Complete Mental Obliteration V2

No. The question asked how we would survive, and where we would go. If you can outlast this invasion by three days, and then die, you've done just as well as the guy who died after three hours. The idea was to survive in the long term, which I maintain, is impossible.

Right, well, you can maintain it's impossible. But the question was how to survive, so let's say Hectic survives 3 days...and you survived 3 hours. Hectic wins, because that's Two days twenty-one hours longer than you. That would be how it works. I thought it was obvious a good Zombie invasion plan would involve surviving a reasonable amount of time. You see dieing is a red-herring in this game, in the respect that, yes, it is somewhat inevitable in a world wide Zombie outbreak so this lowers the bar for how to win. Let's face it, it would have been an improvement HAD a ZOMBIE actually killed YOU. Not you killing yourself with a chainsaw gang, or via jumping into the Ocean. Atleast then you'd have been a victim of the inevitable, not the completely avoidable.

Do you see what I mean?
Right, well, you can maintain it's impossible. But the question was how to survive, so let's say Hectic survives 3 days...and you survived 3 hours. Hectic wins, because that's Two days twenty-hours longer than you. That would be how it works. I thought it was obvious a good Zombie invasion plan would involve surviving a reasonable amount of time. You see dieing is a red-herring in this game, in the respect that, yes, it is somewhat inevitable in a world wide Zombie outbreak so this lowers the bar for how to win. Let's face it, it would have been an improvement HAD a ZOMBIE actually killed YOU. Not you killing yourself with a chainsaw gang, or via jumping into the Ocean. Atleast then you'd have been a victim of the inevitable, not the completely avoidable.

Do you see what I mean?

I see what you mean, and our opinions clearly differ on the matter. I assumed we'd need a plan to survive long term, not for a couple of days. But of course, I'm wrong again.
I see what you mean, and our opinions clearly differ on the matter. I assumed we'd need a plan to survive long term, not for a couple of days. But of course, I'm wrong again.

Yes, you did need a plan to survive the long-term. That would have won the game. But you didn't. Hence why it moots the point of Hectic providing a Zombie invasion plan post, because, well, he only has to not kill himself almost immediately to beat yours.

This mental obliteration is distorting your views on the realities of winning and losing.

You are Winning/Losing/Won/Lost at the moment Liam. Congratulations.
Liam, the more you regret the past the less you concentrate on the future. Grip this new question and defeat it. Be the man you were born to be.
This next one should be good.

Edit - Also Liam, what did you expect to enter a competition as this and not get ridiculed?
Come on man, stop being a baby about it and answer the next question, it's all laughs because there is no correct answer to these questions anyway.
Yes, not the baby faced lesbian that you currently are.

Is being baby faced a particularly good or bad thing?

This next one should be good.

Edit - Also Liam, what did you expect to enter a competition as this and not get ridiculed?
Come on man, stop being a baby about it and answer the next question, it's all laughs because there is no correct answer to these questions anyway.

Not really. I didn't mind it with the whole Kate Middleton thing, that was hilarious, but when people just say, "That answer is neither funny nor good" it gets boring and annoying.
Well Liam, the problem is you seem to think your answer was good. Your answer to the zombie question, well, answers, were completely retarded. You don't even need my plan for survival, as yours was that bad. I wouldn't have to make anything elaborate, as simply staying indoors for a night would see me beat yours. Yes, the plan was for long term survival as best as you can, but yours was the opposite of that. You had the right idea about going about long term survival, but your execution was laughable. You surely can see there are better ways to surviving a long term invasion than any of your ideas, stuff like going to the airport is so stupid it's urneal. You must be kidding if you think I can't come up with a better plan that circular chainsaw death ring, or hiding out in the Ocean.
In Roman times, it was believed that with knowledge came great power. If you were able to ask one question and receive the correct answer, along with a definitive proof so that everyone else in the world would believe you, what would it be and why?

How was Universe created?

Serves the question of existence of God as well.
Also, if and when I answer the questions is completely irrelevant. It might help qualify some of your answers, in the sense of why we saw them as so bad, but it's not going to help you at all. The aim of the game is for us to review your answers, not prove ours are better, but let's be honest Liam, I'll give better answers to all of the questions than either of you, and even if it wasn't because I'm less retarded, it would be because I have the benefit of hindsight and discussion.
Someone made a thread, asking other members of the caf, how they would survive, the zombie apocalypse.

There were some okay answers but nearly all of them could have conceivably let them survive more than 4 hours. No-one shot, hung or drown themselves. One of your answers was to go swimming in the Irish sea for Christ sake. You could have took a boat, even built a raft but no. You went swimming in the year round, cold as feck, Irish sea like it was your local swimming pool. Did you even mention trying to get to an island off the coast ? you'd have died of hypothermia before you got there, if you even could but, I don't think you even mentioned it.

Your answer was shite. Even if Hectic provided an answer that was (somehow) worse, like driving thumb tacks into his eyes, because if he was unable to see he'd be invisible to zombies. It wouldn't take away from the fact that your answer was terrible and that's why you lost that round.
The scary thing is, if Liam were to be put in these situations in reality - he'd do exactly what he wrote in reponse to the original question!
While being munched he would scream in a terrible wail "But Hectic is inside his house, clearly he'll die first!!!!! NOOOOO!!! I just wanted to swim!" and all who hear will bare the scar on their souls for all time.

