Danny Welbeck | Arsenal player

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Firstly, you said that Welbeck's 10 mins was better than Rooney's 90 and hence we should have kept him. Don't expect people to overlook such cutting edge research.

Secondly, what makes you think we haven't given him enough chances? He is 24 for god's sake and has been at the club for far too long. You can't make excuses like "I have been played out of position" at a club of our size and ambitions. If you couldn't grab a starting spot under so many managers then maybe you are not good enough as a starter here and he didn't want to be a rotation option.

So you need more reasons?
1) 23 years old and younger, so better try to keep the young one for future especially when you see our attackers aren't getting any younger anymore
2) Deserve more chances before being sold
3) When he got each game for 10 mins chance only, he has been the most effective attackers and played better than Rooney 180 mins which is true.

Happy with 3 or you need more?

How could played 10 mins in two league games is "enough"?
During Moyes, how could played 7 games and scored 6 goals and then back straight away sit on the bench for two months is "enough"?
Me.. missing your point? :lol:

You were replying this post. So don't talk something else or start arguing different thing if your point of the discussion is different with my point which you quoted first time. And now you are starting to talk about Falcao, a player who hasn't play with us and also hasn't play in EPL yet.
I don't remember I said they had bad games. Just because Welbeck had better games doesn't mean they played bad. Selling Welbeck, a player who is so far the most our effective attackers and only got about 10 mins for his each league games which is not enough chance to prove the manager is incorrect.
For some reason you don't seem to be getting my point, but I'll try one last time.

Your post,
Not so sure if selling your best attackers in the last two league games is correct especially when he is still in a young age. Welbeck 10 mins performance against Sunderland and Burnley is way better than 180 mins of Rooney. And also better than Mata recently games.

My point, in response to this is quite simple. You don't base things, as a manager, on a couple of cameo performances. Do you really think that Louis Van Gaal does not know what an international striker, who he has managed against, is capable of? Van Gaal will have watched footage of our season from last year, so, there, he will have seen what he is capable of. Along with this, he will have seen what Rooney & RvP (a player he's completely familar with) are capable of. Allied also, to this, he will have seen them in training for the past month. And you think he should disregard all of that, and base it on 3 league games?

Now, you ask me to leave Falcao out, as he wasn't with us. Well, I again, don't think that is reasonable. Bear in mind, Van Gaal may have seen something in Wilson to lead him to believe that he also should be promoted. On top of this, he has decided to sign Falcao. So, that leave us with 2 strikers, Falcao & Wilson. He then wants 4 to rotate up front. RVP, Rooney, Welbeck. In your mind, it's a stupid decision because Welbeck has performed better than Rooney & RVP over the course of 3 games this season.

My point, plain and simple, is that you don't go and drop 2 top class strikers, some of the best in the world, in favour of Welbeck, based on a couple of games this season. So yes, you truly are missing my point.
For some reason you don't seem to be getting my point, but I'll try one last time.

Your post,

My point, in response to this is quite simple. You don't base things, as a manager, on a couple of cameo performances. Do you really think that Louis Van Gaal does not know what an international striker, who he has managed against, is capable of? Van Gaal will have watched footage of our season from last year, so, there, he will have seen what he is capable of. Along with this, he will have seen what Rooney & RvP (a player he's completely familar with) are capable of. Allied also, to this, he will have seen them in training for the past month. And you think he should disregard all of that, and base it on 3 league games?

Now, you ask me to leave Falcao out, as he wasn't with us. Well, I again, don't think that is reasonable. Bear in mind, Van Gaal may have seen something in Wilson to lead him to believe that he also should be promoted. On top of this, he has decided to sign Falcao. So, that leave us with 2 strikers, Falcao & Wilson. He then wants 4 to rotate up front. RVP, Rooney, Welbeck. In your mind, it's a stupid decision because Welbeck has performed better than Rooney & RVP over the course of 3 games this season.

My point, plain and simple, is that you don't go and drop 2 top class strikers, some of the best in the world, in favour of Welbeck, based on a couple of games this season. So yes, you truly are missing my point.

Oh yeah last year. Welbeck hasn't play enough games with not fair chances last year.

I was talking about that we shouldn't sell Welbeck since he only got 10 mins for his each two league games which is not enough chances and yet he has been our best attacker and the most effective one in those two games. Talking about Falcao is unreasonable.

