Complete Mental Obliteration V2

CMOv2 Final Summary
Remember, it will still come down to a voting process, but these rounds give a rough indication as to who has won. It's not just about the answers for each question, as we saw with the last game, mental obliteration is always happening.

Question 1
You have woken up, and realize you have overslept. Confusion sets in as you try to identify your surroundings. Turning the TV on, you sense something is wrong before you hear it. It's only a zombie invasion, happening right now, in your country. Create a detailed plan on how you would survive, where you would go, and how you take care of provisions and safety. How would you face the zombie Apocalypse? This is not a short answer, so if necessary take some time with it.

Liam147's answer

Ok fine.

There are a few scenarios here that would impact my plan, so I'll try run through what I can.

Assuming it's tomorrow morning, I'd get straight out to all my flatmates, ask if they've seen the news, and if they hadn't tell them to put it on, so I don't sound mental. Basically, we'd go around spreading the word to everyone else in my block. I'd get some of my things: a phone, passport, knives, (glass) bottles, plates (have you seen Shaun of the Dead?), mainly for attacking.

If we see zombies outside, coming in, the best thing to must be to attack them. Gung ho, all out attack.

That said, I'm in a fairly remote location, so I'd say the following scenario would be a lot more likely.

I'd instantly round people up like I did before, but this time get more food, other weapons could be found, i.e. wood/bricks etc so food would be more important. I assume the government would issue out warnings and advice, such as that all people near the coast must use the sea as a form of migration to leave the airports less busy for people like me. Planes would be a lot more frequent, as we'd have others coming in from the world to help us out, to take us to France, so they could get back to England quickly, and we could take temporary refuge there. I reckon most of us would get away, with the likes of the army/emergency services having to stay behind to get everyone out, whilst guarding the airports. Some people would still die, but plenty would escape, at which point, countries would join forces and pool our defences (defenses?). I'd imagine one shotgun/rifle would be handed out amongst families primarily, then perhaps two depending on resources. Explosives I'd imagine would be useful too, and power tools perhaps (chainsaw?).

So, to summarise, the army and all the forces would help evacuate the country, after which point, the countries of the UN, and hopefully the rest of the world would unite to fight the undead.


TheBest's answer

Ok here is my plan
After waking up late and watching the news.

The first thing i'll do is close all the door tightly.

Since all services are now down so obviously i wont be able to use cellphone to talk to anyone

So i'll just try to spend the whole day inside.

Whole day what i will do is I'll take two big bags and fill them with all the food i have in my home and with knifes and other things that i can use against zombies
Then around 3 AM next morning I'll open the door.

And slowly get in the car and then without stopping I will move straight to the highway and then to my ex gfs house(the one who is still obsessed me ).

And then taking the rifle and knife with me, i'll check whether she's there or not
By this time she would know that whole country has been invaded by zombies

Case1:She's alive and ok
I'll tell her to move with me as i have a plan and i know she will come with me

Case2:She has turned into zombie
If she's dead or is there as a zombie i'll run away from there
May shoot her if required to save myself.
Since i still am alone i'll go to other girl friends(not gf)house until i find one.

Now me and her(my gf or friend)will move in the car towards Jammu and Kashmir

While going there whenever I feel like car is running out of gas ,I'll stop around any car i find in the way and then using my gun we will steel the car.

After reaching jammu(you guys will need to do some searching to know about the places i'm talking about) we will start moving in the direction of vaishnodevi(its a very well known place here and i've been there many times).

The trip to Vaishnodevi is around 2 hour from jammu
Its basically moving round and round around mountains

There are lot of Valleys(as bound to be with mountains).

There are some where people never go(very deep) and one river passes through it.

So we both will go there(although reaching there would be very tough since its very tough and dangerous).

We will then wait there drinking water from the river and eating fruits and animals.

It would be tough to live in the forest but we will have to.

We will wait until all people of the world have become zombies and they don't have anyone to eat and hence die
If they don't then we will live there as long as you can

After the zombies die (that may take very long time)
We both will start the new civilization

I know the question would be why i took her with me

The simple answer whats the point of living alone for the rest of life.

Plus i can't live for the rest of my life without sex.
Liam147: 0
TheBest: 1

Question 2:
You are trapped in the desert, you were stripped naked, you have little water, just enough water to get to the nearest civilisation without dieing from dehydration or sun-stroke. You can get to this village because you have a map on a piece of cloth. However, you also have a very, very bad cut on your knee, it is bleeding badly. Infact, if you don't immediately cover it from the sand it will get worse, the bleeding will continue, infection will set in and you will be immobile. If you place the cloth on the wound, the blood will wash away the faint ink. What do you do?
TheBest's answer:
i'll check the direction using sun

obviously there would be sun since the question mentioned i can use the map to find village so there must be a way for me to check directions.

Now what i will do is
firstly i'll see the directon in which the destination village is
after that i'll draw the map on sand
case1: drawing map is easy

i will draw the entier map

case2: map is complex
i wont draw the entire map

just the directions which would lead me to the village
for example north and then west i'll draw through arrows

i will keep the length of arrrows for direction proportional to the distance i'll have to move

if map has distances wriiten over it then i may well right that also with it

but main focus would be on drawing a directional map or simple map(for first case)and learning it.

After that i'll use the cloth to prevent my knee from bleeding and prevent infection

after every 100 metre i'll draw the map on the sand again
and hence i'll keep moving towards the village and will reach there ultimately
Liam147's answer:
Right, this is a fairly basic plan, but here it is:

Right, first of all, you need to know which direction you're facing, so you know where you're going.

