City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

I think deep down I know they’ll get off lightly. This is the last chance at taking them down and I don’t think I trust the integrity of footballing legislatures at all.

They will forever be known as corrupt by all that still care about this sort of stuff. The Mancini stuff, the time barred CAS fiasco and claiming more revenue than us and Real fecking Madrid proves just how blatant they are.

The media will soon forget and we’ll be back to them purring over their football in no time. Sky are fecking hypocrites in that regard. As long as they get a piece of the pie that comes out of the corruption they’re good.
They will forever be known as corrupt by all that still care about this sort of stuff. The Mancini stuff, the time barred CAS fiasco and claiming more revenue than us and Real fecking Madrid proves just how blatant they are.

This is independent of all of the outside deals they potentially have with players. e.g., when PSG were wooing Messi, they promised him a fashion label in Qatar and ownership interest in some other businesses after he retires AFAIK.

Obviously Messi is a special case, but I expect early City (before they were a legitimate big side) had to do some under the table deals with players.
Ultimately I think they'll weasel their way into a points deduction this season and symbolic fine that sounds like a lot but is actually a drop in the bucket to them. In other words, they'll have to forgo the title race this season and that'll be the end of it.
Manchester United would be able to earn hundreds of millions more in revenue if they were allowed to sell their own media rights to all their games to Amazon fecking Prime. They aren’t allowed to do so because it would be unfair and make the league less competitive. Is this a legal cartel stopping Manchester United being competitive? You oil lickers can’t have it both ways. You can’t allow unregulated spending from states or owners who want to sportwash their crimes that results in one club winning 5 of the last 6 EPL titles on one hand but with the other say it’s unfair and against the spirit of the league for Manchester United to sell their own media rights - It’s hypocritical bullshit.

This is true.
Ultimately I think they'll weasel their way into a points deduction this season and symbolic fine that sounds like a lot but is actually a drop in the bucket to them. In other words, they'll have to forgo the title race this season and that'll be the end of it.
I’d hope for a lot more but can totally agree with your post. There’s talk that this will drag on for years though so wouldn’t put it past them to win it again this year. Doesn’t seem fair to me that it should though, ultimately it’s even more seasons playing alongside them fraudulently winning.
Juve bounced back pretty quickly, and these scum bags have built up a “brand” on the back of winning stuff based on their alleged cheating, so they’ll still make enough money to come back strong. This is why they need to be put into non league football, 14 years of unfairly gained advantaged can’t be undone with just one demotion. Not to mention I hope every team that lost out on a title, top 4 and survival in the league, sues them for the billions of damages they’ve caused them.

Looking at that season Juve had to sell Zlatan, Zambrotta, Viera, Emerson, Cannavaro and Thuram.

The bulk of their squad was made up of Italian homegrown players bar Trezeguet and Nedved.

Apply that to City and think they are struggling…

Especially when you consider they have limited revenue to pay for players.
Manchester United would be able to earn hundreds of millions more in revenue if they were allowed to sell their own media rights to all their games to Amazon fecking Prime. They aren’t allowed to do so because it would be unfair and make the league less competitive. Is this a legal cartel stopping Manchester United being competitive? You oil lickers can’t have it both ways. You can’t allow unregulated spending from states or owners who want to sportwash their crimes that results in one club winning 5 of the last 6 EPL titles on one hand but with the other say it’s unfair and against the spirit of the league for Manchester United to sell their own media rights - It’s hypocritical bullshit.

Oil lickers :lol:
Juve bounced back pretty quickly, and these scum bags have built up a “brand” on the back of winning stuff based on their alleged cheating, so they’ll still make enough money to come back strong. This is why they need to be put into non league football, 14 years of unfairly gained advantaged can’t be undone with just one demotion. Not to mention I hope every team that lost out on a title, top 4 and survival in the league, sues them for the billions of damages they’ve caused them.
Juve are a historic club
Imo no if he pays the required taxes on that 400k.
It doesn’t work like that. If you actively and with full knowledge evaded tax for year you can’t just pay it back now and all will be forgotten.
no one is really talking about the impact this has had on a fan like me. i walked away from united after many happy years supporting them, to support city as they started winning things and we stopped. now i’m left in limbo. do i return to united now we’re on the up? if i leave city and then find out they’re not really punished and are still successful and i have to move back, will fans still accept me as one of them? i’m the real victim in all of this.
I think deep down I know they’ll get off lightly. This is the last chance at taking them down and I don’t think I trust the integrity of footballing legislatures at all.

They will forever be known as corrupt by all that still care about this sort of stuff. The Mancini stuff, the time barred CAS fiasco and claiming more revenue than us and Real fecking Madrid proves just how blatant they are.

