Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

Thanks for explaining. The bolded bit is what I take issue with, creating problems where there is none...

Re the reviews trying to avoid them as they can be detailed and give stuff away.

No worries. You read a couple of comments on here and went with them, it happens mate. But the review is how I said, she isn't making a big deal or dropping marks for anything like that, what she said makes sense if you think about the overall point.

The cultural issues mentioned in the Gamespot review were things like being able to go to Japantown and buy something that looks like a yukata but is named slightly differently. Or Mexican day of the dead references being a bit off in their translations. If that's the gravest of cultural reference faux pas, and they are the ones she specifically mentions, then it's not even mountain out of molehill territory.

I do understand the complaint that the main story and the side missions/exploring are mismatched in terms of tone and tempo. But that happens in so many RPGs. Games like this just aren't suited to rapid playthroughs by reviewers.

She doesn't even mention the issues with pronouns, it's the Polygon review that dedicates a few chapters to that, as you'd expect.

Yup. People really need to stop jumping to conclusions...

Kallie Plagge reviewed the game on Gamespot, so it basically means it is a terrible review that is to be ignored. Her Days Gone review is one of the worst reviews I have ever read.

Shocker. I'm sure she has an agenda too.
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Oh and her reviews might ramble on a bit, but she's right about Day's Gone too with what she says too. 5 is a bit harsh even for me, but the game is how she describes and the story description is bang on.

" I did a lot of things in Days Gone. I burned every single Freaker nest; I cleared every ambush camp; I maxed out my bike; I took out a few optional hordes just because. Like Deacon with Sarah, I kept going because I hoped to find something, to follow a thread to a possibly fascinating or satisfying or impactful conclusion. But at the end of it all, I'd only gotten scraps."
Shocker. I'm sure she has an agenda too.

Dunno about her, but I see yours is still doing nice and well. ;)

Shorter than expected supposedly. 25-30 hours is a figure going around.

That's fine by me because I don't get the same kick I used to from 100+ hour marathon games like Witcher 3 but I can see it attracting a lot of "value" criticism.

This is strange, because there was this article that said someone couldn't finish it in 200 hours. Don't remember which one though.
It's not always brave to be honest, but it sure is always cowardly to hide what you are when you know you are wrong.

But enough of that, let's compare notes on the game when we play it. I assume you are playing this one, there's no boycott?

I agree, it's also cowardly not being able to admit when you've made a wrong assumption about someone based on a one multi meaning word, but here we are. ;)
I agree, it's also cowardly not being able to admit when you've made a wrong assumption about someone based on a one multi meaning word, but here we are. ;)

What's to admit? You never provided an explanation for your "word with multiple meanings" you just doubled down. Even now, you can't provide a simple answer and now here you are popping up in another controversial topic, not to talk about the game and the, you are here to denigrate a reviewer for daring to briefly mention it. Just because she gave it a lower score than others, and just because you didn't like a review of another game you love? Funny you haven't even mentioned the 'worse' reviews that actually talk shit, you've jumped on this one because others have mentioned it. You are obvious.

Provide a clear explanation for your views, and if I'm wrong I'll happily admit it. All I ask is to please spare me the regurgitated reddit shite that people posted when it turned out TLOU2 wasn't about an anti-lesbian cult and Abby being transgender :lol:

But in the mean time, once again, are you boycotting this game or can we talk about it as we play through? Because if we can't play nice we should let this thread get back on track.
Days Gone review had statements like "just another white dude" and "zombies are white" ( despite having an explanation). It was criticised because she wasn't honest about the reason why she scored the way she did. Days gone was okay game, nothing too special about it.

And yet the whole review was spot on for the game for what it was. Surely you can separate that, even if she can't in your eyes?

I'm happy to call out bad reviewers, I've been doing it for a long time. But the Days Gone review is accurate for the game, even if I think it deserves a 6 over a 5. I'm guessing you think it's higher than that?

CDPR is being attacked because they didn't have a trans character in the game. A lot of games don't allow you to play as Trans. That doesn't mean they are transphobic. It's a strange situation that unless you include diversification in the game, you are against every minority group out there. I am sure Trans community who are facing real world problems are worried about not having NPC in Cyberpunk game. It's just cancel culture and virtue signalling at its worst.

Does she do that in her review? If not, why is she the subject of this conversation and not the reviews that have?

