CMOv2 Final Summary
Remember, it will still come down to a voting process, but these rounds give a rough indication as to who has won. It's not just about the answers for each question, as we saw with the last game, mental obliteration is always happening.
Question 1:
You have woken up, and realize you have overslept. Confusion sets in as you try to identify your surroundings. Turning the TV on, you sense something is wrong before you hear it. It's only a zombie invasion, happening right now, in your country. Create a detailed plan on how you would survive, where you would go, and how you take care of provisions and safety. How would you face the zombie Apocalypse? This is not a short answer, so if necessary take some time with it.
Liam147's answer:
Ok fine.
There are a few scenarios here that would impact my plan, so I'll try run through what I can.
Assuming it's tomorrow morning, I'd get straight out to all my flatmates, ask if they've seen the news, and if they hadn't tell them to put it on, so I don't sound mental. Basically, we'd go around spreading the word to everyone else in my block. I'd get some of my things: a phone, passport, knives, (glass) bottles, plates (have you seen Shaun of the Dead?), mainly for attacking.
If we see zombies outside, coming in, the best thing to must be to attack them. Gung ho, all out attack.
That said, I'm in a fairly remote location, so I'd say the following scenario would be a lot more likely.
I'd instantly round people up like I did before, but this time get more food, other weapons could be found, i.e. wood/bricks etc so food would be more important. I assume the government would issue out warnings and advice, such as that all people near the coast must use the sea as a form of migration to leave the airports less busy for people like me. Planes would be a lot more frequent, as we'd have others coming in from the world to help us out, to take us to France, so they could get back to England quickly, and we could take temporary refuge there. I reckon most of us would get away, with the likes of the army/emergency services having to stay behind to get everyone out, whilst guarding the airports. Some people would still die, but plenty would escape, at which point, countries would join forces and pool our defences (defenses?). I'd imagine one shotgun/rifle would be handed out amongst families primarily, then perhaps two depending on resources. Explosives I'd imagine would be useful too, and power tools perhaps (chainsaw?).
So, to summarise, the army and all the forces would help evacuate the country, after which point, the countries of the UN, and hopefully the rest of the world would unite to fight the undead.
There are a few scenarios here that would impact my plan, so I'll try run through what I can.
Assuming it's tomorrow morning, I'd get straight out to all my flatmates, ask if they've seen the news, and if they hadn't tell them to put it on, so I don't sound mental. Basically, we'd go around spreading the word to everyone else in my block. I'd get some of my things: a phone, passport, knives, (glass) bottles, plates (have you seen Shaun of the Dead?), mainly for attacking.
If we see zombies outside, coming in, the best thing to must be to attack them. Gung ho, all out attack.
That said, I'm in a fairly remote location, so I'd say the following scenario would be a lot more likely.
I'd instantly round people up like I did before, but this time get more food, other weapons could be found, i.e. wood/bricks etc so food would be more important. I assume the government would issue out warnings and advice, such as that all people near the coast must use the sea as a form of migration to leave the airports less busy for people like me. Planes would be a lot more frequent, as we'd have others coming in from the world to help us out, to take us to France, so they could get back to England quickly, and we could take temporary refuge there. I reckon most of us would get away, with the likes of the army/emergency services having to stay behind to get everyone out, whilst guarding the airports. Some people would still die, but plenty would escape, at which point, countries would join forces and pool our defences (defenses?). I'd imagine one shotgun/rifle would be handed out amongst families primarily, then perhaps two depending on resources. Explosives I'd imagine would be useful too, and power tools perhaps (chainsaw?).
So, to summarise, the army and all the forces would help evacuate the country, after which point, the countries of the UN, and hopefully the rest of the world would unite to fight the undead.
TheBest's answer:
Ok here is my plan
After waking up late and watching the news.
The first thing i'll do is close all the door tightly.
Since all services are now down so obviously i wont be able to use cellphone to talk to anyone
So i'll just try to spend the whole day inside.
Whole day what i will do is I'll take two big bags and fill them with all the food i have in my home and with knifes and other things that i can use against zombies
Then around 3 AM next morning I'll open the door.
And slowly get in the car and then without stopping I will move straight to the highway and then to my ex gfs house(the one who is still obsessed me ).