The media will soon forget and we’ll be back to them purring over their football in no time. Sky are fecking hypocrites in that regard. As long as they get a piece of the pie that comes out of the corruption they’re good.
I tend to agree, I just realy hope the Premier league by doing this, stick to it, and implement a real punishment, I'd agree with what I've read taking titles off them etc would be pointless OK nice mind but a Premier league ban is the Answer, and hopefully the EFL do not allow them in, then that's the biggest punishment for the owners. See where they go from there.
It’s not, and I’m not trying to say it is! I’m saying FFP loaded the dice in favour of the already-big clubs. The one avenue that was open to a smaller/medium club (getting external investment) was closed, leading to the same few clubs being top of the tree in perpetuity.
I'm pretty sure you can still get external investment into the club. You can throw as much money as you want on stadiums / training facilities / youth programs. I think its just limited to the first team transfers and wages basically.
I kind of think City built themselves in part by gutting Arsenal too. It doesn't really feel like one more team competing so much as a different one.
I know
Then what good does it do for smaller clubs? It essentially only limits the speed with which they can grow. It's like saying "we don't trust you to run your business yourself so we put rules in place you have to abide to for your own protection".

This is absolutely unthinkable in any other market. Imagine startups only being allowed to spend what they earn, we'd probably still be stuck with analog photography, cell phones and horses.

I think there are a couple of things that needs to be factored in here. One is that Football (not capitalist business based on footbal) is a closed circuit competition where the idea of growth for the sport is not really necessary for the sport (only for the business). If no player ever were to surpass Messi, Maradona or Pele, it would not necessarily be a problem for the sport of football. If revenues shrunk, the business would suffer, but not necessarily the football as a competition, as a culture, as a way of expressing oneself or getting together. So the startups-contributing-to-progress argument doesn’t really apply here.

Another point is that there is a (to me anyway) crucial difference between the clubs and the economical or legal owners or administrators of clubs. Legally, you could argue that Man Utd are the Glazer family’s private thing and it’s nobody’s business but theirs wether the club exists or disappears. But I don’t agree that that idea of ‘ownership’ covers what football clubs are or are about. Clubs belong as much to a community, to a historical sort of tribe, to the people caring for it in small and big ways, and FFP really protects a club against a passing owner or administrator bankrupting and demolishing that club for ever. And not only that, it protects the competions from being such that the owners running a, say, Leeds, Derby or Scunthorpe in the red, pressures the owners of twenty other clubs each to run their clubs in the red to avoid relegation, in a race where multiple clubs would face administration or obliteration. This is the important threat, not the threat to Man Utd or Arsenal to lose out on trophies.
City will hire some of the best lawyers money can buy. And they will again get away with everything. Money talks, and my view is that City are above the law, understood in the sense that they have the money and the lack of morals to be able to cast doubt on their guilt. Exactly as it happened when they were banned from CL but appealed and got away with a fine

Oh yeah there was talk on The Sun site of getting the Supreme Court involved as well
I finally made it through 56 pages.

I think a lot of posts predicting relegation/title strips/death penalty sanctions are wishful thinking. Understandable but still. Not considering the fact that City will argue their case and present evidence. If this has the potential of dragging out then I see the PL settling and moving on.

I know

I think there are a couple of things that needs to be factored in here. One is that Football (not capitalist business based on footbal) is a closed circuit competition where the idea of growth for the sport is not really necessary for the sport (only for the business). If no player ever were to surpass Messi, Maradona or Pele, it would not necessarily be a problem for the sport of football. If revenues shrunk, the business would suffer, but not necessarily the football as a competition, as a culture, as a way of expressing oneself or getting together. So the startups-contributing-to-progress argument doesn’t really apply here.

Another point is that there is a (to me anyway) crucial difference between the clubs and the economical or legal owners or administrators of clubs. Legally, you could argue that Man Utd are the Glazer family’s private thing and it’s nobody’s business but theirs wether the club exists or disappears. But I don’t agree that that idea of ‘ownership’ covers what football clubs are or are about. Clubs belong as much to a community, to a historical sort of tribe, to the people caring for it in small and big ways, and FFP really protects a club against a passing owner or administrator bankrupting and demolishing that club for ever. And not only that, it protects the competions from being such that the owners running a, say, Leeds, Derby or Scunthorpe in the red, pressures the owners of twenty other clubs each to run their clubs in the red to avoid relegation, in a race where multiple clubs would face administration or obliteration. This is the important threat, not the threat to Man Utd or Arsenal to lose out on trophies.

