Television Dexter

The Masuka's daughter thing was fecking atrocious though. Probably the worst thing the writers have ever done.

I didn't mind it, the show can use a bit more masuka as he is at least more entertaining than Quinn.

No idea why they bothered with the car crash thing. It may have had some intrigue if deb didn't go to save him straight away, but know any thought on where it is going vanished the moment she jumped back in the water.
I'm still trying to figure out what the end goal is. Wouldn't surprise me if Vogel killed Harry because he wanted to tell someone about Dexter. Decent episode.
Decent episode until the utterly pointless ending. She tries killing him but immediately saves him without any thought?!

The Quinn-Angel-Jamie story is still a snoozefest. I don't see the point of introducing Masuka's daughter or Dexter's neighbour at this stage of the show, both seem like filler options as the writers run out of new ideas.
I know she's pretty fit, but would she really be able to get him out of that car herself and carry him to shore - especially after just recovering from the shock of nearly being drowned herself? And what happened to the man who saved her? Did he think "feck it, I spent that time rescuing her, I'll let her go and swim back out to the water and not bother trying to stop her or helping her get that man she was with"?

I still think Vogel is somehow responsible for the brain surgeon kills. The papers could have been planted there by Vogel, and not really seen anything that conclusively links Yates to that. Just looks like he has a fixation for feet and women.
One of the worst and pointless episodes there has ever been on Dexter for me. How convenient was it to have a guy fishing in that lake/river :lol: ? He bothers to save Deb but not Dex ? He knew he was a "monster" :lol:
Truly terrible episode, they're even ruining the awesome Masuka with some pointless story.
I'm still trying to figure out what the end goal is. Wouldn't surprise me if Vogel killed Harry because he wanted to tell someone about Dexter. Decent episode.

I think you might be right.
The drop in quality from first 4 season is just incredible. Its becoming a bit annoying now.......Breaking Bad can't start quickly enough.
The Masuka's daughter thing was fecking atrocious though. Probably the worst thing the writers have ever done.

One of the most pointless things in all of Dexter. As for worst, I raise you that scene with Dexter and his brother in the car, with Dexter shooting out the window at the billboard (or whatever it was).
Vogel is clearly a psychopath. Deb is clearly the third most stupid character in the series, after Quinn and Angel.
It's just quite dull now. They seem to chuck a load of storylines at the wall to see what sticks.
Yeah I was quite bored as well. All the therapy crap is so dull - we are 8 seasons in, I don't need to hear more about why Dexter is who he is.
The shit should've absolutely hit the fan by now. The thickos at the station have had a whole host of reasons to suspect Dexter, but for La Guerta's death after her investigation into Dexter to just be brushed aside...fecking hell. :lol:

I'm still enjoying watching this season but the level of stupidity in the writing is almost surreal.
Let's be honest, the only reason most of us are watching it now is because it's the last season and we have got this far so we may as well see it through. At this point I don't think it's even worth a critique any more, we should just accept that it is what it is and watch the show.
Just finished season 7. As much as I love it I'm struggling to see where they go from here....
Let's be honest, the only reason most of us are watching it now is because it's the last season and we have got this far so we may as well see it through. At this point I don't think it's even worth a critique any more, we should just accept that it is what it is and watch the show.

I know she's pretty fit, but would she really be able to get him out of that car herself and carry him to shore - especially after just recovering from the shock of nearly being drowned herself? And what happened to the man who saved her? Did he think "feck it, I spent that time rescuing her, I'll let her go and swim back out to the water and not bother trying to stop her or helping her get that man she was with"?
That was incredible poorly written. At the very least you'd expect him to try and stop Debra (who was just unconscious herself) from potentially killing herself, but he just completely disappeared! If you watch the scene(s) again, he's right behind Debra trying to catch his breath, then the camera shows the car disappearing and less than two seconds later when the camera comes back to Debra he's gone :lol:

The whole thing was completely mind-boggling really. Why did they both pass out? No blood anywhere, so they obviously didn't hit their heads against anything and the force wasn't that bad really. Debra waking up in a flash and instantly feeling well enough to go on a rescue mission just topped it off.
That was incredible poorly written. At the very least you'd expect him to try and stop Debra (who was just unconscious herself) from potentially killing herself, but he just completely disappeared! If you watch the scene(s) again, he's right behind Debra trying to catch his breath, then the camera shows the car disappearing and less than two seconds later when the camera comes back to Debra he's gone :lol:

The whole thing was completely mind-boggling really. Why did they both pass out? No blood anywhere, so they obviously didn't hit their heads against anything and the force wasn't that bad really. Debra waking up in a flash and instantly feeling well enough to go on a rescue mission just topped it off.

