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For me, the way they are framing it around the arbitration says it's not as big a story as it would appear.

It's not a big story at all. Now what, Newcastle will complain that ManUtd incoming CEO tapped up Ashworth? Now what if Ashworth says Newcastle also tapped him up when he was at Brighton. What happens then?

Looks like Newcastle are just desperate to push their agenda though their journalists, and to make Ashworth look bad.
I'm a bit too lazy, has the content of the emails been leaked to the public?
One of the most important thing in modern sport is PR, for that you need "Journalists". Oil clubs gets this part very quickly, they feed their "sport journalists" all the time to push their narrative.
Very true. Reminds me of a few weeks ago when Arsenal fans were setting off fireworks outside the City players’ hotel.
In the morning there were about 5 briefs saying how “well ackchewally City players weren’t even staying there so ner nerrr Arsenal fans you are the stupid ones here thinking you could pull a fast one on us”

These filthy oil clubs are so desperate to save face in any situation than simply admit nobody respects them or what they’ve “won”
Haven't we learned anything from the pathetic behaviour of the Newcastle "journalists" in this case? It's like immediately accept Israeli and Russian statements as facts.

So what are we talking about? Every single club on this planet contacts their target before formally contacting their employer. They don't really think that clubs are going to waste their time contacting an employer for an employee that isn't interested at all? Now if Ashworth was out there making detailed reports for United while on the job for Newcastle that's a different story.

On a side note I saw people mention Berrada but I'm almost sure that it was reported a while ago that City granted him the right to meet and communicate with United executives.
Obviously we'll need to await the details but if it's true they're idiots. You don't have such a conversation leaving a paper trial ffs.
Yes but if they fired him that would help us and they don't want to do that.

It speaks more about us that we're dying to hire such a clumsy worker as a director.

It also doesn't bode well for Sir Jim's 'standards'. Having a rant about untidiness in IT and then goes on to hire someone like this? It's not really going to convince the rest of the staff that he's serious.
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When you see stuff like this, I just have to laugh at all the wiseasses on here who like to pretend these guys are masters of the universe and can do no wrong.

Sometimes people are just dumb, no matter how well qualified and competent in their field.

I think its funnier to laugh at the wiseasses who like to pretend THEY are masters of the universe and can do no wrong.

Everyone does something this stupid at least once a day. Just that most of us aren't linked to the biggest club in world football.
A nothing story. Go investigate the 115. Charges. How else was we supposed to get in contact. Are they going to penalise us for phone conversations too.
So what are we talking about? Every single club on this planet contacts their target before formally contacting their employer. They don't really think that clubs are going to waste their time contacting an employer for an employee that isn't interested at all? Now if Ashworth was out there making detailed reports for United while on the job for Newcastle that's a different story.

On a side note I saw people mention Berrada but I'm almost sure that it was reported a while ago that City granted him the right to meet and communicate with United executives.
It's just sensationalism because we're involved and Newcastle trying to spin in their favour with the arbitration.
It's not a big story at all. Now what, Newcastle will complain that ManUtd incoming CEO tapped up Ashworth? Now what if Ashworth says Newcastle also tapped him up when he was at Brighton. What happens then?

Looks like Newcastle are just desperate to push their agenda though their journalists, and to make Ashworth look bad.

I don’t think there’s any law concerning tapping up executives. Player contracts are governed by the FA in collaboration with the players association but when it comes to executive staff, they can be headhunted just like a CEO of a bank.
I don’t think there’s any law concerning tapping up executives. Player contracts are governed by the FA in collaboration with the players association but when it comes to executive staff, they can be headhunted just like a CEO of a bank.

Premier League regs say that behaviour between Clubs, Directors and Officials must be carried out with "Utmost Good Faith" and that behaviour to circumvent this could be considered a breach. Like others have said, since it's United then everything gets magnified 10 fold.
Time to call Dougie?

He's ID'ed half the England squad for this summers Euros and managed to get them in at Crystal Palace before their stocks shot up. He's clearly good at this
For me, the way they are framing it around the arbitration says it's not as big a story as it would appear.
my thinking is that if it was such a big issue then why didnt newcastle use it as leverage in negotiations with us? I mean they have known since February and only now they want to bring out their ace when it looks like this will go to abitration.
The people who are making major changes and appointments weren't at the club yet just 7 months ago. I don't see why the last 10 years have any relevance?

