City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

5 points deduction, slap on the wrist, promise to try to do better and they will move on
Can the various PL teams combine together to use their legal/financial resources? Do city need to be convicted first before the clubs could try a class action suit?
That wasn't my point. The only reason it "works" in Norway is because we have agreements with a vast amount of countries in regards to sharing information about Norwegian customers, hiding cash in banks isn't as easy as it used to be. The same concept won't work in the case we are debating ref City players and state owners.
Yes but as we’ve said City seem to have wanted to cheat regardless. I think it would work though, or at least deter more cheating, and also be quite interesting for fans if this happened.
Yes of course, it’s much easier for a state owned club but it’s possible for any owner to do this, often there’d be no trail at all to follow.

I appreciate that. I’m just not sure why they would want to?

What is the incentive for a typical owner to destroy the market in the manner City or PSG have done?

Most regular businesses, even billion dollar ones, are accountable to their shareholders. They still exist to make a profit and want to see value for their investments.

With Blackburn and Chelsea, we saw wealthy owners pump large amounts of money in to gain success - but neither broke the market to the extent it is broken now. Both had limits to their wealth.

Oil states have close to unlimited wealth, coupled with their own infrastructure through which to spend it unsupervised.

I'll give you a bonus point if you can spot the connection to those clubs.. apart from Everton, those fools are just pissed at the league.
It’s a start. If you just subscribe to the view people can cheat no matter what, what’s the point of posting here? Because whatever anyone says, it will be true that there will be a way around it.

But the answer to “how do we stop City cheating?”, can’t be “bring in another rule that makes it tougher than everyone else but makes zero difference to City”. Surely you can see that?

The fact there will always be a way around it is precisely the reason so many of us were adamant states shouldn’t be allowed to own clubs in the first place.

They let them in - it’s been proven that we were right and they cheated. Now it’s time to kick them out and if that can’t be done legally, it’s time to disband the league and start again without them.

I'll give you a bonus point if you can spot the connection to those clubs.. apart from Everton, those fools are just pissed at the league.

I've just read that Newcastle won't join either side, so will just remain neutral.

I'd just assumed the other club was Chelsea.

I'll give you a bonus point if you can spot the connection to those clubs.. apart from Everton, those fools are just pissed at the league.

Yeah so that source is a guy with 240 followers. I'll believe it when I see it - Newcastle are the only team that have voted with City on a regular basis.

If anything Chelsea should be more incentivised to get nation-state ownership out compared to most given the limitations of private equity wealth in comparison.

EDIT: welp guess I believe it. Disgraceful as per usual from our ownership
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I'll give you a bonus point if you can spot the connection to those clubs.. apart from Everton, those fools are just pissed at the league.

Does Big Todd have some kind of Middle Eastern connection?

Also seems kinda dumb for Everton to be backing this

Joe from Stretford Paddock speaks to Matt Lawton who broke the story starts at about 7:50

That was informative from Lawton, just a shame that Joe is a terrible, terrible interviewer. He rambles and stumbles too much to get his questions out.
Have your questions ready, short and to the point.
Quite an interesting bit of insight into City's legal action. This plus reading other bits and bobs around it makes me think that City are truly beyond fecked, even if they somehow win this case.

So its the premier league clubs paying/contribute the legal fees, including City? What a mess. Couldnt City could drag it on endlessly until it affects clubs?
So its the premier league clubs paying/contribute the legal fees, including City? What a mess. Couldnt City could drag it on endlessly until it affects clubs?

All clubs contribute 5%, including City, to the Prem’s legal fees.

I think it’s City’s plan to be litigious as feck. There’s no limit on what they can spend on lawyers (as far as I’m aware) and their owners are literally the UAE state, so they can do this continuously theoretically.
Newcastle are backing City? Well feck, that's a surprise.

Can these fecking shady state owned scum clubs be kicked out the league already
I don't expect much from Chelsea and Newcastle fans, but hopefully Villa fans let it be known that they are digusted to be associated with this.
Ronay with passionate but pessimistic take in the G. Dunno. I see desperation in this move by City, a failure to take the temperature of the West, even compromised, even outgunned with lawyers and money. The timing is not ideal for City. New government soon. Big US money for Prem, great incentive to preserve competition. I think the cheats will kick and scream. But I predict they crash and burn.
UAE have invested a lot in this country and have very good relations with the govt and football in this country is controlled by the govt. It is the govt that rejected the super league, they also forced Abrahamovic to sell ,so even if city are found guilty nothing serious will happen to them. I even doubt they'll get a point deduction or a transfer ban.

If this govt has not stopped sending weapons to israel after what they are doing in Gaza, you think they will jeopardise relations with UAE because of 'football '?
Yeah so that source is a guy with 240 followers. I'll believe it when I see it - Newcastle are the only team that have voted with City on a regular basis.

If anything Chelsea should be more incentivised to get nation-state ownership out compared to most given the limitations of private equity wealth in comparison.

EDIT: welp guess I believe it. Disgraceful as per usual from our ownership

I think Villa and Fulham both have form for voting with City. I thought Newcastle and City usually abstained where the other was involved, but I could be wrong.
Lots of conflicting reports. Now reading Newcastle are reluctant to support City in this? Without Newcastle they are fecked.
Does Big Todd have some kind of Middle Eastern connection?

Also seems kinda dumb for Everton to be backing this

You could say that yes.

The Saudi PIF have billions worth of assets managed by Clearlake. Which is owned by Boehly.
UAE have invested a lot in this country and have very good relations with the govt and football in this country is controlled by the govt. It is the govt that rejected the super league, they also forced Abrahamovic to sell ,so even if city are found guilty nothing serious will happen to them. I even doubt they'll get a point deduction or a transfer ban.

If this govt has not stopped sending weapons to israel after what they are doing in Gaza, you think they will jeopardise relations with UAE because of 'football '?

To be fair, the govt intervened on the Super League due to the enormous pushback from fans. The SL was seen as pure anti-competition and club greed. The reaction wouldn’t be the same now.
It's a clever time for them to launch this, with the season over. Protests and fan voices of discontent are barely registerable.