Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

BTW Gog is definitely a big problem with this game, it's dogshite.

Most crashes I've had are because of that, not the actual game itself. And don't get me wrong, the game still has plenty of bugs...and I know, I know, some of you won't notice the disappearing assets, the turning around and wiping the spawns, the god awful prompt placements that get lost off screen...but that doesn't change the fact there are a shit ton of bugs still overlooked.

Still though, I'm having more fun with it, the AI is still shite but at least the enemies pretend a little more and react to being shot/stabbed a bit better and the lack of pointless shite laying around everywhere (and ridiculous clothing stats) has made it that bit more focused. Even 99% of the weapons don't seem to be a complete waste of time now. Promising.

Plus, it really is very pretty at full spec. The artwork itself is still far to repetitive, but the overall aesthetic is so much better now.
Can someone who’s less of a technophobe explain to me how to get the twitch items? I’ve signed into my Twitch and GOG account and they are connected but which videos am I meant to watch? God I’m getting old :lol:
Twitch drops?

You need to be watching a live stream for the required amount of hours to get the drops.Go to your twitch account, and make sure you link it to Cyberpunk (via GOG or whatever) then have a stream with drops running (not fully muted btw) and you'll then need to claim them after whatever time period it says.
I watched the streams at work just had an extra tab and muted all sound. You dont have to stare at it for the hour or whatever. If you look under you twitch profile you see the progress bar towards the drop under drops and rewards.
If it's at the point I think you're at where you've just spoken with Jonny, it's a bug and you need to reload your save and do the conversation again.

Gehrman makes me paranoid…I have it too now although I‘m not 100% sure if it‘s story related. It happened after speaking with Jonny after I visited the Clouds Club (I think it was then). But I‘m playing on PC.
Gehrman makes me paranoid…I have it too now although I‘m not 100% sure if it‘s story related. It happened after speaking with Jonny after I visited the Clouds Club (I think it was then). But I‘m playing on PC.

Yes it's a common bug, don't pick the second option "fecked in the head worse than me" while speaking with Johnny. Pick always the first one.

Yes it's a common bug, don't pick the second option "fecked in the head worse than me" while speaking with Johnny. Pick always the first one.

Wow, quite lucky this got brought up here since I‘ll lose only 20-30mins and wouldn’t have suspected a bug as well for quite some time.
Twitch drops?

You need to be watching a live stream for the required amount of hours to get the drops.Go to your twitch account, and make sure you link it to Cyberpunk (via GOG or whatever) then have a stream with drops running (not fully muted btw) and you'll then need to claim them after whatever time period it says.
Ahh okay good to know thanks. How did I know which ones are the correct streams? I have no idea how twitch works in truth.
BTW Gog is definitely a big problem with this game, it's dogshite.
For Baldur's Gate 3 I had to disable the overlay because when it was on, I was stuck the initial loading screen for something like 10-15 minutes at a time.

(though that might not be GOG specific, some people reported the same thing with Steam)
Ahh okay good to know thanks. How did I know which ones are the correct streams? I have no idea how twitch works in truth.

Most of the streamers have !drop in their title. Or just watch the CP2077 streams with the most viewers.
Cool thanks. I’ll try put one on when I’m home from work later.

You can have it running on your phone. I've just checked for you and plenty of streamers have them, look for the channels that say DROPS in their titles and have it running for 1hr. Don't forget to then claim the drop later! (A link will pop up, or you go to your twitch inventory).
I watched the streams at work just had an extra tab and muted all sound. You dont have to stare at it for the hour or whatever. If you look under you twitch profile you see the progress bar towards the drop under drops and rewards.

They did go through a period when full mute wouldn't give you drops, but that's obviously through their app/browser not turning your device sound down.

You can also get plug ins that auto claim drops too, but I haven't bothered with them before, I don't really care about drops that much.

For Baldur's Gate 3 I had to disable the overlay because when it was on, I was stuck the initial loading screen for something like 10-15 minutes at a time.

