City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

You could say that yes.

The Saudi PIF have billions worth of assets managed by Clearlake. Which is owned by Boehly.

That is partially correct Boehly owns Eldridge Industries and is partial owner of the Dodgers and Lakers. Clearlake owners are Eghbali and Feliciano, who are also Chelsea owners.

I am not defending them if they truly are backing Man City, they would be idiots for getting involved with this at all.
So City feel ‘Historically disadvantaged’ by other clubs?
I feel historically disadvantaged by the royal family and the rich in general.
Can I sue them?

Can I *!

Their argument is bollox
Why did the doctor quit at Bayernb while he was there?
Was not aware of that but hardly surprising given pep’s form for systematic cheating.
Alright I amend my precept to “none of pep’s trophies were without a very strong hint of corruption “

I feel better now!
So City feel ‘Historically disadvantaged’ by other clubs?
I feel historically disadvantaged by the royal family and the rich in general.
Can I sue them?

Can I *!

Their argument is bollox
Thats a good point. I feel historically disadvantaged by not having been born with an oilfield under me. Can I get a no win no fee for it and go after the Sheikh?
Does Big Todd have some kind of Middle Eastern connection?

Also seems kinda dumb for Everton to be backing this

It’s basically self serving bullshit, which you’d expect from billionaires, but especially our billionaire owners. From the sounds of it Chelsea wrote a statement regarding the Multiclub ownership aspect of the rules (I think there was a vote on this a few months ago, which is when I think this statement was sent to the PL about that specific aspect). Not sure it’s a direct support of City in their lawsuit against the PL, I think headline writers are taking a few liberties with the facts here.

That is partially correct Boehly owns Eldridge Industries and is partial owner of the Dodgers and Lakers. Clearlake owners are Eghbali and Feliciano, who are also Chelsea owners.

I am not defending them if they truly are backing Man City, they would be idiots for getting involved with this at all.

Fair enough. I knew there was a link to Chelsea though.
Are the two besides Newcastle that defend City's cheating Villa and Chelsea then?
This is an absolute cluster feck.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is a tactic to basically get the 115 dropped or heavily put in their favour. Which could work and the Premier league says we're not changing the rules but your also not getting charged as heavily as we would have.

Basically this all ends in some agreement between the two. Us the fans suffer and have to almost pretend they "got off" like they did with UEFA.

Personally think this is up there with the superleague and every fan in the PL should be protesting these cnuts.
You have to wonder if this is them going down swinging. You would think if they were on track to get away with the charges relatively free they wouldn’t be kicking up a stink.
You have to wonder if this is them going down swinging. You would think if they were on track to get away with the charges relatively free they wouldn’t be kicking up a stink.
It's called the go down fighting.
All clubs contribute 5%, including City, to the Prem’s legal fees.

I think it’s City’s plan to be litigious as feck. There’s no limit on what they can spend on lawyers (as far as I’m aware) and their owners are literally the UAE state, so they can do this continuously theoretically.
I understood this process (arbitration) as a set period to make your points, a decision made and no appeals? No?
What is this cartel City and Newcastle fans are all crying about and how are they able to decide the Premier League rules when all Premier League rule changes require the agreement of 14 out of the 20 member clubs, if this so-called cartel exists and has the power Newcastle and City fans claim they have why would they have allowed to Newcastle Saudi takeover to go through in the first place?

Also claiming City winning will instantly make the league more competitive is ridiculous

So City feel ‘Historically disadvantaged’ by other clubs?
I feel historically disadvantaged by the royal family and the rich in general.
Can I sue them?

Can I *!

Their argument is bollox
I love how their argument is that they’ve been disadvantaged right on the tail end of a treble and 4 leagues in a row
You can be sure they’ll try to drag the whole thing down with them if they’re found guilty of the charges. They’ll probably dig up dirt on other clubs or at least try.
I really hope that Lord Guardiola's reputation finally starts to go down the shitter after all this.

He's a slimy, corrupt and scheming little prick. As soon as I saw him dancing around with glee after UEFALona robbed Chelsea of their place in the '09 CL final I knew there was something really off about him, and I've hated watching his "success" ever since. The endless media love-in for him has made it even worse.

He just wants to win at any cost and doesn't care if he does it illegally. There's no way he "didn't know" about any of this stuff. He's just as involved as what the owners are.
Well it's about 15 years too late but it feels like the tide has officially turned and the mainstream media and opposition fans in general have realised how damaging to English football City are.

It only took them winning 8 fecking titles in 12 years for people to realise this. Them going after the PL seems like the actions of a club panicking about the charges they've got. Have they heard they're fecked?
What is this cartel City and Newcastle fans are all crying about and how are they able to decide the Premier League rules when all Premier League rule changes require the agreement of 14 out of the 20 member clubs, if this so-called cartel exists and has the power Newcastle and City fans claim they have why would they have allowed to Newcastle Saudi takeover to go through in the first place?

Also claiming City winning will instantly make the league more competitive is ridiculous

"The cartel" is just the same buzz word shite you see in American politics. The elite, deep state, the swamp etc.

It's just some nameless antagonist they can blame because they can't accept they're not really supporting a regular football club.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't say this is a case of City going down swinging, but just a diversion tactic. Even for a slam dunk case like this, it will cost tens of millions and hours of man power.
Well it's about 15 years too late but it feels like the tide has officially turned and the mainstream media and opposition fans in general have realised how damaging to English football City are.