If the concern is truly of protecting clubs from being run into bankruptcy (hint: it's not), it's real simple to require funds to be placed in escrow, so that in case of financial issues by the owner, the club is protected and can still fulfill it's obligations to players and staff and other entities without putting club assets on the market... but otherwise allow for external investment that helps clubs overcome inbuilt advantages enjoyed by those at the top of the pyramid. No reason why external investment along with a cap on spending couldn't be introduced.
no one is really talking about the impact this has had on a fan like me. i walked away from united after many happy years supporting them, to support city as they started winning things and we stopped. now i’m left in limbo. do i return to united now we’re on the up? if i leave city and then find out they’re not really punished and are still successful and i have to move back, will fans still accept me as one of them? i’m the real victim in all of this.
Brilliant :))
Talk of them getting kicked out the PL is laughable.

20 years ago perhaps, but the money in football today, no chance, football is corrupt beyond comprehension, money really does talk in this industry. How many 100’s of millions will it cost City if they were thrown out? I’m sure City would pay a fraction of that potential cost to the right people to ensure they remain in the EPL, a fraction is still astronomical by the way, and if needs be, they’d pay more.

It’s also a shambles on the Premier Leagues part for not seeing things sooner……12 plus years this has been going on, well done dummies, who’s the idiot!
Why? City bring no attention to the PL. Only reason they won't be kicked out if Mansour kicks some cash to the "right" figures.
I think deep down I know they’ll get off lightly. This is the last chance at taking them down and I don’t think I trust the integrity of footballing legislatures at all.

They will forever be known as corrupt by all that still care about this sort of stuff. The Mancini stuff, the time barred CAS fiasco and claiming more revenue than us and Real fecking Madrid proves just how blatant they are.

The media will soon forget and we’ll be back to them purring over their football in no time. Sky are fecking hypocrites in that regard. As long as they get a piece of the pie that comes out of the corruption they’re good.

Seems accurate. It'll be a case of this initial excitement for a while. Then it'll be silence for some time with people wondering when it'll be sorted. Then a long time will pass and by the time the actual result/punishment is dished out and is essentially a large fine, people won't be as angry/shocked because it'll be far less fresh in the memory and City will have kept going as normal in the meantime.
I think deep down I know they’ll get off lightly. This is the last chance at taking them down and I don’t think I trust the integrity of footballing legislatures at all.

They will forever be known as corrupt by all that still care about this sort of stuff. The Mancini stuff, the time barred CAS fiasco and claiming more revenue than us and Real fecking Madrid proves just how blatant they are.

The media will soon forget and we’ll be back to them purring over their football in no time. Sky are fecking hypocrites in that regard. As long as they get a piece of the pie that comes out of the corruption they’re good.

That's what worries me. They'll get a "naughty naughty" a large fine (that'll go straight to the FA pockets) and maybe a token points deduction of 9 points or a transfer ban for a season.

I mean with 100 cases you'd hope they'd throw the book and the rest of the library at them but I just can't trust high up officials in football.
not that we didn't all know since it was all so brazen but

The likes of Sinclair and the other City puppets make me Irate

I'd love to see what he's saying now.
Everything has probably already been said ad nauseam but they should be relegated down to League 1 akin to what happened to Rangers and Juventus in the past. I think the titles should be vacated and just left blank as an incentive against this happening in the future.

The PL really needs to find some way to prevent some of these types of things in the future but I know it's very hard to track everything. The completely inflated sponsorships were blatant and not even hidden well but under-the-table payments are harder to track. American colleges have used under-the-table payments for decades and occasionally one school gets caught but there are definitely ones that get away with it.

City have definitely contributed to footballing inflation. Obviously, the TV rights increase contributes but that just isn't the whole story. To @padr81, there is not a perfect correlation value of 1 so clearly, there are other factors contributing to the inflation besides solely the increase in TV contracts. I think it's pretty obvious that City's spending is a factor because like it or not, spunking 40m here and 50m there on defenders, midfielders, etc absolutely helps to inflate fees and wages. The market for footballers is fairly unique. Just adding a single new buyer with virtually unlimited cash (City) inevitably affects the market downstream because now you have players going for 40m, 50m that wouldn't have gone for that much without that single buyer. Any other club that wants a player the new rich club wants either has to pay more or not get that player and then settle for one who is cheaper but whose own transfer fee may have been increased because the market values are increasing. This doesn't actually have negative effects on everyone. A smaller, selling club like Brighton can find immense value in arbitrage and end up making some great moves that really work well for them. But, overall, that addition of a new buying club (especially one that may have more money to spend due to artificial commercial deals) will have a greater effect on inflation than 0.
If there is a weak punishment for this, the likes of City and others just won't give a feck in future and do all sorts of beneath the table things. UEFA failed their test, let's hope the FA have more about them.
How can Kaveh or anybody else speculate on punishment without knowing how many of the breaches they will be found guilty of?

If the majority of those things are proven how on earth can they get away with a small points deduction. I know Kaveh talks horse but anyone referring to the punishment is also totally uninformed.