Well INEOS have hardly set the world alight with their previous ventures into football so it’s only right for fans to have a wait and see approach to things. Anyway my initial post was a joke so it’s irrelevant, I don’t doubt the credentials of the people being brought in but there’s no guarantee of success. We’ll only know that in time.
If this is true, it really smacks of incompetence, not to mention, an intense disloyalty on Ashworth's part. After the Woodward/Arnold cavalcade of carnage, it really does not bode well.

Do we really need him? As we consider him an untrustworthy individual who is possibly costing us extra millions before he is hired, we must ask whether or not he is worth the hassle.

Alternatives are possible.

Why is he untrustworthy?
I am mainly amazed that some people believe that the employer has no (legal) access to employees' communications.
Premier League regs say that behaviour between Clubs, Directors and Officials must be carried out with "Utmost Good Faith" and that behaviour to circumvent this could be considered a breach. Like others have said, since it's United then everything gets magnified 10 fold.

That's just the sort of meaningless wording that lets them tell people they're firm on the issue without having to do anything at all in practice.

Newcastle are just trying to save a bit of face by flexing legal muscles. Sportswashing 101. Expect plenty more of it in future.
I am mainly amazed that some people believe that the employer has no (legal) access to employees' communications.

Unfortunately, a lot of people labour under this misconception, which often gets them into hot water later on, especially when an employer is looking for excuses to dispense with an employee.
I'm a bit too lazy, has the content of the emails been leaked to the public?
No, essentially he was approached by Omar Berrada about becoming to sporting director at United, to which he responded that he would accept the offer and then bcc'd himself to his Newcastle work email. Then he approached Newcastle and told them he wanted to talk to United about an offer. The Times seem to suggest that things were done in the wrong order and the email proves that.

Then to follow that up, they're claiming Newcastle have some kind of leverage because of these guidelines set out by the PL:
The Premier League’s rules state that each club and director should behave towards each other with the “utmost good faith” and it could be a breach if they were to “act dishonestly towards another club or engage in conduct that is intended to circumvent these rules”.

In other words; total bollocks and a nothing story.
If anything it’s Berada who has a problem
He doesn't. City don't care. Newcastle are only dragging this out because they're obviously bitter that we've tapped up their football director and are trying to milk a few more million out of us.
If this is true, it really smacks of incompetence, not to mention, an intense disloyalty on Ashworth's part. After the Woodward/Arnold cavalcade of carnage, it really does not bode well.

Do we really need him? As we consider him an untrustworthy individual who is possibly costing us extra millions before he is hired, we must ask whether or not he is worth the hassle.

Alternatives are possible.
Because he accidently saved an email to the wrong account? :lol:

Hiring a director of football isn't like completing a transfer for a player. INEOS and Berrada are in agreement that this guy is the best possible fit for us out there. It's too important of a job to settle on second best when you're convinced that Ashworth is the best man for the job. Let the situation play out.
If this is true, it really smacks of incompetence, not to mention, an intense disloyalty on Ashworth's part. After the Woodward/Arnold cavalcade of carnage, it really does not bode well.

Do we really need him? As we consider him an untrustworthy individual who is possibly costing us extra millions before he is hired, we must ask whether or not he is worth the hassle.

Alternatives are possible.

Unfortunately, a lot of people labour under this misconception, which often gets them into hot water later on, especially when an employer is looking for excuses to dispense with an employee.
Absolutely. And let me add: I worked in finance for 20 years and am therefore used to strict monitoring/control. There are reasons why sales reps don't write you mails but come to your desk...
Indeed, there was no way this story wasn't rushed out to Hope because they knew this was coming down the pipeline. It may even strengthen Ashworth's case.
They are acting like a jealous ex-wife trying to get everything in the divorce :lol:
I am mainly amazed that some people believe that the employer has no (legal) access to employees' communications.
This. I've seen enough scandals in the news to know that you have to be careful with what you communicate via work channels.
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