I do find it amusing how people on here are almost falling over themselves to proclaim how awful the latest episode was, or how bad the writing has become (especially since the writers left after season 4.) I daresay if it was Season 2 or 3 playing now, people would be complaining about how awful Laila is or how retarded the Miguel Prado storyline is (not to mention the rush-job ending of Season 3, where Dexter extricates himself from a table with alarming ease.)
The fact of the matter is only Seasons 1 and 4 really qualify as top-notch television. The former benefitted from the shock of the show's premise; the latter from John Lithgow, who was born to play the Trinity Killer, and the show-stopping finale (maybe it should have literally been a show-stopper.) The rest has been trashy, pulpy, yet for my money, consistently entertaining fair. I obviously go into each episode with a different set expectations than I would for something like Breaking Bad. I compare it to watching the O.C. or Prison Break, two other guilty pleasures that no one in their right mind would argue is Golden Globe material.
One criticism I have of the latest seasons is that the writers suffer from a kind of ADD, in that they consistently rush into finishing off character arcs before they have reached any kind of maturity (the computer geek in Season 7 being the most obvious example.)