(though that might not be GOG specific, some people reported the same thing with Steam)

It's hard to tell with CP, it still has plenty of bugs and issues that are just getting ignored now, but I'm 100% GOG isn't helping. Running the game directly has less crashing issues for sure.
Finished the expansion pack. Very good...think i made some bad choices on my run though, especially with my ending :nervous:. Idris Elba was pretty damn good in his role i thought.

Can't help but feel this is an IP that can only get better the more they build on it. The world is just too good to waste and it's got a very haunting, unsettling vibe at times. Can't wait for the sequel.
Can't help but feel this is an IP that can only get better the more they build on it. The world is just too good to waste and it's got a very haunting, unsettling vibe at times. Can't wait for the sequel.

If CDPR doesn't hire a second dev team, then the next CP game will probably be in 10 years from now since their team is now completely switching to Witcher 4.
If CDPR doesn't hire a second dev team, then the next CP game will probably be in 10 years from now since their team now completely switches to Witcher 4.
They’re putting together a new team (not sure how new) in Boston to work on the sequel. The project lead / director who handled the game post launch (so 2.0 and PL) will be in charge of that. It would otherwise have been a much easier game to make than CP 2077 as all the ground work has been laid but they’re shifting from the Red engine to Unreal engine 5 which will bring new challenges but of course it’s the best one around. Hopefully they can leverage a lot of the work put into this game for that.
They’re putting together a new team (not sure how new) in Boston to work on the sequel. The project lead / director who handled the game post launch (so 2.0 and PL) will be in charge of that. It would otherwise have been a much easier game to make than CP 2077 as all the ground work has been laid but they’re shifting from the Red engine to Unreal engine 5 which will bring new challenges but of course it’s the best one around. Hopefully they can leverage a lot of the work put into this game for that.

I remember they've mentioned it during the Witcher 10th anniversary some years ago, that their ultimate goal was to have 2 dev teams, so they could release a AAA game every 2-3 years instead of every 5. Would be awesome of course, if they can build a second successful team.
I remember they've mentioned it during the Witcher 10th anniversary some years ago, that their ultimate goal was to have 2 dev teams, so they could release a AAA game every 2-3 years instead of every 5. Would be awesome of course, if they can build a second successful team.
During a recent earnings call, the team working on the next Witcher game was reported as 260 people and growing, while the Phantom Liberty team was over 300. So the two dev teams already exist. No idea how that works with the Cyberpunk development moving to Boston though.

On another note, I can't help but feel sad about the switch from Red Engine to UE5. Sure, the Red Engine wasn't perfect and creating and maintaining a proprietary engine must be a monumental effort, but it's just one more way the entire industry moves towards consolidation. In this case, consolidation of game engines. We're moving to an all Unreal Engine future, even more so than today.
During a recent earnings call, the team working on the next Witcher game was reported as 260 people and growing, while the Phantom Liberty team was over 300. So the two dev teams already exist.

I don't think they already have two teams capable of creating two AAA games in parallel. Otherwise the CP team wouldn't switch to the W4 project after Phantom Liberty, but immediately start working on a CP sequel. But it's in the making for sure.
On another note, I can't help but feel sad about the switch from Red Engine to UE5. Sure, the Red Engine wasn't perfect and creating and maintaining a proprietary engine must be a monumental effort, but it's just one more way the entire industry moves towards consolidation. In this case, consolidation of game engines. We're moving to an all Unreal Engine future, even more so than today.
UE5 is probably too good to ignore at this point. And if it gives CDPR more room to work on other things than creating their own engine, then go for it.
I don't think they already have two teams capable of creating two AAA games in parallel. Otherwise the CP team wouldn't switch to the W4 project after Phantom Liberty, but immediately start working on a CP sequel. But it's in the making for sure.
They do, at least according to their earnings calls. In May this year, they reported the "main" team (working on Phantom Liberty) to be 320 people with the second team being 220. By August the second had grown to 260. There might be a lot of staff moving from the Phantom Liberty team to the second team now, with more people expected to be hired in Boston, but they effectively already had two teams working in parallel.

