City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Maybe that's what made Ferguson special (not that Pep and Klopp are not). It’s hard to keep yourself and your team motivated year after year.

it helped a lot that ferguson was scottish. that inferiority complex meant he was forever trying to prove he was every bit as good as an englishman.
Strange timing for Pep to announce he might leave soon. If you're a City fan, it surely puts a bit of a damper on your celebrations this evening.

he just wants another 100m under the table payment to stick about a bit longer.
Good analogy, and I've said the same thing for ages.

I can only imagine that the PL were praying that they didn't win it this season, as it's made the whole thing a joke, and them look incredibly weak, add in them punishing Forest and Everton with a points deduction that would have seen the finish second if they'd got the same treatment for dealing with just a couple of their charges this season, to add to the comedy.

exactly. even if theyd dealt with the charges that were similar to evertons on a standalone, you have a history altering change to the league. Sad little city fans with their hands over their ears pretending it means something.
Switched the tv off after the Brighton game and will avoid sky sports news for the foreseeable. It’s bad enough Sky fawning over City but throw in Klopp as well it has the makings of verbal diarrhoea.
I’ve heard read about corruption in the NBA but never heard of that in the NFL!

Check out the conspiracy involving the NFL destroying taped practice film the Patriots used in Spygate. A number of people firmly believe the NFL destroyed taped practice film of the St Louis Rams that likely gave New England a massive advantage in Super Bowl XXXVI and the NFL destroyed the film as such acknowledgment would have crushed the league. Maybe it existed, maybe it did not, you decide. Some Rams players said the Patriots defensive players knew exactly where formations and plays were designed to go - to their disbelief. Sour grapes perhaps, conspiracy drivel maybe, or something more sinister.
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it is simply head spinning that this charade is happening again to finish a season. Everybody supposed to ignore the decades long, orchestrated campaign of cheating :lol: we will either look back from the point of view of a redeemed sport, or more likely, a sport that is completely unrecognisable, and see these recent years as an appalling episode of complacecy, conspiracy and greed, that very clearly was the death of the premier league. It is obscene that anybody is talking about anything else.
City are the most corrupt and illegitimate club in the history of sport.
We can circlejerk about their charges all we want, but the reality is 99% of fans don't give a shit about financial regulations, and if we don't get our act together, they will eventually surpass our domestic and European titles.
Well said. Them winning a fourth in a row is very bad. This is why I hope that INEOS install a good manger who can get us back to competing at the top level soon.
Well said. Them winning a fourth in a row is very bad. This is why I hope that INEOS install a good manger who can get us back to competing at the top level soon.
Easy to fix it,just cheat like city do. Have 115 outstanding FFP charges and tie the charges up with very expensive lawyers for years.
The lague cannot ignore the issue and remain legitimate.

In a global competition for viewership, other leagues will start to use it against us. One thing sponsors will run away from is dishonesty. The UK media is tame and won't speak out, the Indian media? Across Africa?

This is the story they will love to run.
You can say a lot of things about Pep but this just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's like saying that Ronaldo should've signed for Sevilla after he left United but he chose the path of least resistance that guaranteed him a ton of trophies and glory instead.
What does this have to do with Ronaldo?!
The lague cannot ignore the issue and remain legitimate.

In a global competition for viewership, other leagues will start to use it against us. One thing sponsors will run away from is dishonesty. The UK media is tame and won't speak out, the Indian media? Across Africa?

This is the story they will love to run.
The problem is that people are not taking League serious until everything is on the table and decided with transparency. Media and pundits try their best to make it intresting but ordinary supporters want this to be resolved.
Most fans care if a club is cheating or not, surely.

Yes they obviously do. I understand people's want to focus on ourselves but tell me that Arsenal fans don't feel cheated today? You've clubs in the same bloody league docked points that would have given them the title. Also dismissing the extent of their cheating is naive and part of their strategy. Drag it on until people are so jaded they don't care. If they get punished as they should, it absolutely destroys their credibility and already paper thin reputation, so @Big Ben Foster you can call it a 'circle jerk' all you want at that point but you'd look a little foolish. Imo its simply the biggest story in sport and if you think there'd be any hint of casualness if United had 115 charges under Ferguson then you're feeding into the ideal mindset for a cheating club. They should be crucified
I'm seriously questioning if I'll waste my time into watching the PL next season.
It's completely absurd to have a team suspicious about cheating for the last 15 years and still let them compete and letting them win the last 2 trophies without anyone questioning it.

You might pick random 5 charges out of the 115 in any season and if you find as little as 1 offence probably they wouldn't have been champions in either.

I don't have the time to watch rigged shite so I'm probably gone if nothing's done in the off season.
Look at the table and the 2 asteriks with points deductions. Give city either of those light deductions and 'the best league achievement ever' doesn't happen.

If you can't see how a side with 115 charges just remaining winning for 2 years is anything but shambolic and making the league absolutely pointless, then you need your head examined.