You could make the assumption that you're in the middle of the desert*, thus giving yourself the best chance of cutting down travel time by going in the 'wrong' direction. When you know the fastest way out, watch which way the sun's going. That way you can wrap your knee up in the cloth.

Say that if you travelled east by being in the centre of the desert, you'd get to civilisation faster than travelling any other direction, you'd watch which way the sun sets, and set off eastwards.

*Why assume I'm in the middle of the desert? Because it appears I've been kidnapped, if kidnappers were out to get me by taking my clothes and dumping me in the desert, it's likely they'd stick me as far away from the edge as possible.

I'll try help explain what I'd do with this picture:

Of course there are other issues I'd face, such as sandstorms, and nightfall.

The sand would be hard to fight against, as there'd be no mask or anything for me to use. I could probably take the cloth off, to face away from the storm, and put that over my face. Futile it may be, but it's the best I'd have.

At night, the priority is to keep warm. The best way of doing that is in an animal's skin. That would be tricky to obtain, but I assume there are animals in the desert who have died, and not yet been eaten. That would be my best option, but if it wasn't available to me, I'd possibly have to try kill something. How, I have no idea, and it'd probably kill me, but again, it'd be my only choice.

In fact, my best chance in terms of travelling, might be to travel at night. I'd be vigilant of the wild, and wouldn't be dying of dehydration, and movement alone would, although slightly, warm me up. In that case I'd probably try find any shaded area to sleep through the day.

So there, fairly basic, and not perfect, but it's what I've got.
Liam147: 0
TheBest: 2
CMOv2 Final Summary Part 2​
Question 3:
what's that banging? you are stirred from your slumber by the sound of someone pummelling incessantly at a door. you can hear their muffled cries but you can't quite make out what they're shouting. your head is throbbing, you can’t quite remember how you arrived at this moment in time or what the previous 24 hours held for you. you take a moment to get your bearings. you are in unfamiliar territory, it looks like a hotel room. nothing too fancy but nothing too grotty either. you can’t be too sure, everything is hazy, your eyes haven’t adjusted yet.

you go to wipe the sleep from your eyes and what's that? your hand feels damp against your face. uh oh, jizz again? no, not this time, you peel your hand back and notice it's caked in blood. you look down at yourself and you're stained from head to toe in the life's blood of someone, something. it can't be your own for you are still alive, there’s too much of it for you to be alive. you glance to your left and recoil in horror, there lies the bloody body of a woman, at least you think it's a woman, she has been stabbed so many times it's hard to tell.

you are dumbstruck, you can’t remember what happened but you know you didn’t do this. you fade out, everything goes silent, you are in shock. the pounding at your door continues the whole time and slowly you start to tune back into your surroundings. “well i say this is just the biggest outrage, open this door now catherine, open this door at once or so help me god you’ll feel the back of my hand, hooray henry, pip pip, rar! rar! rar!” you stand up to approach the door, your penis leaves a wet patch as it brushes the side of your leg. there’s cum on the tip of your penis, it might be in her too. you peek out of the peephole in your door and there stands prince william. you are taken aback. prince william? catherine? you glance back at the body. oh god, there’s no way anyone will believe you didn’t do this.

“i know you’re in there! right! that’s it! i knew i shouldn’t have married a commoner, i am calling the po-po, them 5-0 be here within 5 minutes, middleton, how very dare you defy me.”

at present he doesn’t know you’re in there. you have 5 minutes to work out your move before the police arrive and break down the door. how are you to use these valuable minutes? what is your subsequent plan to evade capture, prison and daily butt rogerings? you have about your person what you’d normally have, clothes, phone, wallet, key, and whatever you’d normally find in a standard hotel room to aid your cause.
Liam147's answer:

A few things. Firstly, you haven't specified how high up I am. I'll presume I'm on the lowest floor. First thing I'd do (after cleaning myself up of course), is take the window*. Wouldn't that be suspicious? A man jumping from a window then running? Well, Kate Middleton has gone missing, sort of, Charles is going to be there pretty early, he'll know she's been missing for a while. Plus some hotels are in very remote locations, so me being seen wouldn't actually be an issue.

Also, I'm very tired, possibly suggesting I haven't had much sleep? Because it's still very early? Few people wondering the streets?

As soon as I'm out, I'm essentially free, but only temporarily. If I'm roaming the streets like anyone else, I'm to be no more suspected than anyone else. I'd get a train (or even plane, yes, a plane, again.) away from where I am. I would have to get as far away from this hotel as possible.

An alternative plan, would be to perhaps get back onto the bed, how I was, and wait for the police to get there. You say I KNOW I didn't do it, therefore I have nothing to hide? Of course I don't know where I was or what's happened, but I'm innocent until proven guilty, and as I KNOW I'm innocent, I could just lay in the bed and wait for the police and pretend to be completely unaware of everything.

That plan is based on me being 100% certain of my innocence, which I'm sure you'll take away from me shortly. And the first plan in based around me being very presumptuous, but hey, it's late, and it's all I have for now.

*You said break down the door, but hotels have windows.

EDIT: When I said Charles, I meant William.
TheBest's answer:
First thing i'll do is I will quickly get naked and then will use a dry cloth to soak all the blood over me(just to get my self dry it wont remove blood stains present all over my body)

Then quickly i'll wear different clothes(non - stained) and will wear shoes also(to hide all the stains) and quickly i'll wash my face and head(to be free from blood).

And will wear a hat and gloves(in case there's still blood stains on my head and hand).
Then taking my wallet and etc and covering my face with a handkerchief i'll open the door and will hit Prince williams with something on his head or will just tie him down.

