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I genuinly wonder if United are able to do absolutly anything these days without fecking it up or making it much harder than it needs to be.
If true it doesn't exactly fill you with confidence that he's worth all the fuss. Basic stuff.
What a non issue.

This could be down to anything. I use a third party to-do app that syncs with both my personal and work emails and could end up sharing information like this inadvertently.

The fact it’s getting leaked now, suggests to me that as arbitration has started, Newcastle have suddenly realised their contractual position wasn’t as cast iron as they’ve been selling, and are slinging shit at the walls to see what sticks.

Whatever this is has been known for months. If it was such a smoking gun, why leak it to the papers now ? If your position is strong then just bring it up at arbitration and win the case.

They briefed their friendly journos about him sharing details on the agreement between them and Brighton as: “likely a breach of confidentiality”. Because they know the exact same communications that have happened between Berrada and Aswhorth happened with themselves while he was still at Brighton.

Newcastle are desperate to portray strength. They want to be at the big boys table and are butthurt that someone would want to leave them for a bigger club. The loudest man in the room rarely has the strongest argument so rather than start whinging before new appointments have even walked through the door, let’s take a breath and see how this all plays out.
This looks like an accident on Ashworth's behalf, but it never ceases to amaze me what people are perfectly willing to write in work communications, whether via email, Teams message etc, thinking that it won't/can't be read. It is entirely routine for employers to monitor/review employee communications and most companies will have a policy (probably somewhere in the Employee Handbook) that makes explicitly clear that employees should have no expectation of privacy when communicating on work-issued devices or on company email/message platforms.

All such communications are usually saved in perpetuity, can be reviewed at a later date, and, if nothing else, always have the potential of ending up as part of a DSAR or some other legal disclosure, with potentially embarrassing consequences for the author. Speak to any employment lawyer and they'll be able to reel off a slew of cases with all manner of untoward behaviour being uncovered (often inadvertently) in disclosure, including affairs between employees conducted over email. The best advice is not to write anything in a work email or message (including via Slack, Teams etc) that you would be embarrassed about your employer seeing or having read aloud in an employment tribunal.
I genuinely don’t get the fuss about this. It’s clear to every man and his dog that Ashworth wants to join Man Utd so the fact that this was discussed is hardly breaking news.

He clearly shouldn’t have been emailing about it from his Newcastle United email but what they are going to do exactly? Sack him for gross misconduct? I am sure he’d more than welcome it at this point.
One of the most important thing in modern sport is PR, for that you need "Journalists". Oil clubs gets this part very quickly, they feed their "sport journalists" all the time to push their narrative.
Doesn't feel like there's anything essentially wrong with speaking to another potential employer while employed, everyone does that before handing in their notice. "Tapping up" in the context of a management role makes no sense to me, as long as he wasn't revealing company secrets on the email.

Berrada working for Ineos while on gardening leave seems like the more dodgy issue..
It's stupid but is it a crime to send an email discussing other jobs from the current jobs email address?

How did they find out? They checked all his emails after putting him on gardening leave? Is that legal? Is it not a breach of privacy?
It's stupid but is it a crime to send an email discussing other jobs from the current jobs email address?

How did they find out? They checked all his emails after putting him on gardening leave? Is that legal? Is it not a breach of privacy?

I have read many posts saying/asking breach of privacy and legal thing.

I don't know about other sectors, but in big IT organisations/Corporate world, it's a very common thing. Whatever you send or receive using company email, whatever you chat in Microsoft teams all will be in server for the concerned team to check whenever they want to. Once it leaves your system, that's it. There is no way to delete it.
Dan Ashworth, fromm genius to "incompetent" and "blithering idiot". PR is such a power tool :lol:
Dan Ashworth, fromm genius to "incompetent" and "blithering idiot". PR is such a power tool :lol:

I believe this description sounds more apt for posters who are gullible enough to take anything leaked by Newcastle at face value .
It's stupid but is it a crime to send an email discussing other jobs from the current jobs email address?

How did they find out? They checked all his emails after putting him on gardening leave? Is that legal? Is it not a breach of privacy?

there’s nothing illegal about it that’s for certain, I’ve done it myself. There are reasons to keep an exec or directors emails for a good while after they leave, you might need to find an old contract or agreement for example

and I’ve no doubt they checked his email given he might have been tapped up which could assist in their compensation claim, I mean why wouldn’t they?

dumb mistake though! Doubt it changes much
I have read many posts saying/asking breach of privacy and legal thing.