That's not as crazy as it sounds, people often find strength when they see other people in danger. Harry Gregg rescued multiple people from the plane during the Munich Air Disaster with blood coming from his head, after regaining consciousness.
That's not as crazy as it sounds, people often find strength when they see other people in danger. Harry Gregg rescued multiple people from the plane during the Munich Air Disaster with blood coming from his head, after regaining consciousness.
Pretty big difference between swimming and being on land though, but I get your point. :)
Just watched the latest episode (forgot entirely for this pile of shit). Actually it was the best episode on a long time, and the ending was pretty nice.
I am just watching ti finish this shit off now. There is hardly any excitement in it.

Here is the synopsis for episode 7:

Dexter tracks down Hannah to see why she is back in Miami. He also takes on a protégé and begins teaching him the Code.

Hannah is back :drool: but also teaching the code again? fecking BS that is
I wouldn't have clicked the spoiler if it were any other series, I just wouldn't care if someone would tell how it all ends now.

I guarantee you these dumb cnut writers will leave it up in the air, just in case they want to do something in the future. It'll probably end with a "is he dead or alive?" Dexter.
Just read on a different forum that details of the finale have been leaked, apparently it's on Reddit. So watch out if you don't want anything spoiled.

(Assuming it's true)
Average episode. At this point, I'm not even bothered about the story, I just want to see how it all ends.
It was supposed to be a secret that the son was the murderer? Not sure how it could've been more obvious, apart from him actually wearing a sign saying it. Dexter seemed suspicious (if he hadn't he'd be as useless as the rest of Miami Metro), so you can only assume he didn't bother doing anything because he had other stuff on his plate. Expecting Dexter to go after him now that he's finished with the other case, particularly as it's quite obvious that Miami Metro aren't allowed by Matthews to go near him. A case that fits Dexter's code perfectly, if he still cares about that.

I actually thought it was a decent episode, but I've probably lowered my expectations in the past seasons. How Dexter's and Debra's problems were sorted out actually made a bit of sense to me, which I didn't expect. Masuka's daughter seems a bit pointless, but I have a feeling there's more to her than we've seen so far.
Introducing Masuka's daughter and the neighbour this late into the show and this new "killer" 5 episodes from the end seems a bit rushed. I dont care for these characters and there's not enough time left to make me give a shit what happens to them. I just want it to end!
I hate Dexter's voice-overs now, I remember he used to make funny, snide remarks. Now he's a condescending dick to the viewer. Phone rings, "it's Deb", yes Dexter, I can fecking read you twat!
It's a bit depressing that it's now got to the stage whereby they can't make a villain good enough to even last half a season. At least they ran out of ideas with Isaac with a few episodes to go last time - this guy was around for about 15 minutes in total.

That being said, I cannot wait to see who makes sergeant out of Quinn and the woman no-one will know the name of. At least that's still to come.
It's a bit depressing that it's now got to the stage whereby they can't make a villain good enough to even last half a season. At least they ran out of ideas with Isaac with a few episodes to go last time - this guy was around for about 15 minutes in total.

That being said, I cannot wait to see who makes sergeant out of Quinn and the woman no-one will know the name of. At least that's still to come.

I actually liked Quinn's line about her in the last episode. She said she hoped whoever got sergeant wouldn't affect their friendship and he replied "We're friends?"

Says it all about her.
I hate Dexter's voice-overs now, I remember he used to make funny, snide remarks. Now he's a condescending dick to the viewer. Phone rings, "it's Deb", yes Dexter, I can fecking read you twat!

They're either that or crappy one-liners with nothing intelligent about them.

To be honest, I liked that they didn't draw out this killer guy because he seemed kind of pointless.
I actually liked Quinn's line about her in the last episode. She said she hoped whoever got sergeant wouldn't affect their friendship and he replied "We're friends?"

Says it all about her.

Ha, yeah. She's got Mike syndrome at the moment in that no-one will know her name until she dies or something.