After that i will run out of the room and via elevator i'll get out of the hotel.

After that keeping a low profile(there's no point in trying to hide evidence and i dont think i could be proven innocent)i'll move straight to the bank and will get all my money out.

They wouldn't have seen my face, it will take time to identify me as the person who possibly did all that.

So by the time my picture arrives (should atleast take one day)i'll be out of the city to a village(specially where there's not much electricity and everything else)

I will possibly go there after changing many buses(no train or flight)(its unlikely that someone on the bus will remember my face after many days)

I may possibly have to live my whole life there(unless i found that the case has been solved(i'll keep checking) and they have found the murderer and it wasn't me).

And i will break all the contacts with my family for the time being.
Liam147: 0
TheBest: 3

Question 4:
You wake up to find yourself in the body of an african warlord in the turn of the 13th century, how do you use your modern knowledge (e.g. technology, way of life) to mold your country? If you do well you can make the world your utopia, if you do badly you could get a spear up your arse. You can't just invent things that you personally, don't know how to make, i.e cars, computers, aeroplanes etc. This is a question of using proper and relevant resources, combined with modern knowledge to make your model country.
TheBest's answer:
Ok here we go
Sorry if retarded
Firstly after waking up i will assess everything around me, to be familiar with things.
I will need to know how everythings work

After all that I will start making changes for the betterment of my empire

I will see how things are and then I will call people responsible for the education system there.
I will see how people percieve the world and what they believe to be true.

I will make him change the education system using my powers.

forexample if the books around that time still believe that earth is the centre of universe i will force him to
make changes in the book(i know book may not be there around that time but what i mean is i will change how things are viewed around that time)and to write
that earth revolves around sun and not the other way.
(i know being only warlord i won't be able to influence people much outside my empire so I will force these changes in my empire only since i doubt many
people cared about others outside their empire around that time)

I will tell him how can we filter water using basic things.

I will also change the society mentality.
for example how they view women and childhood marriages and everything.

Society mentality will be one important thing.

Slowly slowly i will try to change things.

I will see who are the most knowledgeble persons around that time and i will tell them to study things in specific department.

Will try to explain about how magnet actually works and how can we create electricity using it.

When slowly slowly they will understand it.

I will use the magnets to produce small amount of electricity in some copper wires(copper things i know were there in abundance).

Then again i will make them study more and more related to this field and i will also learn few basic things from that.
I will demand weekly report of what they studied or discovered.
Slowly i will be building a dam.I will use it to develop more electricity(its not the hardest thing)

In parallel i will tell other group of intelligent persons to keep in touch with the devolopments around the world

I know thing i mentioned are not as easy

So want to tell these aren't the things i'll do in one day or months these will take years.

So what i would basically be doing is fasttrack the invention of electricity(i mean proper electricity not a little amount which i
produced using a magnet and wire).
Hopefully in my tenure we would have done things that would have atleast taken around 400 years.
Liam147's answer:
Nah, been on Fifa.

Right, basically TW's answer was actually good IMO. I'd do most of the same things but in a different order, with a few others.

You can't just say to someone that the earth revolves around the sun, just because you're a warlord. I think you'd need to further prove your knowledge by 'discovering' things. One example might be penicillin. I assume there are cows/goats in Africa, and therefore you could make cheese from the milk, and let mould grow on it, and there you go, you have food with magical healing powers.

The water filtering thing is also good, clean water supplies would be handy.

Again, the 'changing the role of women in society' certainly wouldn't be something you could just implement. People would have to trust you to undergo such a radical change, which, let's face it, it would be.

One thing I'd probably do first though, would be to develop weapons. Obviously not guns and tanks, but more developed melee weapons, and the same with armour. This way we fight other tribes/countries, which would earn me more respect as a leader, as we'd have more land and resources as a country. Then you can start talking to your Michael Gove/Ed Balls types about implementing a new education system.
Liam147: 0
TheBest: 4

So that's 4-0 to TB then.......of course we all remember the 4-0 lead Arsenal had vs. Newcastle.

Like the idea of revealing both answers at once, takes any advantage away.

CMOv2 Final Summary Part 3​

Question 5:
You have 10 million pounds, and have been told to make your ideal life out of it. It's still a competition, so you can't say something like buy a resort and lounge around forever, well, you can but you'd lose probably. You have 10 million pounds, and you need to make the most of it. How are you going to do this? It's not just about you guys, it has to appeal to us as well, like you are trying to convince someone to live your ideal life. Do not post your answer, just post that it is ready, and then you can reveal at the same time. Of course, it's also a guessing game as to what you opponent is going to do with that 10 million pounds, will he re-invest it, will he splash it out for materialistic paradise etc.
Liam147's answer:
Right, I have £10 million. This isn’t so much an ‘ideal life’ as what just seems like the best thing to do.

Firstly, I’d donate various amounts of money to needy causes. Off the top of my head, the main one would be Cancer Research UK. Another thing I’d do is go around to council estates to find out who’s unemployed. I’d find out why, and what they’ve done to try get back into work. Sort of like a Secret Millionaire project, and create small jobs. For example, when it’s snowy, clearing pavements and roads, or just generally cleaning up the area now and again. It’s better than handouts, they keep their dignity and they contribute to the community.

Charity aside, I’d put some money away, in bonds (premium/government?). They’re safe, plus, and I could be wrong here, you can win money from them.
I’d also invest in gold. Again, I might be wrong, but gold doesn’t lose its value (surely?). In fact, it could increase in value, so I’m safe even if the banks collapse or some similar economic apocalypse happens.
Oh and I’d have a chat with an investment banker, see where I should put some more money.
And one more thing, I’d buy all of a collection of something. Say, rare watches, well, maybe something not so expensive, but perhaps some day in the future I could then sell them on or do whatever with them, as a means of financial security. Collectors’ items, if you will, memorabilia would be more valuable in the future right?

