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After some digging around, I believe there is a law that lets employers read emails when the employee is absent from work. So my guess is they decided to take a peek and check for dirt after placing him on gardneing leave, and voila.
Hmmm, not so sure. Doesn’t sound Uk law-like, data protection and all that. His email would surely have his name in it?

Also he wasn’t absent from work, the club asked him not to come in…. AFTER the alleged email. They’d have to get consent?
Why is tapping up illegal anyway? What is wrong in offering a job to someone? You offer him a job and then it is up to his company to deal with it with him and you. They can say no and that is it.
None of this matters in the end. We know he is joining and we have to pay compensation, Newcastle know he is leaving and they will be receiving compensation. The only factors to decide are the amount and the date. Welcome to football silly season.
Dont understand what is the issue with that mail. It sounds like made up issue. Every employee in the world negotiates with new company before resigning . And why is Newcastle reading his personal email?

I think the issue for us would be that Berrada has maybe been proven to break his contract terms with City meaning he might need to go to court, as he wasn't contractually allowed to work for a while. I think.
Nothing will ever not be “incompetent” by the CAF.

I mean being in an ~exec position and forwarding a sensitive email from someone who's supposedly on a gardening leave offering you a job to your work email is sheer idiocy. I wouldn't do that and I'm no where near a DOF for Man Utd.
Absolute power move outing your new boss as having broken the terms of his gardening leave before they’ve even made you up an ID badge.
Depending on the privacy notice and/or other contact an employer has made with their employee, it is not illegal to read the employee's work emails. This is generally subject to there being a legitimate purpose for it but it depends.

If the news about an arbitration is true, it is very likely that Newcastle have collected and started to review his work emails in order to showcase breach of contract/code of conduct/employment duties or whatever it is called on a case to case basis.

Had he used his work email, he would not have had to send it to himself, it would be in the sent items folder anyway. But with only having read the headline, I have a feeling he was using his private email and, out of habit/ignorance, Cc'd his Newcastle email address.

Some companies even record text messages and call logs on company issues phones and any other communication platforms. So if he was using a company issued phone to communicate with Berrada, they may potentially also have that.

Whether Ashwort did anything wrong is another story. One for the tribunal to decide on.
Newcastle leak to avoid the arbitration?

Also isn’t that meant to be this month? It’s quickly running out
None of this matters in the end. We know he is joining and we have to pay compensation, Newcastle know he is leaving and they will be receiving compensation. The only factors to decide are the amount and the date. Welcome to football silly season.
Shame he wasn’t one of two and we could just tell Newcastle to go xxxx themselves. Or some polite, businesslike version
Absolute power move outing your new boss as having broken the terms of his gardening leave before they’ve even made you up an ID badge.
And Berrada was using his INEOS account :lol: city probably don't care and was expecting this, hence settling early.
These guys were both elite, the second they get associated with us they turn in to Homer Simpson.
Why is tapping up illegal anyway? What is wrong in offering a job to someone? You offer him a job and then it is up to his company to deal with it with him and you. They can say no and that is it.
This rule will be as irrelevant as city 115 charges as soon as employment law is quoted by a top KC.
Really starting to think why we just didn’t go and get Paul Mitchell, this might be Sir Jim’s first big mistake, if Ashworth is dumb enough to email his own Newcastle email account, beyond stupid!
When you see stuff like this, I just have to laugh at all the wiseasses on here who like to pretend these guys are masters of the universe and can do no wrong.

Sometimes people are just dumb, no matter how well qualified and competent in their field.
Really starting to think why we just didn’t go and get Paul Mitchell, this might be Sir Jim’s first big mistake, if Ashworth is dumb enough to email his own Newcastle email account, beyond stupid!

Because Paul Mitchell does a different role.
What an idiot no wonder Newcastle were asking for crazy money.

Never a dull moment at United. Great start Ineos
This seems a nonsense anyway. How are city going to use emails from a Newcastle employee to prove Berrada broke his contract? Also City don't want to be giving credence to email evidence, which a lot of the evidence around the 115 charges seems to be.

Also employers definitely can go through your emails, but it's probably not a route you want to go down, because I bet there's a lot worse on the servers.
I don't know much about football admin protocols, but if a company director did that at my workplace he is very likely to lose his job in a bad way.

It's a pretty serious breach.
This seems a nonsense anyway. How are city going to use emails from a Newcastle employee to prove Berrada broke his contract? Also City don't want to be giving credence to email evidence, which a lot of the evidence around the 115 charges seems to be.

Also employers definitely can go through your emails, but it's probably not a route you want to go down, because I bet there's a lot worse on the servers.
Newcastle can prove Ashworth breached his by divulging the information he did.
Can't decide if this is Hope just coming across as a bitter Geordie journo or something more concerning
I don't know much about football admin protocols, but if a company director did that at my workplace he is very likely to lose his job in a bad way.

It's a pretty serious breach.
Yes but if they fired him that would help us and they don't want to do that.
Newcastle can prove Ashworth breached his by divulging the information he did.
What would that even mean though? Consequences wise? I don't think it financially harms Newcastle, so what are they seeking?
Can't decide if this is Hope just coming across as a bitter Geordie journo or something more concerning

Yeah, that's the question. Is this Newcastle giving him a send off with a pile of shite or actually the facts of the matter. If the latter, it's pretty impulsive and thoughtless.
Yeah, that's the question. Is this Newcastle giving him a send off with a pile of shite or actually the facts of the matter. If the latter, it's pretty impulsive and thoughtless.
I get the feeling it's them saving face and showing us to the bad guys, as the deal is near completion.
Yeah, that's the question. Is this Newcastle giving him a send off with a pile of shite or actually the facts of the matter. If the latter, it's pretty impulsive and thoughtless.

Not gonna lie I worry this gets corroborated, praying Ornstein or a Ducker comes out and flatten this.
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