Deadpool (contains spoilers, obviously)

It's not out yet there? It's been out here in Malaysia since the 8th. Since it's Malaysia, it's slightly censored but does not disrupt the plot though. Great movie and a good laugh from start to finish. Am going to watch in again in an hour.
feck!!! I was gonna watch this today and my wife has just lost her Cineworld Unlimited card. We havent used the card in months and were finally about to and she loses it. Will take a week to get a new one :(
feck!!! I was gonna watch this today and my wife has just lost her Cineworld Unlimited card. We havent used the card in months and were finally about to and she loses it. Will take a week to get a new one :(
Now there's a first world problem if ever I saw one
It's not out yet there? It's been out here in Malaysia since the 8th. Since it's Malaysia, it's slightly censored but does not disrupt the plot though. Great movie and a good laugh from start to finish. Am going to watch in again in an hour.
It's out today but friends are watching it half off. Those days are Monday and Tuesday.
Booked for tomorrow. Strangely enough its in the D box seat since a friend has never experienced that before and wanted to. So yeah...

feck!!! I was gonna watch this today and my wife has just lost her Cineworld Unlimited card. We havent used the card in months and were finally about to and she loses it. Will take a week to get a new one :(

Isnt there a way to still see the movie if you phone them (especially since its booked and youve paid the fee for the card). Or does it come under "you lost it, your fault, you wait" type of deal?
The what?

Basically the seat moves to the action of the movie (you can turn up intensity to match it). I tried it for the Turtles movie and it was ok. Decent for action movies. Just a novelty gimmicky thing.
Booked for tomorrow. Strangely enough its in the D box seat since a friend has never experienced that before and wanted to. So yeah...

Isnt there a way to still see the movie if you phone them (especially since its booked and youve paid the fee for the card). Or does it come under "you lost it, your fault, you wait" type of deal?
Yeah my mate just told me about this. After some resistance, they have allowed us to do it. Gonna see it tonight!!! :D
Basically the seat moves to the action of the movie (you can turn up intensity to match it). I tried it for the Turtles movie and it was ok. Decent for action movies. Just a novelty gimmicky thing.
We should get one of those seats for Van Gaal at OT, and the intensity of the movement will depend on the intensity of the meltdown in the matchday thread.
Loved it. I was both excited and apprehensive as I'm a big fan of the character. They nailed it. It's corny and stupid, as it should have been. Fun fight scenes, lots of digs at the Marvel universe. Anyone not wanting much 4th wall breaking, you will be disappointed. It's plentiful and not subtle. Awesome.
Is this worth seeing? Saw the trailer a few weeks ago and wasn't impressed at all. There was some shit attempts at humour, but maybe the actual movie is better.
Is this worth seeing? Saw the trailer a few weeks ago and wasn't impressed at all. There was some shit attempts at humour, but maybe the actual movie is better.

Absolutely worth seeing in my opinion but then I found the trailers were perfect.
If you genuinely think the humour in them was bad then the movie will probably magnify that view.
Just seen it. It's plain cheesy humour. Lame at times, genuinely funny at others, good action and decent fun. But I expected a lot more especially in the humour department. I thought I'd be laughing a lot more than I actually was. 7/10 for me.
You can pretty muc htell they are testing the waters with this one. If it is a success, and it seems like it will be, I expect the next one to go balls to the wall, especially

alongside someone as serious and macho as Cable

Higher budget will mean more bonkers action
Pretty good, nothing amazing. Thought it'd be better. 7/10.

Edit: Just realised the villain is Daario Naharis lol
Amazing, simply amazing. I geek out at stuff like this, so I was really happy with the way the movie was done. Ryan Reynolds was born to play this character. The origin of the character, the action, the plot, the humour was all right for me (and then some).

D box is a neat gimmick, it enhances movie (but really, it is defo not needed lol).

Fav movie of the year (so far) but it will take some beating in terms of interest throughout the whole movie as well as enjoyment.
I enjoyed it. I didn't expect to because I kept thinking the over marketed it and are hyping it up too much.

My only personal big criticism of it is, while it is funny overall, they sometimes over did a joke - 1 line too many. We get it, or the jokes implied, don't go overboard as it then makes it less funny.
Very entertaining movie. Reynolds is great for the role and made me laugh a lot. No 2 is agreed and I look forward to it.
Yeah it's definitely one of those films that just nail what they've gone for. Really enjoyed it from start to finish without any lulls.

Will give it a few week and watch again no doubt