After that, is all my ‘disposable’ income. I’d get a fast car. They’re fun. I’d get a big house with a nice bit of land, or just a really big garden. I’d get an exec box or two at United, and I’d sell on the tickets from them (what I could anyway). I’d also get a season ticket, so I get the atmosphere at home, and I get the away games, win/win.

I’d buy a house abroad. Not Dubai, I don’t see the appeal of it. Somewhere like Hawaii, Barbados, or perhaps more simply, Spain.
TheBest's answer:
10 million
This definitely is going to be the shittest answer

Well firstly i'll use them to fullfil my needs.
Maybe a new bike, car or something like that.

After that i will divide remaining money into 4 parts.
First part i'll put in the bank to keep for future.

Next part i'll invest in properties like real estate.
I'll buy houses at places which are devolping at fast rate.So as to sell them in future.
Its really a very good field to put your money in.

Third part I'll invest in share market.My dad has some friends related to this field so i can take advice from him.
obviously its very risky but if it works your going to be blessed.

Fourth part i'll use to live my life like a paradise for atleast 2 month.

I'll travel around the world including old trafford.
Will travel many countries.Do lots of adventurous stuff.Will bang lots of whores and everything.

By the way 10 million won't be less for these things right?
I have assumed 10 million (pounds)is lots of money
Liam147: 0
TheBest: 5

Question 6:
In Roman times, it was believed that with knowledge came great power. If you were able to ask one question and receive the correct answer, along with a definitive proof so that everyone else in the world would believe you, what would it be and why?
TheBest's answer:
Ok this answer may contain some things that i always dreamed off.
I always used to dream of being the first person who's able to successfully use controlled nuclear fusion(not fission) to generate almost unlimited electricity.

Ok i know this seem a bit weird but i'll explain what i always used to dream(very old dreams) off. Just for fun.
i am just a normal person who has got incredible IQ(not a scientists though).
I start research in nuclear physics.One day after heavy research i discovered an element which can withstand a nuclear fusion.Then i found a way to generate
infinite amount of electricity using nuclear fusion.

Remember i am not a recognized researcher i am just doing research outside on my own(i have my sources who supply me all these resources).
Now you guys would be think how could i find an element which can withstand a nuclear fusion while all the scientists working with the latest technology can't.

Well in the dream god comes and tell me how all this can be achieved.
He will tell me everything and will say "You are the nicest and most honest human being
they deserve to know about this invention from your mouth, enjoy your life now you deserve all the perks that are going to come at your steps"

After knowing all this. I will do a sample test to generate electricity via controlled nuclear fusion.

After successful trials, i will hack all important news channels in the world to cover me live at a certain time as i am going to make an announcement
which will change the world forever(Its just a dream).

After that I'll explain everything to the world via these channels and will even show videos of my sample tests(obviously won't tell how it is produced as that should be secret).

And then whole world will be free from the pollution created by the production of electricity via conventional methods.

Whole world will have electricity almost free of costs. I will be the most famous person alive.On magazines.

Will get lots of whore to bang.It would be just amazing.:drool:

So i think you guys know what i am going to ask.

Yes i'll ask Will laim win atleast one round??

Ok on serious note
I'll ask god
How can we generate almost unlimited amount of electricity using controlled nuclear fusion?

This will be good for me personally plus will be very very good for humans and nature.

Liam147's answer:
As you've given me one more chance (cheers), I'm going with Does God exist?.

For hundreds if not thousands of years people have wondered if there was a great power, that was omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent. Religions have been founded on this higher power, man has fought over it, and it's probably life's greatest mystery. If everyone knew there was a god, I don't really know what would change, people would probably start living generally better lives, being better people. If everyone knew there was no god, most religions could be abolished. Catholicism for example, would be based on a great lie, and would be essentially invalid. Peace could be established (obviously not all over the world, but definitely somewhere such as those who've fought between Christianity). Proof of a God (or lack of) would really change the world, and probably for the better.
Neither received any points

Liam147: 0
TheBest: 5

I've discovered Liam's strategy.
  • Dither about, give 5-6 half answers(or in this case, questions) to test the waters.
  • See which ones get picked on by the early strikes of ridicule.
  • Immediately back away from those answers
  • Defend with something non-committal "I was only thinking aloud" or "it was just an idea"
  • Go with an answer that didn't get noticed in the first volley.
  • Get scorned.
  • Say you haven't given answer, yet.

CMOv2 Final Summary Part 4​

Question 7:
You've received a phone call. It's only America. Obama is on the phone, and he starts to rap at you from every angle - of course he doesn't you absolute racist, he's asking for your help, in a completely normal manner. The space war is back on, it's not about reaching the moon anymore, they want you to build America, on the moon, even by force if neccesary. You have been requested (you will not say no), to head up a small team of the brightest minds America has to offer, as well as a squadron of 50 crack commandos (not drug addicts) to protect you/defeat others.

What plans have you got to secure your compound, and stabalize it for growth and Americanization? Your team is full of bright minds, and the coldest killers, and they will do your bidding, money is not a problem, you just have to outline the materials you would need, what you want to achieve in the sense of making it like the USA, how you would make it safe, and what you would do to protect it from enemy nations, who do not want the moon to become Mini-moon America.
TheBest's answer:
First thing this will be my shittest answer because i have no idea what am i supposed to write.

