Deadpool (contains spoilers, obviously)

Right up Main Street. Hahahahahaha. Can't wait for this one.
Amazing. Cant believe its Fox tbh, given what theyve done with FF (and Spiderman). Xmen mixed imo as well.

Hope it follows through in the movie, of course it being pretty much rated R may help given its the first of its kind.
Trailer was hilarious, cannot wait to watch this!
Amazing. Cant believe its Fox tbh, given what theyve done with FF (and Spiderman). Xmen mixed imo as well.

Hope it follows through in the movie, of course it being pretty much rated R may help given its the first of its kind.

I guess it's what happens when you have a relatively big star (Reynolds) who is a huge fan of the source material, willing to push to get it made right.
Ben Affleck wasnt great as Marvels Daredevil. But now for DCs batman, he looks like he could be fantastic.
Reynolds wasnt great as DCs Green Lantern. Looks like he will be great for Marvels Deadpool :P (even though he was in Xmen before lol)

Nah he was a great Hal Jordan, the film itself was flawed. Which is a shame as Reynolds really fits the Hal Jordan character.
Nah he was a great Hal Jordan, the film itself was flawed. Which is a shame as Reynolds really fits the Hal Jordan character.

Interesting, I didnt think he fit it when he was cast and just saw it as Berg playing dress up. This however I see him as deadpool.

I guess it's what happens when you have a relatively big star (Reynolds) who is a huge fan of the source material, willing to push to get it made right.

If the movies are as hot as the trailers, ill be a happy person :)
Looks really great, Reynolds is perfect for this. I just hope the movie doesn't feel like it's trying as hard as the trailer does.
I think I've actually only read Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe, but I really love this character. If I've read anything else, I don't remember it at this stage. Is there anything else that others recommend checking out?
Kills the Marvel Universe is my least favourite one of his. Have a crack at his adventures with Cable. They're really good in my opinion.
Kills the Marvel Universe is my least favourite one of his. Have a crack at his adventures with Cable. They're really good in my opinion.

I've gotten through two stories, didn't think much of the first one but it serves to link em together, the second has a bit of a Marvelman vibe to it..
The best Deadpool run, IMO, is the most recent Marvel Now! issues, by Duggan and Posehn. Both of them 'get' the character more than anyone to date as far as I'm concerned. Marvel Now! is mostly tosh, but the Deadpool series is really good. Collected in 8 TPBs. I'm bummed that it's finished, but I hope they do another run together. It's a great arc overall. Starts off very light and accessible, gets a bit serious towards the middle, then descends into total carnage for the last few.

Night/Return of the Living Deadpool are both very good runs too. Deadpool + Zombies = Great! Short and silly. They really missed a trick by not calling it The Walking Deadpool. Great art, great gags.

I'd skip the Daniel Way stuff, even though it's a massive chunk of the Deadpool catalogue. It's all a bit meh. I don't like the split-personality route he went down. Deadpool Max should be avoided as well. Garbage.

The original Deadpool Classic writer, Joe Kelly, is back on Deadpool next year with Ed McGuiness in a Spiderman/Deadpool run. Should be great. The brief occasions when Deadpool and Spiderman have shared pages, it has been excellent.
New poster...


Fox showed the entire movie at surprise screenings. Early reactions are overwhelmingly positive.

That's a good sign. Then again, so were the early reaction tweets of Ant-Man, which I thought was fine but nothing special.
The entire marketing campaign for this movie has been a blueprint that other companies must look at to see how it should be done :lol:
I think what really makes it work, especially with the trailers, is the fact Ryan Reynolds seems to have completely bought in to the role. The Valentine's Day poster though is genius :lol:
I think what really makes it work, especially with the trailers, is the fact Ryan Reynolds seems to have completely bought in to the role. The Valentine's Day poster though is genius :lol:
Yeah he's definitely had fun doing it, which is exactly what the character needed. Imagine if they had gone for someone else who would have seen it as just a job :nervous:.

I'm looking forward to seeing the reactions of some couples who go to see it on Valentine's not knowing what it's about... Hopefully some people are dumb enough.
Yeah he's definitely had fun doing it, which is exactly what the character needed. Imagine if they had gone for someone else who would have seen it as just a job :nervous:.

I'm looking forward to seeing the reactions of some couples who go to see it on Valentine's not knowing what it's about... Hopefully some people are dumb enough.
He has the perfect mentality to make it work. He is passionate about the character and is desperate to make up for his other superhero films and Deadpool adaptations.
It's getting closer. I'm getting nervous. Please don't let me down with the final product... So excited for this film!!!!
The entire marketing campaign for this movie has been a blueprint that other companies must look at to see how it should be done :lol:

Agreed, its been fantastic. There have been some other vids which I havent posted but have been great (leadup to the last trailer). Not long to go before seeing it in the cinema :D