Deadpool (contains spoilers, obviously)

I guess it had to by RyRey. I'm a big fan of Deadpool, and wouldn't have really thought he'd make the best Deadpool character on screen, but he seems to have been a huge driving force behind getting the movie made, and seemingly he's a genuine fan of the character.

Hopefully it's much better than the steaming pile that is the Deadpool video game. Daniel Way had too much of a hand in it, who is the worst of the Deadpool writers to date.
Ben Affleck wasnt great as Marvels Daredevil. But now for DCs batman, he looks like he could be fantastic.
Reynolds wasnt great as DCs Green Lantern. Looks like he will be great for Marvels Deadpool :P (even though he was in Xmen before lol)

The shared XmenCU(?) thing is fecked up. So it shares the universe with this but we ignore Xmen Origins: Wolverine even though its the same Deadpool / same actor too

Anyway, im kinda glad this is not with Marvel studios as I have a feeling they wouldnt use the character (wouldnt have 4th wall breaking) and with this pretty much being rated R
Coming out on February 12 2016, starring Ryan Reynolds, very excited about this one, first R-Rated superhero movie I think? No trailer yet but here's some pictures from the movie:


Riddick was R-rated, as was the Punisher movies.
This is the test footage which seems to have been recreated in the movie in case anyone missed it.
Cannot wait. RR is the best guy for Deadpool, great casting imo.
Nice trailer, this movie should be a good laugh. Been a fan of Ryan Reynold's casting of this since the beginning right. It's crazy that Fox is behind both the wacky violent humor of this, and what looks like a really "dark edgy" Fantastic Four.
So damn excited. Got a shitload of Deadpool stuff for Xmas, to add to the stupid amounts of Deadpool stuff I already have. Going to take the day off work on n release day and go to the first viewing of the day.

I was sceptical about Ryan Reynolds, but it appears he's going to do the character a great amount of justice. He seems to be a genuine fan too. He's put a lot of legwork into making this film happen.
I'm really not into Comic stuff but damn this movie looks like it's going to be an awesome cinematic experience.
I can't believe that they showed a watered down trailer for this with Star Wars when I went the other day.

Parents are going to be like "that will be a great film to take junior to see". They are going to be in for a shock when it comes out lol.
They look like they got this one spot on. I'm enjoying this style of film from marvel, similar to Antman and Guardians of the Galaxy.
I am a huge fan of Deadpool, he is my favourite comic character and I was hoping Ryan Reynolds would star as Deadpool even before it was announced. Now the trailers look awesome and everything is in place for this to be my favourite superhero film. Don't let me down Fox!