with Missys rehabilitation but it quite clearly isn't going to work :lol::lol: Liked how her cage in the vault was similar to Hannibal Lecters in Silence of the Lambs.
Shame that Capaldis best work is coming towards the end of his run. I feel his Doctor and Bill work really well together (better than him and Clara for the most part) and Nardole is nowhere near as annoying as I thought he would be and Im surprised Ive actually enjoyed him. While this weeks episode was not the strongest resolution the previous week was a fantastic episode.

Not sure where they are going with Missys rehabilitation but it quite clearly isn't going to work :lol::lol: Liked how her cage in the vault was similar to Hannibal Lecters in Silence of the Lambs.

Agree. Looking above we're in minority but I really like Bill too. I never thought Capaldi's Doctor and Clara never really worked, but this season is working.
Agree. Looking above we're in minority but I really like Bill too. I never thought Capaldi's Doctor and Clara never really worked, but this season is working.

Minority's rule :lol: Bill and the Doctor just seem to click while Clara and the Doctor seemed.... off a little bit most of the time. They did have their moments but on the whole it didn't have the same vibe as Matt Smiths Doctor/Amy for example. As well as that Bill being normal works which makes a nice change for a companion.
This season has been very good, I've really enjoyed it. However, I felt the latest episode was a bit of a letdown. It had a great premise, but it softened off at the end, and there wasn't enough conviction to it. I know it was a 3 parter, but I felt the last episode could have been a bit stronger before the doctor saved the day. It reminded me of "Last of the time lords", but it didn't have the same strength to it.
Another episode where the world is saved by the 'power of thought' ...... fecking hell the writing has become awful!
My girlfriends into this so I watch more than I probably should, but I can't help getting annoyed at how shit this can be.

Case in point the three part monk episode: First episode was genuinely good, they set up the premise well and it was engaging. The second episode was fine, until the last ten minutes where they completely forgot the own premise they set up (how was the companions consent 'pure' when she was just doing it to save the Doctor's life?) and the third episode was utterly trash.

That's a pattern you can boil down to basically any episode: 'Decent start, meh middle, rushed unsatisfying ending that doesn't really make sense'