And then taking the rifle and knife with me, i'll check whether she's there or not
By this time she would know that whole country has been invaded by zombies
Case1:She's alive and ok
I'll tell her to move with me as i have a plan and i know she will come with me
Case2:She has turned into zombie
If she's dead or is there as a zombie i'll run away from there
May shoot her if required to save myself.
Since i still am alone i'll go to other girl friends(not gf)house until i find one.
Now me and her(my gf or friend)will move in the car towards Jammu and Kashmir
While going there whenever I feel like car is running out of gas ,I'll stop around any car i find in the way and then using my gun we will steel the car.
After reaching jammu(you guys will need to do some searching to know about the places i'm talking about) we will start moving in the direction of vaishnodevi(its a very well known place here and i've been there many times).
The trip to Vaishnodevi is around 2 hour from jammu
Its basically moving round and round around mountains
There are lot of Valleys(as bound to be with mountains).
There are some where people never go(very deep) and one river passes through it.
So we both will go there(although reaching there would be very tough since its very tough and dangerous).
We will then wait there drinking water from the river and eating fruits and animals.
It would be tough to live in the forest but we will have to.
We will wait until all people of the world have become zombies and they don't have anyone to eat and hence die
If they don't then we will live there as long as you can
After the zombies die (that may take very long time)
We both will start the new civilization
I know the question would be why i took her with me
The simple answer whats the point of living alone for the rest of life.
Plus i can't live for the rest of my life without sex.
After waking up late and watching the news.
The first thing i'll do is close all the door tightly.
Since all services are now down so obviously i wont be able to use cellphone to talk to anyone
So i'll just try to spend the whole day inside.
Whole day what i will do is I'll take two big bags and fill them with all the food i have in my home and with knifes and other things that i can use against zombies
Then around 3 AM next morning I'll open the door.
And slowly get in the car and then without stopping I will move straight to the highway and then to my ex gfs house(the one who is still obsessed me ).
And then taking the rifle and knife with me, i'll check whether she's there or not
By this time she would know that whole country has been invaded by zombies
Case1:She's alive and ok
I'll tell her to move with me as i have a plan and i know she will come with me
Case2:She has turned into zombie
If she's dead or is there as a zombie i'll run away from there
May shoot her if required to save myself.
Since i still am alone i'll go to other girl friends(not gf)house until i find one.
Now me and her(my gf or friend)will move in the car towards Jammu and Kashmir
While going there whenever I feel like car is running out of gas ,I'll stop around any car i find in the way and then using my gun we will steel the car.
After reaching jammu(you guys will need to do some searching to know about the places i'm talking about) we will start moving in the direction of vaishnodevi(its a very well known place here and i've been there many times).
The trip to Vaishnodevi is around 2 hour from jammu
Its basically moving round and round around mountains
There are lot of Valleys(as bound to be with mountains).
There are some where people never go(very deep) and one river passes through it.
So we both will go there(although reaching there would be very tough since its very tough and dangerous).
We will then wait there drinking water from the river and eating fruits and animals.
It would be tough to live in the forest but we will have to.
We will wait until all people of the world have become zombies and they don't have anyone to eat and hence die
If they don't then we will live there as long as you can
After the zombies die (that may take very long time)
We both will start the new civilization
I know the question would be why i took her with me
The simple answer whats the point of living alone for the rest of life.
Plus i can't live for the rest of my life without sex.
Liam147: 0
TheBest: 1
Question 2:
TheBest's answer:You are trapped in the desert, you were stripped naked, you have little water, just enough water to get to the nearest civilisation without dieing from dehydration or sun-stroke. You can get to this village because you have a map on a piece of cloth. However, you also have a very, very bad cut on your knee, it is bleeding badly. Infact, if you don't immediately cover it from the sand it will get worse, the bleeding will continue, infection will set in and you will be immobile. If you place the cloth on the wound, the blood will wash away the faint ink. What do you do?
i'll check the direction using sun
obviously there would be sun since the question mentioned i can use the map to find village so there must be a way for me to check directions.
Now what i will do is
firstly i'll see the directon in which the destination village is
after that i'll draw the map on sand
case1: drawing map is easy
i will draw the entier map
case2: map is complex
i wont draw the entire map
just the directions which would lead me to the village
for example north and then west i'll draw through arrows
i will keep the length of arrrows for direction proportional to the distance i'll have to move
if map has distances wriiten over it then i may well right that also with it
but main focus would be on drawing a directional map or simple map(for first case)and learning it.