Sir Alex Ferguson disagree with you, he would drop one of them when he knows one of them play bad and giving a chance for other player especially if the player has been the most effective one. He won't fear with the big names like that when other players are looking to impress him.

So yeah your point is just a new argument or a new discussion. I can't see any reason why are you quoting my first post when clearly you are talking different point.
So you need more reasons?
1) 23 years old and younger, so better try to keep the young one for future especially when you see our attackers aren't getting any younger anymore

Why not keep an even younger one in Wilson?
2) Deserve more chances before being sold
3) When he got each game for 10 mins chance only, he has been the most effective attackers and played better than Rooney 180 mins which is true.

For ONE GAME. Rooney has been by far the better striker. It is not even a comparison. If you want to disregard this fact after watching 10 minutes from Welbeck then something isn't right up there.

Happy with 3 or you need more?

How could played 10 mins in two league games is "enough"?
During Moyes, how could played 7 games and scored 6 goals and then back straight away sit on the bench for two months is "enough"?

Moyes decided not to play him ahead of Rooney. It might be the wrong decision but at a club of our size you need to force the manager to play you and not the other way round. Why do you think we decided to get one of the best strikers in the world and Arsenal were happy to grab our 4th choice one?
IF Wenger gives Welbeck a whole season up top as first choice I think Danny will make big strides.

He needs the run of games, he can still improve markedly I believe.

Of course he may not, but his age is a bit deceptive as he's really had few games up top
IF Wenger gives Welbeck a whole season up top as first choice I think Danny will make big strides.

He needs the run of games, he can still improve markedly I believe.

Of course he may not, but his age is a bit deceptive as he's really had few games up top
Agreed, but particularly on this. He was a late developer physically, as well. He's got more mileage left in his legs than the average 23 year old. Talking about his age in linear terms is misleading.
Oh yeah last year. Welbeck hasn't play enough games with not fair chances last year.

I was talking about that we shouldn't sell Welbeck since he only got 10 mins for his each two league games which is not enough chances and yet he has been our best attacker and the most effective one in those two games. Talking about Falcao is unreasonable.

Sir Alex Ferguson disagree with you, he would drop one of them when he knows one of them play bad and giving a chance for other player especially if the player has been the most effective one. He won't fear with the big names like that when other players are looking to impress him.

So yeah your point is just a new argument or a new discussion. I can't see any reason why are you quoting my first post when clearly you are talking different point.
I'm not talking a different point. You think that he wasn't given enough of a chance, in my opinion Louis Van Gaal can see enough in a player during training to decide whether or not he merits inclusion up front. Van Gaal knows RVP inside out. He would know Welbeck & Rooney too, as, they're both players he will have had to coach against, and as a top manager he will know players at top clubs.

There's a reason, as someone else already alluded to earlier in this thread, that numerous managers have decided Welbeck shouldn't start up front. Perhaps because they see his finishing ability day in, day out, in training, and they compare it to other players who they see, day in, day out. It could come back to following instructions, we all know Louis likes players who can follow them. Fair enough, you say Welbeck was our best attacker in our first few games. Do you know for a fact he was following Louis instructions? Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. But when I hear things like the story of how the coaching staff inform the players of a perceived weakness in Manuel Neuer's game last year, in that, when faced with 1 on 1, he could tend to jump, and that should they find themselves in that situation they should shoot low ... and then, well, we all know what happened when Danny got through, 1 on 1 with Neuer. Who did indeed jump early.
Why not keep an even younger one in Wilson?

Is one striker enough? Rooney, Falcao and RVP are on the similar age. Most striker when they reach 30 or above, they are just not the same as their prime. By the time the three of them retired or leave, we will only have Wilson left. Can another Wilson come from our academy by that time? Fair enough if we can sign another player, but keeping Welbeck would mean we don't have to spend money just to sign a striker in the future.

For ONE GAME. Rooney has been by far the better striker. It is not even a comparison. If you want to disregard this fact after watching 10 minutes from Welbeck then something isn't right up there.

TWO. Sure it's unfair, but when I'm talking about who has been our best attackers and the most effective one so far then it is fair enough to say that Welbeck has played better than Rooney so far this season.
And it is also unfair for Welbeck himself when clearly he didn't get enough chance to prove himself even after showing that he wanted to impress the manager.