Plenty talk about a slap on the wrist. If they'd gotten a slap on the wrist like the 3 points fecking Middlesbrough were deducted in the 90s, then arsenal would have just ended a 20 year title drought!

Its is utterly crazy.
I hear ya.

Hope they get found out soon.

If they get away with it, you’d hope opposition fans would protest or boycott at least.
When 1 team wins 6 of the last 7 league titles, that league is not the best in the world
Nope, you're in a bubble if you think most fans care at all. I reckon most casual PL fans don't even know what FFP is.

have you seen online respose today? 'cheating' and 'lance armstrong' and '115' trending on twitter. Comments sections on mainstream outlets just a barrage of fans complaining while city fans give their stock replies and pretend they're happy. I agree there is a whole cohort of fans who experiece football very differently and dont really 'care' about any of it, and I do believe a lot of people are still so bitter about United that theyre just glad somebody else is winning, but no, in all leagues from hypothetical PSG cheating, to Milan cheating , to Bayern cheating, the majority of actual football fans care about the league being a sideshow.
They're not legitimately breaking our records though are they. There's an asterisk next to every one of their trophies.

Again, you can believe your records aren't actually broken, though they actually are, and no, they won't actully be punished either.

But hey, better than having "annoying" Arsenal-fans winning a trophy or two, right?

Jeez, the amount of cope on this forum is unreal.
Again, you can believe your records aren't actually broken, though they actually are, and no, they won't actully be punished either.

But hey, better than having "annoying" Arsenal-fans winning a trophy or two, right?

Jeez, the amount of cope on this forum is unreal.
Agree with this completely. City stole Arsenals title. I have friends who had their clubs deducted points this season in the same league yet City had 0 deducted so get to win a league title.

It’s a disgrace really and notice while the going is good Pep will run away before charges are made? Clown show.

If they got relegated Pep will scurry away like the rest of the rats taking paycheques from Abu Dhabi.

It’s almost like these days he thinks he’s above Barcelona too. They could honestly do with him but nah probably not paying enough.
They're not legitimately breaking our records though are they. There's an asterisk next to every one of their trophies.

At this point the Premier League cannot afford to have its champion be seen as a tainted winner. These charges will never stick and if they do, at most City will get a financial punishment. In 20 years time no one will really care about the charges and will simply remember Pep winning 6 out 7 titles.
Pep will make his decision based on how the 115 changes turns out. No way does he stay if they are guilty. You jump off the ship and at least act like you dont know what's going on.
I want them punished with him at the helm.

We saw how he squirmed when things didn't go there way in 2020/21.
It really isnt, it would actually be quite easy


City give Dortmund X for Player 1
City give Arsenal Y for Player 2
Udinese give City Z for Player 3

Net spend = X + Y - Z

And you don't have to ask City, just ask Dortmund/Arsenal/Udinese: how much did you give/receive from City? Then tally.

Unless you think they're fudging numbers too.
At this point the Premier League cannot afford to have its champion be seen as a tainted winner. These charges will never stick and if they do, at most City will get a financial punishment. In 20 years time no one will really care about the charges and will simply remember Pep winning 6 out 7 titles.

Not so loud, don't spoil it for half the people here.
Again, you can believe your records aren't actually broken, though they actually are, and no, they won't actully be punished either.

But hey, better than having "annoying" Arsenal-fans winning a trophy or two, right?

Jeez, the amount of cope on this forum is unreal.
Regarding your first paragraph - you don't know that they won't get punished, unless you have some insider information?

Regarding the waffle in the rest of your post - I would've preferred Arsenal to win the league than City.
At this point the Premier League cannot afford to have its champion be seen as a tainted winner. These charges will never stick and if they do, at most City will get a financial punishment. In 20 years time no one will really care about the charges and will simply remember Pep winning 6 out 7 titles.
But the premier league have docked Everton and Forest points and the precedent has been set-surely there's no going back now otherwise it's an absolute joke to the likes of Everton and Forest.
At this point the Premier League cannot afford to have its champion be seen as a tainted winner. These charges will never stick and if they do, at most City will get a financial punishment. In 20 years time no one will really care about the charges and will simply remember Pep winning 6 out 7 titles.
You're probably right, and even more so the relationship and trading between the UK and UAE is a massive factor why nothing serious will happen. They are probably all working together now to solve a reasonable punishment and move on. But how the hell they're going to do that with a whopping ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN charges to deal with is beyond me
But the premier league have docked Everton and Forest points and the precedent has been set-surely there's no going back now otherwise it's an absolute joke to the likes of Everton and Forest.
Everton and Forest aren't controlled by oil magnates who have political power to sway the FA to make decisions in their favor.

As much as City would deserve to have their titles stripped just like Lance Armstrong got his Tour de France titles stripped, it's probably not gonna happen.
Regarding your first paragraph - you don't know that they won't get punished, unless you have some insider information?

Regarding the waffle in the rest of your post - I would've preferred Arsenal to win the league than City

Thats good, feels like half this forum wants City to actually win all the trophies though, so its hard to tell the difference these days.