And no, the criticism is because they DO have trans characters in the game. It's just not consistent in how they do it. Whether you or I think that's right or wrong, at least let's get what it's about correct before banging on about "cancel culture" "virtue signaling" or any other phrases that show our lack of understanding shall we?
Days Gone review had statements like "just another white dude" and "zombies are white" ( despite having an explanation). It was criticised because she wasn't honest about the reason why she scored the way she did. Days gone was okay game, nothing too special about it.

CDPR is being attacked because they didn't have a trans character in the game. A lot of games don't allow you to play as Trans. That doesn't mean they are transphobic. It's a strange situation that unless you include diversification in the game, you are against every minority group out there. I am sure Trans community who are facing real world problems are worried about not having NPC in Cyberpunk game. It's just cancel culture and virtue signalling at its worst.
I mean I don’t have too much of an issue with what I’ve read about the trans representation. However, from what I’ve read it’s that the game is full these seemingly soft drink advertisements that fetishise trans women and say ‘mix it up’ and then don’t actually offer the player the opportunity to play as a trans character. I mean the advert in and of itself is very tone deaf ‘mix it up, just like how a woman can have a penis geddit, eh geddit?’ . If you’re going to criticise people’s criticisms at least do your research.
From the reviews I've seen, it appears that it's a brilliant experienced marred by a lot of bugs. Given I've never actually had a gaming experience of mine ruined by bugs whether it be the original Deus Ex (1 of my "best ever" games) which was buggy as hell, or Skyrim (don't rate it as highly as people here) or the Witcher 3 (the other of my 2 "best ever" games), suffice to say it's something that I'm not taking too seriously. However, obviously, if I'll get a slightly better experience after a month I could wait given I've got Hollow Knight to play.

But yeah, it sounds it's just the game I've been yearning for, hopefully a modern heir so Deus Ex of sorts. Excited!
From the reviews I've seen, it appears that it's a brilliant experienced marred by a lot of bugs. Given I've never actually had a gaming experience of mine ruined by bugs whether it be the original Deus Ex (1 of my "best ever" games) which was buggy as hell, or Skyrim (don't rate it as highly as people here) or the Witcher 3 (the other of my 2 "best ever" games), suffice to say it's something that I'm not taking too seriously. However, obviously, if I'll get a slightly better experience after a month I could wait given I've got Hollow Knight to play.

But yeah, it sounds it's just the game I've been yearning for, hopefully a modern heir so Deus Ex of sorts. Excited!

Ooof, you don't need me to tell you that's high hopes!

But hey, if it's even close, I'm right there with you :lol:
Is it possible to make a modern open world game and not have it be plagued by bugs at launch? Some are worse than others but I can’t think of an open world game without bugs.

Come to think of it I don’t recall GTA V or Red Dead 2 being particularly buggy at launch, but Rockstar have been doing this for a while.
As long as the bugs are not totally game-breaking then it doesn't bother me too much. Give me an ambitious game which falls slightly short with bugs rather than something super safe any day of the week. It's not gonna be perfect but I'm still really looking forward to it.

On the other hand I've not been too impressed by CDPR refusing to allow reviewers to use their own footage and flat out refusing any console codes. I get that first impressions matter a lot and they are presumably insecure about bugs ruining their review scores, but it seems like the wrong way to go about it. When we think back to the Witcher 3 I feel like CDPR were not thinking too much about review scores or winning awards. They didn't have that pressure and expectation on them, so they just concentrated on making a fecking breathtaking RPG. This time it feels like maybe they've had a bit too much of an eye on grabbing the awards and the 90+ review score and that is perhaps inevitable with the hype and expectations on them but it's surely not optimal.

Hopefully they continue to patch and build on what they have and then blow it out of the park again in their DLC's akin to Blood and Wine, with less time pressure on them. I trust them to do that,
Ooof, you don't need me to tell you that's high hopes!

But hey, if it's even close, I'm right there with you :lol:
I know! Obviously it won't meet that bar but being the maker of one of those games and somewhat of the genre of the other, just sounds like a dream come true really. I think the fact that bugs generally don't trouble helps in my case. Heck, I played Kingdom Come and they didn't bother me so that says a lot (the slow pace eventually did although I had a lot of fun with that game) :lol:
Is it possible to make a modern open world game and not have it be plagued by bugs at launch? Some are worse than others but I can’t think of an open world game without bugs.