Moyes decided not to play him ahead of Rooney. It might be the wrong decision but at a club of our size you need to force the manager to play you and not the other way round. Why do you think we decided to get one of the best strikers in the world and Arsenal were happy to grab our 4th choice one?

To play someone just because of a "world class" name even though he played bad and was hoping that player can make things happen even though it didn't happen. Yeah I understand what Moyes did. But I guess Sir Alex Ferguson has a different idea.

Am I being interrogated or something here. Let's try to stay on the line of something we are discussing and better not to go far and far and even further.
No we won't only have Wilson left, we will of bought someone else in the mean time.

Don't be dense.
No we won't only have Wilson left, we will of bought someone else in the mean time.

Don't be dense.
Is one striker enough? Rooney, Falcao and RVP are on the similar age. Most striker when they reach 30 or above, they are just not the same as their prime. By the time the three of them retired or leave, we will only have Wilson left. Can another Wilson come from our academy by that time? Fair enough if we can sign another player, but keeping Welbeck would mean we don't have to spend money just to sign a striker in the future.
Is one striker enough? Rooney, Falcao and RVP are on the similar age. Most striker when they reach 30 or above, they are just not the same as their prime. By the time the three of them retired or leave, we will only have Wilson left. Can another Wilson come from our academy by that time? Fair enough if we can sign another player, but keeping Welbeck would mean we don't have to spend money just to sign a striker in the future.
However, if you keep Welbeck and he doesn't play that often, he would stagnate. And, he shouldn't play that often, because those players who we currently have, are better than him. Wilson is at such a young age that the few games he will get will allow him to come on in leaps and bounds. Welbeck is beyond that, needs regular games.
Of course the debate about keeping Welbeck is moot if he was not particularly fond of the idea of spending a couple of seasons or more behind RVP, Rooney, Falcao and then having whatever playing time was left split with Wilson.

Obviously by time RVP, Rooney and Falcao are gone we will have brought others in either from the acadamy or from elsewhere, lets say that is in 2 years. So by then Welbeck is 25, would have found his playing time limited, so any further development he might make would also have been stunted. All in all, there really was not a solid reason to keep him around once the decision was made to bring Falcao in.

Welbeck will be a fine pro. Of course without Giroud's injury he might not even be at Arsenal right now. And there is no guarantee Arsenal won't buy another striker next summer, so as of yet we do not even know if he will be the #1 choice at Arsenal for years to come.
Is one striker enough? Rooney, Falcao and RVP are on the similar age. Most striker when they reach 30 or above, they are just not the same as their prime. By the time the three of them retired or leave, we will only have Wilson left. Can another Wilson come from our academy by that time? Fair enough if we can sign another player, but keeping Welbeck would mean we don't have to spend money just to sign a striker in the future.

Problem is Welbeck in his preferred position wouldn't have played at all this season if The Times article was to be believed, in that he was told he would be 5th choice striker, not healthy for him, or United to make him stay.

Facts are facts, he has been around for 5-6 years in the first team set up, and he just hasn't done enough to be anyway near first choice striker, the press can bang on about it all they want but £16 million was a good deal for us.
I'm not talking a different point. You think that he wasn't given enough of a chance, in my opinion Louis Van Gaal can see enough in a player during training to decide whether or not he merits inclusion up front. Van Gaal knows RVP inside out. He would know Welbeck & Rooney too, as, they're both players he will have had to coach against, and as a top manager he will know players at top clubs.

There's a reason, as someone else already alluded to earlier in this thread, that numerous managers have decided Welbeck shouldn't start up front. Perhaps because they see his finishing ability day in, day out, in training, and they compare it to other players who they see, day in, day out. It could come back to following instructions, we all know Louis likes players who can follow them. Fair enough, you say Welbeck was our best attacker in our first few games. Do you know for a fact he was following Louis instructions? Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. But when I hear things like the story of how the coaching staff inform the players of a perceived weakness in Manuel Neuer's game last year, in that, when faced with 1 on 1, he could tend to jump, and that should they find themselves in that situation they should shoot low ... and then, well, we all know what happened when Danny got through, 1 on 1 with Neuer. Who did indeed jump early.

