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Worth watching for the good ones though?
Christ, I don't know, just watch it.
Worth watching for the good ones though?
I love how the same old people are still in here telling us how shit this program is yet still continue to watch it![]()
The last episode was ok, not great but not bad either. Hopefully the last 4 episodes will build on this.
I've reached that with Sons of Anarchy, a show that has gone seriously pear-shaped. I need to see it through!Some shows reach a stage where you've invested that much time into watching them that you want to see how they are brought to a conclusion even though they've turned rather lame.
I was actually thinking that watching it the other day. at no point have I really thought Dexter was in any danger, it seems the risk/feeling that he could be caught at any moment is just no longer there. Now I just assume something will happen to make all the issues go away straight away.The main thing for me is there's no suspense any more. I remember in previous seasons worrying about him being caught or whatever but now he's so brazen with his killings and it hasn't come back to bite him in the arse once. I watch it like a light-hearted throwaway show now, rather than a dark suspenseful show like it should be.
I haven't seen the latest episode as of yet but I have to agree with what many are posting up. Breaking Bad just leaves Dexter in it's wake. I realize they're dissimilar shows, but there was a point during season 4 when they were on a par
I don't know who is responsible for casting actors in Dexter, but some of them are really bad. The boyfriend of the girl who got murdered at the end was appalling. I almost started laughing at his attempt of misery. And what was the point in even bringing her into the show and giving her a boyfriend? Or why even put the whole her and Dexter date into it. It all just seems so pointless.
I don't know who is responsible for casting actors in Dexter, but some of them are really bad. The boyfriend of the girl who got murdered at the end was appalling. I almost started laughing at his attempt of misery.
I still don't get why Hannah moved and dumped Dexter's body?
The boyfriend's reaction was so badly performed I thought for a second that maybe he had killed her and was badly covering his tracks. That would mean that Cassie had spoken to 3 murderers in one day though and that is just silly, even for Miami.
Agreed, if only they weren't trying to 'develop' masuka's character as a result of it. Basically stripping him of all the funny bits as a result.I'm with Drainy. Masuka's daughters tits were the highlight.
Why do I get the feeling that the kid is going to end up killing dexter and then go on and take the mantle. Would be a rather crappy way to end things though.
you never no with the writers, in what is meant to be the last season, dexter hasn't even looked at risk so far.Dexter being taken out by that pissant would be stupid considering the villians/foes he's faced in the past and gotten the better of. Trinity, Ice Truck Killer, Doakes, Isaak.
I'm hoping the writers aren't that far gone that would actually consider it.
Or what about when Dexter gets the call that there's been a murder at his apartment building and shows no urgency at all, despite the fact that his son and/or the nanny could've been there. I've been fairly easy-going about Dexter in the last few years, but that was by far the worst episode ever. In the space of one episode, we have Hannah back and picking up the same pointless relationship with Dexter (via the all-too-easy killing of a 700 million dollar man,) Deb and Vogel doing sweet feck all, the pointless apprentice subplot (already been done with Miguel and Lumen,) and more fluff with Masuka.I watch the shit shows before the good ones so watched this before I start Breaking Bad. If Hannah wasn't on my screen or they didn't have that bar scene then that would have been utter shit. As it stands, it was just shit. A lot of stuff made no sense (as usual), but I thought Dexter would have been a bit more pissed when he saw whatsherface dead. The boyfriend is a shit actor too. I'm actually bored of Deb now, wouldn't be annoyed if Hannah killed her