After that i'll use the cloth to prevent my knee from bleeding and prevent infection
after every 100 metre i'll draw the map on the sand again
and hence i'll keep moving towards the village and will reach there ultimately
i'll check the direction using sun
obviously there would be sun since the question mentioned i can use the map to find village so there must be a way for me to check directions.
Now what i will do is
firstly i'll see the directon in which the destination village is
after that i'll draw the map on sand
case1: drawing map is easy
i will draw the entier map
case2: map is complex
i wont draw the entire map
just the directions which would lead me to the village
for example north and then west i'll draw through arrows
i will keep the length of arrrows for direction proportional to the distance i'll have to move
if map has distances wriiten over it then i may well right that also with it
but main focus would be on drawing a directional map or simple map(for first case)and learning it.
After that i'll use the cloth to prevent my knee from bleeding and prevent infection
after every 100 metre i'll draw the map on the sand again
and hence i'll keep moving towards the village and will reach there ultimately
Right, this is a fairly basic plan, but here it is:
Right, first of all, you need to know which direction you're facing, so you know where you're going.
You could make the assumption that you're in the middle of the desert*, thus giving yourself the best chance of cutting down travel time by going in the 'wrong' direction. When you know the fastest way out, watch which way the sun's going. That way you can wrap your knee up in the cloth.
Say that if you travelled east by being in the centre of the desert, you'd get to civilisation faster than travelling any other direction, you'd watch which way the sun sets, and set off eastwards.
*Why assume I'm in the middle of the desert? Because it appears I've been kidnapped, if kidnappers were out to get me by taking my clothes and dumping me in the desert, it's likely they'd stick me as far away from the edge as possible.
I'll try help explain what I'd do with this picture:
Of course there are other issues I'd face, such as sandstorms, and nightfall.
The sand would be hard to fight against, as there'd be no mask or anything for me to use. I could probably take the cloth off, to face away from the storm, and put that over my face. Futile it may be, but it's the best I'd have.
At night, the priority is to keep warm. The best way of doing that is in an animal's skin. That would be tricky to obtain, but I assume there are animals in the desert who have died, and not yet been eaten. That would be my best option, but if it wasn't available to me, I'd possibly have to try kill something. How, I have no idea, and it'd probably kill me, but again, it'd be my only choice.
In fact, my best chance in terms of travelling, might be to travel at night. I'd be vigilant of the wild, and wouldn't be dying of dehydration, and movement alone would, although slightly, warm me up. In that case I'd probably try find any shaded area to sleep through the day.
So there, fairly basic, and not perfect, but it's what I've got.
Right, first of all, you need to know which direction you're facing, so you know where you're going.
You could make the assumption that you're in the middle of the desert*, thus giving yourself the best chance of cutting down travel time by going in the 'wrong' direction. When you know the fastest way out, watch which way the sun's going. That way you can wrap your knee up in the cloth.
Say that if you travelled east by being in the centre of the desert, you'd get to civilisation faster than travelling any other direction, you'd watch which way the sun sets, and set off eastwards.
*Why assume I'm in the middle of the desert? Because it appears I've been kidnapped, if kidnappers were out to get me by taking my clothes and dumping me in the desert, it's likely they'd stick me as far away from the edge as possible.
I'll try help explain what I'd do with this picture:

Of course there are other issues I'd face, such as sandstorms, and nightfall.
The sand would be hard to fight against, as there'd be no mask or anything for me to use. I could probably take the cloth off, to face away from the storm, and put that over my face. Futile it may be, but it's the best I'd have.
At night, the priority is to keep warm. The best way of doing that is in an animal's skin. That would be tricky to obtain, but I assume there are animals in the desert who have died, and not yet been eaten. That would be my best option, but if it wasn't available to me, I'd possibly have to try kill something. How, I have no idea, and it'd probably kill me, but again, it'd be my only choice.
In fact, my best chance in terms of travelling, might be to travel at night. I'd be vigilant of the wild, and wouldn't be dying of dehydration, and movement alone would, although slightly, warm me up. In that case I'd probably try find any shaded area to sleep through the day.
So there, fairly basic, and not perfect, but it's what I've got.
Liam147: 0
TheBest: 2