You are just going further and further from my point.

Sure, but the only reason I can see why LVG prefers Rooney than Welbeck because he is our captain and none other players deserve a captain armband when Evans and RVP are injury prone. It's not because LVG thinks that Welbeck is currently worse than Rooney.

Numerous managers have decided that, but it seems that Sir Alex Ferguson (the best one) had a different idea. Welbeck had a great game against Bayern, 1 missed isn't enough to judge player when he has done a lot of great thing in that game. I have seen RVP missed one on one against Sunderland last season and some other games. And also that Neuer missed won't happen if Welbeck's class goal in the beginning wasn't disallowed by a silly reason.
Problem is Welbeck in his preferred position wouldn't have played at all this season if The Times article was to be believed, in that he was told he would be 5th choice striker, not healthy for him, or United to make him stay.

Facts are facts, he has been around for 5-6 years in the first team set up, and he just hasn't done enough to be anyway near first choice striker, the press can bang on about it all they want but £16 million was a good deal for us.

Judging with Falcao signing,
I believe LVG is planning to stick with 352 for the time being. If Welbeck can get a fair chance just like with Fergie, then I can't see why Falcao-Welbeck won't happen if Rooney, Mata and RVP keep showing the kind of their recently games performance
However, if you keep Welbeck and he doesn't play that often, he would stagnate. And, he shouldn't play that often, because those players who we currently have, are better than him. Wilson is at such a young age that the few games he will get will allow him to come on in leaps and bounds. Welbeck is beyond that, needs regular games.

If we keep Welbeck, he won't play often but if the manager can be a fair dropping someone who isn't performing enough and give the player who is willing to show something and make it happens then he will get the games.

Rooney and RVP "were" better. I could see RVP is unfit but Rooney? Played all pre season games so being unfit shouldn't be an excuse for him including Mata. If they keep play like what they showed in our recently games then I can see Welbeck deserves to play more often.
Judging with Falcao signing,
I believe LVG is planning to stick with 352 for the time being. If Welbeck can get a fair chance just like with Fergie, then I can't see why Falcao-Welbeck won't happen if Rooney, Mata and RVP keep showing the kind of their recently games performance

You talk like he's still here, you need to start using the past tense.

I'm sorry but Welbeck doesn't come close to Rooney, or RvP, these two are proven 20 + strikers season in, season out, plus we have our most exciting young striker coming through the youth team in years, and he must be given the chance or first team football, just no room for Welbeck.
You talk like he's still here, you need to start using the past tense.

I'm sorry but Welbeck doesn't come close to Rooney, or RvP, these two are proven 20 + strikers season in, season out, plus we have our most exciting young striker coming through the youth team in years, and he must be given the chance or first team football, just no room for Welbeck.

Oh yeah sure. I wished he is still here. An unnecessary to talk about.

They are proven but look at their age first and think if they can perform the same. May be RVP since we can say he's unfit and I can't judge him but Rooney. How many times we are questioning him about can he gets to his best again.. They can't stay the best or great forever. Age can also kill their form.

Ruud asked to sign a world class players since he thought Rooney and Ronaldo were still raw, Fergie sold him just to give chances for the youngsters and he believe in them even though Ruud was a better player than them in that time. I really want to see Wilson to get his chances a lot this season here but with our current situation, it's probably hard for expectation. With no Falcao and Welbeck stays, then Wilson would get a better chance than with Falcao/Rooney/RVP. Even if we sign Falcao, keep Welbeck and sacrifice Rooney or RVP then Wilson would still get a better chance than our current situation.
Oh yeah sure. I wished he is still here. An unnecessary to talk about.

They are proven but look at their age first and think if they can perform the same. May be RVP since we can say he's unfit and I can't judge him but Rooney. How many times we are questioning him about can he gets to his best again.. They can't stay the best or great forever. Age can also kill their form.

Ruud asked to sign a world class players since he thought Rooney and Ronaldo were still raw, Fergie sold him just to give chances for the youngsters and he believe in them even though Ruud was a better player than them in that time. I really want to see Wilson to get his chances a lot this season here but with our current situation, it's probably hard for expectation. With no Falcao and Welbeck stays, then Wilson would get a better chance than with Falcao/Rooney/RVP. Even if we sign Falcao, keep Welbeck and sacrifice Rooney or RVP then Wilson would still get a better chance than our current situation.