Here is my answer first i'll tell obama yes we can.Would you like to keep your daughter safe with us?:drool:

After that I'll meet with all the 50 commandos and with my team of brightest mind of america.
I will look at the place where enemies are on moon plus the location of the compound i have to secure. After that i'll leave with my team for the moon.
I'll also take all the ammunition and as much food we can take.I'll land on moon at a place little far from enemies and compound.After that i'll move
towards the compound with commandos protecting all of us and we would be carrying all food and stuff.We will try to avoid the regions where enemies are
while moving towards the compound. After reaching the compound will tell the commandos to recover the region and kill the enemies.We will also be carrying rocket launchers to indimidate them.But will try to not use it since we don't want to lose the compound.After securing the compound we will capture all of there weapons and whatever there's left.After that i will choose 10 commandos to leave for the rocket(from the route we came) to move back to the earth and this time to bring as much as food as they can.In the mean time I will ask all these bright man about quantity of materials like RCC and name of other materials and quantity needed to make a real strong protection around the compound. I want to make a large square wall around the compound with some good distance between the gate of the wall and of the compound.There will be guards on the top of wall to keep the compound secure(in future) .There will also be space for the landing of my rocket inside the barrier.After getting all the inputs i'll tell the team that went to earth via satellite about the things they are supposed to bring plus will tell them to bring some laborers also.Plus bring more ammunition.Then they will comeback this time landing just outside the compound.Slowly will bring them inside the compound and will make the laborers start their work and commandos will be covering them.At the same time will tell another group (this time only 1 or 2 commando)to leave for earth and will instruct them later what to bring plus will ask them to bring more backup in any form be it shit commando's.After completing the construction of barrier i'll slowly slowly tell some shit(not the original 50)commando's(shit word not to be taken on heart just used to distinguish them from the original commando's)to cover all four sides of wall.
So i'll just keep on building military power.Plus i'll release one group of commando's to adjacent areas to eliminate enemies and hence to take that place in our command .Then slowly with the help of laborers will start making 1 storey buildings(which can later be converted to multiple storey buildings).

So slowly slowly i'll increase our military capability and the area under our control.Will also start building more buildings.After having substantial
amount of laborer here will start converting buildings into multistorey buildings.So slowly slowly i'll capture the whole moon for america and then
will slowly slowly develop it.After maybe 1 or 2 decade it will become like mini america.
Will transfer all the people to moon from us via rockets.Will develop more and more space fighters to fight the enemies.
After all that my name would be the most famous in the world.I'll even have my own channel named wanker channel.There will no more censorship.
I'll develop wanking beaches, wanking gardens and even one wanking city.:drool:
I'll be called as wanker of all wankers.:wanker::drool:
Liam147's answer:
Right, there are so many problems here.

One problem is the temperature. It would have to be artificially regulated, as the moon does reach temperatures that are impossible to live with. However, there is an International Space Station, where people have to live for months at a time (AFAIK). So basically, I think you'd have to make a giant dome to live in, where things can be controlled.

I don't know how much of this is possible, but these bright minds at my disposal will tell me if this dome will act as a giant spacesuit, or if we'll all need spacesuits, as like I say, I don't know how it all works.

The commandos I have will need to be trained up for space travel, and I assume we'd have to supply them with anti-gravity-impeded weapons (melee weapons) due to gravity. Again, I'm not 100% sure, but I'd imagine bullets would be impacted by the lack of gravity. If not, my scientists will tell me, and it won't be a problem.

That brings me onto my next issue - gravity. I doubt humans could live for a long period of time without gravity, as growth amongst other things would be severely impacted.

Another thing is the lack of an atmosphere. Could humans survive without an atmosphere?

Also, you can't just take the whole moon, not based on my plan anyway. You'd need a portion of the moon, and sort of claim that part.

Eventually, in time, assuming all that needs claiming has been claimed, and all that's been built has been built, hopefully a faster transportation system would be developed, unless you planned on shipping cows, chickens, pigs etc to the moon to breed and then be used for food.

I'm sure there's things I've forgotten about, or just not covered, so feel free to ask any questions.

So, in summary, I'd send up the astronauts first, along with the people who could start building an artificial dome, that could regulate temperature, atmosphere and gravity, and then the commandos to fight those pesky Russians.

And apologies for the late reply.
Liam147: 1
TheBest: 5

The ask each other round (sponsored by Google/CMOv1):

TheBest's question:
Five pirates have obtained 100 gold coins and
have to divide up the loot. The pirates are all
extremely intelligent, treacherous and selfish
(especially the captain).
The captain always proposes a distribution of
the loot. All pirates vote on the proposal, and if
half the crew or more go "Aye", the loot is
divided as proposed, as no pirate would be
willing to take on the captain without superior
force on their side.(he might kill them in anger)
If the captain fails to obtain support of at least
half his crew (which includes himself), he faces
a mutiny, and all pirates will turn against him
and make him die a painfull death which could be setting him on fire while he is still alive.
The pirates start over again with the next senior pirate as captain.
What is the maximum number of coins the
captain can keep without risking his life?

Remember each pirate has seniority assigned.

captain is at top then there is number 2 then number 3, 4 and at last number 5

Laim147's final answer:
33.33333% final answer.

Laim147's question:
Basically, you were on a ship, which was caught in a terrible storm, and you wound up shipwrecked on an island. You don't know where this island is, you aren't accompanied by anyone, the only thing you have are the clothes you were wearing and a compass that's stayed around your neck. Your first objective is to survive long enough to get off the the island, your second objective of course, is to actually get off the island.

