Television Dexter

Michael C Hall is one of the best actors on many other people could play a repressed gay man for 5 seasons and then transition so seamlessly into a cold blooded serial killer and make each role completely believable?

The man deserves all the awards he can get!
Brilliant episode that sets up the whole series.
Instead of the one big bad we get a whole gang of them.
I want to keep a running tab of funny Deb-isms. What did she say in the last episode? "feck my earholes" ? :lol: great writing.
I want to keep a running tab of funny Deb-isms. What did she say in the last episode? "feck my earholes" ? :lol: great writing.

Laguerta: Where is Masuka?
Deb: He's probably in Mexico, taking in a donkey show tour.

Deb: (excitedly) A baby? a motherfecking rolly-poly, chubby cheeked shit machine? Are you kidding me?
Dexter: I've never heard it described in quite those words before, but yeah.

Deb: Sweet Mary mother of feck that's good.
Caught up with Season 5, decent so far, nothing special but that can be expected after the events of Season 4.

Julia Stiles character is interesting. Will she use Dexter's 'ability' for her own gains like Prado did in season 3 or will she try to gain his trust and work with him (kind of like Lila tried to). I reckon Dexter might try to train her to work with him.

Quinn's pursuit of Dexter is similar to Doakes (minus the fact Doakes was cool, Quinn is like watching paint dry) Wonder how long it is before he finds out Kyle Butler is Dexter Morgan.

One of the better moments in the season so far is Masuka's theory that the artist's impression of Kyle Butler is Justin Bieber :lol: They should get Bieber to appear in the series and have Dexter slice him up :devil:
So the babysitter...

There is something not right about her. She's too nice a character for the series. I'm expecting some sort of twist/revelation about her character.

Edit: Isn't Quinn Irish? Maybe there's some sort of history between him and the babysitter? Just speculating...

Seems a bit too convenient to me. Is Dexter being set up or something?
My little shout

The maker of the self help tapes Boyd was listening to is the leader of the 'others' (it's like having lost back) :D

Quality start to the season.
:smirk: Who do you mean then? Doesn't sound like Michael Emerson.
Another good episode. The pace is slightly slower this season but it's good nonetheless.

Anyway we're almost halfway into the season now and something has to happen soon surely
Looks like the next few episodes are really going to pick up the pace judging from the preview of the next episode
This week's episode was not bad, but the next episode looks brilliant. Can't wait...
Finally a decent episode. The season is going somewhere now.
Still thought it was a bit 'meh' to be honest. This season has far from impressed. Dexter has always had a pretty slow build up but I was always still excited in the past. The Angel and La Guerta thing is so utterly shit, I wish Quinn would murder the both of them and get locked up himself. Julia Stiles is boring too. Season 4 was mainly brilliant because of Jon Lithgow, while it lacked any other good characters bar Dexter, he saved the day. This season doesn't have him and I'm rather disappointed so far.

I hope it goes on to prove me wrong, but so far I'm finding the majority of the plotlines a bit shitty.
Still thought it was a bit 'meh' to be honest. This season has far from impressed. Dexter has always had a pretty slow build up but I was always still excited in the past. The Angel and La Guerta thing is so utterly shit, I wish Quinn would murder the both of them and get locked up himself. Julia Stiles is boring too. Season 4 was mainly brilliant because of Jon Lithgow, while it lacked any other good characters bar Dexter, he saved the day. This season doesn't have him and I'm rather disappointed so far.

I hope it goes on to prove me wrong, but so far I'm finding the majority of the plotlines a bit shitty.

agree, it was a boring episode and this season has been underwhelming so far.

And Angel is fecking annoying these days, man up you fecking bastard
Still thought it was a bit 'meh' to be honest. This season has far from impressed. Dexter has always had a pretty slow build up but I was always still excited in the past. The Angel and La Guerta thing is so utterly shit, I wish Quinn would murder the both of them and get locked up himself. Julia Stiles is boring too. Season 4 was mainly brilliant because of Jon Lithgow, while it lacked any other good characters bar Dexter, he saved the day. This season doesn't have him and I'm rather disappointed so far.

I hope it goes on to prove me wrong, but so far I'm finding the majority of the plotlines a bit shitty.

i think mainly it's because John Lithgow was so absolutely marvellous, that it's rather spoilt this season so far
i think mainly it's because John Lithgow was so absolutely marvellous, that it's rather spoilt this season so far

Maybe, but previous seasons never had such shitty sideplots. Angel and La Guerta is probably the worst plot the show has ever had, it's so, so bad, and now Debra and Quinn? That's going to make things even worse. I can't see myself getting too enthralled by these 2 "Machete" guys they're chasing after either, it's a bit 'meh'.