No matter how old, or in decline you think Rooney, and RvP are in, you can't keep a player that isn't up to it, I'm of the opinion that one of RvP, and Rooney will be sold next summer but that doesn't mean I would want Welbeck here still, I want us to either buy an adequate replacement, or have another youth player come through, like I said Welbeck has had his chances and hasn't taken them.

It's funny too that people harp on about Welbeck, but Hernandez who is by far the more prolific striker of the two barely gets a mention, personally i'd rather have him back if we had to one, or the other.
No matter how old, or in decline you think Rooney, and RvP are in, you can't keep a player that isn't up to it, I'm of the opinion that one of RvP, and Rooney will be sold next summer but that doesn't mean I would want Welbeck here still, I want us to either buy an adequate replacement, or have another youth player come through, like I said Welbeck has had his chances and hasn't taken them.

It's funny too that people harp on about Welbeck, but Hernandez who is by far the more prolific striker of the two barely gets a mention, personally i'd rather have him back if we had to one, or the other.

Yeah sure Welbeck had his chance and didn't take them...
Clearly we saw what happen last season when Welbeck scored 6 goals in 7 league games, and then being straight away sit on the bench for two months. He took his chance nicely but still didn't get enough and fair chances. Can we call that as an enough chance? Can we call that as he didn't take his chances?

Welbeck had only played for about 10 mins for each of our two league games. While the other attackers aren't doing better than him at all so far. Can we call that as "he had his chances" ?
Yeah sure Welbeck had his chance and didn't take them...
Clearly we saw what happen last season when Welbeck scored 6 goals in 7 league games, and then being straight away sit on the bench for two months. He took his chance nicely but still didn't get enough and fair chances. Can we call that as an enough chance? Can we call that as he didn't take his chances?

Welbeck had only played for about 10 mins for each of our two league games. While the other attackers aren't doing better than him at all so far. Can we call that as "he had his chances" ?

We're not going agree on this, Welbeck if as good as you think he is will be given all the chances in the world at Arsenal this season, let's see if he takes them, my guess is the bench will be calling for him by the time Giroud is fit again.

Btw I don't hold anything against Welbeck, it just annoys me that so much of the media have laid into us about this, whist given Arsenal a good pat on the back, it's just rubbish, Arsenal by the sounds of it didn't think they were going to get him right up until the last minute, so would have gone into the first three months of the season with Sanogo as their only striker, they should be slated for been so reckless. At the same time the media are slating us for abandoning our youth yet they forget Blackett if now in the starting 11, and that Wislon has been promoted to 4th choice striker, this on top of Janujaz's breakthrough.

Good luck to Welbeck but he wasn't good enough simple as.
We're not going agree on this, Welbeck if as good as you think he is will be given all the chances in the world at Arsenal this season, let's see if he takes them, my guess is the bench will be calling for him by the time Giroud is fit again.

Btw I don't hold anything against Welbeck, it just annoys me that so much of the media have laid into us about this, whist given Arsenal a good pat on the back, it's just rubbish, Arsenal by the sounds of it didn't think they were going to get him right up until the last minute, so would have gone into the first three months of the season with Sanogo as their only striker, they should be slated for been so reckless. At the same time the media are slating us for abandoning our youth yet they forget Blackett if now in the starting 11, and that Wislon has been promoted to 4th choice striker, this on top of Janujaz's breakthrough.

You are not agree? It's not what I think. It's a fact! A fact of Welbeck got his chance last season and scored 6 goals in 7 games.
He is a better player than Giroud. And most Arsenal fans are currently agree with it.
The link up play that created so many chances and assist for us.

To be able to sign Falcao infront of Arsenal and then selling them our fourth choice striker so that they can us him as a starter is fantastic, almost to good to be true.

Yeah Arsenal weren't gonna sign Falcao for the kind of money (loan fee + wages) that you lot have. Probably made an enquiry and left it at that, no other club were gonna pay that kind of money either tbh.
Is one striker enough? Rooney, Falcao and RVP are on the similar age. Most striker when they reach 30 or above, they are just not the same as their prime. By the time the three of them retired or leave, we will only have Wilson left. Can another Wilson come from our academy by that time? Fair enough if we can sign another player, but keeping Welbeck would mean we don't have to spend money just to sign a striker in the future.