UE5 is probably too good to ignore at this point. And if it gives CDPR more room to work on other things than creating their own engine, then go for it.
I'm sure UE5 has a lot going for it, but there's no way a one-size-fits-all engine is the most efficient engine for all games out there. Nothing will ever beat an engine that is built from the ground up for a studio's specific needs. Not every studio can manage that, and that's where stuff like UE is fine, but with even capable studios moving to UE, something is definitely lost.
They do, at least according to their earnings calls. In May this year, they reported the "main" team (working on Phantom Liberty) to be 320 people with the second team being 220. By August the second had grown to 260. There might be a lot of staff moving from the Phantom Liberty team to the second team now, with more people expected to be hired in Boston, but they effectively already had two teams working in parallel.

We're talking past each other. I don't deny their 2 teams, but it's one thing finishing one IP (Cyberpunk) and start developing a second at the same time (Witcher), because you need different kind of devs in different stages of the development. If you're finishing one game, it means your story writers, 3d artists, motion capture actors, sound studio and more are free to start working on the new game. Another thing is developing two AAA games at the same time from start to finish. Cyberpunk had more than 500 developers working on this game at some point. Yes, they have 2 different teams and they have plans to hire more devs to create games faster in the future, but as for now, they're only capable of creating one triple A game at the same time. (Not talking about finishing or starting one.) A lot of staff moving from CP to W4 is all the evidence you need in this case. Let's see how fast they'll build a second team to be able to fully develop 2 AAA games in parallel. Having a big team in Boston will probably also cost more than having one in Poland. But we're probably off topic here, I've said my piece.
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First time I use raytracing in a‘s just gorgeous. Really loving my second time with it, think they balanced quite a bit because I remember having a much harder time before. AI is still a bit stupid though.
Gehrman makes me paranoid…I have it too now although I‘m not 100% sure if it‘s story related. It happened after speaking with Jonny after I visited the Clouds Club (I think it was then). But I‘m playing on PC.

There is a fix that works. The bug isnt exclusive to ps5. I didnt write that correctly. I was emphasising that i cant just download a mod as a hot fix. Doing the 2 sidequests with the sentient Automat fixes it.
There is a fix that works. The bug isnt exclusive to ps5. I didnt write that correctly. I was emphasising that i cant just download a mod as a hot fix. Doing the 2 sidequests with the sentient Automat fixes it.
Thanks. Replayed that bit yesterday. I‘m pretty in love with the game again, really digging the part about finding Evelyn Parker.
Thanks. Replayed that bit yesterday. I‘m pretty in love with the game again, really digging the part about finding Evelyn Parker.

That's one of my favourite parts of the game. They got the grey areas of morality and the characters just right for that one.
That's one of my favourite parts of the game. They got the grey areas of morality and the characters just right for that one.
Could be a little bit less hand-holding in general, but that whole part really got that sweet noir flair. Checking out that Death Head reel for the first time was quite chilling.

Just think there’s not a lot of great looking costumes/gear around - at least at start (~16h in).
Just finished Phantom Liberty main story yesterday it was really well done I thought. Idris's 'Reed' had gravitas, and it felt like a clandestine, spy mission with stakes. The choices were difficult, I liked that there was no easy well this is the "obvious" right choice. I wish I had this monster truck when I did Claire's race.

I am a bit disappointed in the Militech Canto MK.6 Cyberdeck reward. It doesnt proc enough and fast enough imo. But the AI voice talking to you like Skippy is cool.
They do, at least according to their earnings calls. In May this year, they reported the "main" team (working on Phantom Liberty) to be 320 people with the second team being 220. By August the second had grown to 260. There might be a lot of staff moving from the Phantom Liberty team to the second team now, with more people expected to be hired in Boston, but they effectively already had two teams working in parallel.