The weakest season was S3, not a great main plot and they'd just:

killed off Doakes, who was easily the best character apart from Dexter.

and now they are going down that path again, without Jon Lithgow there really isn't a single character in the show I genuinely like to watch other than Dexter, and at times Masuka, but he's just comic relief really.

And wr8, the previews always make the next episode look great, always.
Maybe, but previous seasons never had such shitty sideplots. Angel and La Guerta is probably the worst plot the show has ever had, it's so, so bad, and now Debra and Quinn? That's going to make things even worse. I can't see myself getting too enthralled by these 2 "Machete" guys they're chasing after either, it's a bit 'meh'.

The weakest season was S3, not a great main plot and they'd just:
I hope that is the case. Its be dragging for a long time now and has continued with the slide from season 2 which was below par imo. The enticement being next season deemed as really good.
I hope that is the case. Its be dragging for a long time now and has continued with the slide from season 2 which was below par imo. The enticement being next season deemed as really good.

That's a bit harsh. S4 was probably the best of the lot, mainly because of Jon Lithgow and even though the rest of the characters had started to get boring. There was still a lot of potential going into S5 given the massive ending to S4, but so far I think they're really going about things the wrong way.
That's a bit harsh. S4 was probably the best of the lot, mainly because of Jon Lithgow and even though the rest of the characters had started to get boring. There was still a lot of potential going into S5 given the massive ending to S4, but so far I think they're really going about things the wrong way.
I didn't mean the show has been dragging on. rather, the season 3 which I just am not interested enough to finish.
But yeah, lot of these shows lose their charm by season 5-6. Jury isn't out yet for this one though.
Bit of a weak episode. But its done the groundwork for the next few episodes which by the sounds of it are pretty explosive.

Masuka was great in this episode though. The leopard pants :lol:
Can't agree with the Dexter hate in the last couple of posts. Dexter is one of the few shows that in my opinion have been constantly good throughout all 5 seasons

It's not hate really, just a bit of disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it more than just about anything else on TV but it is regressing and I don't want one of the best TV series I've ever watched to over-run its course, because they really do seem to be running out of plots and good characters now.

American TV shows have a tendency to not know when to stop, when you look at Weeds, The Office, Entourage, Alias, 24, Prison Break, Heroes to name but a few in recent years, it's all about the money there and if a show is continuing to be popular (which Dexter is) the networks will want to milk it for all its worth.
It's not hate really, just a bit of disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it more than just about anything else on TV but it is regressing and I don't want one of the best TV series I've ever watched to over-run its course, because they really do seem to be running out of plots and good characters now.

American TV shows have a tendency to not know when to stop, when you look at Weeds, The Office, Entourage, Alias, 24, Prison Break, Heroes to name but a few in recent years, it's all about the money there and if a show is continuing to be popular (which Dexter is) the networks will want to milk it for all its worth.

Well Heroes should have ended after 1 season. Was shocking after that.
The only thing that can save season five is if the FBI or Quinn start closing in on Dexter very soon. Another reason for season four being great, besides Lithgow, was Dexter really was getting in deeper and deeper and there was palpable tension. The sub plots are boring/weak and the writing is medicore/repetitive and that's why Dexter is a tier or two below the great TV dramas.
The only thing that can save season five is if the FBI or Quinn start closing in on Dexter very soon. Another reason for season four being great, besides Lithgow, was Dexter really was getting in deeper and deeper and there was palpable tension. The sub plots are boring/weak and the writing is medicore/repetitive and that's why Dexter is a tier or two below the great TV dramas.

Yeah they need to do that. I think it's unrealistic that Trinity went to the police station and met Dexter in front of everyone else, but no-one saw it/remembers it.

The Angel and La Guerta storyline has been pointless so far, but I'm still hoping it has some relevance to the rest of the season. One of the better sub-plots was when Debra finds out about Dexter's relationship with the Ice Truck Killer (ie. they're brothers). I was hoping they'd have her find out more stuff about his past, culminating in her finding out that he's a 'monster'. So far they've ignored this, which is a bit disappointing.
Another set up episode. For me, this series will soon explode. They are setting up a fair few plot points that are all going to come crashing together. Also has anyone noticed that Dexter suffers from Homer Simpson stubble, watch the opening sequence, he shaves then his stubble magically reappears.
Just seen the finale of season 4. I was left gobsmacked. Excellent television.

John Lithgow is amazing.