TWO. Sure it's unfair, but when I'm talking about who has been our best attackers and the most effective one so far then it is fair enough to say that Welbeck has played better than Rooney so far this season.
And it is also unfair for Welbeck himself when clearly he didn't get enough chance to prove himself even after showing that he wanted to impress the manager.

To play someone just because of a "world class" name even though he played bad and was hoping that player can make things happen even though it didn't happen. Yeah I understand what Moyes did. But I guess Sir Alex Ferguson has a different idea.

Am I being interrogated or something here. Let's try to stay on the line of something we are discussing and better not to go far and far and even further.

#1 Yes, we have to buy another striker and we will. Just because we have to spend in the future doesn't mean we won't reinforce today if there is an opportunity and the manager wants to do it. We are the biggest club in England and it is high time we start acting like it.

#2 This season has had a sum total of THREE games. Any assertion that even suggests that overall Welbeck is the better player is idiotic to be honest.

#3 Rooney is not world class. Neither is Welbeck. But I will any day go by the manager's decisions in these matters since he knows how he wants to play and he sees the players during training. You would have a case had Welbeck been moved out in his first season itself.

You are not being interrogated here. This is a forum and if you post then your posts might be questioned. Better not post then.
Yeah Arsenal weren't gonna sign Falcao for the kind of money (loan fee + wages) that you lot have. Probably made an enquiry and left it at that, no other club were gonna pay that kind of money either tbh.

What kind of money?

He is not really on £345,000 a week you know...
#1 Yes, we have to buy another striker and we will. Just because we have to spend in the future doesn't mean we won't reinforce today if there is an opportunity and the manager wants to do it. We are the biggest club in England and it is high time we start acting like it.

#2 This season has had a sum total of THREE games. Any assertion that even suggests that overall Welbeck is the better player is idiotic to be honest.

#3 Rooney is not world class. Neither is Welbeck. But I will any day go by the manager's decisions in these matters since he knows how he wants to play and he sees the players during training. You would have a case had Welbeck been moved out in his first season itself.

You are not being interrogated here. This is a forum and if you post then your posts might be questioned. Better not post then.

#1 Do you really think is that easy to sign a quality one? We got a young 23 years old potential and talented Danny Welbeck, and we sold him. Remember Pique. We sold him and now when Vidic and Rio left or passed their prime, people start to regret to sold him. We signed Jones and Smalling but in the end we signed Rojo because Jones and Smalling are still not enough yet. It's never be easy to sign players. I could understand if we let Pique gone because he wanted first team football and he was a bit homesick and we couldn't give him first team football since Rio and Vidic were in their prime age and always play consistent. But Welbeck scenario is different. RVP is 31 while Rooney is at 28 and will be 29 next month. They both are not in their prime especially Rooney which we know he is not the same of the old Rooney we used to know 3 or more years ago. Welbeck could easily beat the current RVP and Rooney if they both keep playing the same performance like what they showed in recently ones.

#2 I can't judge RVP, but I can still judge Rooney. Welbeck played more impressed than Rooney since 2 seasons ago with both England and United.
Fair enough two seasons ago, Rooney is better in term of goals, but we know in some games like Madrid, Spurs and etc.. We saw that Sir Alex dropped Rooney just to play Welbeck. And talking about goal 2 seasons ago Welbeck was an England top scorer. Last season his goal ratio was great. He scored 6 goals in 7 games but straight away sit on the bench for two months. He could continue to score if he wasn't being dropped when he was on fire.

#3 My post be questioned? I saw you question me about about why Wenger signed Welbeck. I never posted about Wenger or Arsenal so better not ask me that question then.
What kind of money?

He is not really on £345,000 a week you know...

Wasn't it 6 million fee loan deal or some thing + I heard it was half of his wage right? 175,000 a week + that fee are still a lot for Arsenal. Can they take a risk to pay that much of wage and fee for someone who is injured a lot last season. Especially Wenger is just typical of signing young players.
Wasn't it 6 million fee loan deal or some thing + I heard it was half of his wage right? 175,000 a week + that fee are still a lot for Arsenal. Can they take a risk to pay that much of wage and fee for someone who is injured a lot last season. Especially Wenger is just typical of signing young players.