Come to think of it I don’t recall GTA V or Red Dead 2 being particularly buggy at launch, but Rockstar have been doing this for a while.
Those two weren't but Skyrim, Elder Scrolls and Deus Ex 1 were buggy. Fallout is consistently hilarious in this respect. Witcher 3 I've heard was too but I played it a year after launch.
Is it possible to make a modern open world game and not have it be plagued by bugs at launch? Some are worse than others but I can’t think of an open world game without bugs.

Come to think of it I don’t recall GTA V or Red Dead 2 being particularly buggy at launch, but Rockstar have been doing this for a while.

Maybe not on console launch but I had an absolute nightmare on PC with RDR2. To the point that I actually couldn't even play it for 2 weeks and played through Outer Worlds instead until itr was fixed. That's with the advantage of not releasing on all platforms at the same time. So yeah I agree with you, it's damn near impossible for a huge, ambitious game to not have its fair share of bugs at the start.
I mean I don’t have too much of an issue with what I’ve read about the trans representation. However, from what I’ve read it’s that the game is full these seemingly soft drink advertisements that fetishise trans women and say ‘mix it up’ and then don’t actually offer the player the opportunity to play as a trans character. I mean the advert in and of itself is very tone deaf ‘mix it up, just like how a woman can have a penis geddit, eh geddit?’ . If you’re going to criticise people’s criticisms at least do your research.
I did read about the ad. But the context is completely lost on that. The overall theme of the city has to be taken into consideration. It's not just one poster as lot of people pointed it out. There are other posters which have similar gratification theme. The argument was to include Trans character as NPC also since they used one poster. This I don't agree with. It's CDPR creative freedom to choose what to include and what not.

And yet the whole review was spot on for the game for what it was. Surely you can separate that, even if she can't in your eyes?

I'm happy to call out bad reviewers, I've been doing it for a long time. But the Days Gone review is accurate for the game, even if I think it deserves a 6 over a 5. I'm guessing you think it's higher than that?

Does she do that in her review? If not, why is she the subject of this conversation and not the reviews that have?

And no, the criticism is because they DO have trans characters in the game. It's just not consistent in how they do it. Whether you or I think that's right or wrong, at least let's get what it's about correct before banging on about "cancel culture" "virtue signaling" or any other phrases that show our lack of understanding shall we?

I wasn't per se talking about GameSpot reveiw. It's just on certain forums, game is just forbidden to be discussed. Only reviews which point out this issue are allowed and anyone who wants to discuss about game is being banned. That's what I was criticising.

Days Gone review score was never the issue. I just pointed it out because you used one part of her review. The other part which people criticised her for wasn't included. Score at the end of the day is based on individual opinion so it doesn't really matter at all. And to be honest I actually agree it was quite a mediocre game but I am sure a lot of people might disagree with me.
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24 hours till my ps4 version is ready to play. I have no idea what to expect, have avoided a fair bit of the info
Is it possible to make a modern open world game and not have it be plagued by bugs at launch? Some are worse than others but I can’t think of an open world game without bugs.

Come to think of it I don’t recall GTA V or Red Dead 2 being particularly buggy at launch, but Rockstar have been doing this for a while.
I work in the software industry in a company much much much smaller than CDPR, have dabbled in games programming. I shudder at the thought of the logistics to bring all those 100s of developers/artists etc together to create a single linear-type game, never mind a huge sprawling futuristic open-world game; just spent a minute or so of thinking about all the things that can go wrong and it's a scary thought.

In this case you would need absolute world class communication across all the teams including the testers and also the time resource to be able to combat all the bugs before release. Some bugs might lead to a complete re-think of the area that might require all the relevant teams involved to stop what they're doing and be pulled onto this. Some bugs might not be found or get the necessary attention before they snowball upon release and have you looking amateur-ish. Also, consider they'll be getting immense pressure from the powers that be to hit the holiday season.

Pressure at this stage is not good, and leads to mistakes thus more and more bugs. Unfortunately.
Oh and her reviews might ramble on a bit, but she's right about Day's Gone too with what she says too. 5 is a bit harsh even for me, but the game is how she describes and the story description is bang on.