I don't know about other sectors, but in big IT organisations/Corporate world, it's a very common thing. Whatever you send or receive using company email, whatever you chat in Microsoft teams all will be in server for the concerned team to check whenever they want to. Once it leaves your system, that's it. There is no way to delete it.

there’s nothing illegal about it that’s for certain, I’ve done it myself. There are reasons to keep an exec or directors emails for a good while after they leave, you might need to find an old contract or agreement for example

and I’ve no doubt they checked his email given he might have been tapped up which could assist in their compensation claim, I mean why wouldn’t they?

dumb mistake though! Doubt it changes much


Anyway, this is idiotic but the bigger red flag for me regarding his appointment is that he wanted to groom G Nev to be the England manager one day. Yikes.
United is an easy target for journalists. This is not an issue at all and just another dig at United.

The main issue if any truth to this would be the fact that Newcastle actually read employees emails. Are they fecking nazi germany? :lol:
United is an easy target for journalists. This is not an issue at all and just another dig at United.

The main issue if any truth to this would be the fact that Newcastle actually read employees emails. Are they fecking nazi germany? :lol:

Tbh Newcastle are doing what any club would do, use their journalists to push their agenda. We are so stupid we can't even do that. Instead the journalists covering ManUtd make fun of the club and players. We are so bad at everything.
I don't care what happens at this point. Dougie Freedman is a quality alternative if our Ashworth pursuit fails and I would be more than satisfied with the Scotsman too.
United is an easy target for journalists. This is not an issue at all and just another dig at United.

The main issue if any truth to this would be the fact that Newcastle actually read employees emails. Are they fecking nazi germany? :lol:

disagree I think it’s fairly standard due diligence in this situation. They will want to protect their IP and given the circumstances within their rights to check nothing confidential was leaked.
Tbh Newcastle are doing what any club would do, use their journalists to push their agenda. We are so stupid we can't even do that. Instead the journalists covering ManUtd make fun of the club and players. We are so bad at everything.

Not at all. It’s embarrassing behaviour and small club mentality. Why would you wish we had small club mentality?
Not at all. It’s embarrassing behaviour and small club mentality. Why would you wish we had small club mentality?

PR is small club mentality? Every club does it and we are hilariously bad at it.
Absolutely don’t believe it I’m afraid, just Saudi spin with their influence in the media to make United/Ashworth look like fools because he’s taking them to arbitration.
disagree I think it’s very standard due diligence in this situation. They will want to protect their IP and given the circumstances within their rights to check nothing confidential was leaked.

Sure, I get that. But you forget they allegedly leaked that information to a journalist. Surly you can’t disagree with me that sharing such information is both harmful and wrong from any serious business.
Tbh Newcastle are doing what any club would do, use their journalists to push their agenda. We are so stupid we can't even do that. Instead the journalists covering ManUtd make fun of the club and players. We are so bad at everything.
But generally speaking bad media follows a bad season. Good media follows a good season. Combine with that bad media plus Manchester United sells more than good media, it's clear what will generate interest.

There has been some good points about us in this situation, specifically not being bent over by Newcastle on a fee and showing calmness and patience to wait it out. It just isn't as interesting as brainfart news like this (not that I believe it much in the first place).
Sure, I get that. But you forget they allegedly leaked that information to a journalist. Surly you can’t disagree with me that sharing such information is both harmful and wrong from any serious business.

yeah that’s wrong I agree, and a bit weird as some of the info doesn’t reflect well on them either. That said, it could all be made up too
I was joking here but as for the point you’re making of course it’s no surprise, incompetency is all this clubs known for the last 10 years. Is it any wonder people are sceptical when the club make any major changes/appointments?

The people who are making major changes and appointments weren't at the club yet just 7 months ago. I don't see why the last 10 years have any relevance?
If this is true, it really smacks of incompetence, not to mention, an intense disloyalty on Ashworth's part. After the Woodward/Arnold cavalcade of carnage, it really does not bode well.

Do we really need him? As we consider him an untrustworthy individual who is possibly costing us extra millions before he is hired, we must ask whether or not he is worth the hassle.

Alternatives are possible.
Can't say I understand what the fuss is about. Changing jobs is a perfectly normal part of life, and part of that will involve sending messages to potential new employers or recruiters whilst still in contract with their current employer. To get angry about that is small time and something you only really hear about in sport, where insecurity about metaphorical dick size is rife. What difference does it make if you're sending the messages from a work email or sending them on linkedin.
It's an easy headline and when nothing will happen related to this, there will be no follow up obviously. Sports "journalism", where lack of accountability is king.
For me, the way they are framing it around the arbitration says it's not as big a story as it would appear.
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