He's started to splash a lot more money in the past couple of years though, with the signings of Ozil and Sanchez. Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but the notion Arsenal no longer go for big transfers is one of the past now. They do, even if not to the extent of Chelsea, City and us this summer.
He's started to splash a lot more money in the past couple of years though, with the signings of Ozil and Sanchez. Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but the notion Arsenal no longer go for big transfers is one of the past now. They do, even if not to the extent of Chelsea, City and us this summer.

Yes, he actually did. Last season was Ozil and this season is Sanchez. One was still young and the other is at his prime age. But I just thought that Wenger won't end up signed Falcao due of the money and injury risky. I thought he could at least go for Cavani since there was also a strong rumours about him.
#1 Do you really think is that easy to sign a quality one? We got a young 23 years old potential and talented Danny Welbeck, and we sold him. Remember Pique. We sold him and now when Vidic and Rio left or passed their prime, people start to regret to sold him. We signed Jones and Smalling but in the end we signed Rojo because Jones and Smalling are still not enough yet. It's never be easy to sign players. I could understand if we let Pique gone because he wanted first team football and he was a bit homesick and we couldn't give him first team football since Rio and Vidic were in their prime age and always play consistent. But Welbeck scenario is different. RVP is 31 while Rooney is at 28 and will be 29 next month. They both are not in their prime especially Rooney which we know he is not the same of the old Rooney we used to know 3 or more years ago. Welbeck could easily beat the current RVP and Rooney if they both keep playing the same performance like what they showed in recently ones.

#2 I can't judge RVP, but I can still judge Rooney. Welbeck played more impressed than Rooney since 2 seasons ago with both England and United.
Fair enough two seasons ago, Rooney is better in term of goals, but we know in some games like Madrid, Spurs and etc.. We saw that Sir Alex dropped Rooney just to play Welbeck. And talking about goal 2 seasons ago Welbeck was an England top scorer. Last season his goal ratio was great. He scored 6 goals in 7 games but straight away sit on the bench for two months. He could continue to score if he wasn't being dropped when he was on fire.

#3 My post be questioned? I saw you question me about about why Wenger signed Welbeck. I never posted about Wenger or Arsenal so better not ask me that question then.

#1 What are you on about? We didn't sell him. He didn't want to be 3rd choice and hence he left. For God's sake how difficult is it to understand? LVG told him he won't be played ahead of Rooney and RVP and Arsenal had a first team spot and CL football to offer so he left.

#2 What are you on? Rooney was by far our best outfield player last season. Are you even serious?

#3 Err, what? It was a rhetorical question. We got Falcao and they got out 4th choice. It says a lot about our ambition. That's all.
#1 What are you on about? We didn't sell him. He didn't want to be 3rd choice and hence he left. For God's sake how difficult is it to understand? LVG told him he won't be played ahead of Rooney and RVP and Arsenal had a first team spot and CL football to offer so he left.

#2 What are you on? Rooney was by far our best outfield player last season. Are you even serious?

#3 Err, what? It was a rhetorical question. We got Falcao and they got out 4th choice. It says a lot about our ambition. That's all.

#1 What am I on about? What are you reading until you don't even know what I was talking about!!? The post you just posted is exactly what I said, and you just repeat everything there. Yes we did. Exactly he didn't want to be 3rd choice, most likely 4th since most of the time in big games Sir Alex preferred to moved Brown from right back to centre back. The same thing can be said on Welbeck, he doesn't want to be 3rd choice but the difference is Vidic and Rio were at their prime and consistent. And Sir Alex understands his decision. But in Welbeck scenario, Rooney and RVP already passed their prime and they are not young anymore. With inconsistent performance like what they showed since last season then I can see Welbeck should and would get his chance, and with a recently performance of our attackers, Welbeck deserve his chances more.

#2 Our best? Yes indeed against weaker team. Look at what happen when we are against top 6 and Bayern, he was way worse than Welbeck. And yet when against Bayern even in 2nd leg when he was unfit, Moyes prefers to kept him on the pitch and sub off Welbeck the one who played better than him in that match.

