Complete Mental Obliteration V2

SG, you say that we will have proof of the answer to any question we ask? So if anyone else asks, we can prove them wrong, and myself right? Also, who exactly are we asking?

Yes you get a proof. If people question your conclusion, you can show it to them (although only ingenious people like Stephen Hawking etc might understand it).

You are asking someone who knows the answer to everything. This person is theoretical, I hope that doesn't confuse you ;)
Ok i'm back
So to the question
Do we just have to say what question we are going to ask god?
Apart from the fact that I don't believe in God... yes! You have to explain the reasoning behind your question though and what application it may have in the world etc.
Did my post sound louder? This is interesting, keep going. Does it hurt if it feels like a post is shouting at you?
In Roman times, it was believed that with knowledge came great power. If you were able to ask one question and receive the correct answer, along with a definitive proof so that everyone else in the world would believe you, what would it be and why?
Quoting the question
I am clearing from SG what type of question can we ask
yes no question or a complete question
Please clear
if i ask god how to create a forexample timemachine will he answer that? along with the proof
What?! No, you can't ask God to create things, that's not how this works.
You boys need to be active in this thread
answer my questions quickly else i'll go to sleep and hence will be able to answer the question tomorrow only
"God, I would like an Aqua-Park on the moon, with safe passage from Earth."
You are asking him questions, not whether he can invent theoretical things.

If, as the most example, you asked how we knew the Earth was round, he would answer your question and provide you with the proof.
You are asking him questions, not whether he can invent theoretical things.

If, as the most example, you asked how we knew the Earth was round, he would answer your question and provide you with the proof.
ok thats better
So if that thing can't be made
my question would be a waste
Well it depends doesn't it. A time machine for example is ridiculous because as far as know, it isn't possible.
JUST ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTION! (Is that loud enough for you Liam?) You can ask 'God' how to create a time machine, however, you're basing this on the assumption that time machines can be created and that, simply by getting the instructions on how to make a time machine that it will be possible to do so. It would probably be way beyond the bounds of current technology, plus, what would you do with a time machine?

I could go on, but if this is your question then I'm pretty sure the Hectic and Adzz crack team will destroy it and liam may finally win a question :p
He's on the crux of a pretty good answer-question, I can almost see it. It'll be all the sweeter when he smashes through the floor inches from the finish line.
Ok in this answer first part will consist of the reason for me asking the question.Then i'll tell the question i'll ask.
This answer may contain some real life dreams from my life so please appreciate and don't use this to taunt me forever. I am telling some things personal in a sporting manner.
So you guys should appreciate this.It may be via complements or reps i won't mind.

Please don't use this answer to taunt me in future