How will you first keep yourself alive, without being killed by resident animals, starving etc, and how will you get off the island.

TheBest's answer:
Since my ship is totally destroyed , i'll have to prepare myself for surviving the island.
First of all i will scout the island, identify myself with the island like with flora and fauna in as much detail as possible.

I'd try to find some wood for a fire, of course, as well as materials with which to make a temporary shelter.
Then will look for the food sources like fruits coconut and after that i'll also use fish as food.I will try to setup fire via rubbing woods onto a very dry wood.
Since fish are hard to get i may try to survive on reptiles and other things found there.I'll prepare one spear of wood for hunting whatever i can found like these reptiles.
For water I would use the plants on the island; you can drink water from trees etc because they transpire, and also find a method of collecting rainwater, plus will find a stream(if i could) in case other two methods aren't feasible.
Since i don't know how to make a ship or boat i won't try to make that.
Instead i'll find a material which produces heavy smoke and will try to keep a beacon going as often as possible. And I will wait for the rescue. I am sure due to smoke someone will notice.
I won't get lost in the middle of the island because of that compass.

Liam147: 2
TheBest: 5
CMOv2 Final Summary Part 5​

Question 8:
You are Locked in a room, with a perfect clone of your current self. There are no doors, no windows, no camera or ways for others to view what goes on in this room. This clone will completely disappear in one hour and you will be released from this room by, let's say, robots who's memory will wiped instantly. No one will ever know what goes on in this room but you, no-one on the outside world will even know you spent an hour alone with your clone.

So, You're in a room alone with your clone, for an hour. Fight or feck ?

TheBest's answer:
Fighting with some person is always dangerous.I mean there could be blood plus scars.So i won't fight as simple as that.

Second option isn't totally the worst thing.
See we all like girls we want to feck them and all.While because of the way we grow up we find even the thought of having(just talking about non homo's) sex with the same person little creepy.
Or more likely its because of our genes that we find it creepy.
But saying that I would rather die or fight for 1 hour in a room is just being deluded.

What would happen when we will have sex with same sex? Are we going to feel like someone is beating us or will we feel like "I should die right now?". No specially when its given no one else will find out.

Hetro's don't want to have sex with same person, true but i feel the strength of this (not having sex with same sex feeling)feeling that people pretend is way overrated and not true.
I mean i would never think of having sex with the person of same sex but if someone gives me 1,000$ for just 1 time and given the assurance that no one will ever get to know this(Even the person i had sex with will not remember this) then I'll do it.
obviously no sucking(eeeeewwwwww) etc.

So since i have to only spend 1 hour i'll try to convince him to give me a blow job.
I'll try to make a deal in which only he gives me a blowjob.
You guys will think how is that possible well i will try my best and if deal doesn't happen then no blowjobs.

See the thing is if you could close your eyes and pretend its a girl then her(see pretend like this ) giving you a blowjob shouldn't be such a problem.Who knows you might enjoy it.Obviously then comes the worst part.
So after that i'll rape him.
Obviously the biggest problem is to be able to pretend that he is a girl.But i believe one can do that.
If not welll even then it shouldn't be end of the world as the peoples perception is.
Liam147's answer:
Anyway, my answer. I wouldn't feck him, I mean, no. Plus, if he is my exact clone, he wouldn't want a good shafting, so then I'd have to rape him. God this thread is truly awful at times. Nor would I fight myself, just, what's the point? We'd be exactly as hard as each other, there'd be no winner, I'd just get punched in the face.

I'd talk to him and try and find out some bad qualities. You never really notice yourself in the sense of how you sound and act, it's only observable to other people. So I'd like to see what I'm like, how I act, how I talk etc.

Then I'd probably do things you can't do to yourself, i.e. hug, shake hands, stuff like that.

I might add more stuff to this later as I think of it, but for the time being, this'll do.
Liam147: 3
TheBest: 5

The debate round:

What would you rather do, send an innocent man to jail or let a mass murderer free?

Liam's answer (for innocent man to jail):
feck it, it'll take my mind off it.

Right, for me, the key to the debate, is that he's a MASS murderer. As terrible as it is to send an innocent man to jail, it's just one life. The mass murderer could and most likely will go on to kill others, and it's not just that they've killed a few people, they've scarred the victim's family's and friends' lives forever, they'd most likely never recover from something like this.

Also, even though it's false closure, it is closure for everyone else to know that the 'killer' has been punished, and they can attempt to move on with their lives.

So yeah, on the whole, I think sending the innocent man to jail would be better than letting a mass murderer roam free.
TheBest's answer (for mass murderer to roam free):
I think its just wrong to send someone innocent in jail.Its just plane wrong.
Justice is the most basic right of every human being.You can't just imprison
one innocent person in fear of a mass murderer.Next is what one mass murderer
saying on Youtube I'll happily go in jail if you promise(in hypothetical situation
we are supposing that govt would keep its promise) to imprison chief minister X
in jail for life?Would anyone do it?? Answer is simply No.
Now you might say Chief Minister is simply not a common man so we can't imprison him.

Well that violates another basic right, RIGHT TO EQUALITY.
You can't have different rules for different persons. You can't just abandon the right to
equality and justice.

Plus it gives very wrong message of fear to society.It shows that we are scared of the mass murderer.

We should be confident of our abilities.We can again capture the murderer and limit him from killing
anyone.We shouldn't be afraid.

We can't just dump all of our values.

Now supposing you are intelligent(which i am not sure),you may ask the question
What happened to right to justice in mass murderer case?
Brilliant, good question laim.Never expected that.