#3 Oh then you could have told me because I highlights it with bold mark. And that rhetorical question has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
#1 What am I on about? What are you reading until you don't even know what I was talking about!!? The post you just posted is exactly what I said, and you just repeat everything there. Yes we did. Exactly he didn't want to be 3rd choice, most likely 4th since most of the time in big games Sir Alex preferred to moved Brown from right back to centre back. The same thing can be said on Welbeck, he doesn't want to be 3rd choice but the difference is Vidic and Rio were at their prime and consistent. And Sir Alex understands his decision. But in Welbeck scenario, Rooney and RVP already passed their prime and they are not young anymore. With inconsistent performance like what they showed since last season then I can see Welbeck should and would get his chance, and with a recently performance of our attackers, Welbeck deserve his chances more.

#2 Our best? Yes indeed against weaker team. Look at what happen when we are against top 6 and Bayern, he was way worse than Welbeck. And yet when against Bayern even in 2nd leg when he was unfit, Moyes prefers to kept him on the pitch and sub off Welbeck the one who played better than him in that match.

#3 Oh then you could have told me because I highlights it with bold mark. And that rhetorical question has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

Awesome, I wasted one hour of my life :( Best of luck to you mate!
Awesome, I wasted one hour of my life :( Best of luck to you mate!

:lol: Sure, and you won't wasted your one hour if you could at least talk more sense.

Really? You are arguing about me said Rooney and RVP already passed their prime? So you think RVP right now is as great and the same as 2 seasons ago or his 3 and 4 seasons ago of his Arsenal career?
How about Rooney? You said it already that he is not world class. But clearly he was a world class 3 seasons until 6 seasons ago.
All these two are already passed their prime. Haven't you watch their prime yet. Jeezz. And look at their age. Surely you can't argue with me said they are not young anymore.
:lol: Sure, and you won't wasted your one hour if you could at least talk more sense.

Really? You are arguing about me said Rooney and RVP already passed their prime? So you think RVP right now is as great and the same as 2 seasons ago or his 3 and 4 seasons ago of his Arsenal career?
How about Rooney? You said it already that he is not world class. But clearly he was a world class 3 seasons until 6 seasons ago.
All these two are already passed their prime. Haven't you watch their prime yet. Jeezz. And look at their age. Surely you can't argue with me said they are not young anymore.
I do have to admire how you can quite clearly struggle to understand the simple, and completely valid points that people make on here to you, whilst making fun of their comments, using smiley faces and the like. It really is a skill.
I do have to admire how you can quite clearly struggle to understand the simple, and completely valid points that people make on here to you, whilst making fun of their comments, using smiley faces and the like. It really is a skill.

What did I missed from his point then? He seems not happy with me saying "Rooney and RVP already passed their prime and they are not young anymore."
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I do have to admire how you can quite clearly struggle to understand the simple, and completely valid points that people make on here to you, whilst making fun of their comments, using smiley faces and the like. It really is a skill.

Aren't you the one who missed my point of my first post. I understand you were talking about Rooney past or his best time. But your post was missing my point. From the start I only talked about Welbeck and Rooney recently matches performance. If you want to talk about Rooney past or his prime time then don't replied to the post where I talked about recently matches performance.

See this again:
Not so sure if selling your best attackers in the last two league games is correct especially when he is still in a young age. Welbeck 10 mins performance against Sunderland and Burnley is way better than 180 mins of Rooney. And also better than Mata recently games.

Talk about short term memory. Let's forget that rvp and Rooney have a about ten years each in Pl, and Mata proven top notch both in England and Spain. Let's remember instead, a couple of ten minute performances against tired defenses. And let's also forget the complete and utter top notch, undoubtedly world class striker we brought in. The over rating of welbeck has made the over rating of kagawa look spectacularly tame in the last week or so.

I wasn't talking about how great Rooney and RVP. All I was saying was Welbeck deserve his chances instead of sold him after his performance and the other players performance.
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Aren't you the one who missed my point of my first post. I understand you were talking about Rooney past or his best time. But your post was missing my point. From the start I only talked about Welbeck and Rooney recently matches performance. If you want to talk about Rooney past or his prime time then don't replied to the post where I talked about recently matches performance.

See this again:
And there we have you one again failing to understand the point both I, and subho611 have consistently made... That you don't base decisions regarding the sale of players on the evidence of 3 games.
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