" I did a lot of things in Days Gone. I burned every single Freaker nest; I cleared every ambush camp; I maxed out my bike; I took out a few optional hordes just because. Like Deacon with Sarah, I kept going because I hoped to find something, to follow a thread to a possibly fascinating or satisfying or impactful conclusion. But at the end of it all, I'd only gotten scraps."
I think this is my only issue with her reviews. She gives ratings that don't really seem fair. Like from the Cyberpunk review I thought she was describing an 8, maybe 9 out of 10 (I know she did mention the bugs were very prominent but she still seemed to be very impressed overall) yet she gave it a 7. I know you highlighted me over the trans issue but my only reasoning for bringing it up is because it did seem like a big reason for her dropping the game to a 7, and for the record I don't disagree with what she's saying (albeit I'd like to see and judge for myself) but it does seem a little nitpicky to me, to focus so much on it? That's all.

It's not just her tbf, gamespot seem to like going against the grain a lot lately with big releases. It's like they say "right, everyone else will probably give this a 9, let's drop it to a 7" - which is fine if it's justifiable but a lot of the time it doesn't seem like it is. I mean Days Gone wasn't a great game but it was still good fun, no way you can give it a 5 reasonably.

oh and don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with going against the grain if it's a valid opinion! but for me, personally, it never seems to be when I actually play the game. I will be utterly baffled if I play Cyberpunk and only see a 7/10 game.
It’s sitting at 91 on metacritic, the vast majority of reviews are extremely positive I’m not letting 1-2 mixed reviews bring my hype down!
It’s sitting at 91 on metacritic, the vast majority of reviews are extremely positive I’m not letting 1-2 mixed reviews bring my hype down!
Death Stranding got some terrible reviews. Absolutely loved it. Ign didn't give Witcher 3 a 10 and gave GTa 4 that score. We know which one is considered among the greatest games ever made.

Also I expect that CDPR will come up with some brilliant DlCs like they did with the Witcher

Reviews are important and help one in understanding the general quality of and it's suitability for you. But you have to figure out which reviewer fits the gamer in you.
I think I'm going to hold off for a little while. I've been looking forward to it for years but I'm still playing Hollow Knight and Xenoblade Chronicles DE, no chance I'm finished with those within the next week or so. It seems like this could use another patch or two, so I can wait a few more weeks. It's slightly disappointing to read there are so many bugs, I though all of those delays were meant to avoid that. Still, they'll be resolved eventually.
I think this is my only issue with her reviews. She gives ratings that don't really seem fair. Like from the Cyberpunk review I thought she was describing an 8, maybe 9 out of 10 (I know she did mention the bugs were very prominent but she still seemed to be very impressed overall) yet she gave it a 7. I know you highlighted me over the trans issue but my only reasoning for bringing it up is because it did seem like a big reason for her dropping the game to a 7, and for the record I don't disagree with what she's saying (albeit I'd like to see and judge for myself) but it does seem a little nitpicky to me, to focus so much on it? That's all.

It's not just her tbf, gamespot seem to like going against the grain a lot lately with big releases. It's like they say "right, everyone else will probably give this a 9, let's drop it to a 7" - which is fine if it's justifiable but a lot of the time it doesn't seem like it is. I mean Days Gone wasn't a great game but it was still good fun, no way you can give it a 5 reasonably.

oh and don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with going against the grain if it's a valid opinion! but for me, personally, it never seems to be when I actually play the game. I will be utterly baffled if I play Cyberpunk and only see a 7/10 game.
This is exactly why review scores are stupid. You can't sum up a huge, multifaceted, complex game in a single numerical score. I'd much prefer if no one actually gave review scores, thus forcing people to just read the damn thing. A game might have plenty of things about it that are not great - say, bugs, or average gunplay - but it depends on you how much those things matter to you. So it can be a 7/10 game for someone whose life is ruined by bugs but a 10/10 game for someone who doesn't give a shit because they grew up in a Bethesda lab.

In short, scores are bad, don't do scores.
Death Stranding got some terrible reviews. Absolutely loved it. Ign didn't give Witcher 3 a 10 and gave GTa 4 that score. We know which one is considered among the greatest games ever made.

Also I expect that CDPR will come up with some brilliant DlCs like they did with the Witcher


A lot of the criticisms seem to be about bugs as well which will surely be eliminated in the coming days/weeks. I believe there’s a day 1 patch hopefully that clears a lot of them.
This is exactly why review scores are stupid. You can't sum up a huge, multifaceted, complex game in a single numerical score. I'd much prefer if no one actually gave review scores, thus forcing people to just read the damn thing. A game might have plenty of things about it that are not great - say, bugs, or average gunplay - but it depends on you how much those things matter to you. So it can be a 7/10 game for someone whose life is ruined by bugs but a 10/10 game for someone who doesn't give a shit because they grew up in a Bethesda lab.

