City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Yeah but let's not pretend Juve had a little blip, a bit of an oopsy.

The FA could institute a hard salary cap to completely nullify (okay not completely, I'm sure) financial doping but obviously if the rest of the leagues don't follow suit English football might get left in the dust so I know that's basically a non-starter

Salary caps are asinine. And yes it would be suicide for one league to institute it. They would be willingly handicapping themselves.
They were fixing results with refs, people were arrested, it was an utter betrayal of the concept of competition

That was the 2006 case, the OP I quoted was referring to the 2022 case which was far less serious.
Fundamentally they've damaged the product. The PL should be coming down very hard on City.
Thanks for the correction.
But does it change much? They are a smalltime operation compared to the gigantic sportswashing operation they are up against. I just don’t see how an organisation like that could ever „win“ a fight like that.

I'm sure City's legal team will take this all the way and try and drag it out as long as they can, over 100 breaches though there'll surely be enough to make some if not most of it stick.

City irrespective of it's legal challenge will not come out of this clean.
I don’t even care about the titles. Them getting sent the feck down where they belong would officially render them vacant anyway.
Yep, I’m hoping for a relegation, that’s the dream scenario and then watching the club get stripped to bits. There would be no retrospective PL’s handed out anyway so we’re safe in that regard
I will get a tattoo of tits on my forehead if any meaningful punishment happens. Probably a fine at most a ban from CL of a year. City has bought everyone in world football.

Please, let's keep this saved, all of us, let's not lose this post!
You're right about it costing 6.5m GBP, but that's not the point here. The point is conflict of interest - the FA bars it in England (Pere could not have purchased an English club with City group), but Spain does not as highlighted in that article. The question isn't whether Pere Guardiola could afford it, the question is how Pere Guardiola, an ex-lower league footballer turned agent, with no previous club-owning experience or expertise, was mysteriously selected as a suitable equal co-owner of City group's new feeder club just a year into his brother having signed on as City's manager?

What make Ryan Reynolds a suitable owner? Or Avram Glazer? Pere has more ties to football than 90% of owners. Why he's in a deal with City?
I mean its pretty obvious that was done because he is friends with Soriano (who essentially runs CFG) and they have a great working relationship (even outside the Pep links). But again I see nothing corrupt in that (unlike everything else with my club), just people doing business with people they know. I don't think "Hey we'll spend $6m on buying a club with your brother" was anything to do with Pep, when it could be easily worked into any other deal or transfer (we've have multiple players on the books represented by Pere). Thats one deal I feel was above board and in the interests of both parties. Whether it should be allowed is another question, but its perfectly legal (One of the few we're involved in that actually is apparently)
I am hoping that FA finish all this in 6 months. So that City goes in next season with 15-20 points less
Agreed, we'll hopefully be in a better position to mount a title challenge next season so it would be better for us if they get deducted points in the summer.
Alright. But then what are City being investigated for in the years 2009-2011, do you know?

Alot of the corruption stuff comes from then and it used to back it up. For example the famous Aabar letter/email where they are paying us £12m in sponsorship but like £11m is supposed to come from Mansour according to its wording (my numbers aren't exact) That email is from pre-ffp but used as a legit argument for inflated sponsorship (which if admissable it totally is). City won't be punished for anything ffp related pre2011 but maybe withholding documents etc..

Where we are likely to go down is the 2012-15 period.
The Premier League was happy to reap the benefits of City building an elite team
Doubt it this investigation has been going on for years. Seems like the PL have been wanting to clamp down for a while. It has been a FOUR YEAR investigation :eek:

We won't see them stripped of any titles I would think. That would be reserved for match-fixing and blatant cheating.

The recent points deduction of Juventus is probably a good benchmark for what we can expect. Probably a chunky points deduction and a hefty fine. Maybe a transfer ban too?

Most likely outcome for sure.
You don’t have to prove it on an individual basis. They spent money that they shouldn’t - against the rules - in seasons that they won titles for. They then cooked up books, made up sponsors etc to cover it up. They won said titles by cheating. I’m not saying they will be stripped of the titles, but it doesn’t get more “blatant cheating” than this - which is the point I was addressing in that reply.
But it does though? Match-fixing is clearly more blatant cheating, which is what I believe is the only thing that would ever result in stripping of titles. That was the point I was making in my initial post and why I think it'll be most likely a points deduction and a fine.

You can't say; If City didn't inflate X or Y sponsorship deals this or that year, or if they payed all wages above board, then they couldn't buy this or that player, who ended up scoring X or Y amount of goals and that enabled them to win this the PL in years 14, 17 & 18 or whatever it is.

Doesn't quite sound the same as bribing officials or match fixing does it?
Anyone else trying to not get excited. These slippery cnuts will surely find a way out of all this.
Well if what you said is true then the PL wouldn't be charging them would they

Yes exactly, that's why I'm surprised. Maybe the problem is that all the other leagues are cribbing about PL club spending and they need to do something to appease La Liga / Bundesliga / Serie A etc. It's not a very satisfying explanation though.

I still predict that nothing happens - maybe a slap on the wrist but nothing serious like titles being taken away.
The only fair solution is that the Glazers buy Man City and appoint Woody as CEO.
Anyone else trying to not get excited. These slippery cnuts will surely find a way out of all this.
From 100 allegations with potentially 5 more years of allegations in the post once the PL get the documentation?

Personally, if I were them, I’d start thinking about fleeing the country
If guilty, then the punishment must be substantial. You have Newcastle and Chelsea with big coffers. Utd and Pool looking for new owners no doubt with major financial muscle.

If you want to make a point and stamp this out big time you do it now. Too much leniency and the funky accounting practices will grow into a pandoras box which you will struggle to deal with later on.
The Premier League was happy to reap the benefits of City building an elite team
The premier league is a company set up by 20 clubs. It’s fundamentally different from organisations like fifa and uefa. I don’t think they are happy about some state coming in to buy up league titles.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but would this mean Slippy G won a title? Not sure this is worth it … would trade the 3 stolen from us.
Again, all people involved were acquitted by ordinary justice in ordinary trials TEN years later.

I mean, the internal sporting EPL committee / jury / panel or whatever it is named can’t and won’t hand any drastic random disrupting sanctions on City without accepting the risk of possible liabilities in the order of billions in case ordinary justice will dismiss the case in the future.
The most appropriate punishment would be relegation.
It is the owners that need to be punished not the club itself.
They would not be able to take the humiliation of relegation.
A fine is nothing to them.

It is unusual for the Premier League to bring such charges.
So they must have done their work and have water tight charges in place.
This will run well over a year for a verdict, which will be a 5 point deduction and 200k fine.