It only took them winning 8 fecking titles in 12 years for people to realise this. Them going after the PL seems like the actions of a club panicking about the charges they've got. Have they heard they're fecked?
Makes me wonder why this complete shitshow was even approved in the first place. Surely anyone with a brain could see that this was going to happen?

I've heard a theory that part of the reason that they approved the Sheikh's ownership in 2008 was because we were dominating the league at the time, and the powers that be weren't bothered if City evolved into a powerhouse as that would upset United's dominance, which was something they really wanted to see happen anyway.

Obviously just a theory but pretty pathetic if true - the league is now well and truly fecked just so that the powers that be could stop us winning.
Wild. People don't understand the significance of this if they win this.

If they win that's it for the Premier League, surprise surprise the other two oil magnates are backing them. Just praying they don't get too many teams buying into their victims story. Really hope Utd aren't dumb enough to feel sorry for them, my support for the club will be over if that was ever the case.
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Suddenly I see a lot of twitter handles supporting City pop up on my feed. Oddly a lot of them are supposedly Everton fans. Probably a marketing ploy from Abu Dabi to whip up some momentum.
Or they have gathered the best lawyers money can buy and think they have a chance. Litigation like this will be astronomically expensive - one way of doping is that City can afford to do this ad infinitum, so lose this and it’s not the end. Win this and it basically is.

This is grim.

They win then may as well bring back the European Super League, just ensure these cheating feckers aren't allowed to participate
Suddenly I see a lot of twitter handles supporting City pop up on my feed. Oddly a lot of them are supposedly Everton fans. Probably a marketing ploy from Abu Dabi to whip up some momentum.

Well they can get knotted too then, same with Forest who will probably stand alongside them
It's not really being dramatic to say that its a pivotal period in time for English football. Whichever way this goes, will have drastic and massively altering repercussions.
It's not really being dramatic to say that its a pivotal period in time for English football. Whichever way this goes, will have drastic and massively altering repercussions.

I still fear they will win and end the Premier League as a competitive one. The reputation of it won't just be tarnished but destroyed which will be very sad
Do people really believe EPL will sabotage itself and relegate the best EPL team in history and the best in the world at the moment?
What is this cartel City and Newcastle fans are all crying about and how are they able to decide the Premier League rules when all Premier League rule changes require the agreement of 14 out of the 20 member clubs, if this so-called cartel exists and has the power Newcastle and City fans claim they have why would they have allowed to Newcastle Saudi takeover to go through in the first place?

Also claiming City winning will instantly make the league more competitive is ridiculous

Even more ridiculous when Chelsea have a tonne of 80-100m players already.
I understood this process (arbitration) as a set period to make your points, a decision made and no appeals? No?

Yeah that’s correct, but nothing stopping them from suing in other areas (I think?). As the Sheik said a few years ago, he’s happy to tie the Premier League up in court cases for as long as possible.

Any sanction on City will be met with significant legal challenge, just as Everton appealed its point deduction.

City have unlimited resources effectively, there’s no FFP on lawyers (as far as I’m aware).
I still fear they will win and end the Premier League as a competitive one. The reputation of it won't just be tarnished but destroyed which will be very sad

I think it's one of those where people don't realize how badly damaged it already is, and you need it to completely come off it's wheels in order for people to actually do something.
The Premier League was sent down a slippery road years and years ago. There were early warning signs, followed by Abramovich, followed by even someone like Thaksin being allowed to purchase a club. Fit and proper tests, good one. The only reason the Saudis bid to buy Newcastle got blocked was because of illegal streaming, which quickly got sorted. I mean, there's been warning signs in relation to what might come for fecking ages now, yet they've happily continued down the same path. Looking at the stuff levelled at Manchester City, even Leicester, and the implications in regards to the titles and complete domination of the competition, the overall effects, the lack of focus by the press on "115" it's essentially required Manchester City to declare war on the league for the journalists to wake up.

Funny thing is that the bskyb takeover of Manchester United was blocked in 98/99 because of the overall implications it would have on the sport/league/fans/whatnot.

Let the entire thing crash and burn, maybe people for once will view Manchester City and the rest for what they truly are.
Yeah that’s correct, but nothing stopping them from suing in other areas (I think?). As the Sheik said a few years ago, he’s happy to tie the Premier League up in court cases for as long as possible.

Any sanction on City will be met with significant legal challenge, just as Everton appealed its point deduction.

City have unlimited resources effectively, there’s no FFP on lawyers (as far as I’m aware).
I think it actually should count towards FFP, one of the other club owners made a comment on this from memory.
Yeah that’s correct, but nothing stopping them from suing in other areas (I think?). As the Sheik said a few years ago, he’s happy to tie the Premier League up in court cases for as long as possible.

Any sanction on City will be met with significant legal challenge, just as Everton appealed its point deduction.

City have unlimited resources effectively, there’s no FFP on lawyers (as far as I’m aware).
Yes I’m sure they will tie up the PL for years in courts with appeals, but they can do that for as long as they like whilst they aren’t playing in it.
Everton had the points deduction applied to them whilst appealing it wasn’t put on hold during that process. Precedent has been set there.
I think it actually should count towards FFP, one of the other club owners made a comment on this from memory.

If you lose a case the expenditure/full costs should definitely count towards FFP. Not sure it does though?

Yes I’m sure they will tie up the PL for years in courts with appeals, but they can do that for as long as they like whilst they aren’t playing in it.
Everton had the points deduction applied to them whilst appealing it wasn’t put on hold during that process. Precedent has been set there.

Very true, hope that’s what happens.