I'm sure UE5 has a lot going for it, but there's no way a one-size-fits-all engine is the most efficient engine for all games out there. Nothing will ever beat an engine that is built from the ground up for a studio's specific needs. Not every studio can manage that, and that's where stuff like UE is fine, but with even capable studios moving to UE, something is definitely lost.

It is a shame, but fixing and then upgrading the RED engine is obviously above their means. Cyberpunk is still bug riddled and half the settings still don't work fully as intended, the paper over the cracks they've done to get CP in it's current state won't hold up for the sequel. So sadly, I guess it's another one going over the UE. Shame as their implementation of RT and DLSS including the newer versions is very good.

We can but hope it's not bullshite exclusive to their store too, god I hate the Epic Games store.
recently gotten addicted to this game since July. completed it in the old version and then started new in 2.0 and WOW. very very good game. I have Phantom Liberty purchased but not started it yet but the changed have been impressive
I've been playing a little bit now, and coming into this 3 years late, I'm going to sound like such a noob. Basically I have no clue what's going on at least half the time. :lol: Conversations might as well be in Chinese. And then there's all the stuff to acquire and do that the game seems to throw at me all at once. Maybe it's me being dense, but it's not exactly intuitive. It'll probably make sense eventually. Hopefully.
I want to make "Choom" happen in real life. I need to call some chooms to hang out while I am on vacation this week.
I‘m far from finished with the main game, does PL add something (map or enemies for example) to the base game?
Preem, choombatta. Hopefully you grab your eddies and delta if they think you're a gonk. Those corpo f*cks.
If you're not a gonk, put the downtime and those eddies to good use, call your output and some joytoys, send them the detes and party like a chromed edgerunner on cyberpsychosis.
Finally made it to Dogtown and the start of the DLC and wow the first mission Is just action sequence after action sequence. Be prepared to buckle in for a couple straight hours when you begin!
Played for about 30 hours, not made it to the dlc yet, seen a few bugs but just clipping ones. Never really experienced bugs the first time until the one that made me quit, which was where a vehicle I needed for a mission spawned underground.
Much to the wife's dismay I've decided to build a new 4090 rig. Can't believe I was swayed by a few ray tracing overdrive demos by Nvidia. Doesn't help that they exclusively use this game for their tech demos :lol:
Much to the wife's dismay I've decided to build a new 4090 rig. Can't believe I was swayed by a few ray tracing overdrive demos by Nvidia. Doesn't help that they exclusively use this game for their tech demos :lol:
I hear ya. Can‘t spend that kind of money with a straight face right now so wasn‘t really following that development but raytracing to me looks like 4k as a true gamechanger so I‘ll have to update a some point in the near future my rusty 2060s..

But didn‘t they say even on 4090 the overdrive thingy is barely playable..not sure I‘d built a rig around that tbh.
I hear ya. Can‘t spend that kind of money with a straight face right now so wasn‘t really following that development but raytracing to me looks like 4k as a true gamechanger so I‘ll have to update a some point in the near future my rusty 2060s..

But didn‘t they say even on 4090 the overdrive thingy is barely playable..not sure I‘d built a rig around that tbh.

Yeah I just got a 4070ti as a stop gap, it's ok but I wouldn't build a rig around a 40xx card. Best off waiting to see if the 50xx are going to be more of an actual step up.
Yeah I just got a 4070ti as a stop gap, it's ok but I wouldn't build a rig around a 40xx card. Best off waiting to see if the 50xx are going to be more of an actual step up.
They’ll probably be a step up in price more than anything knowing nvidia.
I'd love to move to a 40xx card as well but they're just so hopelessly expensive. The 4070ti seems the minimum viable card for RT Overdrive but that's already +-1000 euro over here. The 4090 I can't find below 1800 euro. Mental.