In short, scores are bad, don't do scores.
Agreed, especially in a world of 40gb day one patches!
Think i'll wait for the PS5 version, that seems like the true intended version anyway. By that point they should have patched most of the bugs and cleaned it up a bit more.
I really wish I could make myself wait as I think anyone jumping in to this on a next gen version when all the bugs have been ironed out will get a great experience but there’s no way I have the will power. I’ll be jumping in and hoping for the best when It comes to bugs.

A lot of the criticisms seem to be about bugs as well which will surely be eliminated in the coming days/weeks. I believe there’s a day 1 patch hopefully that clears a lot of them.
From what I understand, the bugs appear to be too many to fix immediately. So I'm going to either play it immediately knowing I'll be less bothered by it than others or B) hold off since I have Hollow Knight to play and complete which will take a bit to finish, anyway.

One thing I loved about the Witcher 3 was that I played it a year late when all the DLCs and main game were awaiting me to play, which was a brilliant experience. Not sure I can wait that long this time!
Shorter than expected supposedly. 25-30 hours is a figure going around.

That's fine by me because I don't get the same kick I used to from 100+ hour marathon games like Witcher 3 but I can see it attracting a lot of "value" criticism.
I believe the main story line is about 20-30 hours, but side quests will add a decent amount on to that. I’ve also read that some of your choices in early side quests will affect missions a lot later down the line:
"Similarly, I was shocked to discover one of my favorite missions early on wasn’t even offered to another player because of a single decision we’d made differently. I was also floored when multiple decisions I made during a mission mere hours into the story massively changed the outcome of an unrelated one more than 25 hours later. I’d unwittingly turned what could have been an all-out gunfight into a friendly conversation."
Also, I think the length is a lot shorter because it allows second and third playthroughs with a different faction and character build.
I really wish I could make myself wait as I think anyone jumping in to this on a next gen version when all the bugs have been ironed out will get a great experience but there’s no way I have the will power. I’ll be jumping in and hoping for the best when It comes to bugs.
Think it will be okay, just make sure you have 6 or 7 saves going on at a time and save often!
Review I watched looks great, but I’m gonna wait, I think I am gonna wait as there is a lot to play.
I'll get it in 6 months maybe when the bugs have been ironed out and I've either bought a PS5 or upgraded my PC. I want to get a 4k projector, too. I think it deserves to be enjoyed in all its graphical splendour and I'm prepared to wait.
feck waiting 'til 2021 to play it, after the year we've had I want to max out my Christmas by eating, drinking, and playing Cyberpunk. Balls to the bugs.
Review I watched looks great, but I’m gonna wait, I think I am gonna wait as there is a lot to play.
Video reviews so far have been exclusively using footage provided by CD Projekt themselves, early reviewers were not allowed to use their own. Once the game is out, we'll see actual, captured footage.
Video reviews so far have been exclusively using footage provided by CD Projekt themselves, early reviewers were not allowed to use their own. Once the game is out, we'll see actual, captured footage.

I imagine it will play out something like this

What's to admit? You never provided an explanation for your "word with multiple meanings" you just doubled down. Even now, you can't provide a simple answer and now here you are popping up in another controversial topic, not to talk about the game and the, you are here to denigrate a reviewer for daring to briefly mention it. Just because she gave it a lower score than others, and just because you didn't like a review of another game you love? Funny you haven't even mentioned the 'worse' reviews that actually talk shit, you've jumped on this one because others have mentioned it. You are obvious.

Provide a clear explanation for your views, and if I'm wrong I'll happily admit it. All I ask is to please spare me the regurgitated reddit shite that people posted when it turned out TLOU2 wasn't about an anti-lesbian cult and Abby being transgender :lol:

But in the mean time, once again, are you boycotting this game or can we talk about it as we play through? Because if we can't play nice we should let this thread get back on track.

There you go, you already have your narrative all written out, you are basically a parody at this point, a predictable parody at that, I knew you were going to bite at my post here because you are just that obsessed.

Back on topic, PS4/Xbox One versions might be pretty bad compared to others from what I've read. Day one patch is also almost as big as the game I think, it should polish a lot of things.