Well that would be more like he escaped that is
he found one weakness in our jail security.We will still try to capture him and to imprison him.
But in that case he is just imprisoned for life nothing could correct that
No change in points.

Liam147: 3
TheBest: 5
CMOv2 Final Summary Part 6​

Question 9:
If you could transport yourself to any place during any period of time, where and when would it be, and what would you do there. Make sure your answer is detailed.

TheBest's answer:
ok here it is
I don't have much desire to go into the past.But if there's one time i perhaps want to visit it would be well let me explain.
When i was in 7th grade i guess i read Buddh maancharitra(it was part of our curriculum)(DN if you are here you may know the exact name) (not sure about the name)actually now i don't remember many things about it.
But all i know is i was very much moved by it.I read the book then around 4 times.
There was i think god buddha who's journey was described.
Book was fantastic really.He was fantastic as well right from the time when he was kid.

So if i could i would move right around the time when he was a kid (like 10 year old).
I would move to a place very near him as near as i can.I would like to follow his life.What he does in everyday life.Really a remarkable man.I just have respect for him

Liam147's answer:
Right, firstly I'd want to prevent a disaster from happening, rather than selfishly seeing the invention of the light bulb. So it becomes a question of which one. Well, there's the two world wars, the first, causing the second. Just for the sake of lives saved, I'd eliminate things like 9/11 and 7/7 and other similar events, and would opt for preventing world war one (at least temporarily).

Now, how to go about it. I could just go to where Princip was when he killed Franz Ferdinand and tackle him, but who's to say he wouldn't have killed him some other time? He'd need to be killed. But then who's to say another member of the Black Hand(?) wouldn't have killed him. So they'd need to be killed as well, and the best way of doing that, would be killing them all at once, at a meeting (ideally the one where they plotted to kill him).

So, my answer is that I would travel back to a meeting of the Black Hand, and kill them all, by gun, bomb, it wouldn't matter, as long as they're all dead. Yes, killing people is terrible, but preventing world wars would make it worth it.

Yes, there are other events, dating centuries back, all the way back to Jesus, but it'd be much harder to predict the outcomes of saving Jesus than preventing WWI (and consequesntly WWII).

Although the problem with all time-travel questions is that me doing that, could somehow prevent my Grandma and Granddad meeting, stopping my birth (Liam's killed himself again haha knew it good one). But for the sake of this, I'll assume I do travel back to the present. However, if it is a trick question, using the whole time travel, butterfly effect thing (I haven't seen that film either sine you asked.), I obviously would travel back one second, just to ensure that I survive a question. But of course, my serious answer (assuming it's a serious question) is the WWI prevention thing.
Liam147: 4
TheBest: 5

Question 10:
If you had to choose a country in Europe to declare war against, which one, why, and how would you plan your attack?
Okay, firstly, the problem with this is that most European countries are in the EU and UN, so a war with a European country would be very improbable.

However, I would declare war on Romania, with the intent of taking over the country after winning the war. I chose Romania for their oil reserves primarily. I didn't have a particular reason for declaring war on any country, so I thought I'd go for one with oil.

'But other countries have oil too.' Yes, but in order to take over their country and therefore their oil, we'd have to win the war. Going to war with Germany probably wouldn't be practical as they have bigger and probably stronger armed forces than we do. So I went with a smaller country - Romania, whose army isn't nearly as big as ours nor is it as strong as ours.

Now, the attack. Well, based on the assumption that you couldn't whip a few tanks over Europe via air, they (and possibly aircraft) would sail around France, Spain and the south of Europe to the Aegean sea, arriving in Greece, travelling through Bulgaria and eventually into Romania.

However, it's pretty hard to disguise numerous aircraft carriers, and this would probably alert many countries' attention, so we'd also have the RAF on standby to attack if needs be.

I'm not entirely sure on the law of declaration of war, whether you have to declare war before mobilising any military, but if you don't have to declare war until you attack, then I'd do that.

Ideally, the attack would start east and west of Bucharest, in order to divide their army, and then using everything available to me (aircraft, tanks etc.) we'd move towards Bucharest.

Obviously the main hole in the plan is the interference of other countries, but like I say, inter-European war is unlikely, and this is all hypothetical.
TheBest's answer:
I was thinking of a troubled country which i would like to improve.Forexample there are some countries who are being ruled by terrible peoples in other continents.
Since i couldn't find one so my reason includes my desire.I don't think there are countries in europe who are doing so terribly that they deserve to be ruled so i would like to rule switzerland because i have heard lot about that country.
I have heard that its probably the best place on the planet.Its one of the most peacefull place.
Obviously when i invade it no longer would be as peacefull but then when you invade that is always going to be the case.
I'll try to get control over the whole region and then will try to restore peace again.
Since swiss isn't the most powerfull nation in terms of their military power I will ask the army persons for the normal procedure in these cases.
We will directly attack them with as much force as possible. We will try to have them accept us as their leader through talking since i want as less destruction as is possible.

Liam147: 5
TheBest: 5
CMOv2 Final Summary Part 7​

Question 11:
What animal would you make extinct, why would you do it, and most importantly, how would you do it, and the answer has to be using current means, but also practical given the potential amount.
TheBest's answer:
Anyways i'll post my answer

Well i hate hyena the most.
So i would make them instinct.I just hate everything about them.I also hate how they try to steal leopards kill by coming in large groups. I just don't like them.

As to how will i make them extinct, i'll lift any ban(if there is one) on hunting hyena's.

I know its just a 4 line answer but i don't know how else can i make them extinct.
I am not going to give rewards to anyone for killing him.Neither am i going to start any project "Kill hyena's and use their skin for anything that we can use it for"
Liam147's answer:
Dunno if you saw my post, but I'm leaving this with you until TB's answer is shown.