Bar the zombies, of course.
Well Liam, the problem is you seem to think your answer was good. Your answer to the zombie question, well, answers, were completely retarded. You don't even need my plan for survival, as yours was that bad. I wouldn't have to make anything elaborate, as simply staying indoors for a night would see me beat yours. Yes, the plan was for long term survival as best as you can, but yours was the opposite of that. You had the right idea about going about long term survival, but your execution was laughable. You surely can see there are better ways to surviving a long term invasion than any of your ideas, stuff like going to the airport is so stupid it's urneal. You must be kidding if you think I can't come up with a better plan that circular chainsaw death ring, or hiding out in the Ocean.

Also, if and when I answer the questions is completely irrelevant. It might help qualify some of your answers, in the sense of why we saw them as so bad, but it's not going to help you at all. The aim of the game is for us to review your answers, not prove ours are better, but let's be honest Liam, I'll give better answers to all of the questions than either of you, and even if it wasn't because I'm less retarded, it would be because I have the benefit of hindsight and discussion.

You clearly have no answer to your own question. The winner wasn't 'who would survive longest' it was 'who had the best plan for LONG TERM survival'

Fine, anything you say might be better, but I find it funny that you seem unable to provide an answer. And just staying indoors doesn't count.
Are you serious?

You did not have a plan for long term survival, that's the point Liam. I could if I wanted create a five minute plan that would see me last longer than you did.....If I wanted a long term survival plan that involved you dying immediately, I would have said so.

It's not being unable to answer, it's not seeing the point, as yours was so spectacularly bad, I don't even need to provide a decent answer, even the most basic, stupid one would see a better plan for long term survival.
You're also saying I'm unable to come up with something, meaning I'm either lacking imagination, or your plan was so good I can't trump it. Good luck if you think either of those.
Our first question to start the game. Laim to answer first on this round.

You have woken up, and realize you have overslept. Confusion sets in as you try to identify your surroundings. Turning the TV on, you sense something is wrong before you hear it. It's only a zombie invasion, happening right now, in your country. Create a detailed plan on how you would survive, where you would go, and how you take care of provisions and safety. How would you face the zombie Apocalypse? This is not a short answer, so if necessary take some time with it.

Here was the question Liam. At which point did it say it had to be based around long term survival?

"Create a detailed plan on how you would survive"
It's not my fault you failed to read the question, understand the question, or even take your time with it, having posted the answer within 50 minutes.
Why can't you just read the question properly, and save yourself from complaining about your answer almost 30 pages later. Not to mention you also supplied about 9 answers to the question, which wasn't asked for.
Forget Hectic, he hasn't got to answer, you do.

You can't bitch about the quality of his flippant remark on staying inside, when your plans seem to be to die as quickly as possible.

Here's a hint, dying is the opposite of survival, when you die, you fail. Staying inside you would die eventually but your plan(s) of dying faster, makes for a WORSE answer, not a better one.
Also my plan wouldn't have been to stay inside, but doing that for even an hour would have seen me survive longer.
Exactly, Liam, everyone keeps saying that to beat your plan, Hectic simply doesn't have to kill himself within the first 5 minutes.
I just read the first CMO, this has gone on longer (in terms of page count, which is a miracle considering Obstacle replied 27 times between answers)but I can't help but think that it's been slightly better, thought not as compact.
It's gone on longer and we still aren't even near to finishing. I think it will do a solid 75 pages.
The first one in fairness lived off the fact Dewey was the physical manifestation of retardation. This thread has been much deeper, in that respect.
Yep, different characters and considering neither Liam or TB is that stupid, the questions had to be deeper and contain more substance. I think we've perfected the questions a bit more this time around, half of the last ones were one-liners.
Exactly, it's been harder obliterating them, which means people have worked harder in the thread. Also, the game has evolved as you say. I would genuinely applaud a good answer to one of these questions. Alas, it's yet to happen.
Yes, it's coming to a point now where I want to see a good answer, so I know what it looks like.
This is also the easiest question you've been asked, so answers will be expected tonight. You've had a nice two day break since your last answers anyway.
It's a bit of a gift question but you'd have to be fairly precise in your wording. So I can see some epic fail.
Yep, different characters and considering neither Liam or TB is that stupid, the questions had to be deeper and contain more substance. I think we've perfected the questions a bit more this time around, half of the last ones were one-liners.

I appreciate that.
This is also the easiest question you've been asked, so answers will be expected tonight. You've had a nice two day break since your last answers anyway.

There may be one really obvious answer. If there is, I'm missing it, therefore I will definitely get this wrong.
I don't think there are any obvious answers, or if there are, I'm not awarding points for it. I suppose it can be any question as long as its worthy of the answer, and how you can use it for the future.
There are many questions I personally would like to be given the answer to, however, there are obviously more pressing issues than others, so you simply need to prioritise them and account for the various different answers that may arise.

If your question is too open-ended, then you may find a totally unexpected answer, one which could promote you as a hate figure amongst the masses, despite the proof that you have and you may be forced to live as a recluse, living off the bloody remains of a carcass in northern siberia, where the cold bites at your face like an italian greyhound. Conversely, if you ask the right question, then you might be lauded as the saviour for civilisation, an incredibly gifted philosopher and revolutionise the way in which we live. The almighty TB has a ring to it don't you think?

Of course, we do not know the answer to your question, we can merely speculate as to what they may entail, but we will undoubtedly find flaws judging whether the possible advantages outweight the probable disadvantages.

The choice is up to you.
Be wise fellow newbies.