Right, firstly, it has to be an animal in danger of extinction. You can’t just say ‘I’ll eliminate wasps cos they’re shit.’

So, something in danger, well, there are lots of animals in danger, really, loads. Now you’ll question my logic, but I’d like to oust an animal that’s been well publicised to be in danger of extinction, and even popular, as that will send out a very strong message to people, that these animals really are in danger, and it’s not just a lot of talk, it can happen.

You also need an animal that has a fairly easy location, not just dotted around the world, but focussed in one place.

One of the most well publicised animals would be the Siberian Tiger. If that did become extinct it would raise a lot of awareness.

Now, how to do it. I’d say the easiest way is to locate them, and shoot them. Not with a machine gun to put loads of holes in it, but one rifle shot, so you can at least do something with it their skin. You did mention that it needs to be practical, and using current means. Now, I’m going to struggle to get my hands on a gun, much less be able to locate the remaining animals. So, I’d need to get someone to do it for me. I’d try get word around that this animal is having a harmful effect on something ,other animals, the environment, I dunno. The best way to do this would be to convince high institutions to go with it, the government perhaps? Obviously they wouldn’t be easily swayed, but because there is good coming out of it (further awareness of endangered species, plus the fact that the country would have the final remaining Siberian Tiger skins, they might end up in some sort of museum, I don‘t know) so at least they can justify their actions. The hardest part would be getting access to the tigers in sanctuaries, as they’re strongly protected, but I’d imagine that if the government sent out a squad to wipe them out, they’d be able to do it.

Which animal: Siberian Tiger
Why: In danger of extinction anyway so would be easier than most animals, raises awareness, country has final Tiger skins
How: Get a squad of hunters to take them out, be like some MI5 shit.
Liam147: 6
TheBest: 5

Question 12:
You have woken up tied to a chair, there is a man in a white coat standing over you. You have no means of escape. He asks you a question that you must answer, would you rather have two mallets for hands, or squared wheels instead of your feet, or both? Explain your answer in detail with examples of why your choice is the right one.

Liam147's answer:
Right, yes AdZz, this is easy.

You have Mallet hands and you can't do the fundamental things in life. You can't wash yourself, you can't brush your teeth, you can't pick up a knife and fork, you can't change the channel, you can't play on an xbox or ps3, you can't type things here, or even work a computer (not a normal one anyway).

You have the wheels and you can still move about, albeit with difficulty, but that would be over come in time anyway. Yes, you'd have to walk up and down hills sideways, and you wouldn't be able to play football, but it'd be much easier to adjust to than not having real hands.

So yeah, I'd have the wheel-feet.
TheBest's answer:
Ok i am really sorry for this delay.
Don't know what has happened but i suddenly find myself little too lazy.Just a little while ago i was about to post something in the other thread
which was little lengthy.I had all the ideas everything but somehow i just didn't.I just am getting little too lazy.
Is there any winter effect? i don't know
So i am writing all this which all of you have no interest in just to warm myself up, since we all know that cmo is serious business and i must be prepared before even thinking of attempting to answer something worthy of cmo entry.

So now i'll try to answer this.Forgive me if after all this shit you get even more shit.
Here we go.

I will choose squared wheels over mallet.
It would be very hard without legs, i know.
Specially because i won't be able to play footy anymore.Many of you won't know but i think i am pretty good at it.Obviously i am not a regular player so i'll be shit fitness wise.
I only play during summer and on Sundays.
I won't be able to walk normally , i'll feel weird all the times.I won't be able to change gear of my bike so it would be hard.But still i think its no way near how much i will lose if i chose mallet hands.

Atleast i'll still be able to walk.I don't use my leg fingers for anything important and i can still do basic things with my legs eventhough with difficulty.

But losing hand would be just terrible.Touch.I don't think you can replace the feeling of touch.I mean you don't use your legs to feel anyone's flesh but you do use your hands for that.
Plus unlike legs finger you use your hands finger for so many things.I won't be able to write (that would be just terrible).I won't be able to type, won't be able to play games.

I know you guys are waiting for the wanking part.Yes you are right.Your hand is as important as your penis during sex if not more important.That is just 2 to 18 minutes to be used organ.
I mean penis is as important as anything but you still want your hand filled with boobies.What would you do with mallet there?Just think ffs
Plus when you are alone and you have good collection of porn how are you going to achieve the state of fulfillment?Are you going to smash that thing with a mallet in hope of an erection??are you.No ffs

Hands the fingers moving back and forth you can't replace it.Just imagine ffs.

You now leave the sex part but still if you are with your partner wouldn't you want to feel her face with your hands??
Plus chances of getting a girl would decrease more in mallet hands case.
I know in such a situation girls aren't the most important thing but still you would always need that.
How are you going to eat?Yes you'll need help in almost everything.Touch is one of the biggest gift given to man.
You can't wank using you legs finger okay you can but you'll have to be real gymnastic and mentally sick.
There would be problem in even showers.You won't want to touch your face yourself again.
You will have problem with everything.
No change in points

Liam147: 6
TheBest: 5

Brilliant work Damo. Glad we had someone impartial tally up the scores.

TB, when you read this - Scoreboard.

From Lastwolf:

Lastwolf said:
Damo, can you remind laim that scoreboards are for wimps.

And also it was decided that because he ran away from competition, he just stopped posting there for some strange reason, he lost a point.

Therefore Both he and TB lost and the true winner was the newbs, our prize, a hearty laugh.

Hard to argue with that really.